Friday, February 25, 2005

Gay Lobbyist Guilty of Biphobia

Funny how one's prejudice just slips out from time to time. Even the most sensitive among us sometimes say things without thinking first.

While we thought we've been taught that being "bi" is a positive thing, maybe we got it wrong . . . Because now we read that radical homosexual lobbyist Arline Isaacson applied "bi" as a term of derision in knocking Governor Romney the other day:

"The governor's kind of 'bi' about this issue,'' said Arline Isaacson of the Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus. "In one venue he swings for civil unions and in another venue he says he has always been against them.''

[ "Romney says he's always been opposed to gay marriage and civil unions", Associated Press, February 23, 2005.]