Showing posts with label Youth Pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Youth Pride. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

More on BAGLY Prom & Foxy Cleopatra

Just came across the account of last year's BAGLY prom on Youth Pride day, May 13, 2006. From the homosexual publication, The Advocate:

A Prom for All (6-20-06)
by William Henderson

"This is really the greatest thing ever said Hervey Tennessee, 23, of the Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth prom, which celebrated its 26th year on May 13. Wearing three-inch vinyl platform boots and a formal tuxedo with top hat and tails, Tennessee--tonight known as "Ace, the Prince of Wales" but usually known by his drag alter ego "Foxy Cleopatra"--gracefully moved through the crowd as friends reached out to touch him. "I'm used to it," he said. "Come here long enough, and everyone knows you." Then he was gone, caught up in the arms of a friend from a local high school.

The event, billed as "the original and largest LGBT youth prom," was held at Boston City Hall, where about 1,200 youth came together on the dance floor. Jian Torres-Jones, 18, danced alone, a glow-in-the-dark rubber ring attached to the studded dog collar around her neck. Girlfriends Emily Osmun, 18, and Carolyn Connolly, 19, cuddled nearby, celebrating their 1 1/2-year anniversary. Between them stood a boy in white satin, Tye Ouellette-Tolles, the self-proclaimed belly-dancing beauty from Sunderland, Mass.

Inside a restroom at the prom Joyce McCarthy helped her son, Daniel, into an emerald-green dress. A padded bra and high heels completed his look. McCarthy took pictures, heaving a video camera to her shoulder at one point. "This is my son, and I love him," she said. As she started to cry, Daniel turned and looked at her. "I know. I promised I wouldn't cry," she said. "I tell him, "You be proud of who you are.' I don't know what's wrong with some parents who don't understand. Live life the way you want to live it."

(c)2006 Liberation Publications, Inc.

Youth Pride Walk of Shame - and Danger

Parents in these communities -- do you know where your children were on Saturday, May 12? The following high school banners were visible at the Youth Pride parade in downtown Boston. We noticed very few compared to past years. We assume this is an effort on the part of the adults behind the scene to tone things down a bit, and not alarm the folks back home who think their child is at the library studying. So, if you live in these towns (and we may have missed a few), be aware they definitely had a "gay" club represented at the parade:
Mt. Greylock
Boston Latin
Phillips Academy
Bay Path
Springfield (? - somewhat illegible)
Newton South

We had to search on the net for the identity of another group prominent in the parade, in the lead just behind the Duck Tours rainbow vehicle: CAYAC (with a hastily thrown together banner) is the "college and young adult caucus" which "advises" the Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth. Why were "young adults" at a youth parade? As we all know, college students these days include many people well over 21 or 22. We surmise that not only was the banner hastily assembled, but so was the group identity.

Just two weeks before the Youth Pride event, CAYAC hosted a social evening starring none other than Foxy Cleopatra, who's been at past Youth Pride days. From EdgeBoston:
GLBT Events
Saturday Apr 28, 2007 1:00pm Socialpolooza

Wentworth Institute of Technology
Interested in learning how you can do more for your college campus? Then join the College and Young Adult Caucus (CAYAC) an independent non-governmental group that advises the Higher Education Committee of the Massachusetts Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth for it’s [sic] first ever Socialpolooza. CAYAC is hosting this light social event to allow people to get to know our group and what we are about. This group has been active for about a year and is looking for individuals to help us create a group tailored for GLBTQ college students. For your entertainment pleasure Foxy Cleopatra will be our master of ceremonies and dance performer. Foxy is famous for her [sic] amazing performances at the BAGLY dances and has appeared in the Advocate. Food and refreshments will be served. This will be a great way to meet other passionate GLBTQ young adults!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Youth Pride vs. Parents

Do these young girls' parents know they're parading with this dangerous looking man? (We were told by an organizer of the event he was there as a "performer".) Well, Gov. Deval Patrick evidently thought it was fine -- whether their parents knew or not -- since he decided to honor the event, if not with his presence, with a PROCLAMATION calling on all of us to celebrate all "gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender youth." Are we also supposed to celebrate the participation by "transgender adults" like the man in the black dress?

