Saturday, August 20, 2005

Weld for NY Governor?

Former Massachusetts Governor William Weld is planning to run for governor of New York. He seems to realize he has a slight problem: his enthusiastic support for all things "gay" while Governor of Massachusetts.

The Boston Globe reports that Weld now claims his support for homosexual "marriage" extends only to the Massachusetts borders. But then how can it be a "civil right"? Is there a different definition of "civil rights" in New York than in Boston?

Bill Weld is responsible for letting GLSEN get a foothold in the public schools of Massachusetts to pollute our children with its pro-homosexual propaganda. (Then GLSEN built on its Massachusetts model to infiltrate schools across America.) Thanks to Weld, the "Governor's Commission on Gay & Lesbian Youth" will be hard to dismantle.

Has the press forgotten that Weld officiated at the "marriage" of his Harvard roommate to another man, just one year ago? Does Weld believe his friend Mitchell Adams is "married" while in Massachusetts, but "unmarried" while residing at his elegant Maine vacation home?

On June 22, 2004, reported:

While current Republican Governor Mitt Romney was in Washington telling a Senate hearing that if Congress doesn't pass a constitutional amendment gay marriage will "spread like wildfire" across the nation, former Massachusetts GOP Governor William F. Weld was officiating at the gay marriage of his old college roommate.

Mitchell Adams, Weld's closest friend at university and a former Mass. revenue commissioner, married Weld's former chief of staff Kevin Smith. The former governor read the homily at the ceremony at King's Chapel.

The marriage was the first same-sex ceremony Weld has attended. "I was terrified when I saw I'd been assigned the homily. I didn't know what a homily was so I just told war stories about Mitchell and Kevin," he said.

Weld told reporters that he's opposed to any constitutional amendment barring gay marriage. He said that if he were not at the wedding he would have been in Washington opposing Romney.

Friday, August 19, 2005

This Is Gay Pride???

(Photo credit: Alex Mann)

This is "Gay Pride"?

Maybe in 1997 we could have said this was sad. Now we are supposed to say it's perfectly healthy and normal?

Lawmaker Doesn't Know the Definition of "Legal"

Bay Windows recently reported on East Boston State Rep. Anthony Petruccelli's announcement that he will oppose any amendment which will take away the "right" to homosexual "marriage". What is striking in his "thinking" is that it is all based on emotions.

As a "lawmaker", he should realize that since the Legislature has failed to act on this issue of "marriage" (as required by the state constitution), homosexual "marriages" are without statutory basis so are still not legal. Yet he says he doesn't want to take away "something that they cherish". But where do "rights" come from -- the Supreme Judicial Court, or God? We may write constitutions to protect rights, but no human institution creates rights.

Would Rep. Petruccelli please define "marriage" and its role in society, and not just think about it on an emotional level?

From Bay Windows (August 18, 2005):

While he says he has always believed that same-sex couples should be treated equally to heterosexual couples, Petruccelli said his vote for the so-called compromise amendment resulted in part from his belief that the convention was destined to pass some version of an amendment and that supporting the least drastic of those was the right thing to do. What led him to change his mind, ultimately, was the reality that as of May 17, 2004, same-sex couples in Massachusetts entered into legal marriages and it would be wrong to now roll back their rights.

"I think that has changed things dramatically," said Petruccelli. "And it makes it easy for me to look at this issue and say, who am I to take away something from someone that they cherish, that they already have? I think that is probably the strongest aspect of why I feel strongly about voting no in the [next] convention." Petrucelli noted that he and his wife will celebrate their three-year anniversary in September and while their lives have not changed since May 17, 2004, it has impacted the lives of same-sex couples positively. "Its made stronger unions among people who have not had the opportunity up until that time to get married," he observes. Civil unions, he has concluded, would obviously be "a major step backwards in equality." The lawmaker also said he is opposed to the initiative petition drive recently launched by same-sex marriage opponents to put a marriage ban on the 2008 ballot.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Religion in Provincetown

So what do homosexual extremists really think of religion? Stephen Bennett, a Christian ex-gay who ministers to the homosexual community, tells what happened to his group when they visited Provincetown last summer.

"Last year, the Provincetown Chief of Police alerted many of the homosexual activist organizations ahead of time [of his group's visit] and they met the 100+ [Stephen Bennett Ministries] evangelists with protests, signs, yelling and more. An extremist fringe of homosexual activists who knew SBM was coming (mostly angry lesbians) took over 200 Bibles from the evangelists (saying they wanted one) and then threw them in garbage cans all over town. SBM recovered these Bibles out of the garbage cans."

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Cultural Marxism: The Most Dangerous Ideology

Here's a great article by Paul Weyrich that ties it all together. Starting with Russell Kirk's point that Conservatism is, by definition, not an ideology, he goes on to expose the reigning ideology of "cultural Marxism" -- the common thread running through "liberalism", feminism, homosexual extremism, PC'ism, multiculturalism, the attack on the traditional family and Judeo-Christian values, etc.

