Saturday, January 23, 2010

Scott Brown Must Prove Himself True to Constitutional Principles

Obviously we’re happy that Scott Brown has been elected. We had to stop Coakley and slow down Obama's killer agenda. We’re hoping for the best from Brown. 
But we are bothered by his alliance with RINOs Mitt Romney and John McCain. His campaign was run by Romneyites. Eric Fehrnstrom and Peter Flaherty were at Brown’s side every minute during his visit to D.C. on Thursday. Will they all pull him to the left? We want to hear more talk about the Constitution and less about "what's good for his state."

Scott Brown with new mentor, John McCain [Washington Post photo].
J.J. Jackson asks questions that have been bothering us too. In Canada Free Press:
In the wake of Mr. Brown’s victory I see a lot of Conservatives acting little better than giddy and foolish Democrats did upon the accession of Barack Obama to the left right hand of Nancy Pelosi Almighty.  Many of my fellow patriots on the right and correct side of the isle have a lot of good things to say about Scott Brown and his successful election bid for one of Massachusetts’ Senate seats.  But at times they are downright deifying this man as the savior of our Republic. 
Questions, questions everywhere - and all have yet to be answered.
Will Mr. Brown, now Senator Brown, have the courage to do the things that a true conservative would once he takes his place in the Senate?  Will he embrace the Constitution and vote against all laws that, while they might be good for his State, violate that document’s limited mandates of power?  Will he have the cojones to vote against any and every bill that comes before the Senate which contains one iota of unconstitutionality snuck into it by wicked people seeking power over our liberty?  Will he have the fortitude to stand before his colleagues in the well of the Senate and chastise those who propose powers to our government which are strictly forbidden and do so regardless of party?  Will he turn his nose up at spending more than the government takes in and reject burdening our children with obscene debts to lubricate the votes of special interests and a minority of Americans?  Will he exhibit the courage needed to start paring back and proposing cuts or outright elimination of unconstitutional programs already on the books?  Will he reject the fallacy of bipartisanship when such a tactic requires compromises to limited government?
Or will Mr. Brown be what really passes for a “conservative” in Washington and the Republican Party?  Will he simply oppose the most egregious of new usurpations of liberty and only when the American people speak up loudly enough for him to take notice while he helps to pass ones of a lesser nature that he thinks we will not find out about or later object to?  Will he cast his vote in favor of yearly budgets that cannot be paid for like so many of his colleagues do? …

When these questions are answered I will pass judgment on Scott Brown as a Senator, as a Republican and as a conservative.  When he shows me that he is worthy of praise, only then shall I give it to him. …

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Election Day: Massachusetts, January 19, 2010

A beautiful winter day at a polling location in the western burbs of Boston.

Monday, January 18, 2010

THE PEOPLE'S SEAT: Scott Brown at Littleton Rally, Jan. 18

Rally on Littleton Common for Scott Brown,
Monday, January 18, 2010, 4:00 p.m.

This guy really has a great rapport with the people. He's genuine. Despite horrible weather conditions (and no nearby parking), there were 200-300 supporters there to greet Scott as he wound down his day of campaigning. Terrific enthusiasm! If he doesn't win in a landslide, it could only be due to unprecedented election fraud.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Photos: Scott Brown vs. Coakley-Obamabots: Boston Rally Jan. 17

We were at Northeastern University in the hours before Obama's appearance at the Martha Coakley “rally” in Boston today. The people who were lined up waiting to go in appeared comatose as they awaited their messiah. Few Coakley signs were seen, and no enthusiasm was felt. The Brown supporters who turned out, by contrast, were really psyched and fun to talk to. Three cheers for the Northeastern University Republican Club who had an energetic group. We also met lots of people from all over, including a new American citizen from Argentina, and a fellow from Texas who came to help us out!


