Sunday, December 27, 2009

Kevin Jennings GLSEN Fistgate: More Student X-Rated Questions Revealed

More background on Kevin Jennings' GLSEN “Fistgate” workshop in 2000:
In the week after the Fistgate audiotapes were made public and the first articles on the incident had appeared in Massachusetts News, a defense of the fisting workshop appeared on a website called “Bridges Across the Divide.” The author, Cindy Beal, claims to have spoken directly with Margot Abels (consistently misspelled “Ables”), the DOE employee who led the teen “gay sex” workshop.
There is much of interest in the article, which claims the Fistgate workshop can only be properly understood in “context” (that would be the context of radical sexuality education). The author claims Abels revealed to her the complete list of sex questions submitted by students as written on notecards, which were then answered by the three instructors. Note the “non-judgmental” response to kids inquiring about fisting and sadomasochism (at end of the excerpt below). Abels told Beal:
"We made it clear that for some people that's [sadomasochism] what they're interested in, and for many people it's not what they want to be doing.  We didn't want people who engage in non-traditional activities to feel judged, but in no way did we say ‘go out and try this' because we wanted to make people who weren't interested in it to feel just as good and not judged [for their decision not to participate in these activities.]" 
Also note that the instructors led the kids to a “resources” at the conference, and “peer support groups for gay youth.” That would be Boston GLASS, Youth Pride and BAGLY. See our recent report on the X-rated materials those groups handed out to teens at the conference.
Abels asked the kids in the workshop to write down their questions after a role-playing session did not go as well as she’d hoped, because the kids were acting “silly” – basically acting as the children they were. Which makes the discussion that followed all the more shocking. (Yet Beals, Abels, and Kevin Jennings would still say the subject matter was “age-appropriate”.)
Ms. Ables reflection on the role-play was that it got "silly" and the students began to focus on silliness and theatricality rather than on the content.  "The kids came to talk about questions they have that haven't yet been answered." 
They then decided to do anonymous question cards, a back-up exercise they had come prepared with.  These cards provide youth the opportunity to ask questions they have without risking judgement from their peers or adults for the content of the questions. Anonymous question cards also help guarantee that the material being asked is the students' agenda rather than the adults. 
Ms. Ables provided me with a list of the questions they asked, which she had typed up because the teachers who were present at the next workshop felt it important to know what gay youth wanted to know. 
"These are typed as written originally by the students. 
 Is oral sex better with tongue rings? P.S. I hope so.
Cum? Calories? Spit versus swallow?  Health concerns?
What age do most GLB first have sex? Is it different from the age of straight kids?
What is an anal ball? [See Wikipedia.]
 Should some kind of protection be used in lesbian sex?
 Women’s vaginal wall can expand to any dick size… Can anal walls do the same?
 Are girls who primarily like guys and are only attracted to other girls sexually (not in the love-y) way considered bisexual?
 How is protection used in lesbian sex since it’s mostly oral, where does the protection go?
 My ex said she enjoys pain, what the hell is that about?
 What is fisting?
 Define fetish.
 What is lesbian sex anyway?
 How do I find out if someone is bi?  Homo?
 What are the technicalities of transsexual and hermaphrodite sex?
 How long do you have to wait to get tested for HIV or any STD after the "act" is committed?
 A question on the ethics of oral sex: would it be considered rude not to swallow?
 Can you answer the fish question? [bad smelling vagina?]
 Do lesbians rub their clits together?  Is that even sex?
How do GLB kids determine loss of virginity?"
The procedure for this exercise was to read the questions in the order they arrived in on the pile of question cards, to turn the question back to the group so peers could do some of the education, and then to add, clarify, or correct any misinformation. 
Ms. Ables described Michael [Gaucher, DPH AIDS educator] as an actor, very dramatic and entertaining.  She said that youth love him because he presents information in a lively and humorous manner. He did most of the education on about where and how to you get tested for HIV, the different kinds of tests there are for HIV, on HIV/AIDS treatment, and responded to questions about transmission risk for different people, sexual practices and lesbian sex.  At one point he was writing on the board demonstrating the differences between the Western Blot and ELISA tests. 
The youth seemed to have a good understanding of the importance of safety in sexual activity.  One of the questions was, -- "Is it rude to spit after oral sex?" One of the students answered "whether or not it's rude, it's good HIV prevention to not swallow." 
There was a long talk about how to make decisions around sex activity and how to decide when to begin sexual activity.  They didn’t talk about abstinence in this context, but "postponement." They talked about not making a decision to enter any sexual activity until you're ready, and discussed how someone might know that they are ready.  They discussed that for some people sexual activity has feelings attached to it, and for others, it’s just physical. They discussed the context of making decisions about sex, with knowledge about what those choices were about sexual activity and emotional maturity and other things.  Ms. Ables reports that they asked the youths,  "How do you make those decisions? As you think about it, you might find it’s not the right time for you." 
There were a couple of subjects in which they purposely avoided making or implying value judgements.  The questions when to become sexually active, what is fisting, and a question about sadomasochism were answered as factually as possible to avoid stigmatizing anyone in the room who participated in those behaviors, and to maintain the educational atmosphere that there is no shame in asking questions or talking about anything.  Therefore, both Mr. Gaucher and Ms. Ables described the practice of "fisting" in an accurate way. 
As with all the questions, they turned it first back to the students. One student said that fisting was "slamming your fist up into somebody." That is a factually inaccurate statement, and they didn't want that kind of judgement and image left in the minds of these youth, so they both answered it – "not to encourage it -- we gave them clear messages that some people like it and most don’t."  That "it's not painful and we didn’t want people there or their friends to be judged" on the basis of inaccurate information. 
They responded the same way when there was a question about sadomasochism.  "We made it clear that for some people that's what they're interested in, and for many people it's not what they want to be doing.  We didn't want people who engage in non-traditional activities to feel judged, but in no way did we say ‘go out and try this' because we wanted to make people who weren't interested in it to feel just as good and not judged [for their decision not to participate in these activities.]" 
One question asked by the youth was "Is oral sex better with tongue rings?"  Another youth answered, "I have one.  My girlfriend has one.  It is." 
One young woman stated at one point that people don’t even know what vaginas look like, and jumped to the board to draw one. It was "anatomically inaccurate."  The presenters made a joke about the size of the clitoris so as not to embarrass the student, and then corrected the misinformation. 
They talked about at what age most gay kids have sex.  They talked about the statistics  from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey – ( ) and asked the students why they though gay kids had sex at a younger age than their heterosexual peers.  The students primarily hypothesized that it might be because of the isolation, or ignorance, or acting out, only one student said that she became aware of her desire, thought it was a good thing and wanted to try it. 
"One kid asked about resources – he said he was sexually active at 14 and now at 15, he was thinking that he was disconnected from people as people" and was thinking that he needed to not be sexual.  He asked after about dating, how to find a community, how to find a boyfriend.  He was supported in choosing to not be sexual, and "after the workshop Mr. Gaucher went with him to the table and connected him with peer support groups for gay youth." 

