Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Kevin Jennings Took High School Students to Radical 1993 Gay Rights March on DC – Part II

What new ideas and experiences did Kevin Jennings' high school students encounter at the 1993 gay rights march on Washington? Check out some videos from the event here (includes ACT UP), here (mass commitment ceremony), and here.
It was the first major national event to push ”bisexuality” and “transgender rights” alongside “gay rights”. The 1993 platform also pushes the notion of “youth” rights, and loosening the sexual age-of-consent laws. Excerpts from the platform:
1. We demand passage of a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender civil rights bill and an end to discrimination by state and federal governments including the military; repeal of all sodomy laws and other laws that criminalize private sexual expression between consenting adults.... Passage and implementation of graduated age-of-consent laws.
3. ... The recognition and legal protection of the whole range of family structures. ... An end to abuse and exploitation of and discrimination against youth. ... Full implementation of the recommendations contained in the report of the Health and Human Services Task Force on Youth Suicide. ... Legalization of same sex marriages.
4. ... Culturally inclusive Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies program; and information on abortion, AIDS/HIV, childcare and sexuality at all levels of education.
5. ... Unrestricted, safe and affordable alternative insemination.... That access to safe and affordable abortion and contraception be available to all people on demand, without restriction and regardless of age.
7. ... An end to economic injustice in this country and internationally. ... An end to consideration of gender dysphoria as a psychiatric disorder. ... An end to censorship.
A contemporary report* gives some idea of the sights and sounds confronting Jennings' high school students:
… drag queens blowing kisses, gay men with nipple rings parading in studded leather, "Dykes on Bikes" cruising down the avenues, and bare-breasted lesbians showering each other with lingering kisses.…
A review of the April 25 evening newscasts on ABC, CNN and NBC (CBS did not air a newscast that night) indicates that viewers saw a sanitized version that made the gay movement seem largely mainstream and respectable, just as march organizers had hoped….
The speakers at the post-march rally provided a stream of obscenities considered too vulgar for mainstream television. For example, a drag queen duo cracked a joke on stage about the military ban on homosexuals that was aired on C-SPAN. "They're afraid we will be demanding blowjobs in the shower," said one, "when it's blow dryers we want." Later, a master of ceremonies, praising the conspicuously absent Bill Clinton, told the throng, "I think we have a leader who is thinking with his heart and mind, and not just his penis." And at another point, a woman told the crowd that she'd like to "fuck" Hillary Clinton….
… a man dressed in a blonde wig, wearing a skimpy flag costume and high heels parading on stage…. a white man French-kissing a black man, and a shot of another man in a black mini-dress singing, "Queers Can Do It in the Army." …
Andrew Kopkind, an associate editor of the Nation who is gay … wrote … “In fact, despite the heat there were the inevitable leather chaps and harnesses, a fist-fuckers section and more bare-breasted lesbians. And a fair amount of drags sashayed down the avenues in high heels. But for the first time in the history of gay gala events, the media averted their eyes.”
… a master of ceremonies talking about "crotch politics," and a self-described "big dyke" comedienne who faked an orgasm on stage….
[A Queer Nation spokesman said] even groups like Queer Nation and ACT UP [to which Jennings belonged] made a conscious effort to dress inoffensively for the march.
A “gay marriage” website characterizes the 1993 March:
The interconnectedness of all social justice was a major theme in 1993. The stated demands condemned “racism and sexism, class bias, economic injustice and religious intolerance” as well as homophobia. The board of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People gave the march a full endorsement, which created the first direct tie between the gay rights and civil rights movements. It was also the first time that the event's title acknowledged the role of bisexuals in gay rights activism.
The “B” and “T” were officially added to the GLBT allied movement in 1993. Bisexuals and transgenders (including transsexuals) were given a huge platform for their mind- and body-bending demands. One speaker was a transsexual (“male-to-female”) attorney who told of the oppression married men face after sex-change operations:
Once a person with male genitalia is legally married to a female-genitaled person, they will remain legally married regardless of whether one has genitalia-altering surgery and it then becomes a de facto same-sex marriage. The state cannot force a divorce. The first time that I promoted this idea publically [sic], outside of the Transgender Law Conferences was in my platform speech at the 1993 march on Washington…. But many were forced to divorce and many others simply were divorced. In those cases, the fear of exposure often left the transgendered spouse to be fair game in the divorce settlement. Often children were involved, and the courts would only allow supervised visitation. [Emphasis added.]
AIDS Quilt [Photo: Smithsonian Institution]