See "The Danger of the Ideological State" by Paul M. Weyrich (from Agape Press, August 15, 2005).

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Carnival in Provincetown

We just read on Article 8 Alliance of Queertoday's upset over "religious terrorism" from Christian ex-gays.

Ex-gays simply spread the word that God's truth can provide the way out of an unhappy homosexual "lifestyle". But the homosexual extremists are twisting the ex-gay message, portraying it as an attack on their freedom, health, and safety.

Queertoday's phrase reminded us of another phrase in vogue with their movement, "spiritual violence", which they apply to the traditional Judeo-Christian understanding of Biblical teachings on homosexuality.

Any religious value or belief which interferes with homosexuals' value-free, hedonistic "lifestyle" is now branded in this way. The implication of these two phrases is clear: that those defending traditional values are aggressive, criminal perpetrators of violence. Does this include your church?

Contrast the homosexual extremists' phony use of "religion" with genuine expressions of their attitude towards religion. Look at their "carnival" in Provincetown. (And note how the Boston Herald reports on the carnival line-up straightforwardly, as if this event were totally mainstream!)

Just a few events from the P'town carnival: There's a drag queen bingo night at the Unitarian-Universalist "church". And the UU's hosting a "performance artist" whose "impersonations of the political enemies of the left are spectacularly blasphemous and depraved. Adult content is definitely included. Watch her bear witness, but hold on to your faith because Starlite is bringing the apocalypse closer with every show!"

So ... if your church doesn't host such events, but instead teaches that homosexuality is contrary to God's law, is it guilty of "religious terrorism"?

And if you are taken aback by the message of a drag queen performance (see below), are you guilty of "spiritual violence"? How could you possibly object to "her" invitation to join "her" on a "frolicsome path towards hell and damnation"?

From the Provincetown Banner: "Varla Jean Merman is a queen among queens!

"A big red apple poses no threat to this lady eve. Nor does a snake enthrall her for any longer than a costume change. Varla Jean Merman has committed her fair share of transgressions in her time and in her new show, "I'm Not Paying for This!", she takes the audience with her on a frolicsome path towards hell and damnation....

Varla still has time to declare that she refuses to pay for that dull package of judgments that nameless others are so fond of doling out. Oh no, Varla can make her own world somewhere over the rainbow and it is everybody else that is going to want to pay to see her seriously masterful presentation of an innocent romp through the seven deadly sins."

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

R&R for MassResistance

Even the Resistance has to take a breather once in a while. So postings will be sporadic and unpredictable over the next few weeks. We plan to reacquaint ourselves with Henry James, practice our skills so wonderfully protected by the Second Amendment, and maybe take a few day trips to Provincetown. In the meantime, watch for good stuff being posted DAILY on Article 8 Alliance. We will return!

"Sexual Preference" Is Undefined

Here's one of the problems with crazy, irrational legislation: "Sexual orientation" (or "preference" or "identity" or "expression") remains undefined in the law. As clear-thinking critics have warned all along, chaos will result. It just may take awhile for it to be apparent. Here's a recent report out of Canada ("Wedding cashers: Straight pals want to marry - for tax breaks", by Lesley Wright, Toronto Sun, 8/6/05):

WHAT'S LOVE got to do with it?

Bill Dalrymple, 56, and best friend Bryan Pinn, 65, have decided to take the plunge and try out the new same-sex marriage legislation with a twist -- they're straight men.

"I think it's a hoot," Pinn said.

The proposal came last Monday on the patio of a Toronto bar amid shock and laughter from their friends. But the two -- both of whom were previously married and both of whom are still looking for a good woman to love -- insist that after the humour subsided, a real issue lies at the heart of it all.

"There are significant tax implications that we don't think the government has thought through," Pinn said. Dalrymple has been to see a lawyer already and there are no laws in marriage that define sexual preference....

They want to shed light on the widespread financial implications of the new legislation and are willing to take it all the way.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Queer Eye for Machiavelli??

The homosexual activists say we're obsessed with homosexuality. No -- It is they who see everything through their queer-eye lens. For example, a political philosophy course on Machiavelli at URI becomes a soapbox for queer theory, dirty talk, and Christian-bashing. This outrageous story by Nathaniel Nelson just appeared in David Horowitz's Read it and weep. And realize this is going on all in college classrooms all over the country, not just at URI.

Militant leftist professors have gone beyond hating America. Now, militant "gay" professors not only harass conservative students for their political views, but also get away with sexual and religious harassment as well. Excerpts:

“My name is Michael Vocino and I like d--k.”

These were the words spoken by my philosophy professor, Michael Vocino, as he introduced himself to our class the first day of his Political Philosophy course....

