Showing posts with label homofascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homofascism. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

American Family Association Reports: Top 10 Corporate TV Sponsors of Homosexual Agenda

Check out the Amerian Family Association's report on the top 10 sponsors of pro-homosexual programs on prime-time network TV. This corporate sell-out has two major causes:
- Activists and allies in top positions within the corporations;
- Fear of lawsuits by corporate management, due to "sexual orientation" non-discrimination laws.

The network shows monitored:
Ugly Betty, ER, Desperate Housewives, Simpsons, The Office, Brothers & Sisters, Grey's Anatomy, The Class.

The corporations advertising the most:
Ford, Toyota , AT&T, Procter & Gamble, Revlon, Glaxo Smith Kline, Unilever, Daimler Chrysler, Verizon, Quaker Oats.

Between February 11 through May 5, American Family Association monitored the top eight prime-time network programs featuring lead or supporting homosexual characters. These programs were specifically identified by the activist-homosexual group GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) as GLAAD Media Award winners, or as showcasing leading or supporting homosexual characters.

In each program monitored, homosexuality was promoted in a positive manner as a normal and accepted lifestyle. Some scenes included homosexuals kisses and bedrooms scenes. In instances where opposition to homosexuality was portrayed, the opposing character was publicly ridiculed or condemned by the other characters on the program.

Ford Motor Company was the top sponsor of programs promoting homosexuality on the prime-time network programs monitored.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Their Own Words and Actions Hurt Them

The GLBT activists are absolutely enraged when the truth of their intentions and actions come to light -- especially when the information we report comes from their own words, their own media, and their own organizations. Unlike them, we don't make things up or go after people on a personal basis. We stick to the issues and just show it like it is, using their own reports and photos, as well as our own photos and eyewitness accounts. (We think it's the photos that they REALLY hate... More new photos coming soon!)

But they've had a free ride for so long, they don't know what to do when others actually tell the truth about their events. The rage of the organizers and goons at their Youth Pride event last Saturday was palpable, when they realized quite a few MassResistance reporters were present. In fact, they're still seething over what we reported last year.

One year ago, at "Youth Pride" time, we alerted then Governor Mitt Romney and the public that way-out groups were accessing their children, leading them deep into the "transgender/transsexual" and "free sex" world. And prior to this year's event, we exposed the cross-dressing emcee who was to introduce Gov. Deval Patrick (who decided not to collect his Youth Pride award in person).

The articles we put out last year apparently had a huge impact. Ask yourself: Would a pro-life rally have any problem with reporters being present? Would a Boy Scout Jamboree? Would a walk for cancer research? So ... what are these GLBT activists trying to hide?

We thought we'd post some of our pieces again from the MassResistance blog one year ago:
"PUMP's Outreach at Youth Pride" (7-1-06) . Note that this organization's web site still lists Youth Pride as an event where they do "outreach". Also: Fenway Community Health Supports Scenes from Hell (6-23-06). This links to Bay Windows on "Becca D'Bus", director of a so-called "guerrilla theater" in "gay" cruising grounds (6-20-06). This "guerrilla performer" was present at the Youth Pride event on Saturday, spreading some sort of message.

These are the groups the Massachusetts Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth is putting our children in touch with! And they don't want you to know. So they will try to kill the messenger.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Italy's Red Sodomy Brigade Issues Death Threats on Bishop

How long until we see this here? Anyone who has the common sense, faith, and courage to speak out against the rampant perversions taking hold in this country is already subject to public ridicule, intimidation, criminal harassment, and even house break-ins. Next come the death threats? It's hard to believe this is happening to a leader of the Catholic Church in Italy. WorldNetDaily reports:

Bodyguards, not altar boys, flank pro-marriage cleric: Archbishop receives death threats, bullet in mail from 'Red Brigade' for opposing same-sex unions

Archbishop Angelo Bagnasco no longer celebrates Mass in the cathedral of Genoa, Italy, with assistance from altar boys or deacons – not since the death threats began after he spoke out against government plans to legalize same-sex unions. Bagnasco, recently appointed head of Italy's Conference of Bishops, stirred controversy last month when the group issued a statement directed at Catholic lawmakers, reminding them of their moral obligation to oppose the move toward mainstreaming homosexuality.

