Saturday, February 19, 2005


Many concerned citizens are pondering where this homosexual "rights" storm came from, seemingly so suddenly. Well, you might want to read the infamous 1972 Gay Rights Platform. See how long they've been at it, what they've accomplished, and what's next. AND DON'T CALL US ALARMISTS when we warn you that wacky perversions are coming to your streets and offices; that the perverts are coming after your children; and that polygamy is imminent. It's only a matter of a few years till they've accomplished all their goals ... unless you act now!

In particular, note these goals under their "State" demands:
"6. Repeal of all laws prohibiting transvestism and cross-dressing.
7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.
8. Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers."

Be Afraid. ... Be VERY Afraid.

"Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks!"

Ran across an interesting website, the International Organization of Heterosexual Rights, which catalogs the manifestoes, scary hot air, and weird goings-on from the homo "culture". Here are excerpts they've reprinted from one classic and frightening manifesto (written in 1987):

[This manifesto is in the Library of Congress. This essay was printed in the February 15, 1987 issue of the homosexual newspaper Gay Community News by Michael Swift, and was reprinted in the February 15-21 1987 Congressional Record. Excerpts:]

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together.

Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us. Women, you cry for freedom. You say you are no longer satisfied with men; they make you unhappy. We, connoisseurs of the masculine face, the masculine physique, shall take your men from you then. We will amuse them; we will instruct them; we will embrace them when they weep.

Women, you say you wish to live with each other instead of with men. Then go and be with each other. We shall give your men pleasures they have never known because we are foremost men too and only man knows how to truly please another man; only one man can understand with depth and feeling the mind and body of another man.

All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men….

We shall write poems of the love between men; we shall stage plays in which man openly caresses man; we shall make films about the love between heroic men which will replace the cheap, superficial, sentimental, insipid, juvenile, heterosexual infatuations presently dominating your cinema screens….

Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in a communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants.
All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men. We adhere to a cult of beauty, moral and aesthetic. All that is ugly and vulgar and banal will be annihilated….

We shall portray the homosexuality of the great leaders and thinkers who have shaped the world. We will demonstrate that homosexuality and intelligence and imagination are inextricably linked, and that homosexuality is a requirement for true nobility, true beauty in a man.

We shall be victorious because we are fueled with the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed who have been forced to play seemingly bit parts in your dumb, heterosexual shows throughout the ages. We too are capable of firing guns and manning the barricades of the ultimate revolution. Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Judge: Child Rapist Did GOOD WORKS

This takes the cake: During yesterday's sentencing of defrocked priest and convicted child rapist Paul Shanley, Judge Stephen Neel considered the good works Shanley had done on the streets of Boston! According to the Boston Globe (2-16-05),

"In determining a sentence, Neel said, he considered 18 letters from Shanley supporters, who praised the former priest for his work helping the homeless and addicted, the medical care he brought to young people on the street, and his support of gays and lesbians struggling with their identity."

We can imagine what form Shanley's support took, can't we? Because of his skill in counseling these confused young people, he got only 12-15 years (with probation possible sooner)! "Support of young people struggling with their identity" -- this is the same ruse used to get the gay/lesbian clubs in our high schools, which are no more than recruiting stations for the "lifestyle".

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The "Gay" Deathstyle -- Redux

Is it any wonder that little or no progress has been made in getting "those at risk to avoid risky sex"? (New York Times 2-15-05) Isn't it obvious that homosexual males are still engaging in promiscuous, anonymous, and risky sex partly because we have all been instructed to approve of all things homosexual? No longer is any shame attached to such behavior. And here in Massachusetts, our court, legislature, and governor have gone so far as to bless anal intercourse with the sanction of "marriage"!!

The story in the New York Times misses this point. With the scare over a new virulent AIDS strain in that city, they are puzzling over why "gay" men are still behaving carelessly. And why counseling by health workers has had essentially no impact on lowering risky sexual behavior. Buried in the story is the idea that counseling doesn't work because "many high-risk men who engage in unprotected sex with multiple partners have histories of drug use, childhood abuse and depression." Could it be that these men weren't born "gay", but became that way due to deep childhood hurts, whether outright abuse, or neglect?