Bay Windows & EdgeBoston report:
Kathleen Henry, interim president of the Friends of the Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth, the nonprofit that funds and organizes Youth Pride, read an official proclamation from Gov. Patrick in honor of Youth Pride. While previous governors, including Romney himself, have issued similar proclamations, Henry said Patrick is the first to include a specific mention of bisexual and transgender youth in his proclamation, rather than referring simply to gay and lesbian youth. Reading from Patrick’s proclamation, Henry announced to the crowd, "Whereas today’s Youth Pride Day celebrates the lives and diversity of GLBT youth and their friends, now therefore I, Deval L. Patrick, governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim May 12, 2007 to be Massachusetts Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth Pride Day," prompting cheers from the crowd... The parade was a sea of rainbow flags, and the youth filled the air with familiar cheers like, "One, two, three, four, open up your closet door! Five, six, seven, eight, don’t assume your kids are straight!".

We were told by one of the organizers at Youth Pride that it would be wrong to publish photographs of teens at the event, because that might "out" some of the kids to their parents. In May 2004, the Boston Globe reported on this chant at Youth Pride:

By midday yesterday, Copley Square was filled with balloons, confetti, and teenagers chanting: "I'm here. I'm queer. And my parents think I'm studying!" ...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Governor Patrick: Renounce Award from Youth Pride!

The man on the right, drag queen "Raquel Blake", will soon be presenting an award to Governor Deval Patrick at Youth Pride for his service to the GLBT community.
[photo: Raquel's MySpace]
Is Governor Deval Patrick attending Youth Pride to receive his announced award or not? His staff has said both things. We read in Bay Windows this morning that he is not planning to attend. (The person presenting the Youth Pride awards shows his stuff in the photo above.)

Whether Gov. Patrick will be present at the event or not, he should renounce the award! Look at the photos of the people involved in the Youth Pride day, and the BAGLY queer/trans prom that evening at Boston City Hall. This is a disgrace to all of Massachusetts. How can our Governor encourage young people to become involved in such dangerous and perverted activities and groups? He is truly contributing to the endangerment of the youth of Massachusetts by his support of Youth Pride!

Phone the Governor's office: 617-725-4005
Contact the Governor via email here.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Gov. Patrick & Drag Queen at "Youth Pride" This Weekend?

"Drag queen" Raquel Blake with his buddies at Speedo swimsuit contest
[InNewsWeekly photo]

We sent Governor Deval Patrick a letter yesterday. According to Youth Pride's postings, he is receiving an award from a "drag queen" at their opening ceremony on Saturday. (Also receiving an award is GLSEN, the prime mover of GLBT propaganda in our schools.) We asked Gov. Patrick not to be a part of this hideous event:

Dear Governor Patrick:
You really must reconsider your participation in the "Youth Pride" event this Saturday. That event does nothing more than encourage disturbed children to enter a life full of health risks, both physical and mental. Adult web sites [Boston Pride, Edge Boston, Mass. Transgender Politcal Coalition] are advertising the event to their readers, facilitating meetings between many sexually predatory adults and vulnerable children. The state should prevent rather than encourage such possibilities.
Are you aware of the background of the person presenting your award? Do you really think young children should be encouraged by his web site to enter that world of homosexual and trans hedonism? Do you realize the open mic event in the afternoon is hosted by a "transsexual" woman who has had her breasts removed and grown a beard? Are these good role models for the children of Massachusetts?
Please reconsider your participation in this event. I would appreciate a response. [No response received.]

Is the Governor aware of the company he'll keep this Saturday at "Youth Pride"?

* "Drag Queen" Raquel Blake is the emcee presenting Gov. Patrick's award. He's a regular at swimsuit contests in Ogunquit. (Check out the video.)

* GLSEN (perpetrators of Fistgate, distributors of the Little Black Book, backer of the gay clubs in the high schools and Day of Silence, and more recently declared "friends" with a Satanic ally on its MySpace. (Caution: click on GLSEN's "friend" C**kvomit link only after you've said your prayers and read the Bible. This is what they're leading kids to!)

* Gunner Scott, "transman" GenderCrash originator, Transgender Political Coalition co-chair, and big wheel at the Mass. Commission on Gay & Lesbian Youth, who's hosting an open mic for the kids later that afternoon. This event is so risque that they have scheduled it for private property (BAGLY headquarters on Bowdoin St. near the State House) and they've posted the following warning: "This event is open to youth and their adult allies only. No video/photo/audio taping or harassment allowed. Anyone not respecting the rules of the space will be asked to leave."

* BAGLY queer/trans prom attendees (at Boston City Hall that evening).