Wednesday, July 20, 2005

"Urinegate"; or Exposing the Total Depravity of the Mass. Legislature

What has “gay marriage” brought to Massachusetts? Liberals running wild in the Massachusetts Legislature, for one thing. The Chief of Staff of our Ways & Means Committee chairman saying he’s not at all bothered that our teenagers are being taught about homosexual “water sports”, i.e. urinating on each other for “sexual pleasure”. Read on...

Article 8 Alliance found out that the gay lobby had voted a 70% increase in funding for homosexual propaganda programs in our public schools through the “Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth”. This Commission is behind the “Gay-Straight Alliance” clubs, “Day of Silence” events, and other twisted homosexual programs aimed at teens … including the event where the “Little Black Book” on homosexual sex acts (like “water sports”) was passed out to kids. Governor Romney vetoed the funding increase, responding to hundreds of calls from Article 8 supporters.

Article 8 then contacted the Ways & Means Committee office, chaired by Rep. Robert DeLeo of Winthrop, left a voice mail and sent an email to his legislative aide, asking about the override process and calendar. (Both messages clearly said it was Article 8 wanting the information.) DeLeo’s aide called Article 8’s office after hours (and heard the identifying message, “You have reached Article 8…”), then left a message. The aide said he intended to put the homosexual program funding items in his report, and onto the list to be overridden. (He clearly did not understand where Article 8 was coming from, though a little web check could have answered any doubts!) The aide's message:

“The gay and lesbian youth programs, the chair strongly supports, and as far as the public health funding, for the line items 4590 and 7010 -- both of those are obviously of great importance to him as well. So I think there's a good chance they will be taken up in an override...The chair is very, very, very supportive of these programs and sees a great deal of importance in them. So you can rest assured on that.”

On July 14, DeLeo sent the first part of the two vetoed budget increases to the floor for an override. And the override got passed “by the (apparently) brain-dead full House and Senate, which was more interested in getting to the Cape early than any serious debate.” (-- Article 8 email alert)

Then, DeLeo’s office got wind of Article 8’s report of his aide’s voice mail. They clearly didn’t like being exposed. DeLeo’s Chief of Staff, one Mr. Eisenberg, complained to MassNews:


From: Eisenberg, James (HWM) []
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 4:38 PM
Subject: erroneous report

To the Editor:
Please remove or correct the story on your website entitled, “House Ways and Means Chairman, Legislators Must be Called.” It states that the Article 8 Alliance received a voice mail from an aide to State Representative Robert A. DeLeo. Such a voice-mail, and therefore its contents, were never proffered to the Article 8 Alliance. No aide of Representative DeLeo ever contacted the Alliance and no voice-mail was left. The report by the Article 8 Alliance is false.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

James C. Eisenberg, Chief of Staff

House Committee on Ways and Means
Chairman Robert A. DeLeo
State House, Boston, Massachusetts 02133


Dear Mr. Eisenberg,

I was forwarded [your] email from MassNews.

The voice mail in question was most certainly left on our office phone system. If you care to call our office at 781-899-4905 I would be happy to play it for you.

I cannot believe that you would actually lie about something like this. But on the other hand, the fact that you people are behaving so dishonorably about this whole business of funding homosexuality in the public schools is an indicator that you've been on Beacon Hill far too long.

Brian Camenker
Article 8 Alliance


Eisenberg spoke with Camenker and heard the voice mail from the aide. Then he wrote this letter to MassNews:

7-20-05 Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:

Please disregard my prior e-mail. Mr. Camenker replayed the voice-mail message for me and it indeed has the voice of a member of our staff. While my previous e-mail was not a lie, it was an error based on incomplete information on my part.

I apologize to Mr. Camenker for the mistake. As for the Chairman’s position on these budget line-items, as I indicated to Mr. Camenker, our office will soon be forwarding a position statement to the Article 8 Alliance which I will also forward to your news organization. Thank you for your attention to this manner and I again apologize for my error.

Sincerely,James C. Eisenberg, Chief of Staff
House Committee on Ways and Means
Chairman Robert A. DeLeo
State House, Boston, Massachusetts 02133

[MassNews] Editor's Note:
Thank you for your acknowledgement. We presume it was an honest mistake.


And now, we get to the most appalling part, the “water sports” exchange. Camenker reports in an email to Article 8 supporters the content of his discussion with Eisenberg [from Camenker’s Article 8 email alert, 7-20-05]:

=== 3. A very chilling experience – just how bad it is on Beacon Hill. ===

I got a call yesterday morning from James Eisenberg, chief of staff of Rep. Robert DeLeo, chairman of the powerful Ways & Means Committee of the Massachusetts House of Representatives.

DeLeo is orchestrating an override of Gov. Romney's veto of a 70% increase of state funding for homosexual programs in the public schools. Parents across the state are livid, but DeLeo doesn't seem fazed.

I asked Eisenberg why DeLeo was willing to take so much heat for something as bad as this - money for homosexual programs in the schools. I just can't understand it, I said. This money goes for such poisonous things. Is he familiar with the "Little Black Book", I asked.

Yes, he knows about "The Little Black Book", he told me. Then he said something that completely floored me.

He mentioned the part where it discusses urination, as an example. He said he has no problem with it, or any other part of that book, as long as it's "clinically correct."

Clinically correct? First of all, it's not clinically or medically correct at all, I said. We've posted a letter by a physician that describes in detail the massive mis-information this book contains.

But wait a minute. Urination? I reminded Eisenberg what we're talking about here: the book (given to kids) describes people urinating on each other, and cautions its readers to be careful not to accidentally drink any of it. There's nothing medically or clinically correct about this. It's depraved. The book should say that to people.

"We have a difference of opinion," was Eisenberg's reply.

He went on to say that these programs are about saving lives. The proponents (the homosexual lobby) report that when the funding for these programs goes down, gay teen suicides go up. That's why they need to give them more money, so suicides will go back down.

I was stunned. These are complete lies, I said. I asked him if he'd actually looked at the statistics, or examined what these programs actually are. No, he hadn't personally done that. This is completely bogus, I told him. This is simply an excuse to get into the schools by the homosexuals. The State of Massachusetts, in its suicide statistics and records, does not keep track of "reasons" why anyone commits suicide. And has he looked at the "Youth Risk Behavior Surveys" given out in the schools, which they use to for their claims, I asked? These surveys are completely phony, and they ask all kinds of leading questions to impressionable kids. Any actual statistician would laugh at these surveys.

But worse than that, I said, these programs are not run by anyone with any medical qualifications, or legitimate experience in suicide prevention, such as the Samaritans. It's just homosexual activists pushing programs to normalize homosexuality in the minds of kids. In fact, these programs can be very destructive emotionally to kids who are at a vulnerable time in their lives emotionally.

"Well, we have a difference of opinion," he said again.

Why don't you people look at any of this with a critical eye? You don't question anything they tell you. Why do you just hand them money? He didn't respond to that.

He said he lived in the same town I do, and he knew about me, and my activities on these issues. So what does he think about that, I asked him. You people act as if you're "under siege," he told me.

