[Photo: ForgeForward.org]
We're disappointed to learn from DCU Center in Worcester that the transgender-PFLAG conference, "Transcending Boundaries," is not being held there again this year. This weekend is announced on their award-winning MySpace as the 2007 conference dates, but no location is given. Interesting how after our revelations of the past year, the Transcending Boundaries web site is no longer updated, and the conference (if it's being held at all) is being kept quiet. Too bad -- our brave undercover agents were all set to go out to Worcester! (They were just not sure yet which gender and outfit to choose.)
"Transcending Boundaries" -- It's just what the name says: There are no boundaries, no limits on behaviors. No such thing as male or female in their world, unless they say so. No such thing as "normal". Anything goes: little children identified as "transgender"; bisexuality; pansexuality; BDSM; polyamory, drag kings, drag queens, fetish, etc. The only thing missing (give them time) was bestiality. (But wait -- does "pansexuality" include bestiality???).
Last year's fascinating workshops included:
- Dr. Norman Spack (Children's Hospital, Boston) on "Coming out as a child or adolescent as transgendered or transsexual and the parents’ process of acceptance." (Spack promotes puberty blocking treatments for pre-pubescent "transgender children" -- followed by opposite-sex hormones.)
- Supporting Gender Variant Youth in Today’s Schools
- Legal Issues and Being Kinky -- How to Talk About BDSM/Leather/Fetish (New England Leather Alliance)
- Redefining Masculinity: How and Why Transmen [female-to-male transsexuals] are Changing the Definitions of Manhood
- Queer Spirituality
- FEMME-ininity: GenderQueer Femme Identity and Misogyny within the Queer Women’s Community
Activism, Activist, Bi, Bi Culture, Bi Curious, Bi Friendly, Bi Inclusive, Bi Men, Bi Network, Bi Women, Bisexual, Bisexual Community, Bisexual Culture, Bisexual Erasure, Bisexual Groups, Bisexual Meetings, Bisexual Men, Bisexual Network, Bisexual Pride, Bisexual Support Groups, Bisexual Women, Bisexuality, BDSM, Celebrate Bisexuality Day, Children, Cisgender, Coming Out, Community Building, Cross-dressing, DL, Down Low, Drag, Drag King, Drag Queens, Families, Fathers, Fetish, Fluid, FTM, Gay, Gay Straight Alliance, Genderfuck, Genderqueer, GLBT, GLBTIQ, Grandparents, GSA, Hetroflexable, Intersex, Lesbian, Leather, LGBT, Marrige, MTF, Mothers, on the DL, on the Down Low, Pansexual, Parenting, PFLAG, Poly, Polyamorous, Polyamory, Poly Pride Day, Post Queer, Same Gender Loving, SGL, Straight But Not Narrow, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning