Friday, September 15, 2006

Harvard, Truth, and Transgenderism

Speaker at "Transgender Rights" rally at Harvard, 4-19-06.
(Photo: InNewsWeekly. See entire photo gallery from rally.)

As we all know, Harvard's motto is Veritas, or Truth. While researching a little forum with the Democrat Governor candidates held on Sept. 12 at the Harvard Law School, we encountered that lovely Veritas seal once again -- on the Harvard Law School Lambda (GLBT) group's website. A new "truth" they are inventing is that "transgenderism" or "gender identity" is something to be protected, and anyone who shows any discomfort or opposition to it will soon be guilty of a "hate crime." Chris Gabrieli and Deval Patrick both agree. Though we're sure they can't define the terms either!

What struck us as we cruised around the Harvard pansexual web sites was that they are themselves uncertain what the Truth is on their own issues! First of all, could they please precisely, legally define "sexual orientation"? You'd think the Harvard Law students would be eager to do so. How about "bisexual"? Or "transgender"? Or "transsexual"? Or "gender identity"? Or "gender expression"? Or "genderqueer"?

Not even the Harvard administration answers this. Last April, Harvard made "gender identity" a "protected class." But what does that mean? We must assume the Harvard Corporation has studied the online Harvard student publication, "Trannys Talk Back" -- so why do we still see no definitions? The Crimson articles reporting this new policy only confuse us more, with a deluge of undefined, overlapping terms.
And why is the university-wide faculty/staff/student group called just the "
Harvard Gay and Lesbian Caucus"? What happened to Bisexual? Transgender? Genderqueer? We think the undergraduates must be guilty of biphobia and transphobia and genderqueerphobia for not including these practices in their names! The undergraduate group knows better. It not only calls itself the BGLTSA, but it provides a directory of all the "gender non-specific restrooms" on campus. Maybe their first Transgender 101 get-together will answer our questions:

Transgender 101 (Sept. 28, 7:30 pm) Location: Dunster JCR, J entry, to the right
What's the difference between transsexual, transgender and transvestite? How do I know what pronouns someone prefers? Is being transgender the same as being gay? Is intersex another term for transgender? Who determines what men and women are supposed to be? How do gender stereotypes affect us all? Come learn about these issues and more from members of the Transgender Task Force at this year's first Trans 101. Desserts will be served.

So is this what Harvard is ready to accept as the definition of "transsexual" (below, from the
National Center for Lesbian Rights)? It seems that Harvard (and some other universities) is already paying for hormone treatments for staff and students. So they must be including "transsexual" as part of "sexual identity." Unbelievable.

The existence of individuals who live as members of the other gender and whom we would now likely identify as “transsexual” has been documented throughout human history.[1] In contrast, the contemporary medical treatments that comprise sex-reassignment have only been available for about forty years. As a medical condition, transsexualism is defined as "the desire to change one’s anatomic sexual characteristics to conform physically with one’s perception of self as a member of the opposite sex."[2] Transsexualism is technically classified as a specific form of a broader psychiatric disorder termed "gender identity disorder," also known as “gender dysphoria.”[3] The only recognized treatment for transsexualism is medical, not psychiatric. The medically prescribed treatment for transsexualism consists of three components: (1) hormone therapy; (2) living as a member of the other sex (known as the “real life experience”); and (3) sex-reassignment surgeries.[4] As medical treatments for transsexualism have developed, transsexual people have sought—and, increasingly, received—legal protection in the areas of employment discrimination, marriage, child custody, health care, prison safety, hate crimes legislation, and asylum.[5]

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Major Adoption Agency Aggressively Recruits Homosexual Parents

MARE, the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange, is agressively recruiting homosexual parents for children. So reports a GLBT activist group, Family Pride. But if you're a hetero married couple, dream on about building your family this way!

MARE makes it really easy for adults to "shop" for a child. Check out their
photo listing page. They also hold "adoption parties" where children are herded into cattle-call viewing sessions for a closer look. (Do the people at MARE or Family Pride care how this experience affects these children?) Since 1981, MARE has been running "Wednesday's Child" segments on CBS4 (Boston). The Mass. Department of Social Services (DSS) is also part of the GLBT adoption network, and recently gave a "Parents of the Year" award to a male couple in Newton. And MARE receives taxpayer dollars through DSS.