I asked him if he has kids in the schools. He said no, he doesn't. I talked to him about the homosexual programs in the local schools - the transgender assemblies, the pamphlets asking if kids "if they hadn't had same-gender sex, how do they know they wouldn't like it", and the counseling sessions I'd witnessed, telling kids that if they feel "different" maybe they're really gay. Has he seen our postings about this on our web site? Yes, he had. But beyond that he didn't have any comment, except "We have a difference of opinion."

He reiterated that this is his personal opinion, but that he definitely supported these programs. He admitted that Rep. DeLeo could stop the veto of the funding increase from being overridden if he wanted to. But he did not dispute the observation from the other aide that DeLeo "Is very, very, very supportive of these programs and sees a great deal of importance in them. So you can rest assured on that."

So there you have it. Whatever Rep. Robert DeLeo once was - pro-life, pro-family - this is the person he's chosen to have as his chief of staff. A man who has no trouble with the state funding a book about people urinating on each other for sexual pleasure.

And Eisenberg's not at all alone. From what we've been told, he's more the rule than the exception among Legislative staff on Beacon Hill. This is absolutely beyond belief, but in 2005 this is what is actually happening, the force behind our legal process.

This is why the we all have to do the hard work of taking back control of our government. That's what Article 8 Alliance is dedicated to. That's why we're here.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Why Do "Gays" Hate Ex-Gays?

Here are three websites that guaranteed to boil the blood of radical homosexuals: (See the recent article in MichNews.)

Why? Because they challenge the notion that people are born homosexual, or that people with same-sex attractions can't change. They all minister to homosexuals who are unhappy enough with their lives to at least entertain the idea of leaving the lifestyle; or support those who already have left; or support those who are struggling with same-sex attraction but know in their hearts it's wrong.

The hatred in the "gay" press towards these groups is evident in a recent editorial in the Washington Blade (a homosexual paper), "Lock up the 'ex-gays' ". Last week's Bay Windows had another attack piece challenging reparative therapy for gays. They're in denial that "ex-gays" can even exist, holding dearly to the concept that homosexuals are born that way and can't change. According to the Washington Blade:

"THE DAMAGE CAUSED to young gays by the views of “ex-gays” should not be underestimated. The two greatest weapons that opponents of gay rights wield against us are charges that gay men are pedophiles and that homosexuality is a choice. Overcoming those two obstacles would mean instant victory for the movement."

The Washington Blade points to the "reputable institutions", such as the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association and the American Medical Association, which have "repudiated reparative therapies as dangerous. As the [NY] Times story points out, the American Psychiatric Association actually endorsed gay marriage in the interest of promoting mental health."

Of course, there's another side to the story. These professional organizations have been co-opted by the radical homosexual movement (no one ever said that homosexual activists weren't smart strategists). There's a new book dealing with this problem: Destructive Trends in Mental Health, The Well Intentioned Path to Harm, by Rogers H. Wright, Ph.D., Nicholas A. Cummings, Ph.D., Sc.D.(March 1, 2005). From a review:

"Buttressed and burnished by a glittering Who's Who in scientific and professional psychology, Wright and Cummings persuasively and forcefully dramatize how the mental health professions will enhance patient benefits by removing from the therapeutic process such destructive barriers as political correctness and intrusive ideologies."- Robert Perloff, Ph.D., Distinguished Service Professor, Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, and Former President, American Psychological Association.

"According to the editors of the new book DESTRUCTIVE TRENDS IN MENTAL HEALTH ... the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and social work have been hijacked by special interest groups who appeal to political correctness rather than science, to defend and promote their agendas.... And yet, in this unique instance, the accusations, questions, doubts and call-to-arms come from insiders, indeed central players, within the very organizations they attack.

"Operating under the premise that special interest groups have used faulty—even false—science to promote political agendas, contributing authors critically examine contemporary issues such as homophobia, the psychology of victimhood, cultural sensitivity... Controversial chapters challenge the APA's recent politically motivated stances on gay marriage, paedophilia, abortion, and boxing, exposing a disturbing trend in which ideology trumps science at the highest levels of a supposedly empirically based professional organization. "

Monday, July 18, 2005

GLBT Reproduction

GLBT parents: How do they reproduce? Many children are products of earlier hetero relationships, adoption, or surrogate parenting. And now, they hope for stem cell/test tube solutions.

It's a good question: How the "GLBT community" plans to biologically sustain itself, since they can't naturally reproduce. Maybe the "Bisexuals" will lend a hand? (Is that why they've included the B in GLBT?) We are told that "sexual identity" is fluid for many in the "GLBT community", so maybe they become "Bi" for a few days or months, so they can reproduce? (Though this conflicts with the claim that they're "born that way". ) It's all so confusing!

We know that the surrogacy business is doing doing well with GLBTs. Recently, "Growing Generations" (a GLBT surrogacy company) donated $50,000 to Family Pride Coalition. (Family Pride is organizing the huge GLBT family fair in Provincetown next week. In attendance will surely by the new director of Family Pride, Jennifer Chrisler, "wife" of former State Senator and briefly head of the "Human Rights" Campaign, Cheryl Jacques and their twin boys. Don't miss this event!)

Now, the GLBT community is excited about some new stem cell research which could be used to generate eggs from a man's (adult) cells. So homosexual couples could have children genetically related to both. (Still have to implant that embryo in a surrogate.) We assume this could be applied to two women as well. From

Stem Cell Research May Provide Hope to Gay Couples (Copenhagen) - Stem cell research by British scientists shows that cells extracted from human embryos can develop in the laboratory into the early forms of cells that become eggs or sperm.

The research increases the likelihood that one day eggs and sperm needed for infertility treatment could be grown in a dish, huge news for the gay and lesbian community. Preliminary experiments also suggest that scientists may eventually be able to use the technique to create a supply of eggs for cloning.... The findings were presented Monday in Copenhagen at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology....

Stem cells are the master cells of the body, appearing when embryos are just a few days old and developing into every type of cell and tissue in the body, including sperm and eggs.

For infertile couples, that approach would eliminate the need for donor sperm or eggs. But any treatment using eggs and sperm grown from stem cells, let alone from stem cells extracted from a cloned embryo, may be many years away...

"It opens new and challenging possibilities: because the technique can be used to generate eggs from a man's (adult) cells, gay couples could have children genetically related to both," said Anna Smajdor, a medical ethicist at Imperial College in London. "These possibilities raise new questions about how we define parenthood and about how we decide who has access to these new technologies," she said.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Senator Rick Santorum Was Right

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Massachusetts Leftists' Plan to End Ballot Initititives

It's truly amazing how the Leftists get away with portraying themselves as "Progressives" when they're really just working to consolidate their own power -- that is, the Leftist elite's power. A century ago, Progressives worked to secure a greater voice for the regular citizen in the political process. Now our "Progressives" are on the verge of passing a law in Massachusetts which will essentially kill the initiative process. ("Ballot initiative limits sought; Gay marriage foes seen as target", Boston Globe, July 16.)

Massachusetts is already the hardest state in the country for getting a question on the ballot through a citizens' initiative, requiring a large number of voter signatures gathered in a very short period. Now, the Leftists are proposing even tougher requirements on the process, and would "make it possible for groups opposing ballot questions to gain almost immediate access to the names and addresses of the people who signed the petitions, providing them an opportunity to persuade signatories to retract their support." This would really just be another intimidation tool, and possibly a means of tying up their opponent with lawsuits. The Lefitsts also want to toughen requirements on paid signature gatherers.

