Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Kevin Jennings' GLSEN Passed Out Gay Hook-Up Bar Directories to Teens

Clearly, Kevin Jennings' GLSEN did/does not follow policies that safeguard children. There seems to be a pattern here. 
At GLSEN conferences in Atlanta (1999), Chicago (2000), and Boston (2005), teenage attendees were able to pick up directories to gay "leather" bars (where homosexuals meet for anonymous sex and sadomasochistic "play"). 
In 2005, GLSEN recommended the infamous "Ramrod" bar in Boston in the Little Black Book: Queer in the 21st Century, handed out to teens at their Boston conference.  (The booklet described the Ramrod:  "oldschool speakeasy. Leather, denim. Woof."
Leather Bara bar frequented by gays, often sadomasochists, dressed typically in leather garments
Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth told WorldNetDaily that dozens of teenagers were among the 800 attending the 2000 GLSEN conference in Chicago:
Although conference presenters talked about the importance of disseminating only "age-appropriate" material, all participants, including dozens of high school-aged kids, had the opportunity to receive a "Visitor's Companion" that advertised Chicago's homosexual "leather" bars, a sex club and a homosexual bathhouse called "Steamworks," which was advertised as a "24-hour men's gym/sauna."
LaBarbera questioned why GLSEN's organizers -- already bruising over the recent arrest of a Chicago GLSEN leader for soliciting sex with an underage boy (GLSEN expelled the man) -- did not take the "simple step of keeping these gay sex club ads from reaching the teenagers in their care."
"For years, GLSEN has claimed to protect 'at-risk' kids. But they are now helping put young teenage boys at risk by uncritically passing out a gay guide that hawks anonymous sex clubs and 'leather' bars in Chicago," he said. "This fits into a pattern of GLSEN failing to shield its young followers from a homosexual male sexual culture that not only tolerates, but often celebrates promiscuity." (At last year's GLSEN conference in Atlanta, a similar sexually-laden booklet was passed out to attendees.)

Here's a current ad for "Steamworks" in Chicago, which was one of the clubs recommended to the GLSEN conference attendees in 2000. The full text reads:
Thanksgiving Weekend. GET STUFFED.
Thanksgiving Weekend parties

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Kevin Jennings' GLSEN-Boston Promotes "Queerspawn" Solidarity

In 2007, Kevin Jennings was still national Executive Director of GLSEN. His “mothership” chapter in Boston held its annual conference on March 31 that year.
See full size image

The Boston Gay Men’s Chorus were the featured performers - providing opportunities for youth to mingle with adult gay “mentors”. Workshops pushed transgenderism, elementary school gay fairy tales, middle school gay clubs, the fluidity of "sexual identities", and warnings about gay dating violence.  (See list of workshops here.)

The keynote speaker was actress/activist Sol Kelley-Jones, “a household name in the queerspawn universe” (according to the queer blog, Damn Straight). She

self-identifies as “queer and person-specific rather than bisexual.” Sol’s experiences with hostility and discrimination happened at a younger age than many of her queer peers, but not because her parents were unsupportive. On the contrary: “I also identify as a second generation or queerspawn as I was born into a lesbian parented family.”
See full size image

Kelley-Jones’ bio says she’s

… a second generation queer activist and artist who passionately believes in the interconnection between struggles for justice and the radical potential for creative coalitional organizing. As the daughter of lesbian parents, Sol grew up on the frontlines of the LGBTQ movement in Madison, Wisconsin. She actively countered the harmful effects of heterosexism from her youngest years, developing anti-homophobic and anti-racist school curriculum, leading LGBTQ cultural competency and diversity trainings for teachers and youth, and both serving on the National Board of COLAGE [queer family activism] and starting a thriving local chapter…. One of Sol's proudest accomplishments is as co-founder and former youth artistic director of Proud Theater, an award-winning theater troupe and support group for queer youth …

As in previous years, MassResistance activists monitored the proceedings, including a young Boston mother who wrote the following report. Note that GLSEN doesn’t just push GLBT issues and pansexuality. It fosters every hate-America leftist outlook imaginable, focusing on “oppression” and “social justice”. Report by a Boston mother:

I didn’t take very many notes on the keynote speaker because she spoke so fast and I walked out 10 minutes before she was done because I was so angry. She basically spoke very loudly and fast in a way that was designed to pump up the crowd and show that she was saying something very powerful.

She rocked back and forth on the podium as she spoke, like an actor performing a soliloquy, and she spoke as if she was Martin Luther King giving his “I have a dream” speech.

She compared gay rights to immigrant rights and the shakier parallel of the black civil rights movement.

She kept saying the word HETEROSEXISM and almost spitting it every time she said it. I didn’t even know what the word meant but I knew it was a slur! I’ll elaborate on that later.

She chastised us for being heteronormative (meaning a false assumption that heterosexuality was our normal state). She said that queer families have multiple parenting experiences and they have fluid identities, at any given time they may consist of any configuration of people. (Like these sickos that said they had 4 moms, their dad’s lover, their mom’s lover’s other lover, and the previous mom’s new lovers etc. etc. all in the same household.)