"Researchers say that several factors outside their control have made such public health efforts harder than ever. The antiretroviral drugs that have extended the lives of so many people with AIDS have also tempered the dread of catching the virus, they say, especially among a younger generation of gay men who have not known the agony of watching friends die of the disease.

"Many men now search for and find casual sex partners on the Internet, bypassing bars and other central meeting places where public health workers traditionally have reached people. And especially among gay men, the drug crystal methamphetamine has become associated with casual sex for some men. Some experts suspect that methamphetamine may also increase a person's susceptibility to infection by suppressing immune function."

A second NY Times story, "Gays Debate Radical Steps to Curb Unsafe Sex", reminds us of the failure of our public health establishment to deal with AIDS, and to be honest about the behavior that spreads it. (The "radical steps" alluded to, widespread screening and partner notification, hardly seem "radical" and should have been employed 20 years ago.) This failure has led us to the brink: "Many AIDS experts say it is only a matter of time before a supervirus does emerge", totally resistant to drugs. That supervirus may be what's just shown up in New York City.

Monday, February 07, 2005

NEW Health Risks in the Homosexual Community

So when are we going to deal with the serious public health crisis resulting from homosexual behavior? Not only are homosexual men dying of AIDS, "bisexual" men are spreading new diseases to females. And the cost in suffering to those in the lifestyle is also largely kept quiet. But we hear little about this in the mainstream press.

One reason the radical homosexual agenda has progressed so quickly is that no one--not even MassResistance--wants to talk or think about the perverted behavior of anal intercourse, or the incredible promiscuity in the "gay" lifestyle. We have all averted our eyes, given the homosexuals the "privacy of their own bedrooms" (or public restrooms?). But we must get serious about the diseases spreading to the larger society, and the costs we are all absorbing for HIV/AIDS patient care.

Now we are hearing about increasing drug problems in the homosexual community. The Boston homosexual newspaper, Bay Windows, is very concerned about the crystal meth crisis. See "Our silence about crystal is killing us", Guest Opinion 2/3/05:

"With very few exceptions, the rise in crystal meth addiction among gay men is going unnocticed in Boston. About 10 years ago, methamphetimine made its way onto Boston's party circuit. Although the drug - also known as speed, crank, Tina, and Crissy - has become a huge problem, you wouldn't know it by the way we talk about it. Or, rather, you wouldn't know it because we don't talk about it at all. After all, we've all heard the stories about the all night sex parties. We've seen the profiles on Manhunt, a popular Web site that makes it easy to arrange sexual encounters, looking for "PNP", short for party and play. Party, of course, refers to the use of drugs, and nine times out of 10, the drug of choice is crystal meth. Over the last year or so many of us have also heard stories of guys who've lost their jobs, homes, partners and friends due to crystal meth addiction. We've also learned about some who've become infected with HIV as a result of their use of crystal meth, because - let's be real - while chemically induced with Tina, sexual risk management pretty much goes out the window."

Also, a new "rare sex disease" has appeared in New York City among the homosexual population. As NewsMax reported (Feb. 2, 2005) :

"[T]he strain is the same as that recently detected in Europe, the city's health commissioner said Wednesday. Lymphogranuloma venereum, or LGV, is a form of chlamydia that can damage the bowels and scar the anus... 'We know LGV increases the risk of the spread of HIV because it causes ulcers and bleeding,' [the city's health commissioner] said....Unprotected anal intercourse is the key risk factor for the spread of LGV."

Sunday, February 06, 2005

MassResistance: Guilty of HATE SPEECH ??

Article 8 Alliance and Parents' Rights Coalition volunteers just spent a weekend at the Vision New England evangelical Christian convention in Boston. They displayed a poster warning the churchgoing attendees that soon, unless they fought for their rights, their churches would be required by the state to perform same-sex "weddings". If their pastor were to criticize homosexuality, or their church were to refuse to hire an open homosexual, they may soon be charged with unlawful discrimination. Many who spoke with us understood and agreed, but some scoffed.

We are sometimes called alarmists for warning churches and individuals that they may soon be criminally charged with hate speech, should they dare to question the forced acceptance of homosexuality. But remember--it says in our Massachusetts constitution that we may not discriminate on the basis of "sexual orientation". That was the open door for the "same-sex marriage" ruling. And it will be the open door for HATE SPEECH prosecutions.