MassResistance does not even support Mass. Family Institute's new ballot question initiative, which seems to have prompted this rush to pass this hideous legislation. But we do support representative government, and hate to see it end this way. It's bad enough we live in a state where the Legislature and Governor didn't follow the Constitution last time a citizens' petition on marriage was brought in 2001... They just threw it in the trash, without even voting! Now, the Leftists are intent on keeping citizens from even knocking on the State House door.

Barbara Anderson of Citizens for Limited Taxation said, ''This Election Laws bill is a weak and phony front for hatred of the petition process that brings issues into the public arena for debate. The gay marriage issue, and all issues, would be better served by both sides expressing confidence in their position and trusting themselves to sell it to the voters, instead of expending resources preventing the campaign debate and driving a stake through the heart of the last best vox populi."

Friday, July 15, 2005

Massachusetts Family Institute: Do They Or Don't They?

In April, the Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI) said that same-sex "marriages" were "unacceptable", now it says some of them are acceptable. In April, MFI said that same-sex "marriages" should be declared "null and void", as they are without legal basis; now it says we must respect the legality of existing same-sex "marriages". How can they have it both ways?

We've been rereading some of our email alerts from MFI, to try to get a handle on its new Mass. marriage amendment, and were reminded of this blatant contradiction. In April, MFI urged its supporters to attend the surprise Judiciary Committee hearing on the marriage bills filed by Article 8 Alliance. (The e-alert was sent out after Article 8 discovered the secretive Judiciary Committee hearing at the last minute. Of course, it's nowhere mentioned in its e-alert that Article 8 filed these bills to protect marriage:)

"Massachusetts Family Institute Special Alert April 8, 2005 Legislative Alert...

"Massachusetts Family Institute is asking our supporters to come to the State House on Tuesday for a legislative hearing on several bills pertaining to the issue of same-sex marriage. It is unfortunate that the Legislature has given only four days notice about a hearing on a policy issue as important as the definition of marriage, but we must not allow the short notice to prevent us from being there.

Last year you turned out by the thousands to send a loud and clear message to legislators that court-imposed homosexual marriage was unacceptable [emphasis added] and that they must act to remedy the situation. We must keep the pressure on them, and remind them that we have not gone away and that we have not given up the fight. ...

"HB652 [Bill of Address to remove the four SJC judges.]...

"HB653 Relating to a legislative amendment to the Constitution for the definition of marriage... [Note: Article 8 filed this as a BILL, not an amendment. Somehow, through apparent special privileges for a special guy, openly homosexual "married" State Senator Barrios managed to turn this House bill into a constitutional amendment, without its House sponsors ever being informed of the change! They make up the rules as they go along...]

"HB654 Relating to same sex marriages. This bill would declare same-sex marriage[s] null and void since state laws were never changed to permit same-sex marriage. (PRO-MARRIAGE)...

"Please join us on Tuesday and encourage others to do the same as we once again show our legislators that homosexual marriage is unacceptable and the definition of marriage must be restored for the good of children and society." [Emphasis added.]

Note that homosexual "marriage" was unacceptable to Mass. Family Institute in April. BUT NOW MFI is willing to ACCEPT same-sex "marriages" in its new citizens' petition amendment, which would grandfather in such "marriages" (existing prior to the amendment taking effect).

MFI has yet to explain how it could have supported H654 on April 12, but is now willing to compromise with the "unacceptable". In April, MFI seemed to understand there was no law supporting same-sex "marriage". Now MFI says it can't deny the legality of such "marriages".

There is no truth without consistency.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Sen. Santorum Viciously Attacked by Massachusetts Delegation

WOULD ANYONE DENY THAT HOMOSEXUAL "MARRIAGE" HAPPENED HERE IN MASSACHUSETTS BECAUSE IT'S A VERY "LIBERAL" PLACE? We don't think so. Can we blame it partly on the cultures of Boston, Harvard and the other universities, and the Jesuit Theological Seminary? Sure we can.

So why the sudden rage over a 2002 column by Senator Rick Santorum (Catholic Online), where he makes a connection between the sick culture here and the huge scale of the priest sex (read: homosex) abuse scandal in Massachusetts? Cultural relativism is the culprit, according to Santorum. It just so happens that Boston is a leading center and exporter of cultural relativism. Here's the larger context of Santorum's jab at Boston:

"Like most American Catholics, I have followed the recent sex scandals in the Church with profound sympathy for victims, revulsion over priests who prey on minors and frustration at the absence of hierarchical leadership.... The most obvious change must occur within American seminaries, many of which demonstrate the same brand of cultural liberalism plaguing our secular universities....

"It is startling that those in the media and academia appear most disturbed by this aberrant behavior, since they have zealously promoted moral relativism by sanctioning 'private' moral matters such as alternative lifestyles. Priests, like all of us, are affected by culture. When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm....

"A renewed, united effort of clergy and laity will transform the Church. That this does not already occur belies the greatest systemic failure of the Church in America where so many cradle Catholics have left the Church or go 'unchurched' because of exposure to uninspired, watered down versions of our faith by those with deficient seminary training. In light of recent events, the laity must guide them back."

The vicious attacks on Santorum by our beloved Massachusetts delegation demonstrate, once again, that the HATE is on the left. Sen. Teddy made a scene in the Senate, calling Santorum irresponsible and insensitive. Rep. Barney Frank (who fixed parking tickets for his male lover who turned Frank's home into a homosexual brothel) called Santorum a "jerk". Rep. Marty Meehan said Santorum is "encourag[ing] hatred for fellow human beings." Sen. Kerry, Rep. Tierney, and others piled on, including even Gov. Romney.

This should not come down to a numbers game on which city had the most abusive priests. But even the Boston Globe said that Mass. Attorney General Reilly's 2003 report showed 235 priests and church workers abused children. Compare this to Philadelphia's Archdiocese report of 44 abusive priests. That's because Harvard's here in Mass., and we all know that the University of Pennsylvania (in Philadelphia) doesn't hold a candle to Harvard.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Socialism, Humanism, Gay "Marriage" -- Natural Bedfellows

"First gay couple marries in Spain", according to the AP story in the Boston Globe (July 12, 2005). The Socialists and United Left party celebrated.

"The ruling Socialist Party's top official for social issues, attended. The town council is run by the conservative Popular Party, which voted against the law when it went before Spain's Parliament on June 30. The ceremony was presided over by a town councilor from the United Left party, which voted in favor. It was not immediately known whether the conservative mayor refused to do so. On the day Parliament voted, the Roman Catholic Church in Spain issued a veiled call for civil authorities who opposed gay marriage to refuse to preside over same-sex weddings.

"Since the law took effect July 3, about 50 couples are believed to have filed papers seeking to get married. The Justice Ministry estimates about 10 percent of Spain's population of 43 million people is homosexual."

Let's see: 10%, or 4.3 million, of Spain's population is "gay", but only 50 couples in the whole country have filed papers to "marry" in the last two weeks, and only one couple has actually "married". Where are all those loving, committed "gay" couples who've been waiting so long to tie the knot?

Speaking of the Boston Globe, don't miss Brian McGrory's hit piece on Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania. Sorry, Mr. McGrory, but secular humanist institutions like Harvard do have something to do with the political-moral climate here in Massachusetts. Ultimately, their road leads to the nasty place we're in now.