She said that racism, classism and homophobia are all lumped into the same group. She basically echoed the sentiments of the teenage Marxist lesbian in my bisexual workshop/lecture -- calling the USA a “white supremacist capitalist patriarchy” and saying “our schools are in collusion with the systems of oppression.”

She then started to talk about the Iraq war and how we should be so proud of our government because the soldiers are over there killing Iraqi children and covering them with American flags. And as she goes on about this, people in the audience start to give her a standing ovation. So at that point I am in the front row and I start BOOING her as loudly as I can, and I got up and stormed out on her with everyone watching me go.

The man who I thought had ‘outed’ me and was watching me followed me out of the auditorium. Turns out his name was Frank Pantano and he was the co-chair of the conference. He said he had been following me because he wanted to tell me how proud he was that I was attending this conference and that he felt so happy because I was exactly the type of person he wanted to reach with this info.

Then he asked me what the speaker had said that got me so upset I told him my dad served in the Army during Vietnam and I have many other family members who are career Marines. My godfather’s ENTIRE FAMILY are career marines -- he, his wife and all three kids! I have NO TOLERANCE for people talking sh*t about the military who are right now giving their lives in order for this woman to have the right to stand up and say the stuff she is saying. I said I came here to learn about the gay culture, not to hear her politics and not to be insulted by you all.

I must have been purple with rage at that point, so he calmly and so caringly asked me how I was being insulted. I asked him, “Please explain to me what this term HETEROSEXISM means! I don’t know what it is but I know that when she spoke it she said it with such disdain that even a moron would have to know they were being insulted!” He told me that it basically means an assumption that everyone and everything is heterosexual, and that it can be meant as a pejorative term just like you can use homosexual in an insulting way.

At that point the lecture let out and I went on my way to the next session.

Kevin Jennings' GLSEN-Boston Director Defended "Explicit" Content at Fistgate

More proof that Kevin Jennings' GLSEN-Boston had no problem with the explicit content at the Fistgate conference in 2000His Boston chapter's executive director defended the fisting workshop leaders and their explicit content.
Massachusetts News reported in April 2001 on a letter from a Mass. Department of Education official who clearly stated that then GLSEN-Boston executive director Wallace Bachman spoke out against firing the DOE employees who led the fisting workshop. And as we posted a few days ago, in 2001 -- the year after Fistgate -- the GLSEN-Boston conference still handed out sex kits for fisting and oral sex. Excerpt:

In a revealing letter written shortly before the [2001] conference, an official from the state’s Department of Education, Kim Westheimer, seemed disappointed about GLSEN’s new policy barring explicit sex instruction. 
In the March 20, 2001 letter, Westheimer, who works for the DOE’s “Safe Schools Program for Gay and Lesbian Students” wrote, “[U]p until the last minute it looked like GLSEN wasn’t going to have a conference at all. Sites they tried to obtain were unwilling to host the conference fearing negative publicity because of what happened last year.
“It might be possible that the only way GLSEN could host the conference at Tufts was to agree to stipulations about materials. I wouldn’t want to make any assumptions about GLSEN’s actions without asking organizers what went into their decision-making. People may agree or disagree with the decision to have the conference without providing explicit AIDS/HIV education. But to cancel the conference would have also sent a negative message to young people.”
The Department of Education employee continued, “Our challenge as a community is to find ways for explicit education to take place as well.”
The Westheimer language which supports “explicit” sex education belies the DOE’s official distancing from what went on last year at Fistgate. Interestingly, at the particular workshop last year which was tape-recorded by the Parents’ Rights Coalition (PRC) [now MassResistance] and where kids were given explicit homosexual instruction on fisting and other sexual practices, 55 minutes passed before there was any mention of AIDS/HIV.
Westheimer wrote, “When PRC launched their campaign against GLBT youth last year, GLSEN Boston and Wallace Bachman [GLSEN-Boston Executive Director] in particular were among the few organizations or individuals who spoke up publicly against PRC, against DOE firing, and in support of providing AIDS/HIV and sexuality education for GLBT youth. Not many organizations spoke out in support of GLSEN or the DOE employees who conducted the workshop.”
Two DOE employees were fired last year for teaching children how to perform dangerous homosexual sex acts such as “fisting.” The letter from Westheimer supports the contention of fired employee Margot Abels, who is suing the Department of Education, that she had the support of the DOE in what she taught the kids and she was made a scapegoat. [Emphasis added.]

Kevin Jennings' Legacy: Veteran Teacher Traumatized at Fistgate

Read this eyewitness report on Kevin Jennings' GLSEN-Boston Fistgate Conference in March 2000. Reprinted in its entirety from Massachusetts News.

Veteran Teacher Traumatized at Fistgate
December 2000
This veteran teacher says that if parents believe that keeping their children out of sex-ed classes will prevent the children from hearing and believing the agenda that permeates our schools, they are wrong.
It might make the parent feel good and give a false sense of security that all is okay under his roof. But what about GLSEN's "Integrated Curriculum Plan?" How does a parent remove his child from math, science, English, social studies, and foreign languages when teachers have been taught to plant little contaminated seeds into the fertilized ground of the usual daily lessons?
This teacher's name will not be used for obvious reasons.