We've known for some time that this stuff was happening under the radar, that homosexual couples were being given preference. But now they're brazenly admitting it. GLBT groups are shameless in their use of their children (adopted, or biological of one parent) as weapons in their war on traditional values.

The head of the group manufacturing this award (just to get more press time), Family Pride, is Jennifer Chrisler, who claims to "married" to former State Senator and former head of the Human Rights Campaign, Cheryl Jacques. They have twin fatherless boys. Chrisler was in the news last week, pushing a
plan for making GLBT parents more visible in their children's schools. Family Pride is the group that was behind the huge "GLBT families" invasion of the White House Easter Egg Roll.

Noting all the connections in just this one story shows how well coordinated the GLBT propaganda and control efforts are in American society.

Family Pride to honor Mass. adoption resource agency:
(from Bay Windows, Sept. 14, 2006)
The Family Pride Coalition will present the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE), a non-profit agency that provides resources and information to prospective parents on foster care adoption, with its Family Tree Award for MARE’s work in encouraging gay and lesbian couples and singles to become adoptive parents. MARE will be honored at a Sept. 16 reception for local members of Family Pride at the Newton home of board member Jonathan Shapiro and Luke Schemmel.

Jennifer Chrisler, executive director of Family Pride, said MARE, known to most Bay Staters for its weekly “Wednesday’s Child” feature on CBS4, has done extensive outreach to the LGBT community, including educating potential parents about foster care adoption at Family Pride’s Provincetown Family Week last July and August and doing outreach at this summer’s Boston Pride [what a family friendly event!] .

“They’re aggressively recruiting LGBT parents, and we really commend them because the scientific evidence shows that gay parents are equally capable as heterosexual parents and that a person’s sexual orientation has no bearing on their ability to parent,” said Chrisler.

... in the past year [MARE] has stepped up its efforts to be inclusive of LGBT families. In addition to the outreach at Family Week and Boston Pride ... MARE has made sure that its materials include images of LGBT families to send the message that MARE welcomes LGBT parents.

Gov Candidates Gabrieli and Patrick Favor "Transgender Rights"

Candidates Chris Gabrieli (L) and Deval Patrick (R) at
GLBT Forum, Harvard Law School, Sept. 12, 2006

This photo is all you need to know about Democrat Governor candidates Chris Gabrieli and Deval Patrick! Which is probably why they don't want you to see it... It appeared briefly on Bay Windows' online frontpage, with an article short on details of what the two men said at the GLBT forum held at Harvard Law School on Sept. 12.(Candidate Tom Reilly was unable to make the forum.) Then the article and photo disappeared from Bay Windows' online edition during the day today. Another article in Bay Windows, under "Pressing the Flesh," gives some more details of the discussion. (We guess that one of those campaigns demanded the photo and front pager be taken down immediately! Now that should make the GLBT lobby wonder how proud these candidates really are of their alliance.)
InNewsWeekly, one of the co-sponsors of the event, still has its article posted: Having two of the candidates, though, was nothing less than historic, said David Johnson of the National Association of Lesbian and Gay Journalists (NLGJA), which sponsored the event along with In Newsweekly, the Boston Pride Committee and HLS Lambda (Harvard Law School's GLBT student organization). "The fact that two of the candidates are willing to show up is a major positive for Massachusetts," said Johnson. "This is the first time that any of our [NLGJA] 25 chapters has been able to hold a forum at this level." And it won't be the last, not if these same sponsors have anything to do with it. They have already started discussing the possibility of the Democratic nominee facing Lt. Governor Kerry Healey in a similar forum prior to the November election.