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Coakley’s Support of “Transgender Rights” Would Force Taxpayers to Fund Murderer’s Trans Procedures

The ultra-leftist Huffington Post thinks Scott Brown is a bad guy … for opposing taxpayer-funded sex-change procedures demanded by a convicted murderer.
According to the Huffington Post, it’s bad enough Brown opposes homosexual “marriage” -- but then they go on to list this as another of his bad deeds:
“The two-time incumbent [Brown] took a firm stance on opposing the request of a convicted murderer for a sex-change operation.”
Huff Post brands this "engaging in the culture wars," and that's a no-no. (They want conservatives to just shut up.) But Brown was courageous enough to stand up against the leftist trans madness fad and debated this issue on New England Cable News (7/16/07) with a trans activist from the International Foundation for Gender Education. (Unfortunately, the video has been taken down.)
The convicted murderer’s demands have been supported by a prominent transgender activist (and Massachusetts voter) “Nancy” Nangeroni, who testified alongside Martha Coakley for the “Transgender Rights” bill in Massachusetts last July. The transgender rights bill would mandate coverage for exactly such insane procedures.
Attorney General Martha Coakley testifying in favor of “Transgender Rights” Bill H1728.  Nancy Nangeroni (right), trans activist, looks on. [MassResistance photos]
The murderer in question is Robert Kosilek, who has demanded his transgender treatments in court -- dressed as a woman.
This Jan. 15, 1993 image shows Robert J. Kosilek in Bristol County Superior Court in New Bedford, Mass., where Kosilek was on trial for the May 1990 murder of his wife. Kosilek, now known as Michelle,  hopes a federal court will force the state to fund a sex-change operation for him.
Convicted wife murderer, Robert Kosilek [AP photo]
Scott Brown was simply displaying common sense. It’s Martha Coakley who’s out of the mainstream. And if she gets her hands on health care legislation, you can be certain she’ll ensure transgender procedures are covered under all government-approved insurance plans.
“No discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression!”
In Massachusetts, four of the 12 inmates diagnosed with gender identity disorder are receiving hormone shots.
Kosilek has been receiving hormone therapy since a federal judge ruled in 2002 that he was entitled to some treatment for gender identity disorder. Although Judge Mark Wolf did not order a specific treatment plan, he ruled that Kosilek had proven he has a serious medical condition that had not been adequately treated.
After Wolf's ruling, the corrections department allowed Kosilek to receive female hormones and laser hair removal. He was also given access to female undergarments and some makeup.
During testimony this spring in his second lawsuit, Kosilek said the female hormones and other treatments have not been enough to relieve his suffering and said he would likely commit suicide if he does not get the surgery.
Such talk infuriates state Sen. Scott Brown, who filed legislation seeking to ban sex-change operations for inmates in 1998. The legislation died in committee.
Brown points out that most private health insurers do not cover sex-change operations, and says taxpayers should not have to pay for such "elective" surgery for inmates.
"I just think it would be deemed a luxury for him to have that operation. He is in there because he murdered his wife," Brown said. "There are no luxuries that are supposed to be available."
But advocates for transgendered inmates say that in some cases, sex reassignment surgery is a medical necessity, not a luxury.
See also CBS/AP, “Cross-Dressing Killer Robert Kosilek Wants You To Pay For Hair-Removal Treatments Behind Bars” (11/23/09).

Friday, January 15, 2010

Martha Coakley Dedicated to "Transgender Rights"

Attorney General Martha Coakley was the first to testify last July 14, 2009 at a packed State House hearing on the "Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes" bill, H1728. (She made time for it on her birthday, it was that important to her!) She seemed to feel right at home with the crossdressers and transsexuals she wants to force the rest of us to accept as normal. (And if you dare to object, you could be charged with a "hate crime" or unlawful discrimination!) Here are just a few photos from our report on that event. See if you can find Martha:




Soon, if Attorney General Coakley gets her way and H1728 is passed in Massachusetts, you will have no grounds for complaint if you have to share a public restroom or locker room with any of the big guys, or would-be guys, above. (And they get to choose whichever gender facility they feel like at any given moment...)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Corrupt ACORN Graded Coakley A+

Martha Coakley received an A+ rating from the corrupt, “criminal enterprise” ACORN for her work “fighting foreclosures” in 2008. She was one of only six AG’s to get that high grade. Coakley issued a press release (dated 6-12-08):
“I am honored to have received this recognition from ACORN,” said Attorney General Coakley.  “As our office continues to fight predatory lending practices, it is important for local, state, and federal officials, as well as others to work together to try and provide relief and real solutions to individuals who face the threat of foreclosure.”
Mark J. Fitzgibbons at American Thinker reported in September (2009):
The position of state attorney general has become a particularly big feeder, and we see many national politicians who are former state AGs. This begs the question: where ACORN has been violating laws, was it doing so with the imprimatur if not outright assistance of Democrat attorneys general, who seek to curry favor with the Democratic establishment?
That brings us to the importance of ACORN's first scorecard of attorneys general, issued in 2008, "Attorneys General Take Action: Real Leadership in Fighting Foreclosures." The 18-page report and scorecard describes attorneys' general active involvement with ACORN's policy goals on housing.
See also Fitzgibbons’ recent piece, Will Massachusetts send ACORN flunky Coakley to replace Ted Kennedy? (Jan. 14):
As attorney general, Ms. Coakley has been responsible for licensing all nonprofit organizations operating in her state, and overseeing the reporting and financial disclosures of those organizations. To the extent ACORN was operating in Massachusetts, it was doing so with the express approval of Ms. Coakley's office. Whatever ACORN's unlawful operations in Massachusetts may have been, Ms. Coakley had the authority and obligation to take actions to stop them.