During the semester that followed, Professor Vocino made numerous sexual comments and gestures towards myself and other male members of the class. On the second day of class, Professor Vocino asked me, in front of the class, whether I was uncomfortable knowing that he thought that I was “hot.” I answered in the affirmative. Further along in the semester, as I entered the class with my shorts on, Professor Vocino noted that I had nice legs. To that, I responded that though they may be nice, they were unfortunately hairy.

A few times during the semester instead of giving the usual educational assignments, Professor Vocino asked me, and a few other male members, to try “making out” with other males and tell the class how it felt. While observing an outside student walk by the classroom with baggy-style jeans on, he offered that he wished men would wear tighter pants because he liked “bums.” Often Professor Vocino would ask members of the class for hugs. In fact, he did an “experiment” to see how people reacted to the intrusion on their personal space. This “experiment” consisted of class members standing as close as they could to each other. He ended the “experiment” with students, again mostly male and including myself, standing as close to him as they felt comfortable.

During the semester, Professor Vocino spent much time on the subject of sex, or in his words, “f---ing”, often asking students if they were sexually active; if so, how much, with who and when. It was a frequent occurrence for Professor Vocino to talk about “d--k” and all of the actions that one can do with said body member. It should be noted that one entire class was devoted to the topic of masturbation....

The most frequent criticism of my Christian belief was its position against homosexuality. At the time of the course, the debate over same-sex marriage was receiving much national attention, particularly in neighboring Massachusetts. As the designated Christian and conservative spokesperson in the class (and not always wanting the task), I was required to defend these positions. At one point, after finishing my explanation, Professor Vocino responded contemptuously, “What the f--k does it matter?”

As the semester progressed, I began to feel hated within the classroom. I found myself wanting to avoid class because I did not want to be attacked. I wondered about all the campus regulations which emphasized “diversity” and “sensitivity” to and respect for the Other. I wondered why these regulations didn’t apply to people’s hateful attitudes towards me.

The fear I experienced was intensified by Professor Vocino’s own attitudes towards me. He would often deliberately mischaracterize Christian beliefs in order to provoke me to respond. One such occurrence was when Professor Vocino asked me why I and other Christians “hate fags.” It took a lot of effort to explain why it is incorrect to state that Christians “hate fags.” My difficulty stemmed in part that I was a student and he was my professor. I was conscious of my lack of knowledge and experience, compared to his level of expertise in Biblical history and text. The fact that the accusations he was making were harsh and extreme increased my discomfort....

The student went to URI's Discrimination/Affirmative Action office and was told there was nothing that the office could do about the professor's behavior. Apparently, Professor Vocino is still teaching Machiavelli in this same manner.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Penile Inversion Surgery & NJ Middle School Students

We're now being told that we may not discriminate on the basis of a person's "sexual identity" or "gender expression". These terms are undefined. They can mean whatever a person or group wants at any given time. Prepare for chaos. Case in point:

In New Jersey, Herb wanted to become Kerri. So, the male middle-school teacher in New Jersey is returning to his school in the fall following "gender reassignment surgery." He thinks he is now a woman, and everyone else is expected to think that too. Including middle-school age children.

Let's get real. "Sexual identity" and "gender expression" are never going to be something only adults deal with. There's no way of avoiding young children's involvement. Do we really want them to ponder penile inversion surgery? Many of us have confronted staff in stores or restaurants who are either cross-dressing or surgically altered people. It's a very unnatural and disturbing thing, if for adults then obviously much more so for children.

How can we comprehend all this talk and acceptance of such bodily mutilation? Why is it that there's common horror when breast cancer necessitates breast removal, yet we let BAGLY tell our girls it's something they might want to consider for the sake of their "gender expression"? (Should we start telling women suffering from breast cancer that it's no big deal?)

What difference does it make if a woman has breasts or not? What difference does it make whether a man has a penis or not? Of course, Herb thought he was a "woman", not a "man". And a lot of people encouraged him in that thinking. So he gets a little silicone here, a little tissue removal and carving out there. And we tell our children everything's fine, and they shouldn't be upset or sickened.

No, we won't go there. People like Herb (and his supporters) need serious help, and it's not surgical.

From the New Jersey Star-Ledger, 8-2-05:

"She was a good teacher as a man," said Marisa Dodge, a fellow teacher at Mountain View and co-president of the local teacher's union. "She will be a good teacher as a woman."

The district could not fire her based on her gender, given that state anti-discrimination laws apply to transgender people, said Deborah Jacobs, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey.

State advocacy groups said McCaffrey will become New Jersey's first openly transgender teacher in several decades. The first was Paul Monroe Grossman, a Bernards Township transgender high school teacher who had a sex change in 1971.

"I can't imagine a more courageous role model for students than a member of the transgender community," said Steven Goldstein, chairperson of Garden State Equality, a group that supports gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights. "I have no doubt (McCaffrey) will be a statewide or possibly a nationwide figure."

Friday, August 05, 2005

Dennis Prager on Transgender

Check out this recent article by Dennis Prager, "The Challenge of the Transgendered". He explains that transgender people (who behave and/or dress as a member of the opposite sex) challenge Judeo-Christian values by rejecting their natural identities, part of God's creation. The radical homosexuals ally with them because they share the goal of undermining traditional moral values and sexual roles. Excerpts:

"It is remarkable that activists on behalf of gay and lesbian acceptance always include the transgendered. What, after all, do the transgendered, who are usually heterosexual men, have to do with gays and lesbians?

"The answer is that activists understand that their primary goal -- equating same-sex sexual behavior with man-woman sex -- can only be accomplished if other Judeo-Christian and Western sexual norms are also rejected.

"That is why the very word 'sex,' when referring to male or female, has been changed to 'gender.' And society at large has accepted this linguistic change as if it were insignificant. The change on application forms, for example, from 'Sex: M or F' to 'Gender: M or F' has gone unnoticed. But it is a huge change. In the sexual activists' world, 'sex' is fixed and objective; 'gender' is fluid and subjective....

"One of the major values of the Old Testament, the primary source of Judeo-Christian values, is the notion of a divinely ordained order based on separation. What God has created distinct, man shall not tamper with.

"As examples, good is separate from evil (attempts to blur their differences are known as moral relativism and are anathema to Judeo-Christian values); life is separate from death (in part a reaction to ancient Egypt, which blurred the distinction between life and death); God is separate from nature (see part XVI); humans are separate from animals (see part XV); and man is separate from woman. Blurring any of these distinctions is tampering with the order of the world as created by God and leads to chaos. So important is the notion of separation that the very word for 'holy' in biblical Hebrew (kadosh) means 'separate,' 'distinct.' "...

If a man gets a sexual thrill out of wearing women's undergarments in the privacy of his bedroom, that is not society's concern. It may be his religion's concern, and, religious or not, it may be his female partner's concern (one wonders how many women married to cross dressing men are pleased by the sight of their man in a bra and panties). But it is not society's concern...

However, when a man does this in public, he has publicly blurred the man-woman distinction, and society has the right -- and the duty, if it cares about Judeo-Christian values or simply cares about not confusing children as to sexual identity -- to say this violates a norm that society does not wish violated.

The war waged by cultural radicals at universities, in state legislatures and in courtrooms against the very distinction between male and female is one of their most significant attempts to undo the Judeo-Christian foundations of American and Western culture. And they know it. That's why fighting to blur gender distinctions is so important to them.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Massachusetts Legislature: Look at What You're Funding

To the Massachusetts Legislature:

Look at what you're funding. Is this suicide prevention? Or are you driving young people into lives of misery? Why are you leading our children into the sad and twisted world of transgenderism and transsexuality?

See the new postings on Article 8 Alliance:

From the GLSEN Workshop at Brookline High School, homosexuality conference, April 30 . . . Graphic talk on transsexuality / transgenderism given to children by homosexual activists! Hard-core "trans" activists tell kids "the facts of life". Remember the override of the Governor's veto? Here's where the money goes.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

More Trans Madness

Article 8 Alliance just posted a report on a Transgender/Transsexual indoctrination session targeting middle- and high-school students at last April's GLSEN conference (held at Brookline High School). If you take a little time and go to the resources and links they gave the children, you'll be shocked. Here's just one example of where this conference session is leading these children:

The "Guide to Intersex & Trans Terminologies" by Emi Koyama of the Survivor Project. "Miss" ("Ms"?) Koyama not only authored this glossary. [S]he also is a speaker for the Survivor Project. Her bio reads:

Since her birth in 1975, Emi Koyama has lived twelve years of her life as a boy, twelve years as a girl, and has been trying to get over it all since her 24th birthday. She nonetheless navigates most of her daily activities as a third wavin' chick activist/academic, synthesizing her feminist, Asian, survivor, lesbian, queer, sex worker, intersex, trans, and crip politics, as these factors, while not a complete descriptor of who she is, all impacted her life. She joined Survivor Project in 1999, and since then updated much of how the organization presented about intersex people. In addition, she volunteers for Danzine, an advocacy organization by and for sex workers.

Remember that one of the demands of the radical homosexuals is de-criminalizing prostitution. (See the Gay Rights Platform 1972, State #3.) They also demand repeal of all state laws prohibiting transvestism and cross-dressing (State #6). GLSEN is obviously on board with this, and must want our young children to start thinking about careers as sex workers (maybe even as transgendered/transsexual sex workers). Note that the children are next linked through Survivor Project to Danzine, an online "zine" for prostitutes.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Radical "Gay" Activists Have No Right to State Offices and Symbols

Can you imagine pro-lifers having a "Respect Life" office in the State House? How about using a Department of Public Health email address for personal activism promoting abstinence education? Or Article 8 Alliance using the shield of Massachusetts as its logo for the group's letterhead ("Protecting the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts").