A friend of ours attended the forum. The write-up in MassNews today (see below) is pretty good, but what caught our eye was that the discussion of "transgenderism" was not just put into a "non-discrimination" context. It was also part of a discussion of "HATE CRIMES." And Patrick admitted his confusion on transgenderism -- he does not understand it, has not really thought it through, and finds it difficult -- yet pledged support for its inclusion in nondiscrimination and hate crimes laws! Gabrieli said he has educated himself on transgenderism, and we would be better off if the law actually specified this issue. Some employers are having to deal with discrimination on this particular issue already, he said. [From InNewsWeekly:]
The two candidates also voiced a need to learn more about the transgender community. Patrick said he would take "concrete steps" to protect the transgender community by extending the state's hate crime laws and broadening civil rights laws to include "those who identify across genders." Gabrieli also said that during the gubernatorial race, he's "come to understand that gender identity and expression is different from sexual orientation."
Gabrieli thinks that the Gay-Straight Alliance clubs in the schools are great, and should even be extended to the middle schools. Patrick agreed, and said that they also benefit straight children.
Gabrieli reportedly said that the Catholic Church took away the "right" of homosexual couples to adopt. Both candidates were asked "how they’d go about bringing into compliance the Fall River and Worcester offices of Catholic Charities, both of whom refuse to facilitate adoptions for same-sex couples, in violation of the state’s nondiscrimination law." (Bay Windows) Gabrieli said studies (unspecified) show that gay and lesbian parents have been found as good if not better than heterosexual parents. He said gay marriage is not a religious issue, but a state issue. He believes the 1913 law banning out-of-state couples marrying (if the marriage would be unlawful in their home state) should be repealed.
The moderator was Massachusetts' first openly homosexual judge, Dermot Meagher.
From MassNews: "The Debate That Gabrieli and Patrick Don’t want you to Know About; They Agree Schools Should Have Longer Hours to Teach About Sexual Orientation."
In his opening statement, Chris Gabrieli made the obligatory statement about how he was a supporter of gay marriage. He went farther to endear himself to his audience by saying that he even hosted a gay marriage “fundraiser” in his own home. To “prove” that he was really on board, he then told the audience that when he had the gay marriage fundraiser, he invited his small children down from their rooms to “teach them a lesson” about how they need to be supportive of gay marriage. His children are: John, 12; Abigail, 11; Polly, 9; Lilla, 7; Nicholas, 5.
Later in the debate, Gabrieli upped the ante once again. He said that even middle schools should have Gay and Straight Alliance clubs and that he wanted to “create longer school days so sexual orientation issues can be taught.” He called Massachusetts a “Blue State laboratory for progressive issues.”
Deval Patrick had no disagreements with Gabrieli, who kept talking in order to hold the homosexual high ground against Patrick. Although Patrick initially conceded that he didn’t understand issues like Transgenderism very well, Gabrieli’s insistence that there should be specific laws protecting transgendered and cross-dressers forced Patrick to affirm that he too, was in favor of specific legislation protecting the rights of transgendered individuals. ... Both candidates stated that they believed in the SJC gay marriage decision, and that they supported more legislation and action by the Governor’s office to extend new rights to the GLBT community.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Reps. Linsky, Blumer, Sannicandro: Boot 'Em Out!

Here are some vile state reps in the Framingham-Natick area who need to get the boot, and Republican write-in candidates who are opposing them.

Call to action: Republicans and Independents need to vote for these write-in candidates on the 19th!! Spread the word! Only 150 votes are needed to get them on the November ballot. (See article in MetroWest Daily News.)

5th Middlesex (Natick/Sherborn/Millis)
BAD BOY: Rep. David Linsky (D-Natick), who got our award for THE most dangerous legislator, based on the number of vile bills he sponsored last session. He thinks bestiality should not be a crime. And since homosexual "marriage" is not yet legal, he co-sponsored a bill (H977) to make it so. (That is what the Goodridge ruling said must be done, after all!) Endorsed by the homosexual groups, he's pro-abortion (and favors human cloning), wants mandatory sex/homosex indoctrination in our schools (co-sponsored H1641), and got a feeble 10% rating from Citizens for Limited Taxation (CLT).
GOOD WRITE-IN: William Whittlesey (R-Sherborn)

6th Middlesex (Framingham)
BAD GIRL: Deborah Blumer (D-Framingham). Ditto the Linsky profile, though she didn't co-sponsor quite as many bills, and scores a big ZERO from CLT. Boot her! Her husband was former Superintendent of Newton Schools, and together they've done a lot of damage in this state.
GOOD WRITE-IN: Jim Rizoli (R-Framingham). Solid on all conservative issues, and a leader on opposing illegal immigration.

7th Middlesex (Ashland/Framingham)
BAD BOY: Tom Sannicandro (D-Ashland). Apparently mentored by Linsky and Blumer. Easier to boot first termer. Proud co-sponsor of the bill to legalize the still-illegal homosexual "marriage" (H977). He's also endorsed by the homosexual groups and a CLT ZERO.
GOOD WRITE-IN: Kevin Looby (R-Framingham)

Let's just say that even if these write-in candidates were monkeys -- which of course they're not -- they'd still be preferable! So ... write 'em in!