In the statement, Bagnasco made a "slippery-slope" case for what could go wrong in Italian society if the Church's moral position was not upheld. "Why say ‘No’ to forms of legally recognized cohabitation which create alternatives to the family? Why say ‘No’ to incest? Why say ‘No’ to the pedophile party in Holland?” he asked.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Definitions Please!

MassResistance has filed a bill, S2095, that would remove "undefined sexual terminology" -- namely "sexual orientation" -- from the Massachusetts statutes. And we're now warning that the new Massachusetts "Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes" Bill H1722 does not clearly define "gender identity and expression" which it proposes to protect. The possible miscarriages of justice are unimagineable if this terminology is embedded undefined in law.

We're not the only ones thinking along these lines. There are some very savvy Congressmen fighting the same battle in D.C. But how do the pansexual radicals get away with such brazen defiance of legal standards? Promoting sweeping "hate crimes" legislation (HR1592) without any definition of the terms central to their new law: "sexual orientation," and "gender identity and expression"!

And why is the establishment "conservative" media not reporting on this? We're reading excellent reports on the D.C. hearings on the new federal transgender "hate crimes" bill HR1592 from Traditional Values Coalition. But no one else seems fully informed on the danger of this Pandora's box about to be opened up. Excerpts from TVC's Rev. Lou Sheldon and Andrea Lafferty's report on the hearing in the House Judiciary Committee:

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

For almost 11 hours Rev. Lou Sheldon, Chairman of Traditional Values Coalition, and CEO Andrea Lafferty monitored every move in the Judiciary Committee relevant to the HR 1592, the Hate Crimes bill. They sat in the front row from early morning until it was concluded around 9:15 p.m. All 25 Republican amendments were defeated. The purpose of the Markup is to vote on amendments to the bill. There are 23 Democrats and 17 Republicans. HR 1592 passed by a party line vote, all Democrats supported it and all Republicans opposed. Following is their account of the “Markup.” …

Republican Congressman Dan Lungren from California stating that no where in the bill are the terms “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” definition and he asked for a definition. The democrats referred to what they said was an accepted definition of sexual orientation, heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual. The republicans did not agree stating that heterosexuality was not an orientation. The democrats did not want to discuss a definition of even sexual orientation or have it in the bill. They wanted no definitions.

Friends, it was obvious. There are many additional orientations that would have had to be included in sexual orientation. Also, they would have to agree to a definition of gender identity and they did not want that. They obviously did not want to define gender identity to include she-male, cross-dresser, drag queen, transgender, transsexual, etc….

Republican Congressman Louis Gohmert of Texas moved to remove "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" from the bill. It failed on a recorded vote of 19 to 13….

Finally, Congressman Gohmert asked, “If a minister was giving a sermon, a Bible study or any kind of written or spoken message saying that homosexuality was a serious sin and a person in the congregation went out and committed a crime against a homosexual would the minister be charged with the crime of incitement?” Gohmert was attempting to clarify and emphasize that the legislation would have an effect on the constitutional right to religious freedom and thus the Pence amendment was needed to protect religious speech.

The Democrats continued to explain why they could not accept the amendment. Lundgren continuously shot down their answer. He said, “What is your answer? Would there be incitement charges against the pastor?” And finally Democrat Congressman Artur Davis from Alabama spoke up and said, “Yes.”

Friends, that is what we have been warning you about and our legal advice was correct. It is evident what HR 1592 is about. It is not about homosexuals and cross dressers suffering with no food, shelter or jobs, it is about preventing Bible-believing people and pastors from speaking the truth.

It is about punishing them so they will not dare to speak the truth.

It is about threatening them with prison so they won’t dare speak the truth.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Thought Crimes Bills Pending

Congress is about to pass its new "hate crimes" bill, H1592. The federal bill would begin prosecutions of so-called "hate-crimes" based on a person's "sexual orientation, gender identity, gender and disability." And in Massachusetts, the homosexual lobby has filed H1722, also focused on "transgender rights" and "hate crimes". The implications for freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of association are frightening.

Back in 2000, Robert Knight reported:

"During the Supreme Court hearings in 2000 on the Boy Scout case, pro-life Rev. Rob Schenck was sitting in the audience next to the Clinton White House liaison for 'gay' issues. Thinking the pastor was a fellow liberal, the woman whispered, 'We're not going to win this case, but that's okay. Once we get 'hate crime' laws on the books, we're going to go after the Scouts and all the other bigots.''