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Taxpayer-Funded Abortions: Massachusetts RomneyCare Leads the Way for ObamaCare

Massachusetts has led the way for ObamaCare taxpayer-funded abortions. Governor Mitt Romney (with guidance from the still proud, would-be conservative think tank Heritage Foundation!) allied himself with the corrupt Democrat legislature (and its godfather Ted Kennedy) to pass a hideous mandated health insurance program here. 
Gov. Mitt Romney
Here is how the "Four Women, Inc." abortion clinic (in Attleboro, Mass.) advertises its abortion services, as funded by RomneyCare:
Abortion Care:
Convenient day and evening appointments are available for abortion care. Surgical Abortion from 5.5 to 20 weeks. Medicaton Abortions from 5.5 to 7.5 weeks.
Mass Health:
Most Mass Health programs cover pregnancy termination services. Please call your Mass Health worker or the clinic for further information.
Four Women does not provide abortion services over twenty weeks, although our physicians can make referrals to a network of leading hospitals for additional assessment and care. Our goal is to work with you to find the best doctor for your individual situation.
Four Women, Inc. was recently cited for sanitary code violations by the Mass. Department of Public Health after improper, unsanitary disposal of biological waste. Now what might that waste have been?

That’s what ObamaCare will bring to the country. Abortions at “convenient day and evening appointments.” And a growing bureaucracy concerned with “sanitary violations” rather than murder of fellow human beings. All paid for by your tax dollars.