Monday, September 11, 2006

More Perverted Theatre for the Boston Elites

The artsy set will soon run out of perversions to glorify... Last year they drooled over their bestiality-as-metaphor play (Albee's "The Goat" ), and now they're trying to match it with a one-man show called "I Am My Own Wife." It's about a "German transvestite who navigated a path between the two most repressive regimes the Western world has ever known -- the Nazis and the communists -- in a pair of heels."

The playwright, Doug Wright, also perpetrated
"Quills", a dishonest portrayal of the Marquis de Sade in his final days at an insane asylum. (Just to show how open-minded we are, check out this intriguing, highly critical review of that travesty on the World Socialist Web Site, of all places!)

We suggest this new drama be balanced by a reading of
The Pink Swastika, which "documents that homosexual victims [of the Nazis] were few, while homosexual perpetrators among the Nazi elite were many and powerful."

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Globe Columnist McNamara Wrong: Rep St. Fleur IS Opposed in Primary

Boston Globe columnist Eileen McNamara needs to check her facts. (Or she does she know her facts but choose to print something else?)

McNamara wrongly states that Rep. Marie St. Fleur "is running unopposed." Hey Eileen, there's a primary happening September 19! And St. Fleur has two opponents in the Democrat primary plus a Republican opponent in the general election. See the analysis on the MassResistance web site:

House - 5th Suffolk (Boston/Dorchester)
D - Marie St. Fleur, 45 Hartford St., Boston
D - Severiano Cruz, 38 Dacia St., Boston
D - Roy Owens, 6 Woodville St., Boston
R - Althea Garrison, 644 Dudley St., Boston
Comment: St. Fleur is a poster girl for the homo movement, is horrible on illegal immigration, and has also been in the press with tax problems [remember that St. Fleur is Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee!] and messy marital problems. Roy Owens is practically the opposite -- super pro-family and strong on the issues. He would be a GREAT replacement for the horrid St. Fleur. Althea Garrison is described as "transgendered" in the press, but interestingly is pretty good on our issues.

McNamara wants to hit Tom Reilly over his handling of his St. Fleur problem, but at the same time remain positive on St. Fleur. It's ironic that McNamara's column is titled, "It's time for the truth."

Saturday, September 09, 2006

"Americans for Truth" Up & Running

The new "Americans for Truth" web site is up and running. For an example of the coverage we'll be getting from Peter LaBarbera and associates, check out his story on the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists convention happening this weekend. The corporate sponsorship is unbelievable.

Fox News and Wal-mart are among the high-level ($10,000) sponsors of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association’s (NLGJA) 2006 Convention in Miami (Sept 7-10 at Loew’s Miami Beach Hotel). Every year, the NLGJA garners hundreds of thousands of dollars in Big Media sponsorships for its convention; this year it appears (based on the sponsorship list below) that the total is around half a milliion dollars in corporate support.

The NLGJA bills itself as merely a professional organization for journalists who “happen to be gay,” as the liberal cliche goes. But the organization advocates a pro-homosexual “spinning” of the news not unlike the activist group GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Note, for example, the NLGJA’s advice to the media regarding coverage of Lance Bass, the ‘N Sync band member who recently publicly revealed his homosexuality:

The term “gay” is the preferred adjective that has largely replaced “homosexual” in referring to men who are sexually and affectionally attracted to other men. “Homosexual” should be used only if “heterosexual” would be used in parallel constructions, such as in medical contexts. . . .


Friday, September 08, 2006

Rep. Benjamin Swan Runs from His Pro-Gay "Marriage" & Pro-Abortion Record

We hear from friends out in the Springfield area that Rep. Benjamin Swan (D-Springfield) charged his primary opponent at a forum last night with misrepresenting his record. In a campaign pamphlet, challenger Norman Oliver said that Swan supported same-sex "marriage" and abortion.

Rep. Swan said that was not accurate, and he'd never voted that way in the Massachusetts Legislature. But it appears that Swan is fudging his record. Just look at those culture-of-death endorsements (below)! You don't get a group's endorsement unless you fully support its agenda.

