We recently got wind that Children's Hospital, already drawing attention for Dr. Norman Spack's transgender hormonal experiments with pre-pubescent children, is trolling for "transgender" young adults for a study. The lure? A CVS gift certificate.
What's shocking, once again, is that a major hospital in Boston accepts the idea that gender is fluid, and that there is a legitimate self-identified population of "transgender" people. This message was sent to "trans" college students by Gunner Scott, "female-to-male" member of the Mass. Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth, and genius behind "Gendercrash".
From: Gunner <gunnerscott@gmail.com
Date: Jun 22, 2007
Subject: Researchers at Children's Hospital looking for transgender people between 18-30
To: Mtpc members, mtpccollege, mtpcwest, etc.
Are you between the ages of 18-30 years old? Researchers at Children's Hospital Boston would like your help! We are conducting a study to improve questions on a new health survey for young adults. Participants will:
* Take a short email survey about gender.
* Then be interviewed afterward over the telephone so you can tell us what you think of the survey questions and how we can improve them.
* Receive a CVS gift card.
Contact Lisa: 617-355-5797; HealthMeasures@childrens.harvard.edu
-- Gunner
Find out how you can support HB 1722 -"An Act Relative to Gender-Based Discrimination and Hate Crimes" visit http://www.masstpc.org/ MassachusettsTransgender Political Coalition