Compare this with the special privileges given to the radical homosexual activists:

GLBTQI radical activists have office space, phones and a mailbox at our State House: Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, State House, Room 280, Boston, MA 02133, 617-725-4000 ext. 35312

The Mass. Lesbian and Gay Bar Association ( former chairman and newsletter editor gets to use his Attorney General's office phone and email for radical activism:; 617-727-2200 x2554 (he's on leave till September).

A new radical group is using the official Commonwealth of Massachusetts shield for its logo: "Friends of the Governor's Commission for Gay and Lesbian Youth". Bay Windows reports that this group raised extra funds for the terribly underfunded commission ($30,000 by last December) and is disbursing checks to gay-straight alliance clubs in high schools across the state.

These are just the more OPEN radicals who've taken over our state government. Can you imagine how many others are working behind the scenes? Time to expose them, and strip them of special privileges. And time for Governor Romney to eliminate the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth by executive order.

Intellectual Underpinnings of "Trans" Activisim

Why is the "T" included in "GLBT"? The radical transgender/transsexual and homosexual movements share the goal of negating or overturning the traditional understanding of our God-given, natural biological gender. These extremists are engaged in an all-out effort to "normalize so-called sex change operations [and other deviant behaviors] and to deconstruct the reality of male and female in our culture." (See Traditional Values Coalition for more readings on the "trans" activist world.)

It's hard to take this topic seriously, until you see the photos of teenage boys in fishnet stockings and short dresses on parade at the Governor's "Youth Pride" parade in Boston; or read about boys going to their high school or college prom as a "queen"; or see the photos from Boston's Gay Pride events of the young women baring their scarred chests, with breasts removed; or hear about the push on college campuses to demand unisex bathrooms; or see the agenda for your local high school "awareness" days. This is what "gender identity" and "gender expression" include.

So we thought it might be interesting to look into the brains of these people. Here is an example of the "scholarship" supporting the transgenderl/transsexual revolution (out of Berkeley --
where else!):

cultivating transsexuality with the internet as a technology of the self
Jaime R. Balboa, Doctoral Candidate, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley


Queer theorists such as Judith Butler and Michel Foucault argue for or assume the amorphousness of human sexual desire and identity(ies)--an amorphousness which is staunchly regulated by hegemonic ideologies (i.e., compulsory patriarchal heterosexuality) and their concomitant technologies of the self. In this paper I shall explore the ways in which cyber-narratives, cyber-identities, and cybersex constitute a Foucauldian technology of the self which enables the cultivation of a transsexual sexual desire and identity. Correlatively, I shall argue that the fictive realm of the internet offers a means by which traditional (fictive) categories for being sexual, i.e., straight, gay, bisexual, are vigorously contested, indeed, deconstructed, by the performance of cybersex in its counter-hegemonic narrative frames. The internet, as a technology of the self, can provide a site for continual self-construction and deconstruction, providing for both (1) outlets of transgressive sexual desires and (2) the construction of transsexuality. I shall also argue that the effects of the internet on sexual identity are not entirely new. Rather, when understood through Butler's theory of gender performativity, it will become clear that the enactment of cybersex in the malleable context of the internet is a hyperbolic and deconstructive repetition of traditional sexual narratives.

Friday, July 29, 2005

"By flagrant ardour inflamed" ... Clear Channel's "Gay" Porn Billboard

Our homosexual activist lurker critics (Hi to Gaston, Patrick, MassMarrier!) often accuse us of being obsessed with homosexual sex acts. Well, our answer to that is the usual: No, YOU're obsessed. Obsessed to the point that you make us look at it on the streets when we're just innocently walking or driving down Massachusetts Avenue pondering deep Cantabrigian thoughts.

We are referring, of course, to Clear Channel's "gay" porn advertisement for a hook-up website exposed by Article 8 Alliance.

A friend informed MassResistance that the photo of these two naked men hugging goes beyond suggestive. It's actually showing an "act in progress", in "standing doggie style". (Thought we'd better run this by Gaston. Was our informant correct?) Those of us familiar primarily with the missionary position and a few modest heterosexual variants were taken aback. Jeez, they are "by flagrant ardour inflamed"!

And we're obsessed? No we're upset. What is this doing on a billboard on a street anywhere in the country??? Maybe our friends at MassResistanceWatch will explain.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

New Sponsors of Dangerous "Lifestyle"

We're adding a few new names to the Hall of Shame, in light of the vile billboard near MIT and the announcement of the gay tourism push by the Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau. (Also included are a few new advertisers seen in Bay Windows.) They are all making money by supporting depravity and a dangerous "lifestyle":

American Express, Avis, ClearChannel Communications, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Jury's Boston Hotel, Poirier Appliances (Newton, Norwood), Stolichnaya Vodka.