Rep. Swan was a co-sponsor of
House Bill 977 (2005-6 session) which would create same-sex "marriage" in statute. Not only does this prove he’s pro-same-sex "marriage" -- it proves he knows it’s still not legal. (The SJC ordered the Legislature to bring the statutes in line with their 2003 Goodridge ruling, which it still has not done. This bill is “in study”, meaning the Judiciary Committee shelved it for the session.)

Rep. Swan has been
endorsed in 2006 by the Mass. Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus (MGLPC). MGLPC is the main lobbying group in the State House and their chief lobbyist, Bill Conley, was recently arrested for soliciting UMass college boys.

Rep. Swan was endorsed in 2004 by these groups lobbying for same-sex "marriage": MGLPC; Freedom to Marry Coalition; MassEquality; Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender Political Alliance of Western Massachusetts; and SupportEquality. In both 2004 and 2005, he voted against the Travaglini-Lees amendment which would have banned same-sex "marriage" but allowed civil unions. And a few years back, he voted to adjourn unconstitutionally the Constitutional Convention without voting on the first citizens' marriage amendment.

Mass.Citizens for Life has detailed voting records, but all you really need to know is that Rep. Swan got 100% ratings for 2005 from Mass. NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) and the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts Advocacy Fund. And he voted for the "buffer zone" around abortion clinics to keep protesters at distance.

Swan also has a
serious delinquent tax problem, according to the Springfield newspaper. Add to that his 0% rating for 2005 from Citizens for Limited Taxation -- and this all makes for a losing profile.

GLBT Plan for Schools: OUTLAW Traditional Values

Want to know what the GLBT plan really is for our schools? Here is a surprisingly open statement by a powerful member of the California Legislature on what's in store for their schools ... and ours here in Massachusetts. Kevin McCullough reported:

". . . in one of the boldest moves yet by a sitting liberal, Democrat California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez proclaimed, in effect, that the real purpose of SB 1437 is to outlaw traditional perspectives on marriage and family in the state school system. He said, "The way you correct a wrong (perspective) is by outlawing. 'Cause if you don't outlaw it, then people's biases tend to take over and dominate the perspective and the point of view."

McCullough continues:
... The bills in question have passed both houses and await Gov. Schwarzenegger's signature or veto. The bills were unanimously embraced by the Democrats and universally denounced by the Republicans. What do they say?

These four bills would require that in every classroom from kindergarten through high school perverse sexual activity be praised and highlighted in a positive light. They would require textbooks, many of which would then also be produced for other states beyond the borders of California, make positive references to the ideas of men putting on women's under things. They would restrict school districts from being able to bar females from displaying dildos on the outerwear of their prom dress. And in functional sexuality courses from K-12, they would require positive explanation of the merits and instruction of anal intercourse.

These four bills are also dangerous in what they outlaw. No single teacher – not even in science classes – would be allowed to talk about the negative health impact of homosexual behavior. No school counselor would be allowed to confirm to a molested student that they felt wrong about continuing in a homosexual relationship that they were primarily drawn into because of earlier molestation to begin with. No mention of moral aspects of sexual behavior would be permitted unless immoral activity were praised and in fact referred to as moral.
In other words, the pushing of the sexual envelope would be unleashed with a nitro-fueled explosion the likes of which has never been seen in America's history.

One of the bills goes a step further. Its actual purpose is to cripple any state resources such as fire or police protection for any religious institution – i.e., a Bible-based church – that would in any way demonstrate negative "doctrine" or "propaganda." So if an arsonist (who also just happened to be a radical activist) decided to burn down a church that was in their view teaching the faithful interpretation of Scripture as it relates to sexual practice, then the local fire company could be barred from assisting in the recovery and protection of said facility.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Romney Strong on Islamo-Fascists, Soft on Domestic Homo-Fascists

Gov. Romney did the right thing refusing to authorize a State Police escort for the Islamo-fascist former President of Iran. Romney strongly criticized Harvard University for inviting the former leader, and for believing "open dialogue" is possible with terrorists. To what extent this was motivated by his Presidential ambitions we'll never know.

Now if Romney is thinking clearly about his Presidential eligibility, he'd better start dealing with the domestic threat from the homo-fascists. As we've pointed out many times on this blog,
Romney is the true father of homosexual "marriage" in Massacusetts. Without his unconstitutional executive orders in 2004, the homosexual "marriages" would never have begun!