The most traumatic experience of my many years in teaching was attending what is now known as the Fistgate Conference at Tufts University last March 25 [2000].
I was not prepared for the overwhelming distress that my body, mind and spirit would suffer. I began by visiting an exhibit booth where a cheerful girl, about 15-years-of-age, generously supplied me with sequin-decorated packets of condoms, which held other paraphernalia including a Band-Aid. (Another eyewitness would later tell me that the girl explained to him that the Band-Aid was in case the sex "got a little rough.")
Despite their "safe sex" public relations campaign, the people who sponsored the event, Gay Lesbian Straight Educators Network, obviously teach minors that sadomasochistic practices are normal. I thought we have laws on the books to prevent such abuse to children, but the governor, courts, and legislature have collectively buried their heads in the sand. It is up to individuals to expose this horrific and overwhelming evidence of massive criminal sexual exploitation of our children. The exhibits were only my first encounters. Suddenly the burden of reporting the evils of this event weighed heavily on my soul. 
Another handout shocked me, not for prurient reasons, but for its painful honesty. The small flier had a phone number for lesbians to call when they have been physically harmed by a partner. Statistics from the gay community bear out the ugly truth that homosexuals are far more abused or accidentally murdered by one of their partners than they ever are by heterosexuals. S & M lives, but its victims do not. 
There is nothing "gay" about these damaging violent relationships. Violent relationships. Yet not one of the sixty workshops addressed this serious hidden problem where youths are bound to be its prey. So much for "safe sex." I doubt that Ted Kennedy's hate crimes bill covers these crimes. 
Massachusetts is Model for National GSAs
I slouched into the auditorium and sat down among about 300 adults and 200 kids. Just sitting elbow-to-elbow with minors at what I first thought would be an adult-only conference was disconcerting. In all my decades of teaching, I had never before attended any education seminars where students were taught on the same level with veteran teachers. Even before the conference began, I sensed the importance of the adult-child mentorship that is so vital for the "gay agenda" to propagate its divisive and destructive doctrines into the core beliefs of the youth subculture. 
The keynote speaker was the Founder of GLSEN and GSAs, Kevin Jennings. A sort of heroic guru, he was revered and wildly applauded by young and old alike.  Jennings boasted of co-creating in 1988 the country's first two GSAs - both in Massachusetts. In little more than a decade, GSAs now total 700, having doubled their numbers in the last two years. "Students liberated themselves from the closet," Jennings trumpeted. 
Thanks to the well-funded coffers of the Governor's Gay and Lesbian Youth Commission, 188 GSAs thrive in this state alone. (That means that one in four GSAs across the country are organized in Massachusetts.) However, Jennings expressed sadness that almost half of the Commonwealth high schools still have no such club. This indicated to him how much work still must be done.
Make no bones about it; the Commonwealth - with your tax money - is their youth model for the rest of the nation. Our adversaries have set their goal in concrete: a GSA in every high school. According to several published articles I have read, they now have begun to push them into the middle schools. 
"There is [sic] no two sides to this debate. There is a right; there is a wrong. We are right our opponents are wrong," Jennings exulted to his cheering fans. I longed for the good old days - maybe fifteen years ago - when the G & L community said all they were asking for was "tolerance." But there is no tolerance for the Judeo-Christian point of view now that the Governor's Gay and Lesbian Youth Commission dictates its ideology to the mind-controlled masses. They have the nerve to call this "education?"
GLSEN High Priest Twists Scripture
The son of a Southern Baptist minister, Jennings preached with overt religious exhortations. I wondered how the hundreds of trusting parents who blindly sent their children into this den of government-funded iniquity would feel if they knew that the  state was unabashedly retraining their children. 
How many of these brainwashed teens would return to their families with new "spiritual arguments" to challenge their parents' old-fashioned, moral absolute beliefs of right and wrong? GLSEN's tactics, like those of postmodern liberalism, are simple: 1) mock, tear down and remove the foundational Judeo-Christian morality and the beliefs on which American religious culture was built; and 2) replace the spiritual void with a new "enlightened" religious substitute, masking what is the strategically planned opposing worldview of secular humanism.  (See Humanist Manifesto I and II.) 
I was shocked to hear the "Reverend" Jennings retell the Gospel's story of the widow's mite. The poor widow was blessed by Jesus because she placed all that she had in the temple offering. Jenning's misinterpretation came in the final point as he challenged the audience to political activism: "Are we giving all that we have [to the G & L movement]? Probably most of us could do more." Jennings' congregation listened intently. Several workshop presenters later echoed his do-more-for-the-cause exhortation.
Not one listener even raised an eyebrow to question High Priest Jennings' twisted scripture. I recorded his religious rhetoric, only the first of many such references I would encounter during the conference. It appears that GLSEN advocates, who were spouting pagan or secular dogma a decade ago, have now adopted more culturally acceptable religious overtones. I wondered if even the youth brought up in the church would be able to discern the difference between GLSEN's designer-deity garbage from the sweet fruits of God's absolute truth.
Jennings' Vision at Press Conference in 1993
