Showing posts with label Laramie Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laramie Project. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Boston Globe and Emerson College Pushing Propaganda Play “Laramie Project”

Back in 2007, we assembled background info on the horrid propaganda play, “The Laramie Project.” Performed at high schools and colleges around the country, it uses raw emotion and lies to draw youth into the sexual-radical “rights” cause. The recruitment efforts never let up.  

So we’re not surprised to see “Laramie” being pushed again by Arts Emerson and the Boston Globe this week. They’re even exploiting the Governor’s daughter as a “panelist”. Emerson faculty are working with the sexual-radical groups GLAD, GLAAD, PFLAG, GLSEN, Matthew Shepard Foundation, Human Rights Campaign, and Boston’s “Theater Offensive” (“ambitious programming [on] the cutting edge of queer culture and politics”) to promote their ideology and sense of victimhood, and encourage everyone to “take action against hate”:

The moderator will be former ABC news anchor and current Leader-in-Residence in Emerson College’s Journalism Department Carole Simpson. "It is my pleasure to moderate a panel exploring the plight of the LBGT communities," said Simpson.  "Their problems of discrimination, physical abuse and exclusion have been overlooked too long.  The issues need to come 'out of the closet' into the light of public understanding. I hope I can facilitate that.  I lost a close relative to AIDS.  Through him I learned firsthand the difficulties he had by being 'different.'"
From the Boston Globe:

ArtsEmerson’s “The Laramie Residency’’ includes panel discussions and Tectonic Theater Project’s “The Laramie Project’’ and “The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later.’’ Tonight’s discussion, “The Struggle for GLBT Rights and Protections,’’ focuses on the Shepard/Byrd Hate Crimes Prevention Act, civil rights, and the impact on awareness because of “The Laramie Project.’’ Panelists include activist Katherine Patrick (Governor Deval Patrick’s daughter).

See our background study on “The Laramie Project” here.

Friday, January 08, 2010

More on Kevin Jennings' Tectonic Theater Connection

Kevin Jennings, Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar,” is President of the Board of the Tectonic Theater Project. Tectonic’s most famous product is the pro-homosexual propaganda play, “The Laramie Project.” Tectonic claims that "Laramie" is “the second most performed play in high schools and colleges.” 
Jennings’ position on Tectonic’s board once again confirms his animosity towards Bible-believing religious citizens -- and reveals one of his most important tactics for pushing the GLBT agenda in the schools.
We first reported Jennings’ direct connection to “The Laramie Project” yesterday. WorldNetDaily has picked up on the import of the Safe Schools Czar’s direct connection to this prime piece of theater propaganda.
Moises Kaufman, director of Tectonic and primary author of “The Laramie Project,” confirmed his anti-religious sentiments and branded anyone who doesn’t agree with him as a “homophobe” in a Kalamazoo “gay” newspaper (Pride Source, Feb. 28-Mar. 5, 2008). Excerpts:
Kaufman and his team crafted the play “The Laramie Project,” which has since been performed by over 100,000 people … He said the play is now the second most performed play among high schools and colleges. [Kaufman also claims the play has touched 40 million people.]
High school is the best place for this play to be performed. It is so moving to me that high school students are leading a profound dialogue in the community.”
Kaufman, who has written [Fred] Phelps into his play because the minister showed to protest Shepard’s funeral, had an observation on the controversial minister. “What he’s doing is articulating what many religious institutions feel. So much of homophobia is being fueled by religious beliefs. We still have a long way to go. There is so much misinformation.”
He said during the process of putting together “The Laramie Project,” his team noticed that about 85 percent of the time someone said something homophobic, they supported or mentioned the church a line or two down. He said that homophobia is pushing LGBT people away from religion.
“People know it’s not OK to speak certain things anymore, but they still think and act them.”
Kaufman said fighting homophobia is not work just for the LGBT community. “If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem.”
“You better get to working on this [LGBT rights] because you don’t know if your children are going to need it.”  [Emphasis added.]
A primary funder of "Laramie" is the Rockefeller Foundation

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Kevin Jennings: President of Board of Radical "Tectonic Theater Project"