Does Romney believe in "open dialogue" with the cultural Marxists/Fascists who are out to destroy family structure and marriage? He seems to. His support of the homosexual agenda goes way back. He was endorsed in 1994 and 2002 by the Log Cabin Republicans (the homosexual extremist wing of that ridiculous "open tent" party). So not only does he "dialogue" with them, he gets their support!

Romney won't go far in the national Republican Presidential primaries (where the more conservative Republicans turn out) with his record as it now stands, having violated our state Constitution by issuing executive orders creating "Party A/Party B" marriage licenses, and ordering Justices of the Peace to perform sodomy "marriages." How can he salvage his resume? By acknowledging his grave error, and issuing a few corrective executive orders before he leaves office.

Adam Reilly of the Boston Phoenix called this one of Romney's "greatest gaffes":

[Romney] likes gay people: In 1994, while running against Ted Kennedy for the US Senate, Romney assures the Massachusetts Log Cabin Republicans that “as we seek to establish full equality for America’s gay and lesbian citizens, I will provide more effective leadership than my opponent.” (Remember, that opponent is Ted Kennedy. Romney gets the endorsement.) During his 2002 gubernatorial campaign, Romney operatives distribute bright-pink fliers at Boston’s gay-pride festival that read: “Mitt and Kerry wish you a great Pride weekend! All citizens deserve equal rights, regardless of their sexual preference.” Two years later, during his speech at the Republican National Convention, Romney likens the threat from same-sex marriage to the menace of Islamist terrorism.

And here's what Michigan conservatives said in September 2005:

“[Massachusetts Gov. Mitt] Romney is also finding new detractors. Many are coming from the conservative wing of his own party — just the voters he needs for a primary win. They see Romney as soft on core social issues like abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research and emergency contraception. …Gary Glenn, president of the…American Family Association (of Michigan), said Romney’s recent attempts to appeal to conservative voters is too little, too late. ‘Whether their name is Kennedy or Kerry or Romney, a liberal, pro-abortion, pro-gay rights politician from Massachusetts is not going to fare well among conservative, pro-family voters,’ Glenn said.”

Monday, September 04, 2006

"Bearded Ladies" and Patrick Guerriero

We were watching Fox News Watch on Saturday and the subject came up of the over-the-top coverage of the Jon Benet Ramsey murder suspect. Panelist Cal Thomas observed that one of the things going on there was a sort of "freak show mentality" akin to "paying to see bearded ladies at the circus."

Someone had better notify Thomas that he is displaying his "transphobia" and in just a few years he could be charged with a "hate crime" if he continues to speak like that! Doesn't he know there's nothing freakish about "bearded ladies"? Doesn't he know that some of the most important voices shaping public policy in the years to come will be bearded ladies? (Check out these groups if you don't believe us:
BAGLY, Mass Transgender Coalition, GenderCrash, GLAD, Transcending Boundaries Conference Worcester, National Center for Transgender Equality. And see "New England Leads on Transgender Rights," InNewsWeekly, 8-16-06.)

Massachusetts' own
Rep. Barney Frank is working hard to get a federal ban on "transphobia". State Rep. Carl Sciortino is poised to file a "transgender rights" bill in the next session. Several Massachusetts localities -- Boston, Cambridge, Northampton -- already have city ordinances targeting transphobia, and Maine has a state law.

new Executive Director of the Gill Foundation's Action Fund, Patrick Guerriero, is ready to dole out millions to the "trans rights" cause. As a former Massachusetts politician Guerriero has a special interest in our state, and MGLPC (the "gay" lobbying organization) has acknowledged he's working closely with them. A few months ago, while still head of the National Log Cabin Republicans, Guerriero signaled his commitment to the trans cause, and named the "male-to-female" leader of the National Center for Transgender Equality as his "personal mentor":

Coalitions with choice and environmental groups and hot button issues like the Schiavo matter represent an evolution in Log Cabin strategy. So too is a stronger focus on transgender rights that Guerriero has introduced in Log Cabin since he took over in 2002.
“I have actually brought a level of discussion of that issue to the organization over the past couple of years,” he explained, saying that
Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, has served as “a personal mentor” to him.
“I think we need us all to move forward and we should be wary of leaving anyone behind,” Guerriero said.