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

GLBT Civil Disobedience Looming?

We read on CrazyToday ("The Return of Civil Disobedience?", 3-30-07) that the GLBT community is being urged by the elder spokesman of acting up, Larry Kramer of "ActUp", to engage in civil disobedience. Tom Lang of KnowThyNeighbor, who reveals Massachusetts the voter data information of marriage amendment signers, wrote:

I was fortunate enough to hear Larry Kramer's speech a few days ago. He is calling for all LGBT to immediately begin to "engage" in civil disobedience regarding all of our important issues. That is what I have gotten out of this NYC protest.

What got him and ACT UP fired up about was not Dont Ask Dont Tell but the fact that "homosexuals" were called "immoral." His reaction in the speech was that he cannot believe that LGBT organizations reacted with a "few press releases" and that was that. He is calling for the end of press events as the way to protest what this country is doing to us and to bring back civil disobedience on a large scale.

Whether it is trans rights, safe schools, HIV funding, marriage equality, hate crime bills, equal workplace protection...anyone, any government official, any organization that would oppose these efforts does it because they hate/fear/or believe it is their right to oppress LGBT. All of these issues are ALL of our issues and the LGBT community needs to unify immediately or we are DEAD.

Mark [of CrazyToday]
Okay - sounds good.

So watch for their "civil disobedience." Can't wait. Here's a "gay" newspaper report up on ActUp's recent demonstration in New York. Looks pretty feeble compared to the old days:

Nearly 30 people were arrested in an act of civil disobedience Thursday after 50 body bags were lined up on a New York City street to represent the number of people who die of AIDS complications every day. Venerable activist group ACT UP—AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power—commemorated its 20th anniversary by reenacting its first protest, which took place 20 years ago, also in New York City's financial district. Upward of 800 people showed up to march down Wall Street, calling out to health care providers and pharmaceutical companies.... [ACT UP is] lobbying for a nationalized, single-payer health care plan for all Americans.

In bed with socialists and communists -- no surprise.

Gordon College Invites Radical Homosexuals to Campus

We've heard rumors in recent years that Gordon College is not as solidly anchored in Biblical Christianity as it once was. Doctrinal and political liberalism have crept in. But it's still surprising and disappointing to see that the school has INVITED homosexual extremists, Soulforce's "Equality Riders", to the college to propagandize students. Yet the institution concurrently puts out statements that it's preserving its orthodox Christian stand!

"Equality Riders", a project of the radical pseudo-Christian organization "Soulforce", go to colleges around the country (as described by the radical homosexual "news" organ Bay Windows): "... young activists trek across the country in buses, stopping at Christian colleges and universities with anti-gay policies and trying to start a dialogue with students and administrators about embracing LGBT people and ending their discriminatory policies." But for Gordon College to invite them is to accept Soulforce's premise that Gordon College is wrongly discriminatory, and unchristian.

Soulforce especially targets Focus on the Family: Demonstrators recently invaded the Focus office and "refused to leave until the organization's founder, James Dobson, takes a step toward reconciliation with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities by ceasing his misleading statements about research on lesbian and gay parents. For more than a decade, members and allies of Soulforce have confronted Focus on the Family's anti-gay rhetoric and publicized its harmful impact on the lives of individuals, parents, and children." Clearly, this is a radical group.

From Bay Windows:
Equality Ride coming to Mass.The Equality Riders will touch down in the Boston area later this month. Beginning April 15, Equality Riders will take three days to visit Wenham’s Gordon College, a non-denominational Christian college that bans homosexuality. Kyle DeVries, a rider who is helping organize the eastbound bus of the two-bus Equality Ride tour, said the college has invited the riders to hold two forums on campus, talk with students during classes, and meet with them informally on campus.“Gordon College has actually been one of the most hospitable colleges we’ve dealt with,” said DeVries.On the first day of their visit the Equality Riders will hold a community rally at the North Shore Unitarian Universalist Church in Danvers starting at 6 p.m.

From The Christian Post, on the seminary connected to Gordon College:

With the baton passed on to [its new President James E.] White, Gordon-Conwell is seeking to advance to be the "vanguard of evangelical movement." "We're prepared and we're ready to roll," said White.

