Here's your required reading for this week: "Queering Christ" in today's radical blog QueerToday (10-1-07). This blog recently published an attack on a MassResistance family in Acton, after being contacted by two of your drama students.
Read the postings on QueerToday, especially today's. These are the people your students are encouraged to seek out by your fall play, "The Laramie Project." These are the people your students are in fact communicating with, hatefully sharing private information about a family in their community, and using a classmate as a political tool. These are the people who are thrilled to see you're producing that play, so they can recruit more young people for their queer world. These are the people who admit they're anti-Christian, yet still insist on talking about Jesus -- as long as he's part of their twisted sexual fantasies. So you need to read the kind of obscenities and sacrilege they proudly publish.

Your fall play, "The Laramie Project," is distinctly anti-Christian. So your students will relish the radical, false, sexualized portrayal of Christ on QueerToday. (The minister the "Laramie" play lyingly portrays as representative of Evangelical Christians is Fred Phelps. The ministers the play embraces are the Unitarian, and the Catholic priest who defies his Bishop's authority. The next liberal step beyond would be a priest claiming to have sexual relations with Jesus -- as does that the author of the book, Queering Christ.)
(The book's author, Robert E. Goss, is a former Jesuit priest, was a radical activist in "Act Up" and "Queer Nation," and led the homosexual "Catholic" group "Dignity" in Boston through 1982. He's now a minister with the GLBT "Metropolitan Community Church.")
Excerpts from today's sick post by Jason Lydon on the book, Queering Christ, on QueerToday:
... I have thus come to appreciate many of the stories within Christianity and have also been deeply hurt by the right wing choosing to use the revolutionary, anarchist, pro-liberation, Jesus against me and others I care about. Currently I am reading a VERY queer book for one of my classes. The book is Queering Christ by Robert E. Goss. So far the book is INCREDIBLE. My intention is to post some of my favorite highlights on queertoday in order for others to enjoy a very different experience of Jesus, one that does not make him the evil hater that so many choose to use him as. Do be aware that some folks may be offended by the sexual content of the passages I share over the next couple of weeks. I am not claiming that Christianity is easily made pro-queer, but so many folks are trying, struggling at times, and I appreciate their efforts. I hope we can all enjoy this queer perspective from a Jesuit priest, regardless of whether or not we are Christian...
[Book author Goss writes:] "My technique of meditative prayer was to envision Christ with me and experience him as a lover. Scott Haleman, Betty Dodson, and Joe Kramer argue that masturbation can be spiritual and can become a form of transcendental meditation. Masturbation can harness fantasies and sexual energy. When prolonged, it can stimulate and extend pleasure. When fantasies are focused into making love with Christ, the experience opens itself to a fundamental and profound consciousness of God. My visualizations of Jesus were certainly explicit, erotically envisioning various forms of making love to Jesus the Christ. I had sexual intercourse with Jesus. Sometimes he was the top, and sometimes he was the bottom. My relationship with Christ was mutual and deep."
Unbelievable. And there are a whole series of queer sexualizations of Christ coming up on the blog, they say...
Thank you, Acton-Boxborough High School for leading our children to this.