And as for the "priest abuse" scandal in the Catholic church, Senator Santorum doesn't state the problem boldy enough. As MassResistance has pointed out before: The radical homosexuals demand access to minors. See item #State-7 in the Gay Rights Platform of 1972: "Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent."

There must be a reason they demand this.... The priests who abused minors were homosexuals who infiltrated the church, and did not hold to their vows of celibacy. It was not a child abuse scandal; it was a homosexual scandal. And how can Mr. McGrory deny that Boston Mayor Thomas Menino is a big promoter of all things "gay"?

Monday, July 11, 2005

Resistance Alive and Well at Tufts University

A headline in today's Boston Globe ("Students press to end ban on gay male blood donors") reminded me of a skirmish we'd heard about at Tufts University this past year.

It seems that Tufts is an especially fertile breeding ground for homosexual extremists. Remember Carl Sciortino, recent Tufts grad, defiler of the Boston Cathedral, activist extraordinaire ... and now State Representative for Medford and Somerville?

[Hey, Carl. We're wondering when your wedding is going to take place. The one you agitated for while a student at Tufts. Maybe there was a private ceremony?]

MassResistance was happy to learn that there is a feisty resistance cell at Tufts: The Primary Source journal. What a great group of right thinking young people, fighting the good fight on a hideously liberal campus! The outgoing editor recently wrote:

"Tufts claims to promote tolerance and understanding, but it actually promotes shockingly extreme levels of intolerance and bigotry. In my four years here, I have witnessed more hatred-driven aggression and fear than in the rest of my life. I have been threatened, spit at, harassed, labeled a racist, a fascist, a homophobe, a hate-monger, and regularly defamed on campus.... If only they had warned me on the admissions website, 'Conservatives need not apply...' "

"As a computer engineer, I managed to eke out a decent education from an institution that is otherwise barren of learning. Others were not so fortunate.... [T]he ability to reason and communicate should be the measure of a successful liberal artist's [education]. In reality, when Tufts liberal artists encounter criticism of their opinions or actions (usually for the first time in the pages of this magazine), they become so personally insulted they immediately resort to name-calling."

For a good example of the craziness at Tufts, look at the radical homosexual activist of the year at Tufts, one Mr. Matthew Pohl. He was awarded the "Fool on the Hill" acclamation in the commencement issue of The Primary Source (May 22, 2005; not yet online). Mr. Pohl did just what the Boston Globe headline screamed: he demanded!! that the Red Cross stop discriminating against gay men when taking blood donations. But that's not all...

Mr. Pohl demanded!! that Tufts include "gender identity" and "sexual expression" in its non-discrimination policy. He demanded!! that academic freedom be denied to the conservative viewpoints in the college's classroom. He demanded!! that ROTC be banned from campus, because of the military's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy regarding homosexuals. And he was outraged!! at the thought that anyone would support George W. Bush for re-election.

Make checks payable to The Primary Source, Mayer Campus Center, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155. They could use your help.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Governor Romney and Gay "Marriage"

Back in April, MassResistance pointed out that gay "marriage" still isn't, and never has been, legal in Massachusetts. That's why Article 8 Alliance asked Rep. Goguen to file bill #654 in the Mass. legislature declaring the same-sex "marriages" null and void. We printed some of the testimony about that bill after the "surprise" hearing before the Judiciary Committee on April 12.

Along those same lines, National Review just printed a great letter from one Mr. Goulding of Lancaster (July 18 issue). He makes these same points, and asks people to take another look at Presidential candidate Mitt Romney's role in this disaster. He asks: Why did Gov. Romney say he had to "uphold the law" when there was no law? And to what extent is Romney responsible for the mess we're in? Herewith, the letter:

In light of John J. Miller’s article on Mitt Romney (“Matinee Mitt,” June 20), I believe it is appropriate to recognize that, in his capacity as head of the executive branch of Massachusetts, Romney seems to be enforcing a non-existent same-sex-marriage law. If this is true, Romney is at least as responsible for the existence of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts as chief justice Margaret Marshall of the supreme judicial court.

As most are aware, the Goodridge decision that Marshall wrote announced a requirement for same-sex marriage. What many do not know is that the Goodridge decision did not actually create same-sex marriage. To the contrary, Justice Marshall left the task of reforming the law to the appropriate branch of government: the legislature. She merely said that the absence of same-sex marriage violated the Massachusetts constitution.

At the outset of the Goodridge decision, Marshall correctly declined to interpret the law to provide explicitly for same-sex marriage. But she then considered the constitutionality of the absence of same-sex marriage. In a feat of seemingly impossible proportions, the absence itself was deemed unconstitutional. She ordered that the decision be delayed for 180 days — allowing the legislature sufficient time to provide for same-sex marriage (because it was absent) and thereby to avoid a constitutional impasse. The court later stated that the reason for the delay in Goodridge had been “to afford the Legislature an opportunity to conform the existing statutes to the provisions of the Goodridge decision.” The decision, then, was clearly not intended to self-execute.

Aside from dickering around with a proposed constitutional amendment, the legislature has yet to address same-sex marriage in Massachusetts: The laws remain unchanged. This, in conjunction with the Goodridge court’s observation that there is an absence of a same-sex-marriage provision in the law, compels the unremarkable conclusion that even today same-sex marriage does not properly exist in Massachusetts.

Mitt Romney, however, has taken it upon himself to fashion a remedy to the court’s decision. Given the separation of powers set forth clearly in the Massachusetts constitution, that remedy properly lies with the legislature — a point the court repeatedly made.

This is more than quibbling over semantics. The executive branch wields the power of the sword, and that power must be tied to the will of the people. It is true that if Mitt Romney were to decline to enforce a non-existent same-sex-marriage law, the legislature would likely create some version of same-sex marriage. But at least the people, through their representatives, would have a say in the matter. And that is no small thing.

--Jonathan Goulding
Lancaster, Mass.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Massachusetts Bishops, Gay "Marriage", and the Vatican

Had an interesting conversation with an older Massachusetts Catholic yesterday. She didn't even want to discuss the new Mass. marriage amendment proposed by Mass. Family Institute and the Mass. Catholic Conference of Bishops -- because if the Bishops told her to support it, she'll support it. But she did seem troubled, and her stubbornness indicated a sense on her part that something wasn't quite right.

MassResistance asks: Why on earth are the Catholic Bishops supporting this wrongheaded amendment? Where are they leading their flock? It would allow homosexual "marriages" (performed before the amendment takes effect) to stand as legal, and thereby also validate the invalid SJC Goodridge ruling. (See text of amendment and analysis on Article 8 website.)

Let's see. The Vatican has just issued a new document for all the bishops to consider at their worldwide meeting coming up in October. It singles out "divorced people who remarry and Roman Catholic politicians who support abortion..., in criticizing church members who continue to receive Holy Communion while in a sate the church describes as mortal sin." (Boston Globe: "Vatican issues Eucharist draft", July 8, 2005.) Also, "the document criticize[s] the faithful who support Catholic politicians who back abortion and other policies, contrary to church teaching."