[To understand the dangers inherent in irrational linguistic inventions such as "sexual orientation", see the article by Scott D. Liveley, Esq., Deciphering "Gay" Word-Speak and Language of Confusion.]

The Swedes, at least a decade more "progressive" than us backwards Americans, have taken that next step. They're prosecuting and and sentencing to prison religious dissenters. The Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) has an update on the Swedish pastor convicted of a hate crime for daring to preach that homosexuality is a sin (first reported in the Washington Post on 1/29/05). Why don't they arrest pastors for preaching on the sinfulness of adultery, theft, or murder?

[From the TVC report:]
February 3, 2005 – Pastor Ake Green is challenging Sweden’s hate crime law for a sermon he preached against homosexuality in the summer of 2003. Green’s ordeal is chronicled in the Washington Post (January 29, 2005). In his sermon against homosexuality, Green said that homosexual behavior is a “deep cancerous tumor in the entire society” and that his nation is facing a disaster of major proportions.
Green’s sermon was published in a local newspaper and he was indicted and convicted of hate speech and sentenced to 30 days in jail. He has remained free pending an appeal.
Pastor Green’s sermon was considered hate speech because Sweden expanded its hate crime law in 2002 to add “sexual orientation” as a protected class.
Pastor Green said that if his sentence is upheld, it “will diminish freedom of speech in Sweden, and that will mean we can’t teach everything the Bible says. They’ll go further and say we can’t preach about other things, either.”
Green’s ordeal in Sweden is a forewarning of the persecution that awaits Christian preachers here in the United States if states continue to add “sexual orientation” to hate crime laws.

The Power of Ex-Gays' Testimonies

I met Stephen Bennett and his wife Irene a few nights ago. How moving to hear an ex-gay's testimony -- and no wonder the radical homosexuals are pretending they don't exist! Stephen was in Newton to do a local cable TV interview, hoping to provide a little balance to the craziness afoot in the Newton public schools. [See "Promoting Perversion at a Massachusetts High School" below, and the WorldNetDaily article.]

Stephen's heartfelt songs about the joy of his (real) marriage and his two young children really hit hard, in light of the evil farce of "same-sex marriage". What pain he & his wife must feel watching this spectacle unfold, after he found the truth, and "became the man God intended him to be."

From his song, "The Rock":
Caught up in the life, I just could not break free;
They told me I was born that way.
But deep inside my heart, I knew that they were wrong;
I never believed just what they said.
For years I lived a deep, dark secret life, filled with pain.
And then one day His Word confronted me--
And showed me they were all so wrong. ..."

Check out his website.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The Resistance is Alive and Well in Massachusetts!

Is Massachusetts really so different from the rest of the country? For sure, the resistance has been beaten down for years in this state. Blame the unions, the universities, the Eastern "elites", the spineless RINOs, whatever. But now they've all gone way too far, and the resistance movement is growing! We will not stand for the recruitment of our children into a perverted, unhealthy "lifestyle". We will not stand for judicial tyranny. And we will not stand for the acquiescence by our fearful legislators and governor--who CAN stop homosexual "marriage" at any time by removal of the four rogue judges, but are scared of being called names. Whatever happened to clear thinking, moral standards, and courage? Join the grassroots movement to demand leadership and action from our elected officials!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

PRESIDENT Romney?? Not unless he repents on same-sex "marriage"!!

Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has his sights set on the Presidency. The Boston Globe reports that a PAC (political action committee) supporting a Romney run for President in 2008 is pumping money into key battleground states. Doesn't Romney understand from the 2004 election that the rest of the country won't stand for waffling--or worse, capitulation--on the issue of same-sex "marriage"???

Well, his PAC had better talk to Article 8 Alliance here in Massachusetts. They have exposed his double-dealing on the issue of same-sex "marriage". Romney has tried to present himself as its opponent (in his Wall Street Journal editorial and speech at the Republican convention). But we in Massachusetts know better!