So watch out Thomas -- and Massachusetts! No more "bearded ladies" talk allowed!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

House Speaker DiMasi "Comes Out" & Other "Gay" Endorsements

We've been waiting patiently for a few years, but finally Speaker of the House Sal DiMasi has "come out" and acknowledged his very close ties with the Mass. Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus (MGLPC). DiMasi has proceeded cautiously, and after flying a few trial balloons (such as attending the MGLPC July fundraiser as guest of honor) without apparent public outrage, he's finally shown up on the official MGLPC endorsement list. (At the MGLPC fundraiser, DiMasi thanked his Italian immigrant grandfather as the source of his political wisdom! We're sure the old man had sodomy "marriage" in mind when he spoke of equal opportunity!) At the MGLPC fundraiser in July (from InNewsWeekly):

In his brief remarks, DiMasi spoke about growing support in the Legislature to kill the anti-gay marriage amendment, still pending before the Constitutional Convention now scheduled for Nov. 9. "You can't imagine how many more people want to be on your side but are afraid because of the political ramifications," he said. "It's a matter of convincing them of what I consider to be the right thing to do. "The House speaker also spoke personally of his Italian immigrant heritage and his legal training, all of which easily brought him along the yellow brick road of gay equality. DiMasi said his grandfather taught him that "everyone in America has equal opportunity." He added, "That's what everybody deserves."

Here is the complete list of State House candidates publicly endorsed MGLPC. (Keep in mind that others not listed receive help from the GLBT activist groups and funds behind the scenes.) From Bay Windows:

Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus endorsements

Deval Patrick for governor. Deb Goldberg for lieutenant governor. Senate incumbents Edward Augustus (2nd Worcester), Harriette Chandler (1st Worcester), Susan Fargo (3rd Middlesex), Robert Havern (4th Middlesex), Brian Joyce (Norfolk, Bristol and Plymouth), Mark Montigny (2nd Bristol and Plymouth), Robert O’Leary (Cape and Islands), Stanley Rosenberg (Hampshire and Franklin), James Timilty (Bristol and Norfolk), Marian Walsh (Suffolk and Norfolk), and Dianne Wilkerson (Second Suffolk). House incumbents Demetrius Atsalis (2nd Barnstable), Deborah Blumer (6th Middlesex), Antonio Cabral (13th Bristol), Steve Canessa (12th Bristol), House Speaker Sal DiMasi (3rd Suffolk), James Eldridge (37th Middlesex), Mark Falzone (9th Essex), Jennifer Flanagan (4th Worcester), Ann Gobi (5th Worcester), Thomas Golden (16th Middlesex), Mary Grant (6th Essex), Denis Guyer (2nd Berkshire), Louis Kafka (8th Norfolk), Rachel Kaprielian (29th Middlesex), Jay Kaufman (15th Middlesex), Peter Kocot (1st Hampshire), Peter Koutoujian (10th Middlesex), James Leary (14th Worcester), Barbara L’Italien (18th Essex), David Linsky (5th Middlesex), Michael Moran (18th Suffolk), Tom O’Brien (12th Plymouth), William “Smitty” Pignatelli (4th Berkshire), Cheryl Coakley-Rivera (10th Hampden), Carl Sciortino (34th Middlesex), Harriett Stanley (2nd Essex), Marie St. Fleur (5th Suffolk), William Straus (10th Bristol), Ben Swan (11th Hampden), Eric Turkington (Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket), Cleon Turner (1st Barnstable), and Alice Wolf (25th Middlesex). Candidates for open seats: Chris Hodgkins, running for the Berkshire, Hampshire and Franklin Senate seat, James Driscoll running for the 12th Hampden House seat, Patrick Driscoll running for the 6th Worcester House seat, Rosemary Miller running for the 28th Middlesex House seat, Claire Naughton running for the 1st Bristol House seat, Sarah Peake running for the 4th Barnstable House seat, Rosemary Sandlin running for the 3rd Hampden House seat, and Steven D’Amico running for the 4th Bristol House seat.

The Caucus voted to withhold an endorsement in the 6th Suffolk House race for the seat held by retiring Rep. Shirley Owens-Hicks, in which two candidates, Willie Mae Allen and William Celester, Sr. both returned perfect questionnaires. The Caucus endorsed Melissa Murgo in her challenge to Rep. John Fresolo for his 16th Worcester House seat. The Caucus declined to issue an endorsement in the 12th Essex House race between Rep. Joyce Spiliotis, whose questionnaire indicated strong opposition to same-sex marriage, and challenger Sean Fitzgerald, who declined to return a questionnaire. The Caucus also declined to endorse in the 5th Essex race between Rep. Tony Verga, who did not turn in a questionnaire, and Max Schenk, who is running a sticker campaign. At the federal level the Caucus endorsed the reelection campaigns of Sen. Edward Kennedy and Congressmen John Tierney, Stephen Lynch, and William Delahunt.