We understand that homosexual "marriage" is contrary to Catholic teaching. So ... might the Mass. Catholic Conference of Bishops have made a slight error in supporting this proposed new amendment??? And will the Vatican notice?

The Bishops, and the Vatican, need to understand that what is in question is not the overturning of any LEGAL marriages ... because homosexual "marriages" are still not legal in Massachusetts. They are without statutory basis. They are a fanciful notion of four twisted minds on the Mass. Supreme Judicial Court. They are based only on an illegitimate court ruling.

So why do the Mass. Bishops think they had to allow these "marriages" to stand in their amendment? They only need 25% of the legislature to approve a citizens' petition amendment, so it's hard to believe their "political necessity" argument.

In a state where the majority of legislators are nominal Catholics, we wonder why the Church hierarchy doesn't show a little more muscle. Is the lavender mafia still that powerful? Will all those Mass. legislators who voted for homosexual "marriage" be denied Holy Communion? (That is, if they even go to Mass...) And what about all those Catholic voters who keep electing them?

Will the Vatican take note, please?

Friday, July 08, 2005

Supreme Court Fight: It's Not Just about Abortion

The radical homosexuals are worried about their "right to privacy" being taken away, should a strict constructionist or two be appointed to the Supreme Court. They want their "anything goes" society protected -- going beyond abortion "rights" to include any imaginable perverted sexual behavior. Their praise goes to Justice Kennedy's ludicrous opinion in the ruling overturning the Texas sodomy law (Lawrence v. Texas, 2003):

"Had those who drew and ratified the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth Amendment or the Fourteenth Amendment known the components of liberty in its manifold possibilities, they might have been more specific. They did not presume to have this insight. They knew times can blind us to certain truths and later generations can see that laws once thought necessary and proper in fact serve only to oppress. As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom."

This is the kind of "thinking" the radicals want to preserve in our courts! Think of the possibilities this legal philosophy opens up, beyond state-sanctioned sodomy:

Polygamy -- It may be a new generation's "greater freedom".

Lowering the age of sexual consent -- Children need "greater freedom", too. Who's to say 12 is too young to consent? We wouldn't want kids to be "oppressed", or suppress their sexual feelings.

And who's to deny NAMBLA members their "greater freedom", their absolute need, to do it with young boys? We should not "oppress" their minority view.

Sexual domestic violence -- It's not hard to imagine boundaries coming down here.... One person's sexual abuse may be another person's sadistic sexual pleasure. Can the sadist be denied his "greater freedom"? How will the line be drawn, if both parties entered the relationship willingly? (Remember, first-class Boston hotels are already hosting "leather & bondage" conventions.)

Thursday, July 07, 2005

New Lexington Superintendent "Embraces Diversity"

The Lexington Minuteman reports that its new school superintendent, Paul Ash, fits right into a town which "embraces diversity". We hope that means he'll respect parents who ask him to follow the law, and recognize their legal rights to keep their children out of homosexual indoctrination sessions. But somehow we doubt it...

"With his involvement with Lexington through the hiring of the central office staff, Ash is very aware of the challenges faced by the schools toward the end of the academic year. Ash said he was 'outraged' by the arrival of the Westboro Baptist Church from Kansas who picketed with anti-gay and anti-American signs outside Lexington High School graduation and the Estabrook Elementary School, adding he felt the town was being used by outside organizations to push a political point. He said Lexington is a town which 'embraces diversity.' "

Note the use of the plural: "outside organizations". Now, who do you think he's lumping together with the predestinationist Phelps group?? (Guilt by association: an old fascist/leftist/socialist device.)

A coalition of Massachusetts parents concerned about parents' rights and our children's education are an "outside group"?? Exactly! Parents ARE the outsiders now; children are now wards of the state.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Ex-Gay Group Exodus International Has a Better Idea

The United Church of Christ has decided that that to be "welcoming" they must allow homosexuals to "marry". But an ex-gay group, Exodus International, has a better idea.

(From "OK'ing 'gay' unions'not true compassion':Leading network of former homosexuals criticizes United Church's new resolution", WorldNetDaily, July 5, 2005) :

A network of Christian groups that minister to homosexuals says the United Church of Christ's decision to endorse same-sex marriage lacks a truly compassionate approach to the issue. ...

The evangelical network Exodus International believes churches must do more to reach out to homosexuals who feel alienated and excluded, but the United Church of Christ's decision is not the answer.

"Embracing homosexual unions, but abandoning the very truth that could change lives may be politically correct, but it is not true compassion," said Alan Chambers, a former homosexual who served as an associate pastor before becoming President of Exodus International.

"Homosexuals need to know they are welcome at their local church, but they also need to know that hundreds of thousands of us have found freedom from the isolation and emptiness we experienced in gay life through the power of Jesus Christ," he said.

Chambers added, "Our existence as ex-gays is additional proof that homosexuality is not an immutable trait and therefore, marriage is not a civil right to be extended to any group of individuals who demand it. Preserving the public purpose of marriage sets a higher standard for future generations and defines its biblical intention to those who are confused and questioning their sexuality. As a former homosexual who is now happily married, I am grateful for the laws that protected and esteemed this life-preserving, authentic union."

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

"Gays" Charge Conservative Watchdogs with Repressed Homoerotic Desires

In a hilarious article in Bay Windows ( "Would the real pervert please stand up?" ), we read about how we activist defenders of traditional values are really just obsessed with homosexual sex acts. The only explanation for our research and work is that we are repressing our own homoerotic desires, says the article.

Interesting that Bay Windows would even accept the concept of "pervert".... We thought there was no such thing as "perverts" in their world, only different "lifestyles", "preferences", and identities". So the whole premise of their faulting anyone else for suspected perversion is ludicrous. Why would they be at all bothered by someone else's "obsessions" or "preferences"? We thought their philosophy was "anything goes".

So -- the homosexual radicals push their ordure in our faces all day long, and then tell us to pretend we don't smell it! If our olfactory nerves are working normally, we're the ones labeled "sick". Truly Orwellian!

One telling passage faults those reporting on the dark underbelly of the "gay" world for "reduc[ing] the debate to potty talk worthy of a seventh grader." The author seems to miss the fact that activities recommended in, for instance, the Little Black Book, are in fact related to potty substances such as urine and feces (and oral contact with same).

The AIDS Action Committee, in its Little Black Book, treats us to definitions and descriptions of potty practices: anal f'ing, watersports ("p--s play"), spit vs. swallow, rimming, fisting. We just happened to come across their opus as it was being handed out to young people. Yes, that upset us traditional types, so we're talking about it a lot -- but that doesn't mean we're fantasizing about fisting all day long.

We also learn in this article how psychologists and sociologists have totally bought into the fantasy concept of "homophobia": "Lending credence to that assertion are the results of a study published in the American Psychological Association's Journal of Abnormal Psychology in 1996. Researchers at the University of Georgia conducted an experiment involving 35 homophobic men and 29 nonhomophobic men as determined by the Index of Homophobia scale, a 25-item test used by sociologists and psychologists to determine levels of homophobia." Index of Homophobia scale?!!

Looks like the "gays" are upset that their filthy practices are being exposed after decades of polite silence and averted eyes on the part of us regular people. They can't handle it when the truth gets out, and are struggling to figure out how to answer us. So we're seeing this new tactic of calling us repressed homosexuals a lot lately. The article concludes:

[A]s syndicated 'Savage Love' sex columnist Dan Savage says, "I think part of the backlash right now is the sense of loss that these people who are afraid of sex are going to lose their bogeyman if we all just show up at PTA meetings and appear to be as boring as they are." ...