As Chief Executive, Romney could have stopped same-sex "marriage". But he spinelessly went along with the dictate of our Supreme Judicial Court, revealing a total lack of respect for our Constitution and the separation of powers! He ordered the Department of Public Health to proceed with the bureaucratic support for these travesty "marriages". THANKS TO ROMNEY, our marriage licenses now read "Party A and Party B", instead of "husband and wife". He told our Justices of the Peace that they must perform such weddings, or resign their posts. (And a few of them did resign.)

Romney has also continued to support the radical homosexual agenda in our public schools, by funding the so-called "gay-straight alliance" clubs in our high schools (which are nothing more than brainwashing and recruitment centers into this unhealthy, dangerous "lifestyle"). In May 2004, Romney issued a proclamation celebrating the Gay Youth Pride Day in Boston (just two days before the same-sex "marriage" circus began). Our young teenagers proceeded from a parade to a "Gay Prom" at Boston City Hall Plaza, where kids as young as 12 and 13 were allowed to mingle with cruising homosexual adults up to the age of 25. Governor Romney thinks this is worth celebrating!

Lesbian "Buster" Episode Showing Feb. 2

Boston's PBS station, WGBH, will show the lesbian families episode of Postcards from Buster [see our commentary below] on Feb. 2 at 5:30 p.m. The Boston Globe reports that the decision to broadcast it now, instead of delaying it until late March, was made "in light of [U.S. Secy. of Education] Spelling's comments, PBS's decision [to pull the episode], and a blitz of media coverage." A spokeswoman for WGBH said, "We felt that it was in the interest of our audience to have the opportunity to see the program and form their own opinion about it, rather than rely on the descriptions of others." According to the Globe, the show targets 6- to 10-year olds, and is "a program about diversity".

Saturday, January 29, 2005

PBS Brainwashing Our Children: Abnormal is Normal

Here we go again in the Boston Globe. ("Sweet 'Buster' is far from radical...Episode under attack is absolutely ordinary") They're promoting the PBS children's show where Buster the Bunny visits families across the country, with an upcoming episode featuring families with two mommies in Vermont. And calling all of us who object intolerant, petty, full of hot air, and certainly not qualified "to shape our children's understanding"!

It's amazing how skillfully the homosexual activists twist our language! Words have lost their meanings and just become propaganda tools, playing on people's innocence, emotions, or kneejerk desires to be "with it". Radical is not radical. Abnormal is normal. The unusual is just "everyday" stuff. They well know how powerful AND RADICAL such visual images are to little children--who know in their guts that having two mommies or two daddies is WEIRD! Says the Globe: "[T]he most incendiary thing about the half-hour ... may be its nonchalance." EXACTLY! What it's conveying to the little children is that there's absolutely nothing out of the ordinary about two mommies.

The homosexual radicals also know that their propaganda with the older, hostage children in the high schools over the past decade has worked amazingly well. (Where do you think all the support in the polls for "gay marriage" comes from?) Now they want to get the kids de-sensitized at an even earlier age. How better than to serve up this pastoral postcard:

"The ... episode, which will air March 23 on Channel 2, gives us two lesbian couples, their cheerful children, a community that appears to embrace them, and a general atmosphere of profound ordinariness. Against the pastoral glories of Vermont, with maple trees dripping and cows in need of milking, the lesbian families are almost Waltonesque in their rural charm. For those who'd rather pathologize and exclude same-sex couples and their children, that normalcy must spark a lot of anguish. To them, showing and telling about lesbian families is the same as promoting.

"But 'Postcards From Buster' is a series that's specifically about cultural diversity, as an 8-year-old cartoon rabbit travels the continent with his pilot father. He meets everyday people and keeps a video diary about them and their lifestyles. The mood is nonjudgmental and innocent. In the offending episode, our sweet, big-eared hero is on an educational journey to a state known for, among many other things, syrup and civil unions. It makes perfect sense that he'd hang out with the children of one lesbian couple and then meet another. 'Boy, that's a lot of moms,' Buster exclaims, looking at his new pal Emma's family picture."

To top it all off, the article concludes implying equivalence between families of traditional faiths, and those of pagans engaged in anything-goes sexuality.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Hooray for our new Secretary of Education

The new Secretary of Education in D.C., Margaret Spellings, is off to a good start. She slammed Boston's PBS station, WGBH, for using federal funds to produce and distribute an animated children's show which includes same-sex "marriage" propaganda. The Associated Press reports that the network claims to have decided on its own not to distribute the episode to its 349 stations, though Boston's WGBH still plans to run it locally on March 23 and make it available to other stations.