Kevin Jennings, Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar,” is President of the Board of the Tectonic Theater Project (according to his Education Department bio).
Laramie Book cover.jpg 
This is the production company behind the insidious GLBT propaganda play, “The Laramie Project,” which exploits the brutal murder of Matthew Shepard as a “hate crime” and leads kids directly to groups promoting GLBT causes. It is performed in high schools and colleges across the country. Tectonic also produces other plays focusing on homosexuality and transgenderism.
In 2007, MassResistance published a detailed report on the dangers in “The Laramie Project” when it was about to be performed at a high school in Acton, Massachusetts. The school board, high school principal, and drama director fell right in line with GLSEN’s tactics and phraseology. The play’s director said,
The play is a powerful contemporary drama about hate -- what it can do to a student, a family, a town and a nation. It details how a community dealt with a tragedy and asks the hard questions "are the seeds of hate here, could this happen here?" The answer is yes, it could happen here. This play is meant to help people think about their attitudes, not only toward gays, but also to any group that experiences prejudice. There is prejudice here [in this high school]…
The high school principal said,
I understand that there may be differences regarding “The Laramie Project”; however, the administration at all levels supports the performance of the play at Acton-Boxborough this fall. We believe that the play encourages us to consider how the seeds of intolerance in a community can lead to violence. We support the safety and rights of all staff and students at Acton-Boxborough, including our GLBT members, and we expect the Acton-Boxborough community to do the same. Such support is essential to ensure a safe teaching and learning environment for all.
Our 2007 report commented:
This implies that there are community members not likely to support the safety and rights of everyone, and the principal lectures the critical members of the community that they’re not behaving properly by complaining. Are complaints about the play “intolerance” or “seeds of intolerance”?
From our report on “The Laramie Project” in 2007:
“I always say, don’t f**k with a Wyoming queer, cause they will kick you in your f**king ass.” -- “Matt was a blunt little sh*t” --“sh*t outta luck” -- “a freakin’ nightmare” -- “I was just bullsh*ttin around with my sh*t” -- “I was in deep-ass sand” – “they better watch their f**kin ass” -- “pi**ed him off” -- “good to be with people who felt like sh*t” -- “why’d you f**k up like that” – “he tried to grab my d**k” …
These are direct quotes from “The Laramie Project” – the fall play at Acton-Boxborough Regional High School, set to run the first two weekends in November. The play’s director says it has literary merit “worth six months of production time.” Certainly, it will teach students it’s OK to talk like this.
The school recommends the play for audiences “age 13 and above,” but it’s actually unsuitable for any audience. The play’s foul language is just one problem. It is also horribly violent, promotes homosexuality as normal, and undermines many parents’ values and authority. It manipulates the audience’s emotions through the language, violence, and blatant misrepresentations of Christians.
“The Laramie Project” exploits the savage 1998 murder of homosexual college student Matthew Shepard in Laramie, Wyoming for radical political ends. A jumbled compilation of interviews with Laramie residents, it is sorely lacking as drama — but effective as propaganda. The play essentially blames the murder on those holding traditional values. (A report from ABC News “20/20” in 2004 showed the killers were actually drug-using thugs intent on robbery. But the audience never learns this.) … 
(For more of our report, see here and here. For quotes from the play and study materials given to students, go here.)
GLBT activists and GLSEN advocate the use of school drama programs to push their agenda. At the GLSEN-Boston “Beyond Boundaries” conference in 2004, for example, one of the workshops was entitled “Using Theater as a Way to Explore GLBT Issues in Schools.”
Tectonic also produced “Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde,” a play focusing on that author’s involvement in sodomy. “The Laramie Project” study materials given to teens in Acton led them to this play and the issue of sodomy laws. Another of Tectonic’s productions, “I Am My Own Wife,” is about “the life of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, a transvestite who survived both the Nazi and Communist governments in twentieth-century Berlin.”

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Acton-Boxborough's Fall Play Directed Students to Racist "Gay" Porn

No, our coverage of Acton-Boxborough Regional High School's outrageous fall play, "The Laramie Project," is not over. We will continue to connect our readers to more information as it surfaces.

"The Laramie Project" (and the study materials given to students in the production) references another homosexual propaganda play, "Angels in America" -- encouraging children to seek it out. Not having read "Angels in America," we didn't realize how vile it is. Now "Angels" is being exposed by an Illinois parent group, outraged that it was assigned in their high school. (See the excerpts from the play they've highlighted.) From Concerned Women for America's recent press release:

High School Officials Assign Racist “Gay” Porn;
State officials say it violates obscenity law but they can’t prosecute school officials


Washington, D.C. — Deerfield High School in Deerfield, Illinois, had assigned the pornographic book “Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes” to students as required reading. When a group of outraged parents found out, they filed a formal complaint. Now the book has been changed to an “optional title,” meaning kids may still select the book for peer study under the direction of a teacher.