"Part of the screaming and yelling about all the sleazy things we do is that that's what they want us to do," Savage also says. "That's the role they need us to play so that we can be the sexual scary other and the bogeyman and all these things. They're more threatened by us being boring and paired off and married off and living in the suburbs, ironically enough, than they are threatened by all these crazy sex things we're supposedly up to all the time."

If that's the case, then given the continued forward push by the GLBT rights movement it's unlikely that right-wing extremists will abandon their use of sex as a weapon anytime soon. Savage suggests that the best defense is to turn the tables. He points to the closeted [Spokane Mayor] West's public opposition to gay rights legislation as an example of fodder that can be used to quell the right-wing sex panic. "It gives us an opening to say that anybody who opposes gay rights measures is secretly a closeted homosexual who's cruising online for 18 year old boys. And we should do that. 'Got a problem with homosexuality? Oh, that's proof that you're gay.' We should promote the hell out of that. It's like owning a poodle or wearing lavender trousers - it's just a sign that you're a homo."

Let us assure our many homosexual readers that the MassResistance crowd is not repressed in any way. Very healthy here, grateful for our normal sexual desires. And especially thankful for our intact sense of smell.

Another "Church" Falls Away from Truth

Now we read the United Church of Christ has jumped off the cliff. ("United Church of Christ backs gay nuptials", AP, 7-5-05)

ATLANTA -- The United Church of Christ's rule-making body voted overwhelmingly Monday to approve a resolution endorsing same-sex marriage, making it the largest Christian denomination to do so. The vote is not binding on individual churches, but could cause some congregations to leave the fold. Roughly 80 percent of the representatives on the church's 884-member General Synod voted to approve the resolution Monday, a day after a smaller committee recommended it. The Rev. John H. Thomas, president of the United Church of Christ, said with the vote on Independence Day, the rule-making body "acted courageously to declare freedom."

How are they defining "freedom"? Freedom from the word of God? Freedom from rational standards? Freedom from concerns about the public health? Freedom from concern about the well-being of children?

Monday, July 04, 2005

Thank God for Independence Day

Happy Independence Day!

The Declaration of Independence states that GOD gave us our human and civil rights; they were not invented or granted by courts or rulers. And it states that we, the people, hold the power He gave us through our consent; the ultimate power is not held by the courts, Empress Margaret of Massachusetts, or the senate president.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed . . ."

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Lexington Radicals Still Calling Names

We know how popular MassResistance is among the homosexual radicals and their fellow-traveller allies in Lexington. So we thought we'd respond to their most recent name-calling in the Lexington Minuteman (June 30).

Brian Camenker (director of Article 8 Alliance) had a guest commentary in the June 23 issue of the Lexington Minuteman, which answered their nonsensical earlier attacks on traditional moral values defended by his group. He wrote:

"They harangue that Article 8 is a 'hate group' because we oppose homosexual marriage. Across America, this is a mainstream position. Last November, 11 states voted that way, and [the] gay lobby in Massachusetts is afraid of a vote here. We're also critical of homosexuality being presented in schools, and of homosexual behavior in general. That's also a legitimate point of view, arguably supported by a majority of parents in this country."

Oh, the horror! How could he say there's something objectionable in homosexual behavior?!! This especially angered one Susan Cyr of Revere Street, who continued to try to link Camenker with the predestinationists from Kansas, and racists during the civil rights struggle:

"So thanks for helping clarify their [Article 8, David Parker, Rev. Snyder] positions as well. I'd like to use your quote to illustrate your position, 'We're also critical .... of homosexual behavior in general. That's also a legitimate point of view.' Thanks for that information. I think this quote speaks volumes about what you represent and I think Fred Phelps would agree with your position. So you are saying it's not really about school programs, families or marriage — it is about being gay. You are critical of people just because they are gay. You said you don't think this position is similar to racists in the Civil Rights struggle. Again, thanks for shining this very bright light on who you are!"

Ms. Cyr, think about this: Most Americans (including most of those who object to homosexual behavior) would say that what homosexuals do in the privacy of their own homes is their own business. At the same time, most Americans still believe that not only is homosexual behavior objectionable morally, it is against nature, it is perverted, and it is a grave concern for the public health. (People are just more hesitant to say so now, because they don't like being called "homophobes".)

But when homosexuals push their behavior in our faces, promote it, and demand societal approval, it's an altogether different thing. That's the problem now: homosexuals' sexuality is no longer a private matter. The homosexual radicals have politicized it and now brazenly insist:

"We will do it in our bedrooms, AND ... we will label our homosexuality a 'right' in the State House, we will proclaim it moral in your churches, we will publish it in your newspaper wedding pages, we will exhibit it on the sidewalks, we will throw out first pitches and cruise at Fenway Park, and WE WILL INDOCTRINATE YOUR CHILDREN IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND BRING AS MANY OF THEM INTO THE LIFESTYLE AS POSSIBLE."

But, according to Ms. Cyr, to object is hateful and equivalent to racism!

Getting back to Camenker's guest opinion, he also wrote:

"There's the Orwellian comparison, constantly repeated, describing the school's imposition of homosexuality on David Parker's child as 'inclusive' but Parker's concerns as 'divisive' and similar to racists in the Civil Rights struggle.

"They wail that Article 8 is an 'outside group.' That's where the real hypocrisy sets in. From the beginning, everything they've done has had the fingerprints of outsiders, from the ADL [Anti-Defamation League, connected to 'No Place for Hate'] to Human Rights Campaign to GLSEN to Freedom to Marry Coalition. It's everywhere.

"For example, Meg Soens claims she's just a concerned parent. But she taught a workshop, sponsored by the national homosexual organization GLSEN, titled, 'Getting Gay and Lesbian Issues Included in Elementary School Staff Development, Curriculum Development, and the PTA.' Earlier this year a GLSEN representative gave a presentation at the middle school. And isn't Carol Rose [who wrote a guest commentary against Parker and appeared on Boston TV criticizing him] the executive director of the Mass. ACLU?"

This same Meg Soens [click here for wedding photo] had a letter in the recent Minuteman which mentioned her wife's name twice. (Repetition is a key device in de-sensitizing the masses.) And she went on about how happy they were with the wonderful Lexington schools (where Soens wields tremendous influence), where their children are so fortunate to be enrolled. (It's all about happy children and families. Repeat that over and over. Also be sure to insinuate that those hateful people are trying to break up families!) She worries this paradise is threatened by evil forces:

"Celia and I moved here for the public schools , and we continue to appreciate what the school system and the town provides for our entire family. What has been a great year for our children, however, could easily have been tarnished by the recent effort to make our town’s public elementary school classrooms less safe and welcoming for children like our own, kids who have two moms, kids whose parents are gay or lesbian. Fortunately, the interim superintendent supported the school staff as they worked together to keep Estabrook’s classrooms safe and inclusive to all kids, regardless of what kind of family they come from."