The AP reports,
The not-yet-aired episode of "Postcards from Buster" shows the title character, an animated bunny named Buster, on a trip to Vermont – a state known for recognizing same-sex civil unions. The episode features two lesbian couples, although the focus is on farm life and maple sugaring.... "Ultimately, our decision was based on the fact that we recognize this is a sensitive issue, and we wanted to make sure that parents had an opportunity to introduce this subject to their children in their own time," said Lea Sloan, vice president of media relations at PBS."

Unbelievable! PBS acknowledges that this is a sensitive issue, and parents should have some rights in educating their children?? WGBH needs to hear from Massachusetts parents, that we don't want that episode running here either.

Freak Shows Coming Soon to a Restroom Near You!

And now in California's Bay area, public restrooms must play host to transsexual-transgendered freak shows. (Read the story in WorldNetDaily.) Imagine your little girl in the ladies' room as she observes a man/woman using the facilities. Bad enough little boys have to worry about homosexual pedophiles in men's restrooms. But now, even the ladies' rooms are unsafe!

Needless to say, Massachusetts' GLBT radicals won't let California hold the lead on such government-sanctioned depravity for long. Soon, the male and female logos will be removed from restroom doors. (This is already happening on politically-correct campuses across America.) You won't just run into the gender-identity-confused in hotel elevators anymore. You'll get to wash up next to them. "Men" will be wearing dresses to work, showing off their new breasts. And "women" will be showing off their newly flat chests. And you won't be able to object, or you'll be taken to court for hate speech, discriminatory treatment in the workplace, etc.

Same-sex "marriage" was only the beginning. The next frontier is transexual-transgender-gender identity liberation. And if you don't like it, you're a "hater".

Comment by JB (1/27/04):
I love the thing about the restrooms. My husband and I were at the Cheesecake Factory in the Cambridge Galleria Mall. I was getting cheesecake take out and he decided to use the restroom. Someone was in the small stall so he went into the handicapped. Well, first he sees the guy's hands from the other stall on top of the wall as if he was pulling himself up. He thought it was odd but didn't say anything. Next thing the guy shoves his backpack under the wall into the stall where my husband is, and then (how gross is the floor in a public restroom!) the guy gets on the floor and tries to slide under the wall into the stall where my husband is! My husband started swearing at him and tried to stomp on the guy's head..but with your pants down (literally!) what can you really do in that situation? Freaking perv just excused himself and went out of the bathroom as if nothing crazy had just occurred! My husband refused to make a scene in the place as I was all fired up to do.
I was horrified to say the least. And that is in a 'normal' men's room in a family restaurant in a shopping mall! Imagine what will be happening out in California now?

Monday, January 24, 2005

PRIVATE vs. PUBLIC: "Gays" say there's no difference

If you have the stomach, take a look at the recent article in Boston's GLBT newspaper, Bay Windows. Just as we said in our piece below (Worcester Police Recognize "Unnatural" Acts), radical homosexuals aim to eradicate any concept of "public lewdness". And sure enough, their take on the story out of Worcester is that those arrested for unnatural acts and indecent exposure were not violating any laws.

The homosexual legal argument goes like this: The patrons at the "gay" porn theater would all have expected that such behaviors were going on, and would be in sympathy with it. Unless the intent of those engaged in these acts is to offend others, there is no crime. As one patron said, "Nobody goes in there that doesn't know what's happening. Anyone who goes in there is immediately primed to sex. Why are they going? ... [because] they either want to watch or take part."

Further, as long as the patrons have "a reasonable expectation of privacy" in the theater, their sex acts should be considered private! (I guess it's pretty dark in there. And the seat backs are high. So ... it's private.) Our beloved Mass. Supreme Judicial Court ruled in 2002 that no one can "be prosecuted for 'unnatural acts'--one of the state's two sodomy laws--if they are engaging in behavior that is private and consensual," according to the Bay Windows story.