The emotional wallop of the AIDS Quilt displayed on the Mall would surely have had a deep effect on Jennings’ students. A homosexual news service reported:
Over two million people, according to the Washington Police Dept., viewed the AIDS Memorial Quilt over the weekend of October 11-13, 1996 in Washington, D.C. This marked the first time the entire quilt, now at 45,000 panels, has been displayed since the National March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Rights in April, 1993. … Among the vast numbers viewing the Quilt [in 1996] were 55,000 school children, each of whom had to get parental permission to participate in the visit which included an orientation to deal with the emotions they might experience or witness…. [Emphasis added.]
These are the sights and messages Kevin Jennings used to radicalize his Concord Academy students in 1993. He has surely carried these radical beliefs through his years as national director of GLSEN and to his current position as Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar” in the U.S. Department of Education.

A 2005 article in Education Week confirms that Jennings and GLSEN continued the mission of turning high school students into radical political activists.
Recognizing gay students remains an emotional, politically charged issue. But Kevin Jennings isn't out to provoke shouting matches. Instead, he's quietly turning students into activists capable of changing schools on their own.
GLSEN hasn’t grown from a one-man to a 30-person organization with a $5 million annual budget by battling his opponents on sexual orientation issues.
Instead, he’s done something the civil rights movement taught him is much more effective: He’s turned students into activists…. (Samantha Stainburn, “Straight Talk,” Teacher Magazine, November 1, 2005.)
This fits right in with Obama’s community organizing approach to transforming the country. But while Obama's community activism manipulated adults, Jennings mastered the art of manipulating children


Kevin Jennings in 2005.

*Alicia C. Shepard, Did the networks sanitize the gay rights march?American Journalism Review, July 1, 1993. (Available at

Kevin Jennings Took High School Students to Radical 1993 Gay Rights March on DC - Part I

     [Part II here.]

It appears that Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar,” Kevin Jennings, took his high school students with him to the April 1993 “gay rights” march on Washington, D.C.

April 25, 1993 Gay Rights March on Washington [AP Photo]

At Equality Utah’s Allies Dinner on October 9, 2008, Kevin Jennings spoke with pride of his high school’s GSA (gay-straight alliance club) participating in the March for “Gay and Lesbian Rights.”  He shows a photo of them on the stage screen as he stands at the podium.

In that 2008 speech, Jennings refers of the murders of Matthew Shepard in 1998 and an eighth-grader in California earlier in 2008, both of which he blames on the “homophobia” he is combating. He then says (at 1 min. 10 secs.):
But I know that it won’t always be this way. I know that because of the young people I’ve been privileged to work with who’ve demonstrated the power of people to make a difference. [Jennings indicating photo on screen here.] This is my gay/straight alliance at the 1993 march on Washington for gay and lesbian rights. Those kids are now in their early 30’s. They have taken with them into their adulthood a belief that they can make a difference. And they are making a difference every single day. I know because 20 years ago I sat in my office and I had a young girl come up with a crazy idea [to start a gay/straight alliance club] and I saw it spread to 4,200 schools. I know because 15 years ago I sat in a state legislator’s office in Massachusetts and said, “We need a law in this state.” And now that law is in 11 states…. [Emphasis added.]
While this video snippet does not absolutely prove Jennings was with his Concord Academy students at the 1993 march, the context of his Equality Utah speech (see Part I) is the telling of his life story through these slides. It’s hard to imagine he would have missed this huge event. He was still teaching at Concord Academy that spring, and still acting as advisor to the GSA (gay/straight alliance). At a minimum, it’s safe to say he would have encouraged his students to attend the event. (Too bad no Senate confirmation hearing was required on his appointment so we could confirm such things.)
The D.C. field trip by Jennings’ GSA club is a prime example of his corruption of children. The video below exposes the obscene and radical character of the 1993 march. Note the topless women; the banner carried by Brookline (Mass.) High School students (at 3:00); the ACT UP banner at 3:27 (Jennings was an ACT UP member); the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence”; the guys singing (at 6:30) “God is a Dyke … she’ll make it on the floor with us.”