Sexual Radical Newspaper Bay Windows Endorses Coakley

An expected endorsement for Martha Coakley from Bay Windows -- the same newspaper that ran a story after Pope John Paul II's death entitled "Requiem for the Pope's Penis," and reviews praising gay brotherly incest and lesbian sodomy. And don't forget their transgender advocacy. (Martha hasn't.)

Bay Windows: Coakley for Senate
Wednesday Jan 13, 2010
Martha Coakley has earned your vote. During her tenure as Massachusetts Attorney General, she set an aggressive, pro-gay agenda. Each Attorney General can set her own course, and Coakley chose gay civil rights to distinguish her service. She has stepped forward and led the fight for LGBT equality on many fronts: marriage equality, transgender non-discrimination, appointed openly gay and lesbian staffers (most notably Maura Healey, chief of the Civil Rights Division), and aggressively prosecuted hate crimes. Her lawsuit challenging the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) has proven that she’s ready to take the national stage. ...

Here's Coakley at 5th anniversary celebration for
"gay marriage" in Massachusetts, May 2009:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Martha Coakley Was Keynote Speaker at Lesbian Gay Bar Assoc. Fundraiser

As Attorney General, Martha Coakley had no problem helping the radical Massachusetts Lesbian Gay Bar Association raise money. She was keynote speaker at their May 2007 fundraising dinner.

MLGBA luminaries.
See her speech here. Excerpts:
Access to civil marriage for gays and lesbians is the law of the Commonwealth. I applaud now, as I did at the time, the Supreme Judicial Court's decision in Goodridge. And as your Attorney General, charged with responsibility for upholding the law, I will do whatever I can to see that the rights of same-sex couples to marry is protected. I am also personally committed to that....

We also know that if the proposed [anti-gay marriage] amendment goes on the ballot, Massachusetts will spend the next year and a half besieged by anti-gay activists and will be the recipient of zealous rhetoric and invective from across the country. If that battle is necessary, you have my support....
We cannot allow hate to occupy any legal space in Massachusetts.  We cannot legislate hate away, but we can hold those accountable who act upon it and that's why it is important to develop and implement effective civil rights programs in our schools....
I strongly encourage our legislators to defeat it [the marriage amendment] and to close the door once and for all on prejudice and unequal treatment.
She vowed to uphold the "law" and protect the "right" for gays and lesbians to "marry" -- this despite the fact that the legislature still has not changed the statutes to enable same-sex couples to "marry", as instructed by the Supreme Judicial Court in 2003! (See the homosexual lobby's pending bill here.) What "law" is Attorney General Coakley upholding?
She labeled those who oppose "gay marriage" prejudiced and hateful. She is also committed to "hate-crimes" laws and homosexual programs in the schools. And she won't forget "civil rights" for "bisexuals" and "transgenders". 
If you believe in traditional values, Martha Coakley really despises you -- but labels you the "hater".

Martha Coakley Has Moved to Left on "Transgender Rights"

Is it possible that anyone as radical as Martha Coakley could have moved to the left recently? We have found one example of this...

Men dressed as women lobby for their "rights" at the Mass. State House. 
Martha Coakley is now with them!  [Photo: MassResistance.]
A few years back, Coakley didn’t see the need for the “Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes Bill” (H1728, formerly H1722) now pending in the Massachusetts legislature.  (See our detailed study of the bill here.) By 2008, she decided to testify in its favor. Since the national GLBT lobby was then starting a huge push on the transgender issue, she apparently decided she had to join them publicly to continue to get their financial support. 
Coakley is a very tough lady, and not easily intimidated by 6’3” guys in skirts sharing the women’s restroom, or “phallic women” sharing their locker room.