I flashed back to my notes of the June 30, 1993 press conference when a then unknown Jennings outlined his gay-youth vision and introduced the first 25 GLSEN "teacher trainers" to the public. They were christened by the Massachusetts Teachers Association and the Massachusetts Department of Education. Seven years ago he proclaimed: "The teacher training program we're announcing tonight is extremely terms of its scope in that it will reach every city, town, and village in Massachusetts....We hold these truths to be self-evident that all people are created equal...It's time our schools took these words to heart and made them a reality in the classroom, on the playing field and in the hallways. This training program rests on two essential assumptions. First, we must understand that homophobia prevents students from learning the way they should...Secondly, we must understand that serving gay and lesbian students is not optional..."
Referring to the foreseeable religious objections by parents and teachers of faith, Jennings added in 1993, "All they are doing is claiming personal objections or religious beliefs as an excuse.... I would like to take a moment here to address the complaint by religious groups who feel that our program violates their religious beliefs and therefore is inappropriate. In case people have forgotten, I'd like to remind us all that there is separation of church and state in this country, and that religious beliefs cannot...dictate state policy." The audience wildly applauded their approval.
My memory of the unique location of this 1993 press conference serves me well. Following Jennings' speech to much fanfare, Governor William Weld entered the sanctuary and spoke from the pulpit of the Arlington Street Unitarian Universalist Church on Boston Common. Kevin Jennings and his entourage in the Governor's Gay and Lesbian Youth Commission are blind to their own hypocrisy. They selectively omit any church-state separation arguments when the most extreme left-wing religious organizations and tenets can serve their purposes.
Not All Teens Express "Gay-ity"
After Jenning's speech, I attended the first workshop (which was recorded by Scott Whiteman and reported in Massachusetts News). By lunchtime, I was too emotionally drained to converse with other participants. So I sat apart and silently observed these beautiful and profoundly confused young people. I speculated where their initial steps onto these wayward paths might eventually lead them on life's journey. 
Many of the youths, who were bussed in from dozens of local high schools, were outwardly jubilant. Some greeted each other with same-sex hugs and mouth-to-mouth friendly kisses as they recognized familiar faces in a crowded cafe. The gay and lesbian adult community has provided these kids with a sense of belonging and acceptance, a sense of purpose for their rebellious "whatever" lifestyles. Like all teens, these children - tossed in the insecure throes of adolescence - long for meaningful relationships, caring for others and being cared for in return. 
Not all the youths expressed "gay-ity." One frail, round-shouldered young man caught my eye.  Dressed androgynously with a girl's triangular kerchief tied around his head, he played with skimpy portions of rice and vegetables, then finally pushed the tray away. His eyes and cheeks were hollow, and he looked the classic case of anorexia. "He's starving for much more than food," I thought.  His image further depresses me. 
The handsome young man with delicate features stared from one end of the table observing the animated banterings of the other guys who wolfed down their mounded plates. He was the picture of loneliness lost in a crowd, trying to fit in somewhere. His heart hungered to belong and his soul was running on empty. His tightly-closed negative body language hid a silent story of pain and rejection.  His emotional level registered numb. Throughout the entire lunchtime, not one of the peers acknowledged his presence.  His portrait is framed in my mind.  I've titled it "hopeless." 
Grand Finale: Student Monologues
I took copious notes at two more workshops, then headed back to the auditorium for the finale performance. A disclaimer warned the audience that offensive language would be used in these original student monologues. However, I was not prepared to hear graphic details of their homosexual encounters, communicated in poetic, literary and comedic forms. 
After six hours of mentally absorbing the propaganda of a lifestyle contrary and perverse to nature, my mind was shutting down. I vaguely remember introductory remarks by the gay playwright who coached the performers. A quartet of two boys and two girls took turns dramatizing their scripts without the least hint of inhibition. I remembered thinking, "These kids are really talented. If only someone would guide them with a moral compass to channel their energy into wholesome outlets. If only ..." 
Their fast-paced deliveries were frequently interrupted by boisterous hoots and howls from an enthusiastic audience of mostly teens. (Educators did not receive DOE-approved re-certification credits for the finale, so most of them had left.) Yet, in the shadows I saw somebody's mother or perhaps a curious teacher reacting with negative body language when the more shocking passages pierced her ears. She was not happy, but would she dare register her complaints with those in power? Fat chance. 
I just was not "getting" much of the humor or points that the teen quartet took turns sharing with full abandon. But the audience responded uproariously to sexual innuendo that zapped over my head. The youthful actors were connecting with peers because both had experienced or eroticized similar sexually promiscuous encounters in their short lives.
Two parts stand out in my memory. One girl spoke in triple-X terms of her lesbian affair with an older woman on the desert sands. She entitled it, "Lizard Woman." I wondered why no one ever told this minor that she had been statutorily raped, even if her liaison was consensual. 
