“Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings has long managed to disguise the extremist nature of GLSEN. That organization became more secretive about its efforts after Parents’ Rights Coalition (now MassResistance) exposed their vile “Fistgate” workshop in 2000. The details of GLSEN’s upcoming Boston conference are the briefest we’ve ever seen.
But GLSEN-Boston is now announcing a new partnership with the extremist “Join the Impact” movement, whose regional conference coincides with GLSEN-Boston’s on March 27.
We have long drawn attention to GLSEN’s pattern of hooking up sexual-radical adults with underage, confused children. So what could be better than a regional, weekend-long (adult) GLBT activist conference merging with the GLSEN-Boston conference, where 1/2 - 2/3 of the attendees are underage teens? (NOTE: The slogan atop the JTI webpage is “Get some (direct) action!”)
We recently linked a video from the angry “Join the Impact” rally in Boston against Prop 8 (11-15-08), where Kevin Jennings apparently was a speaker. That raucous protest rally (video here) followed the November 2008 victory for one man/one woman marriage in California. The theme of the rally was that anyone opposing “equal marriage” is a “hater” and “bigot”.
Join the Impact (a nationwide effort) advocates “direct action” and “civil disobedience” for the cause of GLBT “rights” -- not just “gay marriage”. One of their clever slogans is “Stop the H8!” (Note the “GSA Network” group marching in San Francisco in this angry rally in California. The GSA Network group works directly with children in the “gay/straight alliance” clubs in schools, GSAs. GSAs are a brainchild of Jennings and his GLSEN.)
Why is this partnership between Join the Impact and GLSEN significant? It reveals the radical, destructive goals held by Jennings and GLSEN, the organization he founded and ran until his appointment as Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar.” GLSEN openly pushes students into sexual-radical, anti-family activism, including the promotion of “gay marriage” (including opposition to DOMA) and transgenderism.
Why is this partnership between Join the Impact and GLSEN significant? It reveals the radical, destructive goals held by Jennings and GLSEN, the organization he founded and ran until his appointment as Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar.” GLSEN openly pushes students into sexual-radical, anti-family activism, including the promotion of “gay marriage” (including opposition to DOMA) and transgenderism.
GLSEN’s “partnership organizations” will be conducting “trainings” at their upcoming Boston conference. Young teens will be inducted into the Saul Alinsky brotherhood.
Join the Impact was responsible for the fascist-style attack on a Boston church (video here) last spring, where Exodus International (an ex-gay ministry) was holding a conference on the Christian response to homosexuality and those who want to leave those behaviors behind. Wayne Besen, a vicious radical (often given a platform on Bill O’Reilly’s show!) spearheaded that rally, where the demonstrators desecrated an historic Revolutionary era cemetery, and held bullhorns right up against the windows of the church, disrupting the conference with chants and blasting deafening siren noises. (Of course, the Boston cops let it roll.) In California, Join the Impact led demonstrations in front of churches which had supported Prop 8 and harassed individual proponents.
So it's not surprising that GLSEN-Boston has entered a formal partnership with Join the Impact and is openly adopting their fascist tactics. GLSEN’s conference is, in fact, part of Join the Impact’s regional conference. GLSEN plans to turn their “GLBT youth” into radicals like Besen.
How much more do we need to know about Kevin Jennings’ goals for the nation’s schools?
[GLSEN Boston] 20th Annual Conference, Mar. 27, 2010
We are excited to announce that GLSEN Massachusetts is joining forces with Join the Impact MA and Equality Across America to co-sponsor the Northeast Regional LGBT Rights Conference!
Date: Saturday, March 27, 2010
New Location: College Avenue United Methodist Church, 14 Chapel Street, Somerville, MA
Walking distance from the Davis Square T-stop on the Red Line.
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Gather with other LGBT individuals and allies to collaborate, educate, network, debate, and strategize about promoting respect and achieving full LGBT equality in our schools, workplaces, and communities.
GLSEN Massachusetts will be presenting workshops on topics such as LGBT curriculum development, transgender youth, and empowering students and teachers to make schools safer for everyone.
The conference will also feature speakers and trainings from partnership organizations. Other workshops include The History of LGBT Activism, Becoming Parents for LGBTQ Families, Intersex 101, Federal Defense of Marriage Act, How to Organize a College Student Group, and many more!
Open to all LGBT youth, adults, and allies.
Here’s the “Join the Impact” Massachusetts conference poster. Note their favorite symbol, the fist:______________________________________
These activists plan to descend on Maine in May, where citizens recently voted to protect one man/one woman marriage:
If you care to attend Join the Impact's organizing meetings:
Become an Organizer!
We are always looking for new organizers. We meet on Thursday evenings from 7-9 at Fisher College in Boston (116 Beacon St). Email us for directions. No experience is necessary and everyone is welcome. We are dedicated to providing opportunities for ordinary citizens to stand up and fight for LGBT equality.
Join the Impact protest vs. Prop 8, Boston, November 15, 2008.
Join the Impact protest vs. Prop 8, Boston, November 15, 2008.