Men dressed as women at "transgender rights" lobby day at State House, April 2009. [Photo: MassResistance.]
From the homosexual news source, Edge Boston (3-7-08):
Marc Solomon, the campaign director for MassEquality, one of the organizations leading the effort to pass H.B. 1722 [now H1728], praised Coakley’s leadership on the issue. "When Martha Coakley stands up for something, she fights for it and we are so proud and gratified to have her fighting for equality for transgender people in Massachusetts. It’s a sea change from where we’ve been in the past. It’s so great to have the attorney general - the lead civil rights spokesperson in Massachusetts - fighting on behalf of our community." …
Coakley’s stance continues her record of commitment to equal treatment for LGBT people under the law. She regularly expressed support for marriage equality on the stump during her 2006 campaign for attorney general, in addition to identifying same-sex domestic violence as an issue to which she as attorney general would be more responsive.
In May 2007, a month before the legislature was to take a decisive vote on an anti-gay marriage amendment, Coakley came out swinging against the measure during a speech to the Mass. Lesbian and Gay Bar Association. … [See Coakley’s entire speech here.]
Despite those strong stances, however, Coakley’s position on adding explicit protections for transgender people to the state’s civil rights laws was less comprehensive until now. Asked about including protections based on gender identity and expression in state law during a 2006 interview with Bay Windows, Coakley supported including such protections in the state’s hate crimes law but stopped short of endorsing the same changes to its anti-discrimination statute, stating that her own understanding of the law’s intent is that gender identity and expression were protected already. (A Massachusetts Superior Court judge has used statutory bans on discrimination based on gender and disability to rule in favor of a transgender woman who had been fired from her job when she began transitioning.)
"If we either had incidents that were unaddressed or a court decision that said it didn’t I would certainly be supportive of strengthening the statute if we needed to," Coakley said at the time. "I do know it’s hard to get statutory changes; it would take a while to do it. So I’m a big believer in unless it’s broken let’s work with it. And maybe we develop case law, we develop whatever it is we need to." [Emphasis added.]

Another Call for Kevin Jennings Ouster as "Safe Schools Czar"


By Helen M. Alvare, J.D., 
Senior Fellow in Law, 

… President Obama is under fire for moving too slowly to champion homosexual rights, in the view of leading voices on the left. The appointment of a “czar” like Kevin Jennings is one way in which President Obama can ensure the influence of homosexual-rights-activists in important places – like our nation’s public schools – without the president’s having to pass a law, or even hold a Congressional hearing, both of which might generate public attention and opposition.  That Jennings’ influence in the Department of Education might promote the early or inappropriate sexualization of children is apparently not as important as what Jennings’ appointment might do in the way of smoothing relations between President Obama and the Human Rights Campaign.

In the case of the 2000 and 2001 sex education workshops sponsored in part by the Massachusetts state education establishment, the state partnered with GLSEN and with Planned Parenthood (known usually as the nations’ largest abortion provider), which provided the actual fisting “kits” available to participants.  Both of these groups are clearly outside the “mainstream” of adults’ thinking and behavior about human sexuality and respect for human life and dignity.  When states offer taxpayer dollars to private “partners” for carrying out state programs, the identity of these partners matters a lot.
Groups like Planned Parenthood, GLSEN, or another frequent government partner – SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S) -- have little in common with the average American’s beliefs about sexual morality.  For such groups, the body is a tool, an object to be managed to maximize physical pleasure while minimizing disease and pregnancy.  The materials they publish for adolescents can only be described as depressing and dehumanizing.  Watchdog groups and citizens are vitally necessary in order to expose these groups, and the government programs and bureaucrats who would partner with them. 
One of the outcomes of the current tempest over Kevin Jennings should be his ouster.  But surely another should be a demand that the government get out and stay out of the business of instructing our children about human sexuality in ways that degrade them specifically as children, and also as human beings. [Emphasis added.]

See also:
LAWYER DECRIES CHOICE OF US SAFE SCHOOLS ‘CZAR’; Denounces Agenda of Sexualizing Children” (Zenit, 1-12-10)

A consultor to the Vatican's laity council is protesting U.S. President Barack Obama's chosen "safe schools czar," Kevin Jennings, due to his history of promoting homosexuality, especially to young people. … She expressed concern regarding recent revelations about the career history of Jennings …

Is GLSEN "Grooming" Children for Sexual Exploitation?