Nice looking men in suits work out the murder of babies and force you to pay. On April 12, 2006, Governor Mitt Romney signed the mandatory health insurance bill into law in historic Faneuil Hall as Ted Kennedy, later disgraced Speaker of the House Sal DiMasi (right), and Senate President Robert Travaglini (yellow necktie) look on. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Obama HEARTS Drag Queen Hedda Lettuce


We read on and WorldNetDaily that drag queen “Hedda Lettuce” [AKA Steven Polito] is now proudly decorating Obama’s White House “holiday tree.”
Polito/Hedda commented on his blog about the honor:
… yes one of my balls is hanging in the White House. When I looked at the photo of the ball, it was not my signature green color, it was many shades of blue. Not only was my ball hanging in the White House, my blue ball is hanging in the White House. I may never get equal rights, I may never be blond and pencil thin, I may never see Lady Gaga in concert this winter at Madison Square Garden (I could not get a ticket) but one of my balls is hanging in the White House with my name for all to see. Just for today that feels a bit better than me having the right to marry.
“Hedda Lettuce” was the vilely vulgar emcee at Boston Pride’s entertainment on the Boston Common in 2006. MassResistance reported on that event. To fully appreciate the outrage of the Obama “holiday tree” decoration, we are reprinting our 2006 report here. [Photos below are by MassResistance.]
The headline entertainment at "Pride Festival" -- official "emcee" on the Boston Common, Saturday, June 10 [2006]
Extremely gross and disgusting "entertainment" by Hedda-Lettuce, a man dressed as a woman.
This was blasted through huge loudspeakers you could hear blocks away, and displayed on a giant screen. Many adults (some who had brought kids) were forced to leave, it was so vulgar and distasteful.
Keep in mind that the Gay Pride Week organizers and gay "community" participants didn't seem to see anything wrong or even unusual about this. We were a little surprised to find that the homosexual newspaper "Bay Windows" featured a transcription of Hedda-Lettuce's speech in their post-Pride Week coverage, for their readers who might have missed it, which appears below.
Caution: VERY gross and disgusting.

This was not only blasted out with huge loudspeakers, but a giant screen was erected
in the Boston Common so no one could miss this "entertainment."

The keynote address by Hedda-Lettuce was faithfully transcribed by the "Bay Windows" homosexual newspaper:
"Oh, last year with the gays it was Chihuahuas, Chihuahuas were all the rage. This year, people, it's Filipino babies, and you know why? Because they're beige, and they go with everything." 

[to the tune of the Dixie Chicks' "Wide Open Spaces"] "Done crystal meth since he was a child. He could fuck and fuck for days, that boy was wild. But his butt hole was large and wide. You could stick both hands in and clap [claps twice] clap inside, I'm tired of- everybody- wide open spaces." 

"My favorite subcategory of bottoms is the bossy bottom. We all know the bossy bottom. They tell you how to fuck them, they leave nothing to the imagination, they come with diagrams and flow charts, you know what I mean? It's like when you go to a friend's house that just moved into a new apartment and you're helping them move a painting on the wall, and they're like, do it just to the left, no, do it just to the right, no, do it, just, pull out, pull out, you ruined everything. Martha Stewart: bossy bossy bottom, people. You think the billion dollar woman's going to let you fuck her the way you want to fuck her? Uh, uh, uh. She's going to tell you how to fuck her and make a decorative basket at the same time. That's how crafty she is. And this is an old joke, but how do you make Martha Stewart scream twice? Fuck her up the ass and wipe your dick on her curtain, that's how." 