Also participating in the march from Massachusetts were GSA clubs from Phillips Academy Andover and Brookline High School. Jennings had co-founded GLSEN a few years before with a teacher at Phillips Academy.*
The march was organized by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF), an extremely radical group that has long advocated same-sex marriage, lowering the age of sexual consent, transgender/transsexual “rights”, universal health care, decriminalization of prostitution, and sexual sadomasochism. One of its founders was porn promoter Frank Kameny (who apparently spoke at NAMBLA’s 1981 convention). NGLTF worked hand in hand with ACT UP (present at the 1993 march), and led a “town meeting” on how to “fight the right.” (Video clip here; see at 2:35-4:35.) 
NGLTF supports sexual sadomochism groups and presents “leather leadership awards.” Their director was the keynote speaker at a 2006 Leather Leadership Conference, where he reminisced: I'm sure many of you remember in 1993, when President Clinton met with representatives our community, Billy Hileman from Pittsburgh wore a leather vest – what an uproar it caused.” In 2008, the NGLTF “Creating Change” conference included workshops emphasizing “sexual freedom” for youth, entitled “A Dialog with Youth: Talking about Sex and Sexual Freedom” and “Mentoring Queer Youth.”
The radicalism of NGLTF at the time of the 1993 “gay rights” march is evident in its official platform. It reveals not only radical sexual demands, but also a Marxist/socialist/statist mentality. The featured NGLTF speaker at the march challenged everyone to “fight the Right” and “match the power of the Christian supremacists.” The claim is that most citizens are “oppressed” and there is “ecomomic injustice” in the U.S. 
These are the ideas Kevin Jennings was pushing on his students. In his gay and lesbian history reader for high school and college students, Becoming Visible (1994), Jennings even published sanitized excerpts from the platform.
Gay Liberation button. Location no. 1998.105.11

Fists are popular with the GLBT crowd... [Photo: Minnesota Historical Society]
See Part II of our report.
*[Kathy] Henderson also co-founded the Gay and Lesbian Independent School Teachers Network (later GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) with Concord Academy’s Kevin Jennings in 1990....The GSA also sent a contingent to the 1993 March on Washington. Phillips Academy did not, however, let them carry any signs or banners with the school name. When they walked past the White House, Paczynska recalled, they chanted, “George [H.W.] Bush’s prep school won’t let us carry a sign!”, “Phillips Academy GSA: 20 Years of Friendship and Activism,” March 16, 2009.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Photos: Scott Brown vs. Coakley-Obamabots: Boston Rally Jan. 17

We were at Northeastern University in the hours before Obama's appearance at the Martha Coakley “rally” in Boston today. The people who were lined up waiting to go in appeared comatose as they awaited their messiah. Few Coakley signs were seen, and no enthusiasm was felt. The Brown supporters who turned out, by contrast, were really psyched and fun to talk to. Three cheers for the Northeastern University Republican Club who had an energetic group. We also met lots of people from all over, including a new American citizen from Argentina, and a fellow from Texas who came to help us out!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Obama HEARTS Drag Queen Hedda Lettuce