The book is replete with profanity, overt racism through multiple uses of the N-word, an explicit description of a sex act involving Mother Theresa and some of the most graphic, vile and vivid depictions of homosexual anal sodomy every put in print. (
Link to Excerpts – Warning: Extremely Graphic Sexual Content).

“After almost 15 years of school advocacy and reviewing many objectionable books and curricula, I have never seen anything this vulgar and harmful to students,” Lora Sue Hauser, Executive Director of North Shore Student Advocacy (NSSA), told Concerned Women for America (CWA)....

Friday, November 02, 2007

Roche Bros. Supermarkets Violate Community Standards

Regarding our latest report on the Roche Bros. Supermarket chain, and its complicity in undermining traditional values in the Acton-Boxborough community through ticket sales for "The Laramie Project" -- we have a few more tidbits to add:

A little bird told us that the Roche family, owners of the supermarkets, are "devout" Catholics. We also heard rumors that the Archdiocese has no problems with "The Laramie Project" and that Acton's parish priest is a supporter of the high school production. (We are trying to confirm these rumors.) Hmm . . . Once again, we wonder when the Catholic Church will get its house in order. And our true conservative Catholic friends will understand that we speak out of total respect for orthodox Catholicism.

We also wonder why Roche Bros. management spoke with at least one MassResistance supporter who called (to complain about their ticket sales) about a particular family in Acton involved in the "Laramie" fiasco, without any knowledge of complicating factors in their lives. This was a hideous violation of privacy, and Roche Bros. management should apologize to that family. They know who we mean.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

"Laramie Project" in Acton-Boxborough Connects Kids to Dangerous Depravity

These images are on the "Friends" page of the Massachusetts Youth Pride Committee MySpace. This is where Acton & Boxborough parents supporting the high school play, "The Laramie Project," are sending their kids -- knowingly or not.

The first two images come from a "friend" called "Unwanted" -- who in turn sends kids on to a "friend" called "Professor Hackinshlash" whose profile states: "Female, 26, New Bedford. I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave."

Another typical "friend" on Mass. Youth Pride MySpace is "Syphillis", a drag queen who writes:
About me: What happened? Well a lot happened prior to the coming of Syphillis. There were a lot of drugs, a lot of sex, a lot of disease and yes, even a couple of unsuccessful drag attempts. I was once a club kid called "Bubbavicious" and I was a drag queen for a night by the name of Vagina Walls. In 1997 [we...] were bored and higher than f**king kites and decided to go to a new club called Trannyshack...."

(For more information on Mass. Youth Pride, see MassResistance's report on the 2007 event.)

"The Laramie Project" encourages kids to check out their gay club Common Ground ("GSA"), the and Matthew's Place sites, and local "GLBT youth groups" including GLSEN Boston, Greater Boston PFLAG, BAGLY, and Mass. Youth Pride. All of these run events and conferences with unknown adult homosexuals and "transgenders" mingling with and "instructing" kids. Note that GLSEN Boston's MySpace friends include Transcending Boundaries (promoting transgenderism, sadomasochism, polyamory), and connects kids with the adults at Boston Pride. (Until recently, GLSEN Boston's MySpace included a friend called "Rev. Cockvomit" which posted hideous pornographic and Satanic images.)

So -- those 400+ parents who supposedly signed a petition to support the "Laramie Project" play know all about this? And still want their kids exposed? Shame on them.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

ACLU Laying Traps in Massachusetts

Left: Anthony Romero, national executive director of the ACLU, is speaking in Lowell and Concord today. [photo:]

The Larry Cirignano case is just one example of the ACLU's nefarious activities in Massachusetts. They're doing what they can to entrap conservative, pro-family leaders and tie us up in lawsuits. It's no accident that the woman behind the charges against Cirignano is on the board of the Mass. ACLU. And interesting that their national director, Anthony D. Romero, is in town today pushing his book in Lowell and Concord.

Another ACLU entrapment effort seemed to be underway just a few weeks ago. When parents in the Acton-Boxborough High School district planned a forum to expose the content and message of the fall play, "The Laramie Project " (set for early November run), they asked MassResistance for help. Sure enough, a week or so prior to the forum on Oct. 3, a "college student from Emerson" called the MassResistance office to ask about the forum, and said she wanted to tape it because she was "doing a research project on the ex-homosexual movement," and was especially interested in ex-homosexual Stephen Bennett's participation in the event. (Footnote: Bennett's vehicle was intentionally rammed by a hit-and-run driver on his way to the event, and could not participate.)

