The MassResistance blog began in early 2005 with a Massachusetts focus on judicial tyranny, same-sex "marriage", and LGBT activism in our schools. We broadened our focus to national-level threats to our Judeo-Christian heritage, the Culture of Life, and free speech. In 2006, Article 8 Alliance adopted the name "MassResistance" for its organization. CAUTION: R-rated subject matter.
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Elena Kagan: Open Advocate for Radical GLBT Causes at Harvard
Another gem from the Harvard Crimson archives: Obama's latest Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, participated in a "milestone" event in September 2003. As the new Dean of the Harvard Law School, she attended the school's first GLBT alumni reunion dinner. (Note the inclusion of "transgender" -- even in 2003.) Kagan is an alumna of HLS, Class of 1986.
Her presence at the least shows that as Dean she believed in the validity of homosexual and transgender identity-group demands, which these GLBT alumni push within the legal profession and judicial system, promoting their sexual radical goals.
The Harvard Crimson described the event:
Celebratory at times, solemn at others, alumni and current students marked the anniversary Saturday with anecdotes about the personal challenges they faced, the battle they continue to fight to keep military recruiters off campus and the need for classroom instruction in legal issues pertaining to homosexuality.
During the second discussion, titled "Lambda Today: Current Issues and Challenges Facing GLBT Students at HLS," a student panel expressed their dissatisfaction with the efforts that the faculty and administration are making to address issues facing GLBT students. They highlighted the University’s decision to continue to allow military recruiters on campus, even though their presence violates Harvard’s non-discrimination policy...
As the reunion’s final event, a dinner held at the Hyatt Regency hotel, HLS Dean Elena Kagan renewed her commitment to improving student life for all students on campus ...
[“HLS Holds Nation’s First Ever GLBT Reunion,” 9-22-03.]
Within a month, Kagan was agreeing with the demand made by the GLBT radical students at that reunion: banning military recruiters on campus.
In October 2003, Kagan appeared at a conference held by Lambda, the GLBT group at the Law School. The Harvard Law Record reported:
. . . much of what Kagan said was a recital of her personal abhorrence for the military discriminatory policy. She said, "I am committed to working with Lambda and others . . . on making progress for the elimination of" discriminatory policies in the military. . .
Kagan's public statement was in fact her welcoming remarks for the two-day Lambda conference, titled: "Solomon's Minefield: Military Discrimination after Lawrence and the Coming Fight over Forced On-Campus Recruiting."
Some years later (in September 2008), she was a major participant at the 25th reunion of the Harvard Gay and Lesbian Caucus, titled “A Celebration of LGBT Life at Harvard."
She was Moderator for their panel discussion on "The State of the Law: Reflections on the Past Twenty-Five Years and Thoughts about the Future -- A discussion of LGBT legal developments and trends by leading legal scholars." Also in that panel discussion was recent Obama appointee (and noted lesbian activist) Chai Feldblum.
The HGLC group’s banner says it’s dedicated to “Organizing, Serving, and Advocating for the Harvard Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community” -- which is exactly what Kagan was doing when she appeared at their 25th anniversary function. She is an open advocate for a highly controversial and radical cause.
For more on why it matters whether Kagan may herself be a lesbian – or even just committed to the sexual radical causes -- see J. Matt Barber, “Kagan a lesbian? Why it matters” (WorldNetDaily, 5-20-10).
Monday, May 03, 2010
Obama Administration Overrun with Sexual Radicals
It’s no secret that the Obama administration is full of socialists, communists, Alinskyites, globalists, multiculturalists, environmentalists, and sexual radicals.
But look at this brag list from the Gay and Lesbian Leadership Institute to see just how many GLBT radicals hold influential positions. They wouldn’t be on this list unless they brought their sexual revolutionary viewpoints onto the job each day. “Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings has a lot of company.
From GLLI’s website:
The Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute is leading a community-wide effort to identify strong LGBT candidates to serve in the Obama administration. The Presidential Appointments Project serves as the talent bank for openly LGBT professionals ...
While Barack Obama lays out a broad agenda to move the country forward, his staff is actually undertaking the hard work of implementation. Appointed officials have the power to set or influence the policies of the many federal departments and administrative agencies that make up the executive branch of government....