We read on and WorldNetDaily that drag queen “Hedda Lettuce” [AKA Steven Polito] is now proudly decorating Obama’s White House “holiday tree.”
Polito/Hedda commented on his blog about the honor:
… yes one of my balls is hanging in the White House. When I looked at the photo of the ball, it was not my signature green color, it was many shades of blue. Not only was my ball hanging in the White House, my blue ball is hanging in the White House. I may never get equal rights, I may never be blond and pencil thin, I may never see Lady Gaga in concert this winter at Madison Square Garden (I could not get a ticket) but one of my balls is hanging in the White House with my name for all to see. Just for today that feels a bit better than me having the right to marry.
“Hedda Lettuce” was the vilely vulgar emcee at Boston Pride’s entertainment on the Boston Common in 2006. MassResistance reported on that event. To fully appreciate the outrage of the Obama “holiday tree” decoration, we are reprinting our 2006 report here. [Photos below are by MassResistance.]
The headline entertainment at "Pride Festival" -- official "emcee" on the Boston Common, Saturday, June 10 [2006]
Extremely gross and disgusting "entertainment" by Hedda-Lettuce, a man dressed as a woman.
This was blasted through huge loudspeakers you could hear blocks away, and displayed on a giant screen. Many adults (some who had brought kids) were forced to leave, it was so vulgar and distasteful.
Keep in mind that the Gay Pride Week organizers and gay "community" participants didn't seem to see anything wrong or even unusual about this. We were a little surprised to find that the homosexual newspaper "Bay Windows" featured a transcription of Hedda-Lettuce's speech in their post-Pride Week coverage, for their readers who might have missed it, which appears below.
Caution: VERY gross and disgusting.

This was not only blasted out with huge loudspeakers, but a giant screen was erected
in the Boston Common so no one could miss this "entertainment."

The keynote address by Hedda-Lettuce was faithfully transcribed by the "Bay Windows" homosexual newspaper:
"Oh, last year with the gays it was Chihuahuas, Chihuahuas were all the rage. This year, people, it's Filipino babies, and you know why? Because they're beige, and they go with everything." 

[to the tune of the Dixie Chicks' "Wide Open Spaces"] "Done crystal meth since he was a child. He could fuck and fuck for days, that boy was wild. But his butt hole was large and wide. You could stick both hands in and clap [claps twice] clap inside, I'm tired of- everybody- wide open spaces." 

"My favorite subcategory of bottoms is the bossy bottom. We all know the bossy bottom. They tell you how to fuck them, they leave nothing to the imagination, they come with diagrams and flow charts, you know what I mean? It's like when you go to a friend's house that just moved into a new apartment and you're helping them move a painting on the wall, and they're like, do it just to the left, no, do it just to the right, no, do it, just, pull out, pull out, you ruined everything. Martha Stewart: bossy bossy bottom, people. You think the billion dollar woman's going to let you fuck her the way you want to fuck her? Uh, uh, uh. She's going to tell you how to fuck her and make a decorative basket at the same time. That's how crafty she is. And this is an old joke, but how do you make Martha Stewart scream twice? Fuck her up the ass and wipe your dick on her curtain, that's how." 

"How many men in the audience, and this can go for the lesbians too, have a big dick? Oh, that's wonderful, I like men with big dicks, I just don't like the men they're attached to most of the time. You know what happens, you go with a man with a big dick, you get on your knees, you're just about to perform fellatio, which means sucking cock in French, and they pull out that large phallus, which means huge fucking cock in French, and they don't even give you a chance to suck it. All of a sudden they start smacking you about the head and face like you're a fucking punching bag. All of a sudden you're not sucking dick, you're Mike Tyson in the ring. I've got to tell you, this is a true story, this man hit me so hard with his dick I flew over his futon, I landed on the floor, my wig shifted, I stood up, and my front tooth had crooked, he hit me so hard. It didn't fall out. I looked like that singer Jewel. You know Jewel, with the crooked tooth? All the money in the world and she can't afford to fix that fucking tooth, you know? I hate to be the man she's going down on right now. Like a cheese grater. [makes sound effect] 

"You know what it's like when you come and you just want to roll over and go to sleep and that selfish faggot in the bed next to you wants you to get them off, and you're doing everything in your power to do so. You're tweaking on one of their nipples like you're adjusting a broken knob, you're biting on the other one, you've got a couple of fingers up the ass, all the while jerking them off with your free foot, shouting, 'Shoot, baby! Shoot, baby! Shoot, baby! Shoot!' And it's not sex anymore, it's like Cirque du Soliel. 'Shoot, baby, shoot, oh, oh!' And you wish at that fucking moment an alien mother ship would come overhead, beam him up, jerk him off, and beam him back down again.But I tell you, people, aliens never abduct you when need them, it is, you know, true. Oh, your hands must be burning, all that dirty talk. So, a Jew, a Pollack and a fag go into a bar. No, I don't know what - how we doing? Is she ready?
Thank you very much to Macy's Department Store, Mayor Thomas Menino, Verizon, and all the other supporters of Pride Week. Boston really needed this. [end of June 2006 report by MassResistance]
The Bay Windows story following the 2006 event (no longer online) read, in part:
"The six-time Drag Queen of the Year Award-winner from New York's HX magazine reached into her bag of tricks and pulled out what could only have been her nightclub act, which features jokes about stretched anal orifices, gay couples adopting Filipino babies and pop singer Jewel giving oral sex with a chipped tooth. After Hedda Lettuce had dropped more f-bombs than we could count, someone from backstage asked her to tone things down. And that's when Hedda blew her top and things got, well, entertaining.”