Another young man interrupted his monologue to play an original composition on the piano. I relaxed, thinking how gifted and un-sexualized this kid was.  Suddenly, he stood up from the bench, and - still playing - simulated masturbation with the edge of the keyboard. The audience responded raucously. Despite all I had experienced in the last six hours, I was still shocked by this raunchy, socially unacceptable behavior. Apparently, this composition was his interpretation of self-stimulation. "Has this young man already joined the ranks of those who are addicted to cybersex?" I feared. 
Since I have never attended a show for "Adults Only," I guessed that this finale was a good example of one. But these are kids! Where are the police to protect them from such a criminal exploitation? If this auditorium at Tufts had been zoned for adult entertainment in any Massachusetts town, GLSEN would have had to apply for alicense. The sensibilities of common citizens would not allow such establishments anywhere near children. 
But here our tax dollars are supporting profanity, obscenity, and lewd and lascivious conduct "by minors" and "for minors!" Governor Cellucci, the state Board of Education, and the DOE have not even called for a full investigation of Fistgate. Based on the accumulating evidence, they should be booked for conspiring in crimes against children. Being part of the educational system, are they not all "mandatory reporters" wherever child abuse is suspected? Where is the DSS when you need them to uncover bona fide sex crimes en masse against children? 
A man with a video camera recorded the whole show. I wondered if these kids would end up on a porno flick. Someone once told me that since these obscenities occurred in an educational setting, there is a Massachusetts law that protects garbage as "free speech."  Then why do we not change such a ridiculous law? If I showed young people that videotape of Fistgate in my home, I would be arrested!
Lost Children of GLSEN
My journey into the secret depths of Fistgate was almost more than I could endure.  Descending into this Demonic Dungeon of Darkness was bearable only because God's "still small voice" assured me that this institutionalized evil had to be exposed to the light of day.
As in the days of Esther, a few of us are called for "such a time as this."  Some must be the risk-takers and emissaries of truth in order to deliver God's innocent children from impending annihilation.  "My only agenda," I anonymously told the principal in Acushnet last summer, "is to save children from all harm and danger." (See Acushnet school stories in July and August issues of Massachusetts News.) He agreed with me. That was his agenda, too.  (Principal John Tavares's courageous decision to eliminate the homosexual component from the students' anti-prejudice projects of the Holocaust curriculum bears this out.)
More than a week after Fistgate, I still could not get a restful night's sleep. Like a recurring nightmare that torments one's soul, I was haunted by the trusting faces of these bewildered kids - the Lost Children of GLSEN - cycloning in my head. 
I was gazing into the future faces of death, for surely some of these GLSEN-ized teens will not live to see 30. The unhealthy homosexual practices (for which Fistgate was named) will spread personal tragedy to them and their families and then spiral down further to destroy society. Disease and emotional pain and suffering will eventually enslave their bodies and souls, eradicating any trace of "gay-ity" that comforts them now in the gay and lesbian initiation rituals. We will learn the tragic follies from Fistgate Fallout as the years unfold. 
Our children have been fed a deadly lie, with dollars deceptively drawn from our own pockets. This conference offered no more than unbridled sexual license pandered by a death-seducing skeleton in place of what young people are actually desiring - loving relationships that last for a lifetime. 
But the real devastation is yet to come. Hundreds of unsuspecting kids who have never heard of this conference will fall into the GLSEN trap every day of the school year. Remember Kevin Jennings' keynote sermon? With missionary zeal, he inspired teachers and students to carry the Holy Grail or the GLSEN Crusade into every pocket of society. 
Simply keeping your own children out of these workshops and sex-ed classes in health will not prevent them from hearing and believing the lies that already permeate every institution in our culture. Signing a permission slip to remove your child from a questionable assembly program might make you feel good and give you a false sense of security that all is okay under your roof. 
But what about GLSEN's "Integrated Curriculum Plan?" How does a concerned, knowledgeable parent remove his child from math, science, English, social studies, and foreign languages when teachers have been taught to plant little contaminated seeds into the fertilized ground of the usual daily lessons? These bad seeds will metastasize later into a full-scale sexual scourge that destroys the most vulnerable minds and bodies of our kids.
I do not know how my beloved teaching profession has sunk to such a gutter of depravity in only 12 years since the first GSA was organized. I only know that enough good people have done nothing to stop the lies and deceptions from spreading from town to town when this plague was nothing more than a sneeze.
GLSEN's scourge will only cease from demolishing more children when enough good people declare war and expose the enemies for the liars they really are.
The days ahead will not be easy. Rest assured, any citizen who counters the status quo by running for public office, any parent who dares to defy the ideological lies integrated in the school curriculum will be castigated and subjected to other incivilities. Get used to it. You have plenty of company, and the ranks are growing every day. Your kids are worth it.
Take heart. Remember that our children do not belong to GLSEN, the Department of Education, the National Education Association, the U.S. Government, the United Nations or the devil himself. They legally and biblically still belong to you - the parents. And there are a lot more of us than there are of them.
[Search archival articles on Fistgate in Massachusetts News.]