[“The Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute is organizing the project, along with multiple partner organizations. Project partners include Federal GLOBE, GLAD, Human Rights Campaign, Lambda Legal, National Center for Transgender Equality, National Stonewall Democrats, Out & Equal, NBJC, NGLCC, NOGLSTP, Pride at Work, SAGE, Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, The Council for Global Equality, The Gay & Lesbian Task Force.”]
As of now, the following LGBT leaders have secured spots in the Obama administration:
Mark Agrast- Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs at the Department of Justice
Raul Alvillar- Congressional Relations Officer, Housing and Urban Development
Judy Applebaum- Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs at the Department of Justice
Cynthia Attwood- Member, Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
Vic Basile- Senior Counselor to the Director, Office of Personnel Management
Anthony Bernal- Scheduler, Office of Dr. Jill Biden
Jeremy Bernard- Director of White House and Congressional Affairs, National Endowment for the Humanities
John Berry- Director, Office of Personnel Management
Jeremy Bishop- Special Assistant to the Secretary, Office of Public Engagement at the Department of Labor
Brian Bond- Deputy Director, White House Office of Public Engagement
Raphael Bostic- Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, Housing and Urban Development
Ebs Burnough- Deputy Social Secretary, Office of the First Lady
Michael Camunez- Assistant Secretary for Market Access and Compliance, Department of Commerce
Lyle Canceko- Deputy Director, Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, Department of Commerce
Jamison Citron- Confidential Assistant, Office of White House Liaison, Department of Health and Human Services
Brook Colangelo- Chief Information Officer, White House Office of Administration
John Connor- Director, Office of White House Liaison at the Department of Commerce
John Coppola- Member of the National Museum and Library Services Board
Jeffrey Crowley- Director, Office of National AIDS Policy
Fred Davie- Member, President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Justin DeJong- Deputy Press Secretary, Department of Agriculture
Marisa Demeo- Associate Judge, DC Superior Court
Jenny Durkan- U.S. Attorney, Western District of Washington
John Easton- Director, Institute of Education Sciences
Eric Fanning- Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy
Chai Feldblum- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Carl Fillichio- Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Labor for Public Affairs and Communications
Daniel Gordon- Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, OMB
Kathy Greenlee- Assistant Secretary, Administration on Aging, Department of Health and Human Services
Steve Gunderson- Member, President’s Commission on White House Fellows
David Hansell- Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Children and Families, Administration for Children and Families
Emily Hewitt- Chief Justice, U.S. Court of Federal Claims
Jennifer Ho- Deputy Director, Accountability Management at the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
Fred Hochberg- Chairman, U.S. Export-Import Bank
David Huebner- U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand
Glenda Humiston- State Director for Rural Development in California
Shin Inouye- Director, Specialty Media
John Isa- Deputy Executive Director, Federal Office of Compliance
Karine Jean-Pierre- Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs
Kevin Jennings- Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools
Kristina Johnson- Under Secretary, Department of Energy
Jenn Jones- Special Assistant, Department of Housing and Urban Development
Elaine Kaplan- General Counsel, Office of Personnel Management
Brad Kiley- Director, White House Office of Management and Administration
Harry Knox- Member, President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Kei Koizumi- Assistant Director for Federal Research and Development, Office of Science and Technology Policy
Andy Lee- Chief of Staff, Office of Innovation and Improvement at the Department of Education
Jeffrey Lerner- Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs
Sara Lipscomb- General Counsel, Small Business Administration
Zach Liscow- Staff Economist, Council of Economic Advisers
Thomas Lopach- Senior Vice President, Congressional Affairs, U.S. Export-Import Bank
Sharon Lubinski- U.S. Marshall
John Marble- Public Affairs Specialist, Office of Personnel Management
Jeffrey Marburg-Goodman- Special Counsel to the USAID Administrator
Mercedes Marquez- Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development
Kathy Martinez- Assistant Secretary for Disability Employment Policy, Department of Labor
Michael Martinez- Special Assistant, National Resources Conservation Division, USDA
Mary Beth Maxwell- Senior Advisor, Department of Labor
Philip McNamara- Executive Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