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kevin Jennings Supported by Obama & Jill Biden

Kevin Jennings’ GLSEN has support in the highest places. We’ve reported that Jennings and his “partner” hosted Barack Obama in their home during the Presidential campaign. And the Bidens are indebted as well for Jennings' help delivering the GLBTQQIPS* vote. 
On June 1, 2009, Jill Biden (Mrs. Joe) proudly appeared as "a very special guest" at GLSEN's gala “Respect Awards” fundraiser in New York. [See video here.] 

Who's up next year? Michelle Obama? (Unless, of course, Kevin Jennings has left his office as "Safe Schools Czar" in disgrace by then.) Maybe Mrs. O will bring her daughters to "jump start" their participation in this "civil rights" battle.

Jill Biden said:
(2:35) As an English teacher [at high school and community college], I’ve read my students’ personal journals and learned through intimate conversations about their pain and their anxiety. …
(5:00) [The goal:] ending bigotry and fear … I am proud to tell you that the Obama-Biden administration shares your commitment to making sure that every student has a safe school. Each child, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression deserves an education. Recently, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan – and he’s a great guy – met with GLSEN student leaders to hear ideas about improving their schools. And starting next month, Secretary Duncan will have an excellent partner in this work – someone you all know well: GLSEN founder Kevin Jennings. … This is GREAT NEWS!

GLSEN wrote
NEW YORK, May 13, 2009 - GLSEN is very pleased to announce confirmation of a very special guest at the Respect Awards - New York gala: Dr. Jill Biden, wife of the Vice President and a lifelong educator. Dr. Biden will also provide brief remarks at the gala dinner, which will be held at Gotham Hall in New York City on June 1....
Dr. Biden has a long history of activism and service in her community and she continues to work to raise awareness on education, military families, and women's health issues. GLSEN's Respect Awards recognize individual and corporate leaders who have helped propel GLSEN's efforts to ensure safe schools for all of America's students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. 
*GLBTQQIPS: gay lesbian bisexual transgender queer questioning intersex poly swinger
(We think that’s what the “S” is – but we await possible correction from MediaMatters.)

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Details on a GLSEN Lesson Plan in American History

Here's a lesson plan similar to what "Safe Schools czar" Kevin Jennings might have used when he taught American history at Concord Academy. One of his GLSEN disciples, a teacher at the Harvard, Mass. high school, described her lesson plan in great detail at the 2001 GLSEN-Boston conference (maybe after picking up a fisting kit?).  Ed Oliver reported for Massachusetts News:

A ninth-grade social studies teacher at Bromfield School in the town of Harvard, Kathleen Doherty, plans to incorporate “gay rights” into her U.S. History class this spring. It will not be the only school in Massachusetts where children will be taught about “gay rights.” Doherty revealed her plans to other teachers at the Fistgate II conference held by GLSEN at Tufts University on March 24. She wanted to encourage the teachers to do the same in their schools.

Although it is not advertised, this is one of the main objectives of the annual GLSEN conference, to train teachers about how to incorporate homosexuality into various school subjects. Afterwards, teachers fan out across the state better equipped to carry the gay gospel into the local schools.

GLSEN does not like to call attention to that fact, however. For instance, in a recent press release about the Fistgate II conference, GLSEN said over 40 workshops were offered on a wide range of topics, but the press release listed only a few uncontroversial examples that deal with name-calling and bullying. Not mentioned in the press release are the numerous workshops that offer advice on how to push homosexuality in the classroom starting with pre-school.