It's not surprising that these companies and organizations are vying for GLBT money. We came across a report that explains it all:

Latest Analysis by Witeck-Combs Communications and Packaged Facts
Washington, D.C. – January 31, 2005 –

The total buying power of the U.S. gay, lesbian and bisexual (GLB) adult population in 2005 is projected to be $610 billion, according to the latest analysis by Witeck-Combs Communications and Packaged Facts (a division of The estimate was originally derived in a joint study by both organizations entitled, “The U.S. Gay and Lesbian Market.” In 2004, the gay buying power projection was estimated at $580 billion.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Governor Romney's Gay Judicial Appointments

Governor Romney has created some more problems for his Presidential campaign. His opportunity to pick decent conservative judges has gone largely unfulfilled. Only one quarter of his appointments have been Republicans (as if that meant anything in this state!).

Romney has, however, appointed two pro-gay "marriage" judges, one of whom is openly homosexual and was on the board of the Massachusetts Lesbian and Gay Bar Association! From the Boston Globe (7-25-05):

Romney said Friday that he has not paid a moment's notice to his nominees' political leanings or sexual orientation -- or to the impact his choices might have on a future presidential run. He said he has focused on two factors: their legal experience and whether the nominees would be tough on crime. He said most of the nominees have prosecutorial experience.

''People on both sides of the aisle want to put the bad guys away," Romney said....

Observers in the Bay State legal community, meanwhile, said they see a contradiction between Romney's judicial choices and his conservative rhetoric, including his stated opposition to same-sex marriage....

Romney, despite his opposition to same-sex marriage, in May selected for a district court judgeship Stephen S. Abany, a former board member of the Massachusetts Lesbian and Gay Bar Association who organized the group's opposition to a 1999 bill to outlaw same-sex marriage. Just two days before the nomination, Romney was lamenting the liberal tilt of the state's bench, telling Fox News that ''our courts have a record here in Massachusetts, don't they, of being a little blue and being Kerry-like."

Another Romney choice for the bench is Marianne C. Hinkle, a registered Democrat who worked as an aide to Governor Michael S. Dukakis in the late 1970s and prosecuted John C. Salvi III in the 1994 Brookline abortion clinic shootings. Hinkle, in her application for the bench, describes herself as a longtime active member of Dignity/USA, a group that advocates for expanded gay rights in the Catholic Church and society generally....

Romney has faced criticism from Governor's Councilors and some bar associations for failing to nominate more women, minorities, and defense attorneys to the bench. Seeking to counter such attacks, Romney's appointee to the chairmanship of the Judicial Nominating Commission, Boston lawyer Christopher D. Moore, has reached out to minority and women's bar associations to encourage members to apply. He's done the same with the state lesbian and gay bar association, which also has a seat on Romney's joint bar committee.

Are Same-Sex Couples Anti-Diversity?

Our friend Bruce makes a good point about "diversity". While the other side preaches it, traditionalists practice it. He writes:

Our Constitution is already against gay marriage: "Equality under the law shall not be denied or abridged because of sex." (www.Constitution.MA*) The Constitution is about gender equality, about being inclusive, like the uniquely inclusive equality and gender diversity of one man + one woman!

In contrast, gay men categorically exclude women, just because women are different, in the name of "love" (and vice-versa). In fact, they say it is genetic. Imagine a genetic defect that biases a person to always be partial to one's own gender and denies and abridges gender equality, when it comes to 'love"! This is why homosexual "love" is called a perversion. This is gender-bias discrimination. This is diversity intolerance. This is unconstitutional gender bigotry.

*Note from MassResistance: If you search the Mass. Constitution, it doesn't mention "same-sex marriage". It does, however, mention "marriage" once, and says that only the Governor and Legislature (NOT the Supreme Judicial Court) have the authority to address matters of marriage:

Article V. All causes of marriage, divorce, and alimony, and all appeals from the judges of probate shall be heard and determined by the governor and council, until the legislature shall, by law, make other provision.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Gay Tourism in Boston

It was a bit of a secret when Rosie O'Donnell's two-mommies cruise ship docked in Boston two weeks ago (an "RFamily" tour). Now we'll see events like that more often, given the new $100,000 advertising campaign to promote Boston to the worldwide homosexual tourism market.

Our tourism official says that "transgender" tourists will be welcome as well. Does that mean you won't have to go to Provincetown to see men in skirts, fishnets, and high heels?

Homosexual tourism is about sex, but it's also about money. MassResistance addressed this topic several months ago. It underscores that there's little evidence of discrimination against the "gay" community, if they have such high incomes as a group that high-end advertising targets them.

Boston and Cambridge are rolling out the rainbow carpet (Boston Herald, July 20, 2005):

Tourism officials hope to lure more gay and lesbian travelers through a new $100,000 advertising and marketing campaign.

The Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau has teamed with Man Around - a U.K. company billed as the world's largest long-distance gay-tour operator - to market Boston and Cambridge as gay-friendly destinations.

Gay and lesbian travelers are an attractive market for the tourism industry, according to Pat Moscaritolo, the convention bureau's chief.

"Because they have higher income, they have a propensity or ability to travel,'' Moscaritolo said. "They also have an affinity to support destinations and companies that support the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.''

Those who book trips will receive a new eight-page gay and lesbian visitors guide to Boston and Cambridge, along with other promotional material. The guide touts Boston and Cambridge as having a "vibrant, creative and professional openly gay population, with many gays and lesbians active in cultural organizations and city, county and state politics.''

Do advertisements targeting any other segment of the touring population focus on the sexuality of the inhabitants at the destination? Maybe we should compare this to "sex tourism" in places like Thailand. Is this really so different? Granted, Thailand is known specifically for child prostitution. -- But isn't that where this slippery slope will take us? If the "gay" tourists are led by our tourism agency to the best "gay" nightclubs in Boston, how long before some of them take the next step? (Activists are already working to lower the age of sexual consent, and decriminalize prostitution. Then who can object to child prostitution, as long as the kid is over 12?... or 11? or 10?)

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Canada's Corrupted Legislators

Canada is the fourth country to fall for the homosexual extremists' propaganda that their demands are all about their "civil rights". On July 19, Canada's upper house voted to approve same-sex "marriage". The vote was 47-21, with 3 of 95 senators abstaining. (It's over now, as the lower house already approved the bill.)

How could this happen? Same way it does in the corrupted Massachusetts legislature. Most legislators don't have the moral fiber to stand up to the temptations of power and prestige, committee appointments, fancy trips, and of course the extra money they somehow get as one of the in-crowd. The other device: push the bill through fast, shutting down normal debate. (Sound familiar?) Here's how it worked in the latest Canadian vote:

"Canadian Senators Ordered to Vote in Favour of Gay "Marriage" Bill" (, July 18):

"Sources in Canada's parliament have revealed to that Liberal Senators have received a letter ordering them to be present for the vote on the same-sex 'marriage' bill C-38 and to vote in favour of it. The source indicated that the letter was followed up with direct phone calls to Senators. "I have never seen this degree of instruction and pressure," said one source.

"A source in the Senate confirmed the 'whipped' vote noting that going against the Liberal Government's expressed wishes could result in loss of perks and future opportunities. Opportunities such as international travel and important positions such as chairing committees can easily be withheld by the Leader of the Government in the Senate who is currently BC Liberal Senator Jack Austin.

"The homosexual 'marriage' bill C-38 will be brought back to the full Senate from committee without amendments tonight. Given a normal hearing, a bill of this magnitude could be debated at third reading for months, however, as the Liberals have shown they are ready to force the bill through, [in] an extremely expedited process..."

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Our Right to Our Biological Heritage

In our last post, we wrote off the cuff about children's need and desire to know both biological parents. As more wacky ideas surface (e.g., creating egg cells from male stem cells so two male partners can "procreate"; two mommies but no daddy identified on birth certificates, etc.), we need to pay attention to the scholarly debate that's opened up on this. From our friend John:

So now [another] scholar writes that people should only be created by combining an egg and a sperm. Do you agree? There is no law against Same-Sex Procreation right now. After the law, a person won't have the right to procreate with someone of their same sex, but they will with someone of the other sex. We need everyone to back these ... proposals.... They are the answer to stopping Same-Sex Marriage.

David Blankenhorn is now saying that "Every child has the right to a natural biological heritage, defined as the union of the father’s sperm and the mother’s egg."
[He also says, "Every child has the right, in so far as society can make it possible, to know and be raised by its two natural biological parents." And, "Every child has the right to know his or her biological origins. Individuals and society should typically refrain from creating genetic orphans." And "Children have the right to be heard. Today, the rights claims of adults tend to come through loud and clear. Children's voices are much harder to hear."]

This echoes
Margaret Somerville's children's rights column. [Check out her musings in defense of hetero parenting too.]

And it echoes the President's Council on Bioethics, who over a year ago recommended that Congress "prohibit attempts to conceive a child by any means other than the union of egg and

And by way of contrast, let me link you to a LGBT group that insists on unfettered acccess to any and all reproductive technologies that a gay couple might want to use, and insists that they be safe and affordable, to boot.

We can start the fight against this stuff by enacting an egg-and-sperm law, and then work on donor conception and surrogacy. It will be much easier to fight those if we are able to point out that they are adultery, and that only married couples have the right to contribute gametes to create children. (We don't have to ban donor conception or surrogacy if it would create a backlash among hetero marriages that want to use sperm donation. We can just ban non-egg-and-sperm procreation.)