We told this young woman that she was certainly welcome to attend, but that it didn't make sense for her to do her own video of the event, since we had several people lined up to do that. She would be able to get a copy after the event, we told her, and we didn't want a lot of disruption with cameras. She kept prodding. "It's a public meeting, so I should be able to tape." We sensed some trap, and asked her how she heard of the event and if she was connected to a certain activist group (which we knew was closely connected to Emerson).

Apparently, this was part of an ACLU attempt to stir up trouble. Just as they did in Worcester. Suspected ACLU activists were observed in the audience on Oct. 3, and a news channel told us the ACLU was planning to be at the forum.

Our message to the ACLU: The "Laramie Project" Forum is about to be broadcast on Acton cable TV, probably starting Thursday night. Get your VCRs ready. Or contact the MassResistance office, and you can purchase a tape. But ACLU members won't get the friend's discount. (Can we be charged with something for that???)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Mass. Schools Push "Coming Out Day"

Schools across Massachusetts pushed their students to "COME OUT" as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender last Thursday, on the activist-declared "Coming Out Day," October 11.

At Newton South High School, a parent was aghast to see a poster in a classroom on back-to-school night proclaiming the upcoming event. In Bedford High School, the official announcements included it.

In Acton-Boxborough, students were reportedly hugging each other with the cheerful greeting, "Happy Coming Out Day!" Their fall play, "The Laramie Project", sends students to, where kids told they can "Make a Difference" if they "Come Out". That page links them to the Coming Out Project at Human Rights Campaign (including a Resource Guide), and the PFLAG organization (which recognizes no boundaries).

All of this is done without parental notification as required by law for HUMAN SEXUALITY ISSUES in the schools. But our school officials tell us that homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality are not about sex, but about "civil rights" and diversity!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

"Laramie Project" Teaches Foul Language

Here's the foul language students at Acton-Boxborough Regional High School are studying in "The Laramie Project." The drama participants especially are living these lines over and over, and are instructed this is "good literature" and a "mirror" of their own community. The fallout will affect every kid in the school -- and every home in the community.

Some examples of foul language in "The Laramie Project":
“shit outta luck” -- “Matt was a blunt little shit” -- “I always say, don’t fuck with a Wyoming queer, cause they will kick you in your fucking ass.” – “a freakin’ nightmare”-- “I was just bullshittin around with my shit” -- “I was in deep-ass sand” – “they better watch their fuckin ass” -- “ask him if he’d ever do anymore tweak” -- “I don’t know if Aaron was fucked up or whether he was coming down [off drugs] or what, but Matthew had money. Shit, he had better clothes than I did. Matthew was a little rich bitch … There was times when I was all messed up on meth… ” -- “pissed him off” -- “good to be with people who felt like shit” -- “why’d you fuck up like that” – “he tried to grab my dick” – “Up there in the max ward … when they found out Aaron was coming to prison, they were auctioning those boys off; ‘I want him. I’ll put aside five, six, seven cartons of cigarettes.’ …” -- “big-ass band of angels” [protester] with “big-ass wings” – “we don’t say a fuckin’ word” -- Police officer who “went out and got shit-faced” [drunk] -- etc.

The Acton-Boxborough Regional High School student handbook (p. 19) has a rule outlawing obscene language:

Abusive or Obscene Language
Students are not to use obscene or abusive language or gestures. Such behaviors will result in referral to the Assistant Principal.

Though "obscene language" goes conveniently undefined. So ... ANYTHING GOES. Certainly, if the "obscene language" is part of an assigned reading, or school play, it must be OK? After all, how else could the school be preparing its students according to its ...
"unity of purpose: to educate young people for life in a global society. It is important to create a learning environment at Acton-Boxborough where students can grow as individuals, learn how to think for themselves, learn when to talk and when to listen, see another person's side of things, and be part of a community." (p. 13)

But wait... If students are to "see another person's side of things," why did the school staff instruct the students (and parents) to ignore the forum on October 3? Why are students not instructed to weigh both sides of (by their own admission) a controversial play?