Marcia Segelstein had an excellent summary piece yesterday on Kevin Jennings and GLSEN’s corrupting materials. She helps clarify what GLSEN is really up to in the schools. From , “Obama's un-safe schools czar at OneNewsNow:

This is protecting students?  From what?  Growing up emotionally and psychologically healthy?  This is homosexual pornography, but it would be as appalling and inappropriate if it were heterosexual pornography.  This isn't about preventing bullying.  This is about the sexualization of children.

Which brings me to the subject of "grooming."  The Child Sexual Exploitation Update 2004, Vol. 1, No. 3, published on the website of the National District Attorneys Association, offers this definition:  "'Grooming' is the term used to describe the process by which child molesters build trust with the child to transition from a nonsexual relationship to a sexual relationship in a manner that seems natural and non-threatening....

Child molesters use both adult pornography and child pornography in the grooming process.... Repeated exposure to both adult and child pornography is intended to diminish the child's inhibitions..."

"Grooming" has traditionally been thought of as something done by individuals.  But isn't there an argument to be made that GLSEN, by advocating that children be exposed to sexually explicit material, is guilty of "grooming" school children on an institutional scale?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Union Guys for Scott Brown

On the Tom and Todd show this morning (WRKO AM680), Bill Hudak (Republican candidate for Mass. Sixth Congressional Dist., North Shore) called in with a great anecdote on the Brown-Coakley debate last night.

He said that the union guys were out in force outside the building with big 4' x 8' Coakley signs. As Scott Brown arrived at the building, he went over and greeted the guys. Hudak overheard them tell Brown, "We're voting for you. We just got paid $50 to hold the signs."

When Coakley arrived, in typical arrogant liberal style, she walked right by the guys holding her signs without a word of acknowledgement.

May the best man win.

UPDATE 1-13-10: Videos confirming this anecdote at FlemingandHayes blog. 

Monday, January 11, 2010

Kevin Jennings Funded “Gay" Prize at Harvard; Helped Radicalize University

“Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings has gone beyond corrupting and radicalizing K-12 school children through his organization GLSEN. He also convinced the useful idiots at Harvard University to put that institution’s imprimatur on his sexual radicalism at the college level.
In 2007, Jennings established a senior thesis prize fund at Harvard University with his “partner” Jeff Davis. The “Eugene Cummings Prize … will go to the undergraduate who has done the most outstanding scholarship on LGBT issues in the university that year, and that will forever keep the memory of Mr. Cummings alive in this university.” … “The [$1,500] prize will be awarded at the Women, Gender, and Sexuality end-of-year party in May.
left: Kevin Jennings [photo: Harvard Gay and Lesbian Caucus]
The prize name comes from a Harvard dental school student, Eugene Cummings, who committed suicide in 1920 after the administration had expelled him -- as Jennings tells it --over his homosexuality. Cummings was “denied” his “opportunit[y] for self-expression.” The 2009 prize was awarded for a senior thesis titled "On the Surface: Conceptualizing Gender and Subjectivity in Chinese Lesbian Culture."
The Harvard Gay and Lesbian Caucus (HGLC) gave Jennings their “Respect Award” in 2007. He announced the prize fund at that awards dinner. (See the video here.) The group credits him with leading the fight to get the gay students’ rights bill passed in Massachusetts. He is also described as a leader in radicalizing Harvard University, organizing the first “open” reunion events specifically for GLBT alumni.
The speaker introducing Jennings says:
Kevin and GLSEN nevertheless led a successful effort in Massachusetts to make Massachusetts the first state to outlaw discrimination against public school students on the basis of sexual orientation. In 1993, they helped establish a program called “Safe Schools” for gay and lesbian students. Kevin became GLSEN’s first executive director in 1995 and has built it into an established national organization with a presence in all 50 states and strong support from the education establishment, including the National Education Association. …
He served as the 1997 HGLC co-chair, was keynote speaker at our 2000 dinner, and organized our LGBT events for his class’s tenth, fifteenth, and twentieth reunions. …
But most importantly, Kevin has changed the face of American education. He’s made it possible for an entire generation of LGBT students and educators to learn and to work in safer schools and to be who they are.
In his HGLC speech (transcript here), Jennings urges his audience to donate to MassEquality and their “gay marriage” cause. (At that time, MassEquality had also announced the “transgender rights” bill as a priority).
Now, before I launch into my remarks, which are actually prepared and outlined, one of my former students from Concorde [sic] Academy, Liz Pinsky, or as I should now call her, Dr. Elizabeth Pinsky, who is seated right here, is probably like wow, Kevin always just pulled it out of his ass when he taught, but he actually has an outline this time. Before I do that, I want to make an unpaid and unsolicited political advertisement. 
This is the Mass. Equality envelope. Pick it up! I don’t even live in this state, but I can tell you as a national LGBT leader this: if we lose the right to marry in Massachusetts, we will not have the right to marry anywhere in America in my lifetime. You must fill this out with however much you can put on it. If it’s ten, if it’s a hundred, if it’s $1,000, if it’s $10,000, fill it out and do what I’m doing and hand it to Robin before you leave. [emphasis added]
Jennings is in foul company with other HGLC awardees. In 2002, they gave porn promoter Frank Kameny their achievement award. The bio at HGLC refers to Kameny’s heroic past, including his arrest in Lafayette Park across from the White House, a popular gay cruising area.” (Maybe it would have been less heroic at a highway rest stop?)  Kameny started the D.C. chapter of the Mattachine Society, founded by NAMBLA supporter Harry Hay. Kameny “was instrumental in getting the American Psychological Association to declare that homosexuality is not a mental illness.” He was a founder of the extremist National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, which promotes sexual sadomasochism.  “In 1998 in one of his most recent protests, during a gay radio program on an Alexandria radio station, Frank solicited the entire adult population of the state of Virginia to engage in sodomy with him …”
In 2005, HGLC gave Alice Wolf, far-left radical State Representative and former mayor of Cambridge, their “Ally for Justice” award. She has carried water for every anti-family cause imaginable, including Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and MassEquality.
Also at Harvard, Jennings’ funded a museum exhibit (including pornographic materials) celebrating the radical group ACT UP. (Jennings was himself a member of ACT UP.)
Over-the-top activism at Harvard University by GLBT activists profoundly hurts us traditionalists with ties to the University. In its support of sexual radicalism, Harvard seems to have a death wish, buying into destructive trends that undermine the Judeo-Christian values upon which it was founded. Jennings is just one of those activists.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

