Friday, May 09, 2008

Youth Pride Awardee Sings "Hello Kitty"

Definitely world class. Mark Snyder, QueerToday extremist and awardee at tomorrow's Youth Pride, sings "Hello Kitty":

Don't miss the collection of Snyder's videos on YouTube: And, SEEN ON HIS BLOG,

Wing ... & Mark Snyder (No nicknames yet other than Sissy) have been big, queer, sissy lovers since September 27, 2004. Wing is 21 years old, and he grew up in Flushing, Queens (New York City). Mark is 24 years old, and he grew up on a mountain in rural Pennsylvania. The two met at Axis nightclub in Boston. Ever since that drag queen gave Mark a piece of scrap paper to write down Wing's number, they've been inseparable.

What does Snyder mean by "sissy"? Watch his video to find out.

And tomorrow, Youth Pride recognizes Mark's great achievements.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Students Stand Up to Depraved "Sex Fair" at UMass Amherst

Go, UMass Amherst Republican Club! We're starting to see the spirit of resistance among our young people. They're tired of rolling over for politically correct depravity.

The club's president posted this on Facebook, responding to the announcement of the depraved "sex fair" set for May 8 at the UMass Amherst campus:

Brad (UMass) wrote at 3:55pm on May 2nd, 2008
hahahaha sexual discrimination at Wal-Mart in the same sentence as "genital cutting" gals never fail to bring politics into all of your health awareness activities, do you? I think this entire event is a disgusting travesty and I am proud to say that same night at midnight we take over the lawn from you and are using it for an abortion graveyard, calling attention to all the innocent lives taken by abortion. Brad DeFlumeri, President, UMass Republican Club

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

"Sex Fair" at UMass Amherst

As if the queer riot at Smith wasn't enough. Now we see this on Facebook: UMass Amherst students are going to hold a "Sex Fair" ...

Do the UMass Amherst Trustees know about this?
Does the UMass President, Jack M. Wilson, know about this?
University of Massachusetts: 413-545-0111
Does the Chancellor know about this? 413-545-2211


[from UMass Amherst:]

Sex on the Lawn
A Celebration of Safe and Healthy Sexuality

Host: Vox: Students for Choice
Type: Festival
Date: Thursday, May 8, 2008
Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Location: Library Lawn
City/Town: Amherst, MA

Description: This year's Sex on the Lawn will include...
  • HIV testing
  • Designing your own condom wrapper
  • Educational info including about abortion rights and access, emergency contraception, female genital cutting, contraceptive options, and sexual discrimination at Wal-Mart.
  • Penis cookie decorating
  • Performances by the Ballroom Dancers
  • WMUA playing some great music!
  • Chocolate Vaginas for sale!
  • Captain Condom
  • A campaign to gather support for a bill requiring comprehensive sex education in all MA schools (cuz clearly we know abstinence only does not work!)
  • Penis pinata-Blow Pops for Sale
  • Show us your O Face!
  • and of course.... lots of CONDOMS!!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Rioting Lesbians at Smith College - What Was It Really About?

Yes, the homofascists would like our latest expose of the lesbian riot at Smith College last week to just go away (see the revealing videos.) . . . because it's about something much bigger than they want to admit. See Americans for Truth's eloquent explanation:

Traditionalists and people of faith should take great courage from the homosexual side’s totalitarian tendencies. This is no “civil rights” movement but a sexual special interest lobby espousing — with all the assurance of a fundamentalist — doctrines that run counter to natural law, healthy living, and Judeo-Christian history. Which is another way of saying that they are at war with truth.

Communists and fascists censor advocates of democratic freedom and independent religion. Darwinists expel critics of evolution from the academy. Officially pro-homosexual governments in Britain, Canada and other countries persecute Christians who voice their Biblical belief that homosexuality is a changeable sin. And radical homosexualists here in the USA trample on the rights of those who dare question the tenets of their activist movement, which is all of 100-plus years old (German “sexologist” Magnus Hirschfeld).

Take heart: people confident in their ideas don’t storm opponents’ speeches. Rather, they listen intently to them, and then present another viewpoint to compete in the marketplace of ideas. In the long run, homosexualists can’t compete with truth, and they seem to know it.