In an earlier talk with the Rev. Billy Graham, co-founder of Gordon-Conwell, ... White was enlightened with the original vision that the world-renowned evangelist had when he started the school ... He wanted to create a "force of change" – a school that would bring together evangelicals, uphold biblical orthodoxy, and be the "leader of leaders." ...

Acting on a vision to advance Christ's kingdom in all of life and culture without losing biblical orthodoxy, White commented, "If you don't have biblical orthodoxy but you're trying to reach the culture, then you're not offering the world what it doesn't [already] have."

Gordon-Conwell is also in conversations with such leaders as Chuck Colson, founder of think tank The Wilberforce Forum, to create a center on Christian worldview. The center would help Christians reclaim the culture ...

Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary is a multi-denominational, evangelical Protestant graduate school serving more than 2,000 students on campuses in South Hamilton and Boston, Mass., and Charlotte, N.C., and an extension site in Jacksonville, Fla. It is the fifth largest seminary in the nation.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Criminalization of Christianity and Traditional Values Continues

See LifeSiteNews for these disturbing stories from England, Brazil, and Germany. The criminalization of traditional values is happening just a bit faster there than here. But our federal and state "hate crimes" laws and their implementation plans are coming together in the U.S., while few pay attention.

"UK Regulations Barring Religious Schools from Teaching Against Homosexuality Approved"
"More Details on the Proposed Brazil Law to Jail Pastors who Preach Homosexual Activity is Sin"
"German Court Places Custody of Yet Another 5 Homeschooling Children with Government's Youth Office"

John Haskins comments on these stories:

LifeSiteNews reports that England has outlawed teaching against homosexuality in religious schools. Brazil may make criticism of homosexuality a criminal offence; conviction would result in prison sentences of between two and five years. Children are being stolen from their parents in Germany.

See the story on England (above): "The one thing the government doesn't want to see right now is priests and ministers in prison. That means they are going to start with schools or businesses. They've been pushing hard in education for years," Fr. Finigan said. Why is it that priests and ministers in prison is "the one thing the UK government doesn't want to see?" Because that is the one thing that could cause good to win over evil.

Do we have the leaders we need to prevent such things in this country? It doesn't seem so. You either have spiritual leaders who are more than willing to be arrested, beaten, impoverished and imprisoned for their faith and as an example to others, or you have no spiritual leadership at all. The big budgets, fancy cars, nice houses and everything else are not proof that God is blessing our pastors and "pro-family leaders." They are merely proof that we are the Church of Laodicea.

Why has Tony Perkins (Family Research Council), for example, never been arrested? Pat Robertson? James Dobson? Gary Bauer? If they haven't stood up, why should anyone else? Is there really still nothing worth getting arrested for?

Why has Jay Sekulow (American Center for Law & Justice) not accused judges of violating their oaths of office -- does he fear being sanctioned by the American Bar Association ? Why is it not common for prominent pro-family lawyers and law professors to speak publicly of the corrupt lawyers in the way that Christ descibed them in the Gospel of Luke? How is it possible for "pro-family" lawyers to lie about the constitutions they have sworn to defend? If the Founding Fathers or Martin Luther King, Jr. had used their methods, they would have achieved nothing. For too many "leaders," pro-family activism turns out over the long run to be just a career.

One day down the road it will occur to some people who should have seen it when it was happening: the criminalization of Christianity happened not in spite of our resistance, but because of what we thought was our "resistance." Our silly, half-hearted children's games created the moral vacuum needed to draw in the evil that is smothering the legal and cultural inheritance that we owe to our children. The criminalization of virtue was inevitable once we decided, unconsciously, to tolerate the counterfeit Christianity in us and around us.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Why No Comments on This Blog?

Peter LaBarbera at AmericansForTruth has pointed us to an excellent answer to the question, "Why don't you allow comments on your blog?" Like LaBarbera and Mr. Cramer (see his blog posting below), we have been subject to vile language, threats, harassment, even a house break-in, by activists in the LGBT community. They do not believe in free speech or the polite exchange of ideas.