"How many men in the audience, and this can go for the lesbians too, have a big dick? Oh, that's wonderful, I like men with big dicks, I just don't like the men they're attached to most of the time. You know what happens, you go with a man with a big dick, you get on your knees, you're just about to perform fellatio, which means sucking cock in French, and they pull out that large phallus, which means huge fucking cock in French, and they don't even give you a chance to suck it. All of a sudden they start smacking you about the head and face like you're a fucking punching bag. All of a sudden you're not sucking dick, you're Mike Tyson in the ring. I've got to tell you, this is a true story, this man hit me so hard with his dick I flew over his futon, I landed on the floor, my wig shifted, I stood up, and my front tooth had crooked, he hit me so hard. It didn't fall out. I looked like that singer Jewel. You know Jewel, with the crooked tooth? All the money in the world and she can't afford to fix that fucking tooth, you know? I hate to be the man she's going down on right now. Like a cheese grater. [makes sound effect] 

"You know what it's like when you come and you just want to roll over and go to sleep and that selfish faggot in the bed next to you wants you to get them off, and you're doing everything in your power to do so. You're tweaking on one of their nipples like you're adjusting a broken knob, you're biting on the other one, you've got a couple of fingers up the ass, all the while jerking them off with your free foot, shouting, 'Shoot, baby! Shoot, baby! Shoot, baby! Shoot!' And it's not sex anymore, it's like Cirque du Soliel. 'Shoot, baby, shoot, oh, oh!' And you wish at that fucking moment an alien mother ship would come overhead, beam him up, jerk him off, and beam him back down again.But I tell you, people, aliens never abduct you when need them, it is, you know, true. Oh, your hands must be burning, all that dirty talk. So, a Jew, a Pollack and a fag go into a bar. No, I don't know what - how we doing? Is she ready?
Thank you very much to Macy's Department Store, Mayor Thomas Menino, Verizon, and all the other supporters of Pride Week. Boston really needed this. [end of June 2006 report by MassResistance]
The Bay Windows story following the 2006 event (no longer online) read, in part:
"The six-time Drag Queen of the Year Award-winner from New York's HX magazine reached into her bag of tricks and pulled out what could only have been her nightclub act, which features jokes about stretched anal orifices, gay couples adopting Filipino babies and pop singer Jewel giving oral sex with a chipped tooth. After Hedda Lettuce had dropped more f-bombs than we could count, someone from backstage asked her to tone things down. And that's when Hedda blew her top and things got, well, entertaining.”

Sunday, December 20, 2009

GLSEN-Boston Board Member Forced Transsexual Issue on Third Graders

Kevin Jennings and his GLSEN disciples push "gender identity" concepts as well as homosexuality -- even in the earliest grades. Imagine young children being forced to confront the idea of a sex change operation!   
In 2003, the GLSEN-Boston conference featured workshops on how to sneak GLBT issues into the earliest grades. Massachusetts News reported:
According to one educator who has attended previous GLSEN Boston conferences, "In past years the emphasis was on children and sex. This year's conference appeared to be geared more toward teachers and a 'stealth' agenda that took the focus off sex in favor of more subtle methods, using 'gay allies' to continue the homosexual agenda in schools."
One fifth-grade teacher and workshop leader, Jan Shafer, named Kevin Jennings as her inspiration: 
Shafer recalled that several years ago, while she was still "in the closet," GLSEN executive director Kevin Jennings paid a visit to her school and: "It was at that point that I was able to begin coming out."
[Shafer] asked participants to write down reasons why they think GLBT issues should be shared in the K-5 classroom. Among those given:
 To validate children's personal stories
 To destroy "gender binary" (male-female) stereotypes
 To help children learn to become comfortable in the classroom by seeing their families respected
 To help kids who "ultimately will be gay when they're older" feel "validated and comfortable at a young age."
One teacher intern at the Devotion School in Brookline gave this rationale: "It's important to help children become agents of change."
Another GLSEN-Boston 2003 workshop leader, social worker and GLSEN board member Laura Perkins, looked for "teachable moments." By 2006, Perkins had added to her repertoire, not only introducing concepts like "two mommies" or "Daddy's roommate" -- but adding sex-change operations. Newton, Mass. columnist Tom Mountain reported on this shocking occurrence in an elementary school there:
By Tom Mountain - Newton Tab, November 8, 2006
Emer O'Shea knew something was wrong the minute she picked up her daughter from Franklin Elementary School. The third-grader was normally very perky upon seeing her mother and new baby sister, but this time she glanced at her mother without indicating what was wrong, except to say that the school's social worker had visited the class. But Emer soon heard from another parent about what had happened in her daughter's class that day, and she was both stunned and mortified. The next day her young daughter finally opened up with a question that would baffle most parents of an 8-year-old child, "Mommy, is it possible for a man to have an operation to become a woman?"
Transgenders and transvestites. These were the topics that a staff member at Franklin School in West Newton chose to teach to a class of third-grade children. The school's social worker described to the children that some men like to dress up as women, and yes, some men even have operations to change into women.
The opportunity for this "teachable moment" - the kind that Superintendent Jeff Young likes to portray as merely responding to some child's "random questioning"- occurred when the social worker was describing various families outside of the traditional mommy-and-daddy norm and showed the class a picture of a woman with two children, asking what they saw in the picture. A child then raised his hand to tell her (are you sitting sit down for this?) that he thought the picture was of a man who had a sex change operation and was now a woman. Apparently, the child's own father was undergoing such an operation (which he/she has since completed).
The social worker then elaborated on this "teachable moment." But this wasn't just any social worker employed by the Newton Public Schools. This was Laura Perkins, former board member of GLSEN, the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network …   READ MORE...