So, she asserts David Parker and Brian Camenker wanted to make the schools "less safe" for her children! Camenker had answered that the week before:

"All David Parker asks is to be notified when adults discuss homosexual relationships or transgenderism with his 6-year-old son, and to be able to opt his son out of such discussions. That's it. By any objective measure, his requests are completely valid. And the Lexington parents who came to his side are serious and thoughtful. I had worked with these kinds of situations in Newton, so last January David called me for some advice. He needed some support, especially since so much of this emanates from national groups. Article 8 Alliance agreed to work with him."

Not a good enough explanation for the arrogant and condescending activists in Lexington. Reaching a new low, The Minuteman even published a reprimand from a 15-year-old calling Camenker immature!

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Convicted Child Molesters Run San Diego Gay Pride Event

We learn from our friends at Traditional Values Colation that convicted child molesters are helping to run the San Diego "Gay Pride" celebration. And their governor sends his best wishes for their continued success.

This makes us ponder recent events at Brookline High School (the GLSEN conference), "Youth Pride" day in Boston, and the BAGLY gay prom, where the young people of our state were drawn into, perhaps, similar circles of adults. (And don't forget the regular meetings and special events run by the gay clubs in our high schools.) Do we really know who organizes and shows up at these events, besides our children?

Here is Traditional Values Coalition's June 30 press release:


Gov. Schwarzenegger Sent Endorsement Letter to Pedophiles’ Event

Washington, DC – The Traditional Values Coalition urged two convicted child molesters who are officials of the upcoming San Diego ”Gay Pride” celebration to surrender to authorities for violating the federal Megan’s law.

The two men, Warren Patrick Derichsweiler also known as Ric Derichsweiler and Daniel Reiger, are both listed as supervisors or coordinators in the official program of the July 29-31 San Diego Gay Pride Parade and Festival, according to the James Hartline Report.

The San Diego Gay Pride organization is also the sponsor of the recent San Diego Gay Youth Pride event.

“We believe these men have violated the federal Megan’s law by working directly with minors who are involved in the Gay Pride event,” said TVC Chairman Rev. Louis P. Sheldon. “We urged them to surrender to local authorities and cooperate with any investigation.”

“Of course, we are disappointed but not surprised at Governor Schwarzenegger’s clumsy endorsement of this event. Mr. Schwarzenegger told one interviewer during his campaign that he did not give a ---- about homosexuality and has regularly proven that as our governor. He is an embarrassment to law-abiding Californians and the conservative movement.”

Governor Schwarzenegger sent a letter of commendation to the Gay Pride Parade and Festival sending the event “my best wishes for every continued success.”

“California is proud to host events that celebrate diversity and support active civic participation,” the Governor’s letter stated. “I applaud your efforts to foster ties within your community and to promote cultural and social acceptance in our Golden State.”

Megan’s Law (U.S. Penal Code 290.95) states: “Sex offender registrants whose sex crime was against a victim under age 16 are prohibited from working, as an employee or volunteer, with minors, if the registrant would be working with minors directly and in an unaccompanied setting on more than incident or occasional basis or would have supervisory or disciplinary power over the child.”

According to the Megan’s Law website (, Derichsweiler has been convicted of Crimes against Children/Lewd or Lascivious and Lewd or Lascivious Acts with a Child Under 14 Years with Force. Reiger has been convicted of committing oral copulation with a person under 16 years of age.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Romney: Why Not Eliminate Gov's Commission on Gay & Lesbian Youth?

Governor Romney has a big opportunity to ingratiate himself with the majority of voters across America. All he has to do is ELIMINATE the "Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth". We understand he's pondering a veto of its proposed budget increase this week. That's good. But MassResistance asks: Why does this Commission exist at all?

Unfortunately for Romney, he inherited it from previous liberal governors. But he could at least try to change the landscape here in Massachusetts, and set an example for the rest of the country.

Does the Governor's Commission oversee and implement suicide prevention programs for our troubled young people? No. (The myth that "GLBTQI youth" are more prone to suicide is the excuse for having homosexuality promotion clubs and events in our schools.)

The Governor's Commission does, however, sponsor gay clubs and parades, and leads kids to the annual BAGLY prom at Boston City Hall. (BAGLY is a big promoter of transgenderism, transsexualism, intersex issues, and youth "questioning" of their normal sexuality.)

Presidential ambitions are running high. And the patience of average American voters with the radical homosexual agenda is running low. Governor Romney could score big by leading the country on this issue. Get the propaganda out of our schools!

From the Boston Globe, "Romney takes aim with veto pen" (June 30, 2005):

The Romney officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, declined to say what Romney will do about a 70 percent increase in spending on the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth. That increase, to $425,000 from $250,000, has sparked the ire of a group that opposes gay rights and it presents a quandary for Romney as he mulls a presidential bid.

''If the governor does have national aspirations, the rest of the country doesn't buy this stuff," said Brian Camenker, director of the Article 8 Alliance. ''The governor has to decide where he stands on some of these issues."

The commission, created by Governor William F. Weld in 1992, is supposed to help prevent teen suicides and combat harassment of gay and lesbian youths. In talking about his opposition to gay marriage around the country, Romney has been careful to note that he does not condone discrimination against gays and lesbians.

In Their Own Words: GLBT Youth "Safety" Issue a Sham

How did GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network) get its foothold in our schools?

Kevin Jennings, founder & executive director of GLSEN, admitted in 1995 that the "safety" issue for "GLBT youth" was a ruse for getting their propaganda into our schools. The Massachusetts legislature and governor fell for it then. And sadly, the whole country followed suit. Here are Jennings' exact words:

“In Massachusetts, the effective reframing of this issue was the key to the success of the Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth. We immediately seized upon the opponent’s calling card – safety – and explained how homophobia represents a threat to students’ safety by creating a climate where violence, name-calling, health problems, and suicide are common. Titling our report “Making Schools Safe for Gay and Lesbian Youth,” we automatically threw our opponents onto the defensive and stole their best line of attack. This framing short-circuited their arguments and left them back-pedaling from day one.”

A most clever strategy.

(6-30-05 pm: Sorry to our fans for forgetting the links earlier!)

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Canada's House Votes: Sodomy Is Good Basis for Marriage

The Canadian House of Commons yesterday gave its approval to sodomite unions as the basis of some sort of "family". As soon as the Canadian Senate formally approves same-sex "marriage", probably by the end of July, all appears lost in Canada. It will join Belgium, the Netherlands, and Massachusetts in the lunatic asylum of suicidal societies.

The AP story says "there are an estimated 34,000 gay and lesbian couples in Canada, according to government statistics." As if that somehow makes this vote reasonable. There are also hundreds of thousands of drug addicts in Canada. So should heroin be made legal?

Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin said, "We are a nation of minorities. And in a nation of minorities, it is important that you don't cherry-pick rights." Martin, identified as a Roman Catholic, "has said that despite anyone's personal beliefs, all Canadians should be granted the same rights to marriage." So why not let the polygamists and polyamorists have their rights too, Mr. Prime Minister? (Remember, we shouldn't "cherry pick rights"!)

"The debate in Canada began in December, when the Supreme Court ruled that passage of same-sex marriage legislation would not violate the constitution." No, only common-sense, morally-based legislation violates constitutions these days.