Why there are no comments on my blog
Pam Spaulding, a lesbian blogger, posted something about Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, which is run by Peter LaBarbera. Like many blogs, Pam’s blog allows readers to add comments–which soon included Peter LaBarbera’s home address, and a suggestion that the park across the street would be a good place for a sniper.

Comments on blogs can either be moderated (which ends up taking a lot of a blogger’s time) or unmoderated (in which case, the blogger may not be aware of what’s being said in the comments). Once informed, Pam Spaulding removed these comments and emphasized that this was not acceptable behavior.

That’s why I have never turned commenting on in my blog. Who needs the aggravation of letting unhinged idiots post trash like that (and worse) in the comments?

I can’t say that I am surprised by what happened on Pam Spaulding’s blog, however. Over the roughly twenty years that I have been using the Internet to engage in political discussion, I have expressed myself strongly (sometimes even a little too strongly) about a very large number of controversial issues. There is one, and only one group of political activists that have ever made harassing phone calls to me (repeated calls at 6:00 AM with silence at the other end), made lewd phone calls to my children (who fortunately, were small enough to be confused rather than shocked), tried to get me fired from a job, or threatened my safety with threats of violence.

Guess which group that was. Not leftists. Not gun control activists. No Islamists. Not Communists. Not labor unionists. Not history professors. Not environmentalists. Homosexual activists are the only group that has engaged in these tactics in response to my political free speech. Obviously, not all homosexuals––or even all homosexual activists––have engaged in these tactics. But part of why I have joined the ranks of those who think that homosexuality reflects something terribly broken is because there is no other group whose activists become so unhinged in response to criticism that they engaged in these tactics. I have never felt at risk because of my political activity–until the unrelenting campaign of harassment started in the early 1990s, and I started to regularly carry a gun because of it.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Compromisers Wherever We Turn

Kris Mineau, spokesman for VoteOnMarriage (VOM) and president of Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI), has announced his desire to "dialogue" with the homofascist leaders -- the same people who advocated violence to the constitution and blocking a vote "by any means necessary" on VOM's own citizens' petition! Mineau thinks he has an "excellent relationship" with the leadership of the extremist GLBT groups. From the MFI press release:

[Jan. 9, 2007] Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI) today announced an initiative that seeks to build mutual respect and dialogue between those who support and those who oppose same sex marriage in Massachusetts. Advocates for same sex marriage routinely have called supporters of the marriage amendment hateful and bigoted, while amendment supporters say they are simply following the constitutional process to have their voice heard on what they view as an important social issue.

"The tone and rhetoric around this public policy issue has escalated to a frenzied level, too often with shouting that does nothing promote [sic] understanding. Denouncing individuals as bigots does not bring people with honest differences together. We would like to work with our opponents to raise the quality of the dialogue," said Kris Mineau. [meaning: Please don't call us names! It hurts our feelings!]

"I have come to know my political opponent Marc Solomon, executive director of MassEquality as a gentleman who has strong personal convictions," Mineau added. "I believe that if asked he would come to the table in good faith to advance meaningful dialogue that his supporters also would embrace-today begins the process of asking." [emphasis added]

Are we seeing political naivete here, or just plain simple-mindedness? Mineau is clearly in denial about the behavior and tactics of Marc Solomon and Arline Isaacson, the GLBT extremist group leaders, who cheered on their troopers in the most disruptive behaviors imaginable short of violence, protesting VOM's rally at the State House (Nov. 19).

The president of the MassEquality Board of Directors (Solomon's boss) said MassEquality "will redouble its efforts to protect marriage equality and defeat this discriminatory amendment in the legislature.... We are not going away. We are going to get bigger and stronger and do whatever is necessary to make sure that our families, our rights and our communities are safe.”

Mineau began his dialogue by giving an interview to the GLBT newspaper, Bay Windows ("Calling for a cease fire", 1-17-07), which immediately turned on him, snidely dismissing his proposal. From Bay Windows:

Following the Jan. 2 vote by the legislature to advance the constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage into the new legislative session, activists on both sides of the marriage debate put out public calls for dialogue to encourage an end to offensive rhetoric and a de-escalation of the war of words. Yet in an interview with Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI) and spokesperson for, he made it clear that opponents of same-sex marriage would make no effort to rein in some of the most egregious offenders, members of the clergy speaking out in favor of the amendment....

Mineau said believes the most hateful language in the marriage debate has come not from the lead advocates on either side but from rank-and-file supporters at events from either side.

“I cannot attribute anything to MassEquality or the Religious Coalition [for the Freedom to Marry], and again the leadership of those organizations, I think we have an excellent relationship,” said Mineau.... When asked for examples when he felt same-sex marriage supporters crossed the line he pointed to the counter-protestors at the series of rallies held across the state last month urging lawmakers to vote on their amendment....

Mineau said he envisions the dialogue consisting of a series of public forums where the leaders of the different organizations on both sides come together to talk about how to have a more civil debate. He said is still planning out its proposal for the dialogue and has not yet formally reached out to same-sex marriage activists.

“We’re right at the gestation point of this initiative. We want to do this, and that’s the point that we’re at. We have some ideas where hopefully we can have some constructive forums to discuss, not necessarily to debate, to discuss, not necessarily the pros and cons of same-sex marriage but the pros and cons of how the debate should be conducted on both sides,” said Mineau.

For their part, the Religious Coalition for the Freedom to Marry (RCFM) has put out its own call for dialogue, aimed not at but at the most powerful member of the clergy working to advance the amendment, Catholic Archbishop Sean O’Malley.

Meanwhile the assault on parents' rights and children in the public schools has begun in the legislature. Planned Parenthood and the homosexual lobby held a press conference before a packed hearing room in the State House on Jan. 8, and announced their three-pronged attack on in Massachusetts coming in this legislative session:

  • mandatory K-12 health education, including pro-abortion, pro-promiscuity, pro-homosexual indoctrination (MassResistance helped mobilize the opposition to this last session, along with MCFL);
  • ending federal funding to abstinence-only sex education; and
  • overturning "outmoded anti-abortion statutes" in Massachusetts.
Mass. Citizens for Life (MCFL) was apparently unreachable for comment, according to the State House News Service. Its new president, Mr. Joe Reilly, was however reachable by the Boston Globe and Kathryn Lopez of National Review Online regarding his support for Mitt Romney's presidential campaign (around that same time). Has MCFL has been Romneyized, focusing on "bigger things" -- like their new friend Romney's Presidential campaign -- instead of what's going on in their own back yard? We find no mention of this on MCFL's web site.

Legislation mandating K-12 health education, cutting off federal funding for abstinence-only education and repealing outmoded anti-abortion statutes drew dozens of legislators to a strategy session and bill-signing hosted by the Massachusetts Coalition for Choice on Monday morning. A packed hearing room listened as coalition members, who hail from Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice and other public health groups, rallied legislators to support their agenda and discussed a game plan for dealing with opposition. The young 2007-2008 legislative session is just getting underway.

The health education bill, sponsored by Sen. Edward Augustus (D-Worcester) and Rep. Alice Wolf (D-Cambridge), would add health education to the “core curriculum” at primary and secondary schools. The bill reintroduces legislation that died in committee at the end of the last session, but “the prospects for this bill are very good,” according to Angus McQuilken, vice president for public affairs for Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts. McQuilken, who heads the Massachusetts Coalition for Choice, cited the founding of the Coalition Advocating Responsible Education for Youth, a broad-based coalition lobbying for the education law, as a sign that momentum has turned in favor of the bill....

[And the supposedly conservative pro-family abstinence educators seem to be caving:]
Healthy Futures, a faith-based health education advocate, believes that the state should shed a common misconception that federal funding for abstinence education would limit the sexual education students receive. Rebecca Ray, the group’s director, said that while federal funding must be used for abstinence education, the state can still supplement that education with its own curriculum. Responding to the notion that schools that couldn’t afford their own health curriculum would only teach abstinence, Ray said that “presumably” the new mandatory health education law “would come with some funding.” Ray said her group could get behind both of the laws pertaining to health education as long as neither one was limited what children were taught – including the idea that “abstinence is a realistic option.”

Massachusetts Citizens for Life could not be reached for comment.

Attendees at the bill-signing event said they were excited to have a pro-choice governor, Deval Patrick, in the Corner Office, placing every branch of state government firmly in the pro-choice column. Melissa Kogut, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts, said that Patrick, in conjunction with a heavily pro-choice Legislature, would offer “new opportunities to promote access to reproductive health services” and to advance more comprehensive health education.
[emphasis added]