Kevin Jennings Did Know Content of Fistgate Fisting Workshop in Advance

Media Matters is trying to help Kevin Jennings avoid accountability on his GLSEN-Boston Fistgate conference. But it won't wash. Of course Jennings and the Massachusetts Department of Education knew beforehand what the "sexuality educators" would discuss with children at the "fisting" workshop. The instructor Margot Abels said so herself, and was disappointed when she later became their scapegoat.

Jennings, after all, worked hand in hand with the Mass. Department of Education from the beginning, as co-chair of the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth education committee, which set up the statewide program, "Safe Schools for Gay and Lesbian Students" in the DOE. That is the program the fisting workshop instructors worked for.  (See Jennings' bio in the Fistgate Conference program booklet. He also confirms this in his memoir, Mama's Boy, Preacher's Son, Chapter 11.)

Margot Abels, Fistgate instructor
[photo: Marilyn Humphries, Bay Windows]

Rod Dreher wrote in the Weekly Standard (July 2000):

The [Fistgate] tapes went out anyway [despite GLSEN's threat of a lawsuit for "illegal wiretapping"] and became a talk radio sensation. On May 19, state education chief David Driscoll canned Abels and Netherland and terminated Gaucher's contract. But Driscoll also insisted that the controversial workshop was an aberration that shouldn't be allowed to derail the entire program. Abels fumed to the press that the education department had known perfectly well what she had been doing for years and hadn't cared until the tapes had surfaced. Camenker, ironically, agreed. [emphasis added]

From Atty. Ed Pawlick's report in Massachusetts News (September 2001):

The teachers at Fistgate knew that the public would not approve what they were teaching to the children about graphic homosexual sex, one of the teachers revealed last week. 
“[W]e flew sort of below the radar screen for a long time,” Margot Abels told Boston’s homosexual newspaper, Bay Windows. 
She taught them sex because she thought she knew better than the parents what should be taught to the children. She says she had the support of state officials during her seven years at the state Department of Education.  
“We always knew that we were working in an area that in certain places was considered really controversial and we also knew that we were doing cutting edge work and that there are plenty of people that don't support doing work with gay kids. But I think that we flew sort of below the radar screen for a long time and were able to, and had the complete support of our agency. Maybe David Driscoll [Commissioner of Education] didn't always know everything that we did, but certainly our supervisors did," said Abels.  
She added that she and Julie Netherland, another teacher at Fistgate, always had the “absolute support” of their immediate supervisors.... 
After reviewing a few of the campaigns they had tried, Abels described for the teachers the project she had worked on, the “Gay/Straight Alliance HIV Education Project.” She traveled to five different schools each year conducting up to eight “HIV prevention sessions” in that school’s gay club. She and the other teachers who had just told a group of children how to properly position their hands for “fisting” were telling this room full of educators that they would visit their schools and teach the same thing to their students.  
Abels says that the Massachusetts schools were a “nationally recognized model” for teaching teenagers about homosexual sex until the scandal surfaced. [emphasis added]

Kevin Jennings had long been fearful that his actual GLSEN materials and conference content might be exposed. He once even called Brian Camenker (head of Parents' Rights Coalition, now MassResistance) at his home and yelled at him. (This was probably in 1998.) Massachusetts News reported on this harassment in 2001. (See the complete interview here.) Excerpt:

Brian Camenker Discusses Confession of Margot Abels, Fistgate Teacher 
By Ed Oliver  
(October 2001)
A teacher at Fistgate, Margot Abels, recently confirmed what Brian Camenker has been saying all along about what she and others taught to Massachusetts school children.
Abels was fired from the state Department of Education for what occurred at Fistgate. But an arbitrator recently awarded her all of her back pay and ordered that she get her old job back. He said she had not been acting on her own but with approval from her superiors to teach this material.
She now says that she “flew sort of below the radar screen for a long time,” as no one in the public realized what was happening.