David Medina- Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the First Lady
David Mills- Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement, Department of Commerce
Alison Nathan- Associate Counsel to the President, White House Counsels Office
Jeffrey Neal- Chief Human Capital Officer, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Ven Neralla- Director of Priority Placement, Presidential Personnel
Dave Noble- White House Liaison, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Matt Nosanchuk- Senior Counselor to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, Department of Justice
Dylan Orr- Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy
Joseph Palacios- Board of Visitors for WHINSEC
Paolo Palugod- Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division, DOJ
Peter Pappas- Chief Communications Officer for the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Commerce
Raul Perea-Henze- Assistant Secretary of Policy and Planning, Department of Veterans Affairs
Drew Perraut- Policy Analyst, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB
Mark Perriello- Director of Priority Placement, Presidential Personnel
Gautam Raghavan- Deputy White House Liaison at the Department of Defense
Peter Roehrig- Special Assistant, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Constance L. Rogers- Deputy Solicitor for Energy and Mineral Resources at Interior
Donna Ryu- U.S. Magistrate Judge for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
Ellie Sue Schafer- Director, White House Visitors Office
Tarak Shah- White House Council on Environmental Quality
Amanda Simpson- Senior Technical Advisor to the Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security
Richard Sorian- Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, HHS
Campbell Spencer- Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs
Everette Stubbs- Deputy Director, White House Visitors Center
Nancy Sutley- Chair, White House Council on Environmental Quality
Jonathan Swain- Assistant Administrator, Small Business Administration
Kenneth Tolson- Member, President’s Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Moe Vela- Director of Operations, Office of the Vice President
Alex Wagner- Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs
Douglas B. Wilson- Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, Department of Defense
William Woolston- Staff Economist, Council of Economic Advisers
Friday, April 16, 2010
BAGLY and Kevin Jennings -- Outrages by a Favorite GLSEN Ally
Kevin Jennings, Obama’s “Safe Schools” Czar and founder of GLSEN, has long turned to BAGLY as an important community “support group” for “gay and lesbian youth.”
BAGLY is the Boston Alliance of Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth. It is a sexual radical organization currently promoting homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism, transsexuality, polyamory, sadomasochism, and even “sex work”(prostitution) to young teens.
As primary author of the 1993 education report for the Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, Jennings recommended that state agencies, schools, libraries, and parents refer “gay and lesbian youth” to BAGLY. (MassResistance will soon republish Jennings’ 1993 report.) Jennings’ brainchild, the “Safe Schools” program in Massachusetts, has continuously turned to BAGLY as the model for effective youth “counseling”.
Girls at Massachusetts Youth Pride 2007.
BAGLY’s first and current director, Sterling Stowell, was a member of the original Governor’s Commission along with Jennings in the early 1990s. Since then, Stowell and BAGLY staffers have been speakers at GLSEN-Boston conferences, as well as at National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) events. In January 2010, NGLTF announced its “longevity” award to Stowell -- alongside its “Leather Leadership” award to a homosexual sadomasochist.
This is the world Kevin Jennings is a part of now, and has been for the past twenty years.
BAGLY’s Stowell, is now a male-to-female transsexual, and is still a member of the Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth (and was recently co-chair). Now going by the name “Grace”, he gives workshops to young people on transgenderism and transsexuality. Until we exposed it, he posted prominent “resource” links on the BAGLY website to a male-to-female sex-change surgery site.
Stowell is listed in the infamous GLSEN-Boston 2000 “Fistgate” conference booklet as a member of its Board of Directors [p. 17]. At that conference, BAGLY led a session celebrating its 20th year of service to “GLBTQ youth” [p. 13]. Stowell gave a workshop at the 2005 conference where the Little Black Book was distributed to young teens.
“Grace” Sterling Stowell (left), BAGLY director and long-time Kevin Jennings associate, cheering kids on at a Youth Pride parade.
In 2005, the Boston homosexual newspaper Bay Windows reported on BAGLY’s work with youth in its early days (1980’s-90’s). BAGLY mixed . . .