The title of Doherty’s workshop was “Gay Rights 101: Incorporating the Basics of the Gay Rights Movement Into Your U.S. History Curriculum.”

Doherty told attendees that she is concerned about how the students and the parents at her school in Harvard will respond. She has already taught the subject to the Gay/Straight Alliance, of which she is the advisor. She said they liked it.

In the workshop at Fistgate II, Doherty lectured, showed film clips and provided the following outline of the gay rights lessons that she will be giving to her class.

- The cold war years are portrayed as the dark ages of ignorance and repression. Doherty casts homosexuals as a persecuted minority harassed by President Eisenhower, the federal government, and the military. She explained that homosexuals were once thought to be security risks because they are unstable and susceptible to blackmail. For those reasons, homosexuals were routinely denied and dismissed from federal jobs and discharged from the military. ...

- Doherty recommended using the black civil rights movement of the sixties as a platform to teach about the homosexual movement. She suggested one way to introduce homosexuals into a U.S. history class would be to ask students, “What other groups were energized by the civil rights movement?”

Doherty said there are lots of parallels to the civil rights movement you could draw such as, “Should you try to assimilate and gradually gain respect, or should you demand it?”...

- According to Doherty, the 1969 “Stonewall Riots” were the beginning of the modern gay rights movement. In that incident, the police raided a Greenwich Village gay bar on a charge of selling alcohol without a license. Three nights of rioting ensued. Doherty said you can compare it to Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat on the bus.

Doherty suggested showing to students video clips from “Before Stonewall” and its companion video “After Stonewall.” One clip shows a middle-aged man being interviewed on camera while wearing a blue suit and a woman’s flowery sunbonnet. Doherty, with a straight face, said the kids would probably snicker and giggle at that clip and it might have to be replayed. She suggested using that clip as an opportunity to show how Stonewall emboldened homosexuals to dress and act the way they really are, rather than try to conform to society’s norms. ...  

Doherty said one small way she incorporates the issue of gay rights into her classroom is by using the word “gay” more frequently to prompt discussion. “They will respond, they are interested,” she said.

An advocacy handout from Doherty titled, “What One Teacher Can Do: A Checklist,” categorizes as “Low Risk,” “Some Risk,” and “Greater Risk,” actions a teacher might take to “create a safe and equitable” classroom and school. It does not specify what is meant by “risk.” Risk of angry parents? Risk of being fired? ...

Check out the Massachusetts News report for more detail. Was anyone listening in 2001?

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Kevin Jennings' GLSEN Handed Out "Fisting Kits" to Young Teens in 2001

Great to see Gateway Pundit and Breitbart posting the truth about Kevin Jennings' GLSEN indoctrination materials.

Michelle Malkin drew attention to GLSEN way back in 1997. Linda Harvey of MissionAmerica exposed GLSEN's readings in 2002. And Brian Camenker of Parents' Rights Coalition (now MassResistance) exposed the Fistgate incident in 2000, and the Little Black Book in 2005. But the time apparently wasn't ripe. Now that GLSEN founder and leader Jennings is Obama's "Safe Schools czar," people are finally starting to pay attention to what he's been pushing in schools across America for 20 years.

GLSEN -- under Jennings' guidance -- didn't just recommend reading materials or lead discussions on fisting. Just one year after GLSEN-Boston's infamous Fistgate conference, they handed out "fisting kits"to young teens at their 2001 conference, held again at Tufts University:

[photo: Massachusetts News, March 2001]

Planned Parenthood, long-time GLSEN ally, brought enough kits for everyone and laid them out on their table for all to take.  Massachusetts News reported, "Out of approximately 650 attendees, about 400 of those were students."