Kevin Jennings: Weekend Recap

Who founded GLSEN – the “Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network” -- while teaching at an elite New England boarding school?

·      Who advised his teenage male student to be sure to use a condom when he had sex with adult male strangers met in bus stations?
·      Who was asked by an extremist sexual radical to join the Mass. “Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth” in 1992?
·      Who was a member of ACT/UP?
·      Who ran the Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth Education Committee? (Jennings, Mama’s Boy Preacher’s Son)
·      Who wrote the Commission’s 1993 Report, “Making Schools Safe for Gay and Lesbian Youth,” which started the “Safe Schools” programs in Massachusetts – and served as the template for GLBT activists in schools across the country? [Stay tuned for a new report by MassResistance.]
·      Who dishonestly claimed that an epidemic of gay teen suicides required bringing homosexual issues into our schools – that it was all about student “safety” -- but later admitted his deceit?
·      Who was “sought out” by Alyson Publications (publisher of pro-pedophilia works, gay & lesbian pornography, and Heather Has Two Mommies) to produce a gay & lesbian source book (for teenagers).
·      Who wrote the infamous “heterosexism questionnaire” widely used in diversity training sessions (especially in schools)?
·      Who wrote an adulatory chapter on Harry Hay, NAMBLA supporter and pioneering homosexual radical, with a lesson instructing teenagers that fighting “police entrapment” (protecting anonymous homosexual sex in public bathrooms and parks) was a great “civil rights” battle to be proud of?
·      Who put his sexual “partner” in charge of designing the Massachusetts “Safe Schools” program? (Jennings, Mama’s Boy Preacher’s Son)
·      Whose organization continued to guide the Massachusetts DOE as it implemented its “Safe Schools” program? (Perrotti & Westheimer book.)
·      Who gave the keynote address at his GLSEN-Boston 2000 conference, AKA “Fistgate”, where young teens received instruction in perverted and dangerous homosexual sex practices?
·      Whose organization handed out “fisting” and oral sex kits to teens at its 2001 conference?
·      Whose organization gave out the pornographic Little Black Book: Queer in the 21st Century in 2005, and earlier similar guidebooks to “leather bars” at his GLSEN conferences – where teens could pick them up?
·      Who advocated Queering Elementary Education – with terrorist Bill Ayers’s blessing?
·      Whose organization published reading lists for students with sordid, graphic details of sexual encounters? (See here and here.)
·      Whose organization employs propaganda techniques such as “Gay-Straight Alliances,” “Day of Silence,” “Ally Week,” and “anti-bullying programs” to enlist youth in pro-GLBT political activism – and the “lifestyle”?
·      Who wrote flippantly about his teenage drug and alcohol use in his memoir?
·      Whose organization published a lesson plan for LGBT history month, using a film idolizing purveyors of pornography?
·      Who hosted Barack Obama in his home, raising “GLBT community” donations for the candidate, thereby ensuring his appointment as “Safe Schools” czar in the federal Department of Education?
·      Who helped fund a 2009 ACT/UP retrospective exhibit  -- incuding pornographic images and even insinuations of child rape -- at Harvard University, celebrating ACT/UP’s attack on public decency, the Catholic Church, and traditional values?
·      Who has spread this plague of GLBT indoctrination in the schools to the rest of the country?
·      Who now has the President, Vice President, and big media behind him, while they ignore the public outcry over this appointment?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Kevin Jennings & Acolyte Attacked Religious Right at GLSEN Fistgate Conference in 2000

