Saturday, June 29, 2024

Info on my 3 books & column archive

See info & ordering links for my 3 books & some of my older writings at

Thursday, May 23, 2024

How the Gay Rights movement enabled the Trans Rights movement

 The PITT substack @pittparents provides valuable support for parents dealing with the trans assault on their children. But a recent essay states that the “noble” battle for “gay rights” was a “good fight” rightly won. I disagree...

It was the gay rights movement that embedded individuals’ subjective conceptions about their sexuality and related “identity” – different from their biological sex – into the “civil rights” framework. Prior to the gay rights concession, protected rights related to individuals’ physical beings were based on innate, immutable characteristics (race, ethnicity, and biological sex as male or female). Gay rights led to the passage of “antidiscrimination” laws connected to sexuality (not biological sex) and recognition of “gay marriage”. The trans rights movement built on that, using the same basis of self-identification related to sexuality concepts – in the trans case, recast as “gender”. Thus, the gay rights movement set bad legal precedents that enabled the trans rights movement. Once “gay marriage” was achieved, the established gay rights organizations did not hesitate to put their weight behind the trans rights movement. The two movements are natural allies because both are sexually radical: rejecting natural biological sex and the primal value of maintaining heterosexual behavioral standards. Here is the quote from the PITT column, “A Perfect Storm: How the Stars Aligned to Create the Environment Where Medical Transition Became as Common as Pierced Ears & As Easy to Get” “One important historical factor [influencing the trans rights movement] is the gay rights movement. Starting in the 1960s, there were a growing number of charities developed to fight the good fight for gay rights. Those charities were triumphant over the years in gaining rights, up until gay marriage became legal in the United Kingdom in March, 2014, and in every state in the United States in June, 2015. At that point, homosexuals had the same rights as heterosexuals, which was exactly the noble goal of the gay rights movement. Unfortunately, rather than downsize and stay relevant as watchdogs, concerning themselves with long-term goals of maintaining their existing rights or specialized issues such as caring for elderly gay men with HIV, many gay charities, such as Stonewall and GLAAD, instead pivoted completely. They ‘re-branded’ themselves to stay relevant, broadening their constituency with the LGBTQII+ acronym, and focusing on “transgender rights” as their main concern. They were infused with money (think Pritzkers and other such wealthy benefactors) for “trans” rights, and they gained much momentum with new demands.”

Saturday, May 18, 2024

MassResistance report: Boston Children’s Hospital’s infamous “Gender Clinic” reorganizes its website

Boston Children’s Hospital’s infamous “Gender Clinic” reorganizes its website to hide what it’s really doing to children.

Apparently reacting to public outrage.

MassResistance led the effort to expose the gruesome details.

Also at BCH Gender Clinic: Another macabre transgender research project.

Public pressure needs to continue!

May 6, 2024

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Boston Children's Hospital took down its "Center for Gender Surgery" page

Boston Children's Hospital has taken down its "Center for Gender Surgery" page. Its last capture on Internet Archive was on Sept. 2, 2023:

Has the surgery program been shut down, or just gone underground? BCH now has this for "gender services":

Monday, January 29, 2024

Massachusetts poised to overturn anti-sodomy law - update

(Background here)

Massachusetts now celebrates “the abominable and detestable crime against nature” with “Republican” support. The four GOP State Senators -- Peter Durant @DurantForSenate, @RyanFattman, @PatrickMOConnor, @SenBruceTarr -- apparently believe that anal intercourse is just another form of “adult sex.” They joined Dems in the unanimous vote to overturn the statute criminalizing sodomy.  

The pro-anal bill, S2561, now awaits a hearing in the House Committee on Ways and Means. 

Odd. Why there? That committee's charge is to “consider all legislation affect­ing the finances of the Commonwealth,” not changes in criminal law. 

LGBTQ Nation is elated:

“The bill now goes to the Massachusetts House of Representatives. The lower chamber has 135 members who caucus with Democrats and 24 Republicans. If the bill passes there, it would go to Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey (D) for her signature. She is the first lesbian governor in the United States and has been supportive of LGBTQ+ equality.” 

The Mass GOP has long been dead. The state's GOP website is a joke. Try to find the party's platform.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Massachusetts to overturn law against sodomy and bestiality

 Massachusetts sodomy update: The LGBTQIA+ movement now openly admits that sodomy is a defining behavior for their "sexual orientations." They don't even speak out against bestiality which is also contained in the statute they are now overturning.

The bill to repeal "archaic laws" just passed unanimously in the state senate on Jan. 18, 2024. It includes this: "SECTION 10. Section 34 of chapter 272 of the General Laws is hereby repealed." That section reads: "Whoever commits the abominable and detestable crime against nature, either with mankind or with a beast, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than twenty years." Curiously, the anti-sodomy statute has remained on the books after "gay marriages" began in Mass. (in May 2004), despite sodomy being the consummating marital act for many of those couples. State Senator Brownsberger says that this repeal is about protecting "adult sex" for LGBTQIA+ citizens:
"The bill won praise from LGBTQ+ advocates around the Commonwealth. 'We are relieved and excited to see this legislation pass,' said Tanya V. Neslusan, Executive Director of MassEquality. 'The Commonwealth prides itself on being a progressive, inclusive state and in that spirit, having the outdated legislation outlawing sodomy and referring to adult sexual activities as "unnatural acts" stricken from our books makes Massachusetts a safer, more inclusive place for all of our residents and visitors, especially those who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community.' "