Have you wondered why the police are so hesitant to make arrests like those in Worcester? Why you have to be wary of public restrooms or parks? A sad example: In two of our towns proudest of their history, Lexington and Concord, the police seem to have given up on controlling the open homosexual sex polluting the Minuteman Park and Estabrook Woods. The Police Chief of Concord even admitted a few years ago at a public meeting that he was "scared" to go into the woods and break up this activity, though residents complained bitterly about the thoroughly-engaged male couples, and the mattresses in the high grass, and the condoms littering the paths.

Bay Windows explains:
Public sex cases often turn on the question of "a reasonable expectation of privacy," i.e. whether a particular place is isolated enough that a reasonable person would see no significant risk of being discovered. It's an issue that the Massachusetts State Police confronted with GLAD's assistance in 2001, when the organization settled a harassment case against the department on behalf of a gay man who alleged he was being harassed at a highway rest stop in Wareham by a state trooper. As part of the settlement, the State Police adopted guidelines preventing troopers from deliberately trudging into wooded areas near rest stops looking for men who were having sex. At the time, GLAD's Gary Buseck said the guidelines essentially instructed troopers that "not everything done outdoors is public." There is a significant body of law about what constitutes a public or a private place and depending on the circumstances, said Klein, and a movie theater may not necessarily be public place. [sic]
and sick.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Women Raping Women

The Springfield Republican reports that two women have been charged with the rape and assault of another woman, in a "sexual encounter that a prosecutor said started out consensual and turned into a rape involving handcuffs and knives."

The details of this sordid encounter remind us that one of the dangers of the lesbian "lifestyle" is a higher incidence of domestic violence than in heterosexual relationships. It also brings to mind just how dangerous the kinky, pansexual world can become, and how quickly people can slide down that slippery slope into dangerous perversions, including the sort of sadism described in the article.

Maybe they had just gone to see the highly touted new movie romanticizing the Marquis de Sade. Or the lie-filled movie on the pervert Kinsey who is largely responsible for leading our society in this sorry direction. (Both movies received high praise in the Boston Globe and major media, of course.)

But if two (or three people) love each other, what business is it of mine what they do in the privacy of their own bedroom?

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Worcester Police Recognize "UNNATURAL" Acts

The Worcester Telegram & Gazette reported a "sex raid" last weekend (Jan. 14-15), leading to the arrest of male homosexuals in a "gay" movie theater who were engaging in "unnatural acts". (See the New England Cable News video: click on "Police sting".) Also in that part of town, men seeking female prostitutes were arrested. In all, seventeen were taken into custody on Friday and Saturday. Not only that, but the local news censured those arrested by publishing their names! Just like the good old days.

But wait -- how can this be? I thought male homosexual behavior was entirely natural and good, and worthy of societal approval ... And what's wrong with "sex workers" making a living?

The good news here is that some of our law enforcement officials still know the difference between "natural" and "unnatural".

The bad news is, the rest of our state government doesn't think there is any distinction between "natural" and "unnatural". The Supreme Judicial Court, the Governor, and the leadership in the Legislature seem to think such behaviors are worthy of state sanctions, including the ultimate sanction of "marriage".

And the U.S. Supreme Court (according to its 2003 Lawrence v. Texas ruling) would disagree with the Worcester Police! As Justice Scalia pointed out, "This [2003 ruling] effectively decrees the end of all morals legislation. State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity ... Every single one of these laws is called into question by today's decision."

This is where the homosexual extremists and their fellow travellers want us to go: No anti-sodomy laws, legalized prostitution, no age of consent restrictions (the concept of pederasty negated), no restrictions on the number of parties in a "marriage", no such thing as public lewdness, etc.

How long until the radical homosexuals legally challenge the Worcester Police? From the Worcester T & G:

January 17. 2005 4:45AM
Police make multiple arrests in sex raids

WORCESTER— It was supposed to be a simple reconnaissance trip, a test to see if word had spread that police were watching. Instead, two vice squad officers checking inside the Paris Cinema on Franklin Street on Saturday afternoon found six men engaging in sexual acts in the theater. They, just as 11 men the night before, were arrested.There’s a quality-of-life issue and a public health issue, police said. ...