In Kevin Jennings’s keynote address at the GLSEN-Boston Fistgate conference (March 25, 2000), he related a Bible story of the “widow’s mite,” but gave it a perverted meaning. He twisted it from an exhortation to give all you can to God, to give all you can to the homosexual community.
Also at that conference, a GLSEN national board member, Leif Mitchell from Planned Parenthood of Connecticut, led a workshop “exposing” the “Religious Wrong.” At that time, Mitchell “train[ed] teachers and children about sex education in the classroom and how to integrate homosexuality into the curriculum of public schools.” As a national board member, Mitchell was surely in touch with GLSEN’s national director Kevin Jennings on content and strategy.
The teacher who attended the conference and reported on this workshop to Massachusetts News (May 2000) has just emailed us more background on the “Religious Wrong” workshop. She is convinced that its leader, Leif Mitchell, “got his training” directly from Kevin Jennings:
I know he got his training from Kevin Jennings because the strategies numbered for how to work against the Religious Right is something right out of KJ's handbook. Also, relating to ex-gay John Paulk having been verbally attacked by Leif Mitchell, his explanation of the difference between “sexual orientation” and “sexual identity” is something I heard Kevin Jennings say on an instruction tape/video. … At any rate, Mitchell was espousing the KJ philosophy/teaching/propaganda word for word. (Fallout: Mitchell was removed from that position soon after he talked to the Massachusetts News reporter, not knowing who the press was he was chatting with, and letting it "all hang out.") Mitchell said he learned to speak "Christianese" and went to all the conservative Evangelical conferences for a decade before 2000. (- Teacher attendee at Fistgate; email to MassResistance, 12-18-09.)
We would add that Mitchell’s advice to “keep bringing it back to the issue of student safety” when confronted by difficult challenges is exactly the strategy Jennings developed in his 1993 report for the Massachusetts “Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth” (which we will soon post), which he later outlined in his 1995 speech to the Human Rights Campaign on how to “frame the issue” for victory.
In the GLSEN workshop, Mitchell …
… explained the need to combat such questions by using safety and suicide prevention issues as their mantra. Several times during the discussions Mitchell told the participants when they get in trouble during such discussion with the public or the press to: “Just keep bringing it back to safety in the schools. That’s the message." (Massachusetts News, May 2000)
That is GLSEN’s #1 strategy given to fight the Religious Right. Here are all five, as outlined by Mitchell:
1)            Focus on violence prevention. “Always go back to the issues of safety to explain why Gay/Straight Alliances need to be formed. ‘Violence helps us!’ he said.”
2)            Focus on legal perspectives. "Focusing on legal perspectives also helps to bring the focus back to safe schools," he said.
3)            Put a Face on Homophobia (e.g., Matthew Sheppard)
4)            Use statistics effectively
5)            Build coalitions proactively with like-minded groups (e.g., Coalition for Democracy, NAACP, The Anti-Defamation League, Planned Parenthood)

For the full Massachusetts News report on Mitchell’s workshop attacking the Religious Right, see “ ‘Religious Wrong’ Exposed at Fistgate (Tom Duggan, Massachusetts News, May 2001). Excerpts:
[Jennings] attacked religion and even used the Gospel to do so. He used the story of the widow’s mite to motivate children in the audience to give all they can give to the gay and lesbian community.
"This is ridiculous," exclaimed one teacher in utter disbelief. "I know that Bible passage and it is a direct reference to giving all you can to God. How ironic that GLSEN is preaching hatred towards religious people, attacking religion as ‘wrong’ and at the same time they are quoting Jesus and twisting the scripture. … Not a single person in the audience that I could see had any negative reaction to his "sermon". He simply "tickled their ears."
A handout attacked religion and people of faith. It promoted a book by a lesbian activist who claimed to expose "The Right and THEIR Agenda; The Right’s overall goals, the targets of their organizing efforts, the strategies they employ, and who benefits from their agenda." …

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Kevin Jennings Wrote "Heterosexism Questionnaire" Used in Schools All Over Country

Kevin Jennings, Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar,” had his first three books published by Alyson Publications, known for its gay and lesbian pornography, and also for its pro-pedophilia books. The publisher actually sought out Jennings to write a book of gay and lesbian readings, Becoming Visible (1994). In that book – intended for high school and college students – Jennings is careful to credit the author of the selections. Otherwise, the writing is apparently his own.