Massachusetts News, March 26, 2001
Planned Parenthood of Massachusetts distributed kits for fisting and oral sex. They contained a single plastic glove, a package of K-Y lubricant and instructions on how to make a “dental dam” out of the material.
The instructions explained how to cut up the glove with scissors until all that remains is a rubber rectangle with the “thumb” portion protruding from the middle. “Use the thumb space for your tongue,” say the directions. 
The label on the ziplocked package says, “protects against STD’s,” and bears the Planned Parenthood logo and phone number. 
GLSEN (Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network) got into trouble last year for hosting a workshop that gave young teens explicit how-to instructions on homosexual sex practices such as “fisting.” The ensuing scandal was subsequently dubbed “Fistgate.” 
Regarding “dental dams,” Dr. John Diggs, a specialist in internal medicine who lectures about STDs, said that the kits create a false sense of security. “I’ve written a brochure about this whole thing,” he said. “The way I describe it is, I ask ‘How many people want to take a bite of a sandwich without taking the wrapper off?’ ‘How many people want to suck on balloons?’ Nobody does.” 
Diggs said when you encourage kids to use such a barrier by saying it is “safe,” then when it comes time for them to use it, they find they don’t like it and throw it aside. Because they are already in an aroused condition they continue on and increase the chances of spreading STD’s orally like syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, human hepaloma virus and hepatitis B.

A lone protester showed up that day. A disgruntled Tufts alumna, her sign read:

Shame on TUFTS. 
Marginalizing Christians. 
Promoting dangerous lifestyles.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kevin Jennings’ GLSEN Promotes Pornography to Children

Obama’s “Safe Schools” czar, Kevin Jennings, founded and led GLSEN for 18 years. A current GLSEN lesson plan for “LGBT History” -- intended for schoolchildren – celebrates gay and lesbian activists from the 1950s and ’60s. It recommends the film “Gay Pioneers” which profiles several practitioners and promoters of pornography.

GLSEN recommends “Gay Pioneers” for classroom use, for showing at a Gay-Straight Alliance club meeting (invite other clubs!), for a school assembly, or for donation to the school library. 

(In the past, GLSEN’s website has recommended readings for children describing -- and implicitly endorsing -- adult-child sex and sexual experimentation at early ages. See Linda Harvey's research here and here.) 

Imagine teenagers hearing about these sex-obsessed “gay pioneers” (who are portrayed as heroic “civil rights” leaders), then doing a web search as they answer their homework questions. They’d quickly turn up the following fun facts on four of those profiled:

Franklin Kameny

Recently honored by Obama at the White House, Kameny is founder and president of National Consumers Association for the Advancement and Protection of Pornography, Inc. “Let us have more and better enjoyment of more and better and harder-core pornography by those to whom such viewing provides happiness.” 

Kameny does not deny he spoke at a NAMBLA convention in 1981 and says that as a “First Amendment absolutist … I support NAMBLA’s right to advocate whatever they wish, including advocacy of changes of law to legalize their preferences…” 

Kameny even wrote: Bestiality is not my thing … But it seems to be a harmless foible or idiosyncrasy of some people. So, as long as the animal doesn’t mind (and the animal rarely does), I don’t mind, and I don’t see why anyone else should.” Kameny is “revered by homosexual activists for his role in pressuring the American Psychiatric Association to effectively reclassify homosexuals as normal.” 

[Thanks to Americans for Truth about Homosexuality for this research on Kameny. See hereherehere and here.] 

Jack Nichols:
Nichols was a Mattachine Society member who edited and wrote for the pioneering pornographic magazine Screw. A sample of his writing:

Prior to SCREW and [its publisher] Al Goldstein, such [porn and sex toy] stores and their hardcore merchandise were unknowns. SCREW was the world's first publisher of newspaper nude frontals, both male and female. It was also the world's first newspaper to publish nude photos of males making love. I was one of those two males.... 

"My re-start [at SCREW] began in 1987 when I sought a place to vomit uncensored onto Ronald Reagan's AIDS-phobic lap. Now, eleven years later, I continue to grind this column out under the heading: ‘Homosexual Anarchist.’  In 1992, when Clinton ran for president, I suggested SCREW's readers support him. ‘Hillary and Bill,’ I exulted, 'are probably the closest thing we'll ever get to swingers in the White House.' The photo that accompanied that column was a composite. The heads of the candidates had been chopped and placed on other bodies. Clinton was blowing Bush while Perot, seated next to Clinton, his arm over Clinton's leg, masturbated….” [Source: Gay Today, 1997-98 archive.]