The cruel jokes about our northern neighbors may have some substance after all.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Transgenderism, Sexual Perversion, and the Fall of Rome

Many shocking and sad pictures appear in the June 16-22 issue of Bay Windows, puportedly celebrating "Gay Pride 2005" in Boston. Not least of which is the "Tranny Bois" photo (page 18 ... not published online... wonder why?) The tranny bois are exposing their scarred chests, where their breasts have apparently been surgically removed.

A historical parallel is found in ancient Rome, writes Leland D. Peterson (Emeritus Professor of English and Latin at Old Dominion Univeristy) in The New Oxford Review (June 2005). The editors warn that "this article may make you throw up, in which case YOU SHOULD NOT READ IT. If you do read it, don't send us any letter of complaint." (Sounds like a warning we should print for the readers of MassResistance.)

Getting back to sexual perversion and mutilation, Peterson claims that gay "intellectuals" like Andrew Sullivan are wrong to ignore or deny the connection between perverted sexual practices, gay "marriage", and a society's decline. "Gay marriage" was "a key element in the collapse of the Roman Empire," he says. "Something very much like the AIDS epidemic that has been the scourge of such 'gay' meccas as San Francisco, and now a worldwide epidemic, can be identified in the second century A.D."

"Same-sex 'marriage' was the invention of the Emperor Nero in the first-century A.D. In a comparatively long reign among the first-century Caesars (A.D. 54-68), he began as a talented and generous though youthful friend of the people, but degenerated in a mere 14 years to become the prototype of Lord Acton's axiom: Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

"Suetonius, a second-century Roman historian, began 'to list his follies and crimes,' which included at least three same-sex 'marriages.' Nero's first same-sex 'marriage' was preceded by a transgendering operation on his intended bride that was thought to be successful:
Having tried to turn the boy Sporus into a girl by castration, he went through a wedding ceremony with him — dowry, bridal veil and all — which the whole Court attended; then brought him home, and treated him as a wife. He dressed Sporus in the fine clothes normally worn by an Empress and took him in his own litter not only to every Greek assize and fair, but actually through the Street of Images at Rome, kissing him amorously now and then."

Read more, but have the barf bag ready.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

ACLU: Will they demand marriage "rights" for polygamists next?

It's not just the Unitarians who like the idea of polygamous unions. Agape Press reports that the national head of the ACLU likes the idea too:

ACLU Now Defends Polygamy, Further Eroding Traditional Marriage
By James L. Lambert

June 24, 2005

(AgapePress) - In comments at an Ivy League school, the president of the American Civil Liberties Union has indicated that among the "fundamental rights" of people is the right to polygamous relationships -- and that the ACLU has defended and will continue to defend that right.

In a little-reported speech offered at Yale University earlier this year, ACLU president Nadine Strossen stated that her organization has "defended the right of individuals to engage in polygamy." Yale Daily News says Strossen was responding to a "student's question about gay marriage, bigamy, and polygamy." She continued, saying that her legal organization "defend[s] the freedom of choice for mature, consenting individuals," making the ACLU "the guardian of liberty ... defend[ing] the fundamental rights of all people."

The ACLU's newly revealed defense of polygamy may weaken the pro-homosexual argument for changing the traditional definition of marriage. Proponents of same-sex "marriage" have long insisted that their effort to include homosexual couples in that definition would only be that. However, conservative and traditional marriage advocates predict "other shoes will drop" if homosexual marriage is legalized -- perhaps including attempts to legalize polygamy and to changed current legal definitions of child-adult relationships.

Friday, June 24, 2005

School Officials Can't Define "Diversity" in Sturbridge

They push "diversity" -- but they can't define it! What a surprise.

In the Worcester Telegram & Gazette, we read about the propaganda film "The Laramie Project" being force-fed to high school students at the Tantasqua Regional High School -- without parents being informed or given the chance to opt their children out. (This is the film which portrays Matthew Shepard's murder in Wyoming as a "hate crime", when in fact the murderers were thieving thugs on drugs.)

[from Worcester Telegram & Gazette, June 23. 2005]
Diversity issue roils Tantasqua
By James F. Russell

STURBRIDGE — The Tantasqua Regional School administration cannot say what the meaning of diversity is. The surprise admission by School Superintendent Kathleen H. Reynolds came during Tuesday’s school board meeting and has fanned the controversy that became public May 17 when some school board members criticized the administration’s decision to screen “The Laramie Project” during Tantasqua’s annual Diversity Week exercises in April.

School Committee members had questioned how the assembly promoted diversity and objected that parents were neither informed of the movie’s showing nor given the opportunity to decide whether their children should have watched the movie.

Reflecting public dissatisfaction with the school not notifying parents, Brimfield resident Ginger Rousseau read a statement at Tuesday’s meeting. She asked the school to provide “written notification to parents/guardians of all students at Tantasqua Senior High School detailing the substance and purpose of any assembly or program” and “that all students be allowed, with parental permission, to decline to attend.”

“The Laramie Project” depicts the 1998 murder of 21-year-old Matthew Shepard in Laramie, Wyo. New York Times theater critic Ben Brantley wrote that Mr. Shepard “in death has become the poster boy for the casualties of antigay violence.”

Ms. Rousseau handed school board Chairman Ronald Levine a petition signed by almost 100 district parents saying that they, “for various reasons, have become concerned about the amount of time spent on extracurricular assemblies.”

The movie screening was part of a mandatory student assembly during Diversity Week that was sponsored by the Gay-Straight Alliance at Tantasqua, according to school board member Susan Hilker of Brimfield. During Tuesday’s meeting, committee member Michael Kennedy of Holland said to Ms. Reynolds, “I asked you at the last meeting (May 17) for a definition of the word diversity; I am prepared to hear it.”

“Unfortunately, we failed to get a definition of diversity,” Ms. Reynolds replied. “You have been teaching it for seven years now. I would think, as an educator, you would be able to define what you taught,” Mr. Kennedy said, referring to the Diversity Week programs that the school has held since 1999.

High School Principal James White said the school should acquaint students with “sexual preference issues” and “people who are not mainstream, so you can appreciate people” and their “different modes of diversity.” “That concerns me a great deal,” Mr. Kennedy said.

After Tuesday’s meeting, committee member Kathleen M. Neal of Sturbridge said some committee members are “stepping on toes” and interfering with the “prerogatives of the high school principal.”

“The logical extension of this is parents telling teachers what to teach,” she said. Meanwhile, Mr. Kennedy, Ms. Hilker and committee member William Gillmeister of Brookfield said the school has confounded the issue of diversity by weaving it to sexuality and that the school has no business encouraging minors to identify with forms of sexuality.

“For me, the overarching issue is about the school assembly promoting the normalcy of homosexuality,” Mr. Gillmeister said after the meeting. “Because Diversity Week and the Gay-Straight Student Alliance are promoting homosexuality at Tantasqua, parents want to know when such subjects are going to be covered at the high school, especially mandatory assemblies, so they can get their children excused from those discussions.”

At Tuesday’s meeting, the board voted 10-4 to approve a motion by James Cooke of Brookfield to request the curriculum subcommittee “to consider policy regarding assemblies”. Mr. Levine said he wants the subcommittee report by February. Last month, the School Committee rejected Mr. Gillmeister’s motion that would have directed the policy subcommittee to come up with a parental notification policy on “human sexuality assemblies in school.”