That would mean that Kevin Jennings deserves the (dis)credit for the hideous “heterosexism questionnaire” that’s been used all over the country since the mid-1990’s. (Becoming Visible is one of the most utilized source books for pro-homosexual curriculum.)  It’s often a first exercise in “diversity” training at schools, for both students and staff. Jennings said the questionnaire was designed “to illustrate ‘unearned privilege’ that accompanies heterosexuality in a heterosexist society.” Talk about sowing evil confusion in the minds of young people! This is what his organization, GLSEN, has foisted on schools in the name of “safety”.

Here’s Jennings’ questionnaire, his “Reading 1-A” on pp. 25-26 of Becoming Visible:
1. What do you think caused your heterosexuality?
2. When and how did you first decide you were heterosexual?
3. Is it possible heterosexuality is a phase you will grow out of?
4. Is it possible you are heterosexual because you fear the same sex?
5. If you have never slept with someone of the same sex, how do you know you wouldn’t prefer that? Is it possible you merely need a good gay experience?
6. To whom have you disclosed your heterosexuality? How did they react?
7. Heterosexuality isn’t offensive as long as you leave others alone. Why, however, do so many heterosexuals try to seduce others into their orientation?
8. Most child molesters are heterosexual. Do you consider it safe to expose your children to heterosexuals? Heterosexual teachers particularly?
9. Why are heterosexuals so blatant, always making a spectacle of their heterosexuality? Why can’t they just be who they are and not flaunt their sexuality by kissing in public, wearing wedding rings, etc.?
10. How can you have a truly satisfying relationship with someone of the opposite sex, given the obvious physical and emotional differences?
11. Heterosexual marriage has total societal support, yet over half of all heterosexuals who marry this year will divorce. Why are there so few successful heterosexual relationships?
12. Given the problems heterosexuals face, would you want your children to be heterosexual? Would you consider aversion therapy to try to change them?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

GLSEN Fistgate Student Magazine Reveals Sex-Obsessed and Sad Kids

We’ll Be Right Out
Special TeachOUT Conference Edition #2
Produced by Project 10 East and GLSEN/Boston
March 25, 2000
This was given out in the registration packet to all participants. Clearly, it was blessed by GLSEN and Project 10 East. Our volunteers saved their copies. You can view the entire publication here
The collection of ramblings, poems and prose shorts includes:
·      “an argument against the ten commandments”
·      a graphic sexual discussion of masturbation
·      a tale of heterosexual rape
·      many plaintive reflections on loneliness, confusion, and sadness
·      exhortations to political gay activism
Here are just a few excerpts (typos are in the originals):
Goal: Raise awareness and acceptance in my high school by becoming more active and visible. I plan on taking my boyfriend to the prom and going with my friends to show them that we are here and I’m not afraid to show them who I care about and that I am happy.
As most teenagers know, we can’t be with our significant others 24:7, or even everyday. I know I can’t. Because we are nearing peeks of our sexual life we want, and need, sex all the time. Though I don’t practice masturbation many I know do. I’ve had the pleasure of or lack of, hearing what they use.
One tip: Icy Hot and bengay are a no-no. It might feel good for a moment, but desperado, it hurts more that it provides pleasure. I hear pumps are great. They act like a hand, but feel better. How? I wouldn’t know.
Vibrators are great for some, but if your low on cash – maglites are excellent. Go to K-mart in the batteries aisle. Not that expensive, Yet just as fun as a vibrator.
Though toys are good (supposedly) nothing beats the real thing. I wait for my partner and it all out then. But hey to each his/her own. These are just a few tips suggestions. Do with it what you want.
She didn’t want to do it
So she thought, “I’ll scream as loud as I can.”
Her crying didn’t stop him,
He had to be a man.
When he was finally through,
She felt so dirty and unclean.
How could the man she loved
Be so brutal and so mean?
Back in school the football players would shove and,
Grab her butt.
They figured they could get some too,
Considering she was a slut.
No one realized it, and she was unaware too,
In reality it was RAPE that
Was making her so blue.
Reason 1 for the argument against the ten commandments
Peter is the typical gay boy next door. He’s out and everything. Peters neighbors are Louis and Heather. He is quite attracted to Louis and try’s to visit him as much as possible, just to see him. He waters the garden, cuts the grass, even throws parties just to see this Louis. Peter has a gaydar and has picked up on a Louis. In fact Louis is one of the biggest closet cases in the world. He just married her to get his mothero ff his back.
Louis and his wife, Heather, have gone off on a vacation and they ask Peter to house sit. Louis, however, just cam home from an important business meeting in the middle of the week. On Wednesday, Louis returns home and starts talking to Peter. They talk and talk and talk. Suddenly POOF! Peter and Louis wind up in bed.(we won’t go into details)
Now, there is nothing in the ten commandments that says “Do not covet the neighbors husband.” Therefore it is morally acceptable for the gay, unattached man to sleep with the married-to-a-female-closeted man.
Reason 2
In some cultures, God does not exist. Therefore the “word of God” does not exist and the 10 commandments are something not to be followed.
My thoughts are racing,
Where do I start?