MassNews: What did your people try to do before Fistgate that led to the taping? How did you know what the homosexual movement was teaching the kids?
Camenker: Well, the interesting thing about that is we had actually been to the previous two GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) conferences. In fact, one year we had let the word out that we might be protesting and the president of GLSEN called me at home to harass me about it.
MassNews: Who was that?
Camenker: His name was Kevin Jennings. He actually got my home phone number and called me at home to harass me.
MassNews: Harass you how?
Camenker: Oh, he basically yelled and screamed at me a little bit. The way he found out about it interestingly enough is I had mentioned it to a Channel 5 News Reporter. The news reporter called him in New York and warned him about this. The way we found out was Jennings did an interview with Bay Windows and said that a Channel 5 Reporter had warned him. When I asked Channel 5 about it they said they called him up to do an interview. I asked how is it that a TV station would do an interview on the phone. I’ve never heard of that. Well, they didn’t have an answer for that.
MassNews: And that happened when?
Camenker: I think that was in 1998.
MassNews: Wasn’t the Parents’ Rights Coalition trying to approach the Dept. of Education before the taping incident at the Tufts conference in March of 2000?
Camenker: Yes. Before the Tufts conference in 2000, we approached the Dept. of Education. Scott Whiteman told them, “This is what is happening in the schools and you need to know about it.” This was in December, several months before the March 2000 conference. We were saying we had been to the last one or two of these conferences and we had seen everything that was going on there. I mean, the literature that was being handed out, everything was absolutely disgusting. The State Board of Education, which includes some people that you would consider conservative like Abigail Thernstrom and Jim Peyser, completely ignored him and in fact laughed at him. They treated him very badly and suggested that he might be homophobic or something and ignored us.
So we knew we had to prove what was going on. The interesting thing is that when Scott went to the March 2000 conference he brought a tape recorder really as an afterthought. If I remember correctly, the idea was if anything interesting happened turn on your tape recorder. It wasn’t planned all that intricately. He just sort of happened to wander into a couple of workshops and it was absolutely horrifying. And you know, I think even more horrifying than what we got out of there was the fact that the people there didn’t think that there was anything abnormal about what they were doing to children. I happened to listen to the tape again recently and it is really, really gross and disgusting. And the fact that these people didn’t think so is very troubling. And in fact Margot Abels is quoted in Bay Windows as saying that she thought it was a very positive experience for children. I mean, this person is a lunatic. These people have no business being around children at all.
MassNews: When you read that interview you must have felt vindicated by what she said.  Abels said they flew below the radar screen for some time with the support of DOE supervisors. It sounds like she knew the public wouldn’t support what they taught the kids behind closed doors.
Camenker: Well you see the DOE tried to paint her as this anomaly, someone who just came in and did something bad. The department is made up of people just as radical as she is and in many cases more radical. And so, when Driscoll, the Commissioner, and the others tried to say that what she had done was unusual and said it would never happen again, they were a bunch of liars. In fact, they weren’t shocked at all. They knew what was going on. They helped her plan it and they approved it at every level. When the people there heard about what she was doing when we first told them about it, they weren’t surprised. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the DOE knew about it and planned it and was actually very comfortable with what she did. The only reason that they fired her was because of the immense public outrage. And you know an interesting thing? Right after the tape became public, Alan Safran, who is the deputy commissioner right under Driscoll called me up and asked me if he could listen to it. We met at an elementary school in Newton. They gave us a room and I played the tape for him in this room.
The fascinating thing was to watch the expression on his face. It was completely blank. He had no emotion about this at all. Most people when they hear this are sickened by it and outraged. Here is the second highest-ranking person in the DOE and his only comment at the end of the tape was, “Boy, it’s time for lunch.” That is literally what he said. He had no emotion at all. He could have been listening to the news for all we know. I think that he was just a little aggravated that we had made it public and he wanted to do what he could to keep the outrage down. You could tell by the look on his face, he was very comfortable with it and had no outrage at all....

See also Massachusetts News  on an article in the homosexual newspaper Bay Windows:

Abels says she was disappointed by lack of support from the homosexual community. The newspaper said, “Abels says there was no sustained support from the gay community on an issue which has broader political implications beyond her losing her job."

Exposed: Massachusetts Pandemic Bill & Swine Flu Fraud

We were not at all surprised to see this headline on WorldNetDaily:

"Swine-flu bribe fever! U.N.'s H1N1 scientists linked to companies making vaccine."

How about linking these frauds and bribers to the Massachusetts Legislature and the Mass. Department of Public Health who were scheming to forcibly vaccinate at least 6 million of us here with this poison? (See complete coverage by MassResistance.)

From the WND story:

World Health Organization scientists are suspected of accepting secret bribes from vaccine manufacturers to influence the U.N. organization's H1N1 pandemic declaration, according to Danish and Swedish newspapers.

Meanwhile, pharmaceutical profits from swine-flu related drugs have soared – with earnings between $10 billion and $15 billion in 2009, investment bank JP Morgan estimates.

As WND reported, the WHO Director General Margaret Chan initially raised the influenza pandemic alert to its second highest level in May – but evidence reveals the agency may have made it easier to classify the flu outbreak as a pandemic by changing its definitionto omit "enormous numbers of deaths and illness" just prior to making its declaration.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Kevin Jennings' Theory: 20% of Americans Are "Staunch Bigots"

Kevin Jennings, Obama's "Safe Schools czar", advised "LGBT" activists "to have loud and strong voices that shout over anti-gay efforts and convince the easily-influenced majority." From a talk he gave in 2006:

Mama's Boy, Preacher's Son: A Book Signing for Kevin Jennings' New Memoir
by Meredith Nicholson
On September 21st, [2006] around two dozen people - including myself and GLSEN Boston's two Co-Chairs, Frank Pantano and Wendell K. Chestnut - attended a book signing at Brookline Booksmith by Kevin Jennings, the co-founder of GLSEN and the current Executive Director of the national organization. Jennings began by reading several sections from his memoir Mama's Boy Preacher's Son ... After the reading came a thought-provoking question and answer session. Attendees asked Jennings about topics such as his work with LGBT juveniles and foster kids, the oppression that gay males face compared to that faced by other members of the LGBT community, advice for gay youth who are also members of deeply religious families and of course, how GLSEN got started....