We read in Bay Windows that 475 local parents signed a petition giving their full support to "The Laramie Project" production (though they did not release their names). Shame on them. Do these parents have no problem with their children speaking like this in their homes? And the foul language in the play is the least example of its harmful impact. The play teaches that Laramie is just like Acton: Bad language, and hateful people hiding in the shadows waiting for their chance to lash out -- even to murder -- motivated by "hate".

"The Laramie Project" -- in its own words

There's a lot of talk around "The Laramie Project" but little examination of the specifics contained in the play. Some were brought up at the recent forum at Acton-Boxborough Regional High School, and many more dangerous messages are embedded in the play than could be discussed that night.

For extensive quotations from the play itself, and from materials handed out to children in that school, see:

READING LIST on "The Laramie Project" and the dangers of leading youth to homosexuality.

The first item under "Links to articles" gives extensive quotations from the play itself.

Monday, October 01, 2007

"The Laramie Project" and Hating Jesus

Note to Acton-Boxborough Regional High School Administrators and Faculty:

Here's your required reading for this week: "Queering Christ" in today's radical blog QueerToday (10-1-07). This blog recently published an attack on a MassResistance family in Acton, after being contacted by two of your drama students.

Read the postings on QueerToday, especially today's. These are the people your students are encouraged to seek out by your fall play, "The Laramie Project." These are the people your students are in fact communicating with, hatefully sharing private information about a family in their community, and using a classmate as a political tool. These are the people who are thrilled to see you're producing that play, so they can recruit more young people for their queer world. These are the people who admit they're anti-Christian, yet still insist on talking about Jesus -- as long as he's part of their twisted sexual fantasies. So you need to read the kind of obscenities and sacrilege they proudly publish.

The fellow behind QueerToday's post, "Queering Christ," is the youth minister at the GLBT "Metropolitan Community Church" in Boston and former member of the Mass. Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth. That church gives their space over to BAGLY (Boston Alliance for Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth), whose director is a transsexual "male-to-female" and co-chairman of the Mass. Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth. These are the groups where your Acton-Boxborough students are led through your Gay-Straight Alliance, Common Ground.

Your fall play, "The Laramie Project," is distinctly anti-Christian. So your students will relish the radical, false, sexualized portrayal of Christ on QueerToday. (The minister the "Laramie" play lyingly portrays as representative of Evangelical Christians is Fred Phelps. The ministers the play embraces are the Unitarian, and the Catholic priest who defies his Bishop's authority. The next liberal step beyond would be a priest claiming to have sexual relations with Jesus -- as does that the author of the book, Queering Christ.)

(The book's author, Robert E. Goss, is a former Jesuit priest, was a radical activist in "Act Up" and "Queer Nation," and led the homosexual "Catholic" group "Dignity" in Boston through 1982. He's now a minister with the GLBT "Metropolitan Community Church.")

Excerpts from today's sick post by Jason Lydon on the book, Queering Christ, on QueerToday:
... I have thus come to appreciate many of the stories within Christianity and have also been deeply hurt by the right wing choosing to use the revolutionary, anarchist, pro-liberation, Jesus against me and others I care about. Currently I am reading a VERY queer book for one of my classes. The book is Queering Christ by Robert E. Goss. So far the book is INCREDIBLE. My intention is to post some of my favorite highlights on queertoday in order for others to enjoy a very different experience of Jesus, one that does not make him the evil hater that so many choose to use him as. Do be aware that some folks may be offended by the sexual content of the passages I share over the next couple of weeks. I am not claiming that Christianity is easily made pro-queer, but so many folks are trying, struggling at times, and I appreciate their efforts. I hope we can all enjoy this queer perspective from a Jesuit priest, regardless of whether or not we are Christian...

[Book author Goss writes:] "My technique of meditative prayer was to envision Christ with me and experience him as a lover. Scott Haleman, Betty Dodson, and Joe Kramer argue that masturbation can be spiritual and can become a form of transcendental meditation. Masturbation can harness fantasies and sexual energy. When prolonged, it can stimulate and extend pleasure. When fantasies are focused into making love with Christ, the experience opens itself to a fundamental and profound consciousness of God. My visualizations of Jesus were certainly explicit, erotically envisioning various forms of making love to Jesus the Christ. I had sexual intercourse with Jesus. Sometimes he was the top, and sometimes he was the bottom. My relationship with Christ was mutual and deep."

Unbelievable. And there are a whole series of queer sexualizations of Christ coming up on the blog, they say...

Thank you, Acton-Boxborough High School for leading our children to this.