I don’t know
What to do with the
Thoughts of my heart.

Fistgate: Original Audio Cassettes Still Available!

The original cassettes distributed in 2000 by Massachusetts News,
and later by Parents' Rights Coalition (now MassResistance).

Collector's item. Limited quantity still available! Get yours for a donation of $100! Makes a great Christmas gift for the liberals in your family! 

Send your order to PO Box 1612, Waltham, MA 02454 today!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

From Sex Ed to Porn Ed

That was the great Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld’s title to his WorldNetDaily article in June 2000 on the Fistgate conference. Well worth a read.
What’s amazing to us is that so many in the country are just now learning the hideous truth about what’s really going on with the GLBT indoctrination in the schools, thanks to Obama's appointment of Kevin Jennings as "Safe Schools Czar." It’s not just about “respecting diversity” and “no name-calling” campaigns. It’s about graphic discussions of perverted sex acts – and recruiting our children.
But we’re glad to have company in fighting this evil. Let’s hope the “dazed acquiescence” of parents will finally come to an end!
Dr. Blumenfeld wrote in 2002:
It was inevitable that sex education would eventually become porn education, for sex education is not about education, it's about sex. Its main purpose is the destruction of innocence, the seduction of the vulnerable, the degrading of morals and the forwarding of an agenda.
On March 25, the Massachusetts Department of Education, the Governor's Commission for Gay and Lesbian Youth, and the Gay and Lesbian and Straight Education Network [GLSEN] co-sponsored a statewide conference at Tufts University called "Teach Out." … The May 2000 Massachusetts News described what took place at the workshops as "every parent's nightmare." The participants discussed oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, oral-vaginal sex, clitoral sex and a homosexual practice called "fisting." …
By now, everyone in Boston knows what fisting is. It's been discussed on radio talk shows, written about in the newspapers, and, needless to say, talked about in classrooms. The article in the Massachusetts News, which graphically described what was discussed in the workshops and presentations, was written by Brian Camenker and Scott Whiteman.
I met Brian years ago when he started fighting sex education in the schools of Newton. He brought speakers like Judith Reisman and Don Feder to speak to parents in a large assembly at the high school. I sat in the second row in back of a pair of young homosexual lovers flaunting their life style in front of the speakers. At the end of the program, a young minister stepped forward and excoriated the speakers for their intolerance. There was an air of pandemonium in the place. …
There is a kind of dazed acquiescence on the part of most parents to what is now going on. The governor, a Republican, is not going to stop supporting the Gay/Straight Alliance. The Democrat legislature would be up in arms if he did end support. But what is even more distressing is that parents don't care enough to get their kids out of the public schools. …
"This is a very important event," said J. Edward Pawlick, publisher of Massachusetts News, "because it has taken us over a year to explain to the people in the state exactly what is being taught in the schools, both to heterosexual and homosexual students. When we started writing about this, the establishment tried to brand us as right-wing, homophobic kooks. But if that's true, then 90 percent of the citizens are also of that persuasion. …