He also went in depth about a fascinating psychological theory, according to which 20 percent of all people have staunchly bigoted convitions [sic] and cannot be convinced to change their beliefs, 20 percent are true supporters of the LGBT community and likewise cannot be convinced to change their beliefs [but are not "bigots"], and 60 percent are easily swayed by whichever of the first two groups has the largest presence. In this case, he said, it is important for GLSEN and others working for a world of acceptance and equality for LGBT individuals to have loud and strong voices that shout over anti-gay efforts and convince the easily-influenced majority.

[Emphasis added; read complete story here.]

Kevin Jennings' GLSEN-Boston MySpace Leads Children Directly to Adult Perverts

Another Kevin Jennings/GLSEN outrage: Go to GLSEN-Boston's MySpace page (which attracts their teen audience). The  "friends" include the expected GLBT organizations: Human Rights Campaign, Bisexual Resource Center, BAGLY, Lambda Legal, PFLAG, Translate Gender, Boston Dyke March. These are bad enough! But it also links kids directly to very sketchy adults with no organizational affiliation who are clearly cruising for sex. Outrageous. 

As the women in the 2008 Boston Dyke March chanted:

"Ten percent is not enough! Recruit! Recruit! Recruit!" 

"Safe Schools czar" Kevin Jennings knew (and knows) exactly what his organization GLSEN was (and is) doing. It was (and is) recruiting young teens to the "dark underbelly" of the GLBT and pansexual community. It sends kids to events and groups where they mingle with adult perverts. In Massachusetts, GLSEN holds annual conferences where children have been taught how to fist and were given pornographic how-to booklets on dangerous and revolting "gay" sex practices.

Here are a few examples of adults advertising themselves on GLSEN-Boston's MySpace "friends" pages right now. (We've saved the web pages in case they're removed after this post.):

Jeff, 23, Manchester, NH (p. 2)

Richard Lewis, 56, Boston (p. 2)
Richard W.

HipzNthighZ* ("lucious bootay"), 21, Haverhill (p. 1)
No time for 2 faced c*nts.... THIS IS A DRAMA FREE ZONE.... boys/girls LOVE you.... And keep me out of your mouth Cus i ain't a D*ck!!

1-800-CALL-ERIC, 29, Boston (p. 2)

Well I'm shameless, when it comes to lovin' you. I'de [sic] do anything you want me to, I'de [sic] do anything at all...
(MY AGE) Massachusetts Youth Activists Group for Equality Statewide, MA US, Founding Director.

"Mr. Gay South Shore" 2006 (p. 1)
Mr. Gay South Shore 2006 Anthony DeRose

Della [drag performer], "Miss Gay South Shore" (p. 2)

We've warned about the GLSEN-Boston MySpace before. Was anyone listening?

From the MassResistance blog, May 18, 2007:

GLSEN Boston MySpace Pushing Pornography on Kids

[5-21-07 Note: Over the weekend, the "friend" site linked below removed some of the worst pornographic and other disturbing images. We did save the original page, however, should we ever need to bring it to the attention of the public. The name and site is still vile, and GLSEN should be ashamed.]
Look at GLSEN Boston's MySpace (their web presence appealing to teens). The second "friend" is nothing more than disturbing images, some horribly pornographic. We can't even print its title (C***vomit).
But wait ... We thought the GLBT activists were concerned with making "safe places" for "GLBT youth"!? We even asked the organizer of the BAGLY prom at Youth Pride how this pornography could possibly be linked to their ally's MySpace -- if their groups were all about promoting safety. And posted notice of its presence on that site two weeks ago. It's still there. Those in charge of GLSEN's MySpace would block it if they wanted to.
Since GLSEN is the organization that . . .
- put on the Fistgate seminar (teaching young teens about that very intimate practice of "fisting") in 2000;
- handed out the Little Black Book at its conference at Brookline High School in 2005;
- sponsors the Day of Silence;
- helps the GSAs (gay clubs in the high schools);
- promotes the concept of "Safe Schools"

. . . have they linked this pornography intentionally?
GLSEN Boston's MySpace also links to their friends at Boston Dyke March. It was at the Dyke March that the infamous photo of the young women with their breasts cut off, bearing their scars, was taken (by Bay Windows). We assume this means GLSEN Boston is recommending young teen girls consider all such possibilities Dyke March lists: 
"Who I'd like to meet: lesbians - dykes - bi-women - boychicks - tomboys - grrrls - lesbian moms - femmes - butches - transwomen - androgs - queer women - gay girls - womanists - sororitygirls with pearls who are sleeping together - dykes on bikes - lesbian crones - african american lesbians - rural dykes - poly girls - amazons - hippy chicks - lipstick lesbians - asian dykes - deaf dykes - dykes in wheelchairs - wise old lesbians - leather dykes - babydykes - YOU!!!"
Check out GLSEN Boston's MySpace "friends" for other groups luring teens in.