… college and high school students [with] runaways, hustlers and drag queens who lived on the street. That diversity made for some interesting discussions at the group's Wednesday meetings. Klein [a founding member] said during a discussion on hustling and prostitution, members of the group who were hustlers shared their own firsthand experiences with the other youth. The discussions could also get quite heated. Defrocked Catholic priest Paul Shanley, who was convicted in February [2005] of raping an altar boy, came to a meeting to discuss sexuality and religion. The priest, who had built a reputation of ministering to sexual minority youth, did not receive a warm welcome from the BAGLY youth. “He was attacked by the kids. People were all over him,” recalled Klein. “They kept asking him, ‘Are you gay? Are you gay,’ and he said, ‘I refuse to answer that.’ ”
In 1999, BAGLY was caught paying underage teen males to join adults at a lakeside resort for “counseling”.
Teen boy at Mass. Youth Pride.
Every year, BAGLY holds a prom for “GLBT youth”, capping the Massachusetts Youth Pride day in Boston. Stowell guards the door to keep reporters out. No wonder: By 2009, the BAGLY prom brazenly included a “gay” sadomasochism theme, with Mr. Boston Leather greeting the teens, handing them his “business card” as they arrived.
What Jennings and Stowell preach: Transgenderism at Mass. Youth Pride parade 2007. A huge "transwoman" mentoring trans “bois”.
This year at its prom, BAGLY promises to distribute dental dams, condoms, and lubricant, and “safer sex materials” as young people leave the event. From BAGLY’s recent email from Trevor Wright (4-13-10) inviting adults to chaperone the May 8 event:
· Alcohol
· Drugs
· Sex
· Violence
· Weapons
· Pressure/Harassment
We are strongly committed to upholding these rules. Anyone violating any of the above should be asked to leave. In addition, City Hall has stated that no condoms, dental dams, lube or explicit safer sex materials are allowed in the building. Anyone handing out such materials should be asked to leave. BAGLY will be distributing these items to all youth as they leave the Prom. [emphasis added]
Americans for Truth has just reported that this year’s National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) “Creating Change” conference (Feb. 2010) included a workshop presented by BAGLY called “Young and Poly”. From the NGLTF program:
Young and Poly - Sexual Freedom
Polyamory being one of the more marginalized identities of our community, young people need a safe space to be validated within their truths. Being young and poly even in the “queer” community is impacted by a hetero-normative model of family and relationships. This caucus is not designed as a poly 101 but is designed for young people that identify on the poly spectrum to voice shared experiences and learn from one another.
Presenters: Daunasia Yansey, BAGLY [Boston Alliance for Gay and Lesbian Youth], MA
Americans for Truth explains:
The above is taken from the program guide (p. 73) of the 2010 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s“Creating Change” conference, held in Dallas, Texas, February 3-7, 2010. Presenter Daunasia Yansey is also an activist with the Boston Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP), affiliated with SWOP-USA, which advocates for the decriminalization of prostitution.
“Sexual Freedom” is a track at the Creating Change conference denoting the latest stage in the Sexual Revolution: rights and recognition for various “alternative lifestyles” beyond homosexuality-bisexuality-transgenderism, including sadomasochism, “swingers,” and polyamory and fetish “communities.” The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) was founded in 1973 and is the oldest national homosexual “rights” organization in the United States.
Good clean fun? Or practicing to be a sex worker? At the BAGLY prom, 2007.
In 2006, BAGLY sent youth to an NGLTF “Creating Change” workshop promoting “sex work” (prostitution) to young teens. AFTAH reported:
There were 77 seats available in the meeting room, very few empty, with an additional 8 or 10 people standing. In the front row, directly in front of the panel, sat teenage students from Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth (“BAGLY” — “a youth-led, adult-supported social support organization”)….
One of the teenage boys on the front row raised his hand and asked: “How do you get started?” He explained: “We suspect that one of the youth in our group is leaning toward sex work. What should we do?”
The panelists did not suggest deterring the youth from pursuing sex work or encouraging the youth to think about a college education. They suggested listening, remaining non-judgmental, and perhaps discussing safety, “but not to the extent that he feels stigmatized.”
These are the people and organizations “Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings and our Massachusetts government put in charge of student “safety”!
Stowell marching at Youth Pride 2007 in Boston:
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