Nancy Tucker:

“… created the Gay Blade in the fall of 1969 Having seen the need for a gay community newsletter in Washington, DC, the Mattachine Society of Washington asked Nancy Tucker and Bart Wenger (known by the pseudonym Art Stone) to co-edit the planned periodical. …Nancy turned GWA [Gay Women’s Alternative] programming towards 'sex and shrinks', as she puts it, and as a result membership and revenues turned around.  The most popular event was an evening discussion and showing of lesbian pornography.” [Source: Rainbow History.]

Randolfe Wicker:
“GayToday's staff writer and pioneer cloning rights champion, Randolfe Wicker, whose counterculture button shop on St. Mark's Place became the first store to sell copies of SCREW, wrote an trailblazing article at the request of Goldstein explaining how best to violate New York state's now-defunct sodomy laws. Titling it ‘Up the ass is a Gas!’ Wicker began by saying: ‘Now listen, sports fans, if you're ever going to be proficient at fucking, you've got to be fucked.’ ”  [Source: Gay Today, 1997-98 archive.]

These are the “civil rights” leaders Kevin Jennings and his organization GLSEN hold up to children as worthy of emulation.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kennedy Funeral Mass a "Scandal" Says Catholic Action League of Mass.

We have no comment upon the death of Senator Ted Kennedy. (If you can't say anything good ...) But we are eager to share this press release from the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts:



CONTACT: C. J. DOYLE (781) 251-9739


The Catholic Action League of Massachusetts today decried the scandal which occurred this morning at Boston's most historic Catholic shrine --- the Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, known as Mission Church --- where a Mass of Christian Burial was used to “celebrate the life” of one of America's most notorious opponents of Catholic morality, the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy. Senator Kennedy fought for more than three decades to keep the killing of pre-born children legal and unrestricted in the United States.

Surgical abortion has claimed more than fifty-one million human lives since 1973. The Catholic religion defines abortion as an “abominable crime”.

President Barack Obama delivered the eulogy, in which he alluded to Kennedy's support for gay rights. One of the Prayers of the Faithful was a petition to end divisions “between gays and straights”.

Ecclesial participants included Rev. Raymond Collins, Rector of the Basilica; Rev. Mark Hession, Kennedy’s parish priest from Our Lady of Victories Church in Centerville on Cape Cod; Rev. J. Donald Monan, Chancellor of Boston College; and Sean Cardinal O'Malley, Archbishop of Boston, who thanked President Obama for his words and his presence. Both the homilist, Fr. Hession, and Cardinal O'Malley suggested that the late senator had found eternal salvation.

The Catholic Action League called the event “a tragic example of the Church’s willingness to surrender to the culture, and serve Caesar rather than Christ”.

Catholic Action League Executive Director C. J. Doyle stated: “Senator Kennedy supported legal abortion, partial-birth abortion, the public funding of Medicaid abortions, embryonic stem cell research, birth control, federal family planning programs, and so-called emergency contraception. He defended Roe v. Wade, endorsed the proposed Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), and opposed both the Human Life Amendment and the Hyde Amendment. Kennedy maintained a 100% rating from both NARAL and Planned Parenthood. In 1993, he received the Kenneth Edelin Award from Planned Parenthood, and in 2000 received the Champions of Choice Award from NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts at the hands of the same Dr. Kenneth Edelin, the infamous abortionist.”

During his 1994 reelection campaign, Kennedy said ‘I wear as a badge of honor my opposition to the anti-choicers’. His successful obstruction of the nomination of Judge Robert Bork to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1987 effectively prevented the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Beyond his specific positions on human life issues, Senator Kennedy, along with the late Congressman Robert Drinan, provided the cover and the example for two generations of Catholic politicians to defect from Church teaching on the sanctity of innocent human life.”

“No rational person can reasonably be expected to take seriously Catholic opposition to abortion when a champion of the Culture of Death, who repeatedly betrayed the Faith of his baptism, is lauded and extolled by priests and prelates in a Marian basilica. This morning's spectacle is evidence of the corruption which pervades the Catholic Church in the United States. The right to life will never be recognized by secular society if it is not first vindicated and consistently upheld within the institutions of the Church itself.”