On Friday, the sting went into its final mode, with a police raid to catch people in the acts. Eleven people were arrested immediately, seven on charges of engaging in unnatural acts and four on charges of indecent exposure. Then on Saturday, police found the same thing and six other men were arrested. During the chaos of police flashlights and handcuffs, other patrons sat quietly enjoying their movie. Their clothes were on and they paid no attention to the raid.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Fantasyland in Massachusetts

There are so many fantasies in this story in the Boston Globe ("Bid seen weakening to ban gay marriage"1-18-05), it's hard to know where to begin.

First of all, does anyone think our legislature is serious about their amendment banning same-sex "marriage" ...
-when the Senate President, Travaglini, attends same-sex "weddings"?
-when the new Speaker of the House, DiMasi, is a huge, open supporter of same-sex "marriage"?
-when they unconstitutionally threw out the citizens' referendum in 2002 which would have banned same-sex "marriage"?
-when they know that the amendment's allowing civil unions will certainly kill it if it did go to the voters?

Does the legislature really believe that any amendment banning same-sex marriage will withstand review by our current Supreme Judicial Court? The four SJC justices made it very clear that they are the supreme arbiters, that same-sex "marriage" is legal, and that civil unions fall short -- end of argument!

So why this charade? For sure, the legislators are playing the citizens of this state for fools, stringing them along, making it look like they're trying to do something about this mess. (And they know that the majority in this state do NOT want same-sex "marriage".)

Equally if not more disturbing, why is the Massachusetts Family Institute wasting precious time, energy, and resources on a new citizens' petition to ban same-sex "marriage" and civil unions? Don't they understand that the same rogue Court is sitting, just waiting to overturn any such law? Don't they get it -- that the legislature would likely repeat their action of 2002, and not even allow the petition to come to a vote on the floor, much less go to the voters?*

It's the JUDGES, stupid! REMOVE the SJC 4!

*from the Globe article:
The final outcome is far from clear, particularly if eight social conservatives [legislators] who also oppose the amendment because it creates a system of civil unions for gay couples continue to vote against the measure.
So far, that bloc of conservatives is showing no signs of moving toward supporting the amendment and would like to hold out for a strict constitutional ban on marriage with no references to civil unions. Crews [former president of the Mass. Family Institute], while predicting the amendment's likely demise, showed no signs that he would work to save it. "If that happens, I'm not going to cry about that," Crews said.
Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute, said the big question will be whether all social conservatives will continue to oppose the amendment or will move to support it. "It's a toss up right now," he said of the vote count.
He said the institute is trying to decide whether to hope for the amendment's defeat and filed [sic] a citizens petition for an amendment that would ban gay marriage and not create a system of civil unions. "That is something that is still in the decision mode," he said.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Former Acton School Committee Member's "Queer Politics" Blog & Bisexual Coming-Out Party

Now we see a former school committee member in Acton aggressively promoting "queer politics" (his words) in the community. Not unexpected, since our state now condones same-sex "marriage"! Who could be so unenlightened as to object? The Supremes have spoken! Watch for more & more open radical homosexual activism across the state.

See Jesse Liberty's "Queer Politics" blog.

Liberty is also the proud founder of ActonEquality. They are sponsoring a meeting on Jan. 29 in Littleton to mobilize the NW ex-urbs of Boston to oppose any constitutional amendment banning same-sex "marriage". His "opposition" list includes Article 8 Alliance, the Mass. Family Institute, and MassNews.

Liberty's queer advocacy has been going on for some time in Acton. He led the charge against the Boy Scouts distributing notices in the elementary schools there a few years ago, as reported in Massachusetts News back in 2001. ...Wow, he's everywhere, including reviewing queer books for

Not to get too personal (though we're sure that since Liberty is an
"out bisexual", he won't mind), but we thought you might like to read more about this happily married man who lives with his wife and two children in Acton.

His bisexual coming out story recently appeared on the Human Rights Campaign website. He emphasizes that he has lived his whole marriage as a monogamous heterosexual. But we wonder -- isn't such a prideful statement implied DISCRIMINATION against non-monogamous bisexuals???

Maybe Liberty will soon make amends, and advocate for those who wish to marry BOTH a male and a female (at the same time). After all, there is no rational reason to limit marriage to only two people! And please be sure not to exclude transsexuals/ transgendered in these group marriages -- a sure way to keep the marriage interesting!