Go to John's blog for more discussion.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Birth Certificates: No, A Baby Can't Have Two Mommies

Things have gone too far: The inmates are running the asylum, and they are still complaining. They still don't have everything they can imagine. Meanwhile, the Governor only quibbles over minor details, but still gives in on the big stuff. (See "Birth certificate policy draws fire; change affects same-sex couples", Boston Globe, 7-22-05):

"Governor Mitt Romney's administration is advising hospitals to cross out the word father on birth certificates for the children of same-sex couples and instead write the phrase ''second parent," angering gay and lesbian advocates and city and town clerks who warn that the altered documents could be legally questionable.

"Eric Fehrnstrom, Romney's spokesman, said yesterday that the Department of Public Health, which the governor oversees, has been has been advising hospitals to alter the documents since last year, when the first children were born to same-sex married couples were born.

"Fehrnstrom insisted that the practice is legal. But city and town clerks, who register and store birth records, argue that the cross-outs on the birth certificates could make them open to challenges by passport agents, foreign governments, and other officials. They have repeatedly asked Romney to create a new birth certificate for the children of same-sex parents that would include gender-neutral nomenclature.

"But Romney has resisted, arguing that the Legislature must first pass a law authorizing such a change."

Time for a reality check for the "homosexual parenting" crowd. No, a baby CAN'T have two mommies. It's biologically and socially impossible. And Governor Romney is right to say our certificates should not be officially changed to read "Mother" and "Second Parent". Too bad he doesn't realize that this nonsense shouldn't even be hand-written in!

But Romney's lesbian-mommy critics are correct that his administration is inconsistent: They changed marriage licenses in May 2004 to read "Party A" and "Party B", instead of "Husband" and "Wife". So why can't they change birth certificates now? The same argument that the Governor is using to stop short of reprinting the birth certificates applies to marriage certificates too: Neither same-sex parent status nor same-sex "marriage" was ever made law, is without statutory basis, and is still not legal. So why did the Governor change the marriage certificates?

It's time for Gov. Romney to face up to his BIG MISTAKE in May 2004. He could have halted same-sex "marriage", but didn't. It was within his power to just say NO. He could have ordered the Department of Public Health and town offices NOT to issue "marriage" certificates to same-sex couples. But he wasn't a candidate for President then.

There's another very disturbing aspect to this story. All this sperm-bank, anonymous cellular-level parenting is creating a "brave new world" difficult for the child (and everyone else) to navigate. Children DO want and need to know who their biological fathers are. Adoptive parents know this very well. Adopted children yearn to know as many details about both biological parents as possible. Children in fatherless homes know in their guts something is missing. But the homosexual activists will answer that we just need to re-educate these children and society.

Common sense and everyday observation tells us that a father's absence is emotionally harmful to the child. Also, the medical history of the biological father would benefit the child, even if he is absent. As far as we know, this "brave new world" (including required identities and biological histories of sperm and egg donors) is an unregulated mess. And it's just going to get messier. There will be crazy custody battles when couples split, problems with recognition of legal parent when the family or one of the "mommies" moves out of Massachusetts, etc. The children of these unions will surely be harmed.

Governor Romney and the Mass. Legislature are complicit, along with the Mass. Supreme Judicial Court, in creating this disaster.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Lemmings in the Mass. Legislature

Supposedly there's such a thing as socially conservative Democrats, even in Massachusetts. The sponsors of the Bill of Address (H652, to remove the four SJC judges who ruled for same-sex "marriage") are all Democrats. But every one of them (who was present on July 14) voted to increase funding for the homosexual propaganda programs in our public schools.

So here is MassResistance's question to our friends, Reps. Goguen (D), Nangle (D), Parente (D), Travis (D): Don't you see the connection between the homosexual propaganda in our schools and same-sex "marriage"? Haven't you noticed that the majority of recent high school graduates thinks that male-to-male "fisting" is on a moral par with heterosexual missionary-position intercourse ... and should receive the state sanctioning of legal "marriage"? Do you really want to help fund the gay clubs in our high schools, which lead our children to the GLSEN conference, which handed out the Little Black Book and told them to consider sex-change operations???

What matters to these Dems??? Party loyalty above preserving civilization??? Spending your tax dollars on whatever their leadership proposes, because that's what Dems do???

MassResistance sends a special THANK YOU, hugs, and kisses (though we don't want to sound too "gay") to our Republicans (not-in-name-only) friends in the House: Reps. Jones, Peterson, deMacedo, Evangelidis, Gifford, Hargraves, Loscocco, Perry, Poirier, Polito, Pope, Smola, and Webster. (And let's hope that these Republicans didn't stick with the Governor from purely fiscally conservative motives!)

Reprimands are in order for the following apparent RINOs (NO, it's NOT a "big tent"), Reps. Rogeness, Lepper, Frost, Gomes, Hill, and Ross. (Rep. Ross, we had high hopes for you. What happened?)