More on the Phony Boston Globe Poll

Martha Coakley up by 15 points (says the Boston Globe)? Doesn't seem right to this Massachusetts resident. Also, the Boston Herald is supposedly going to release a poll showing Coakley only 1 point ahead. Here's more on the polls from Legal Insurrection blog [excerpt]:

Globe Poll An Outlier

Obama wins New Hampshire primary in a landslide!

That was the prediction of the University of New Hampshire 
Survey Center and most other pollsters prior to the primary. In fact, Hillary Clinton won the primary, causing much hand wringing. This shows us that we need to be cautious with polling data. It is just part of the picture.

The UNH 
poll released this morning by The Boston Globe, showing a safe 15% lead by Coakley among likely voters, does not ring true to me. UNH started polling on January 2 and finished January 6. Rasmussen, which polled during that same time period, showed Coakley up by 9% among likely voters but only 2% among definite voters. PPP polled more recently and showed Brown up by 1%. The Boston Herald is to release a poll which reportedly will show Coakley with a 1% lead among likely voters.

The UNH-Globe poll is an outlier, by far. The three other polls show this as a single digit race among likely voters, with Brown's voters far more highly motivated. [Added] Even the UNH-Globe polls shows that among the voters who are listed as "extremely interested in election" it is an even race, at 47% each.

Scott Brown Up by 1 -- or Coakley Up by 15?

A new poll says Scott Brown is leading by 1%. This from Public Policy Polling:  
The Massachusetts Senate race is now a toss up. Buoyed by a huge advantage with independents and relative disinterest from Democratic voters in the state, Republican Scott Brown leads Martha Coakley 48-47. ["The Wall Street Journal ranked PPP as one of the top swing state pollsters in the country last year. (11-6-08 WSJ)"]
Brown leads 63-31 with independents and is winning 17% of the Democratic vote while Coakley receives only 6% support from GOP voters.  Both candidates are relatively popular, with 57% viewing Brown favorably to only 25% unfavorable and 50% with a positive opinion of Coakley to 42% negative. 
Here are more details on PPP's poll.

THE T’S KNEES: Michael Baskin,...
Dems caught with their pants down again? 
Coakley supporters on their way to her rally?
Why is the Boston Herald reporting on "No Pants Day" on the T, but not the new polls? All the Herald mentions is the number of Facebook friends (where Brown is way ahead).
Meanwhile, the Boston Globe reports its own poll shows Coakley up 15 points among likely voters.