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Protect your children from homosexual propaganda in our schools!
See what's going on our public schools ... what they don't want you to know. Learn about the new Parental Notification "opt-in" bill pending in the Massachusetts legislature, which will go far to eliminate the homosexual propaganda in our schools.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Promoting Perversion at a Massachusetts High School

Read the WorldNetDaily article.

So ... we tell our teenagers not to smoke and drink, but at the same time tell them that if they "feel different", maybe they need to have a sex-change operation. Nothing unhealthy about removing one's breasts or male organ and injecting hormones of the opposite sex. (But if they're not ready to go that far, they can try cross-dressing at school.)

But wait a minute -- what does "opposite sex" mean, anyway??? According to Newton North High School,
"Effective multicultural education suggests a re-examination of the history, social constructs and dynamics related to race, class, gender, ethnicity, economics, and culture that impact curriculum and instruction."

Got it? Gender is just a "social construct", meaning God did not make you male or female, society did. It was not enough to push for "rights" for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. Now we must promote transgenderism and transsexualism. And if the parents aren't with it enough to do so, the schools must step in.

For more details, see

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Health Risks of Gay Sex

By John R. Diggs, Jr., M.D.

It's against nature, and it's UNHEALTHY. While the politically correct don't want anyone to talk about this subject, we must. There is a huge public health issue here.

Read Dr. Diggs' article.

PUBLIC ENEMY #1 in our schools: GLSEN

What is GLSEN (the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network)? The Traditional Values Coalition has put together all the background you need to understand public enemy #1 in our schools. GLSEN is behind the curriculum materials promoting homosexuality and transgenderism, propaganda assemblies, the so-called "Gay/Straight Alliance" clubs, the "Day of Silence" each April, etc.

Find out more about GLSEN.

Gay Marriage "Rights" Are Nonsensical

By Thomas Sowell
Read the article in Human Events.

The portrayal of same-sex "marriage" as a "civil rights" issue is outrageous, but if you repeat the lie often enough, gullible people will buy into it. As Thomas Sowell points out, "Marriage is not a right extended to individuals by the government" but rather "a restriction on the rights they already have." Homosexuals already had the right to enter into any contracts they wanted, write wills as they pleased, vote, etc. These are civil rights.

So the issue is not individual rights, Sowell points out. "What the activists are seeking is offical social approval of their lifestyle. But this is the antithesis of equal rights. If you have a right to someone else's approval, then they do not have a right to their own opinions and values."

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Strategy for Restoring Sexual Sanity

By the Rev. Earle Fox
Speaking the truth with compassion.

Read about the roots of our society's "pansexual" plague, and what we can do to halt it.

How Homosexual Extremists Have Controlled the Debate

By Scott D. Lively, Esq. (2002)

If you've never stopped to think about the danger of accepting and employing the term "sexual orientation", you'd better read this article. Lively is the co-author of The Pink Swastika (which documents the important role of pagan homosexual perversion in the Third Reich), and heads Abiding Truth Ministries.

"He who defines the terms controls the debate -- and by extension, public opinion. On this issue the terms have been defined (in many cases invented) by the talented sophists of the 'gay' movement. ...

"Among the most common terms and concepts in the 'gay rights' debate are: homosexuality, sexual orientation, heterosexism, diversity, multi-culturalism, inclusiveness, discrimination, homophobia and tolerance. These words and phrases are used by 'gay' sophists to frame the question of homosexuality as a civil rights issue. It is a context chosen to favor homosexuals to the extent that they cast themselves as victims and their opponents as oppressors, yet even within this context, 'gay' arguments are easily refuted."

Note the date of the article, 2002, before the US Supreme Court ruled in Lawrence v. Texas (2003) that states do not have the right to outlaw sodomy. Dissenting Supreme Court Justice Scalia said of that decision: "This effectively decrees the end of all morals legislation. State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity ... Every single one of these laws is called into question by today's decision."

This 2003 Lawrence ruling was the ultimate victory for the gay "newspeak" Lively analyzes: The new concepts of homosexuality and sexual orientation, defined as innate characteristics as opposed to behavior, had won the day and paved the way for the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court's "legalizing" same-sex marriage.