Friday, September 01, 2006

"Fetus" or Baby?

One of the latest culture-of-death ploys in the media is to call unborn babies "fetuses" in order to dehumanize them.

Yesterday's Boston Globe ran a story about a
dead "female fetus" that was discovered in a girls' restroom at Brighton High School. Was the dead "fetus" was just a bit of dead tissue? Was it human? (Story doesn't say.) The janitor who made the discovery was very shaken by his discovery of this dead tissue, though somewhat comforted that he could name the "fetus" after his mother before its burial.

Now, if this was a just a fetus, why does it need a burial suitable for a human baby? And why was its discovery so upsetting? Why didn't the janitor just throw it in the garbage? Why does it get a name? Why are the police searching for whoever abandoned the fetus? (And why does the Globe run a story?) Obviously, the Catholic Church, Baby Safe Haven, and the janitor understand what the Boston Globe does not: This was a human BABY, not a fetus.

A name, a grave for abandoned female fetus (Boston Globe, 8/31/06)
The name "Frances Hope" has been chosen. A cemetery plot has been donated by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston. A white sleeper and a sweater have been set aside to dress the body before burial. Tomorrow morning, at St. Patrick's cemetery in Watertown, the abandoned female fetus whose body was discovered at Brighton High School will be buried.

Baby Safe Haven New England, a nonprofit group that has taken custody of the body, offered Mojave [the janitor who discovered her] the chance to choose a name, as a way to comfort him. Mojave, who was deeply shaken by the experience, chose Frances, the name of his late mother.... Mojave chose the last name Hope, to honor another group that helps abandoned newborns. Police are searching for whoever delivered the fetus, which was not full term. They have not announced any leads.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Romney Cannot Be Trusted to Enforce Constitution on Nov. 9

VoteOnMarriage/Mass. Family Institute thinks that Gov. Romney can be trusted to enforce the Constitution in November, if the Legislature fails to act on the VoteOnMarriage (VOM) petition at the Constitutional Convention. We say: Don't count on it! We're in this homosexual "marriage" mess because Romney did NOT enforce the Constitution back in May 2004!

If Romney were a man of principle, he would use his remaining time in office to acknowledge that error, that violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution, and rescind his executive orders that began homosexual "marriages".

Given Romney's national political ambitions, he may go the enforcement route this time, since national "conservative" eyes are more focused on him. But will he use law enforcement personnel to drag corrupt Legislators back in handcuffs (and then somehow force them to cast their votes -- with tazers, maybe?) if they refuse to take up the marriage amendment?

VoteOnMarriage/Mass. Family Institute still doesn't get it! The homosexual lobby has announced that if they don't have the votes to trounce the marriage amendment in November, they'll use any means necessary to bury it. Remember: The Speaker of the House just attended a fundraiser for the homosexual lobbying group. The Senate President attends "gay" weddings. Does VOM really believe Romney will stand up to them? He didn't stand up to Empress Margaret's unconstitutional "marriage" ruling. If Romney enforced that "law" that wasn't a law, should we expect he'll enforce a constitution that IS a constitution?

Why does VOM/Mass. Family Institute believe Romney can be trusted in November??? Don't they understand that ROMNEY IS THE REASON WE HAVE "HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE" IN MASSACHUSETTS NOW ... BECAUSE HE DID NOT ENFORCE THE CONSTITUTION FOLLOWING THE ABSURD SJC homosexual "marriage" ruling, but unconstitutionally ordered new marriage licenses to be printed, and ordered Town Clerks and Justices of the Peace to perform these fraudulent "marriages"! Why isn't VOM/MFI spending their time convincing the Governor to overturn these executive orders? The corruption of our Legislature -- and sadly, our Governor -- is so deep that polite people have trouble recognizing it.

From the Mass. Family Institute web site:

Marriage Amendment vote on track for Nov. 9: Though the Legislature ducked the issue of same-sex marriage last week-voting to recess until after the November elections-the issue is far from dead and the Marriage Amendment is alive and well. The House and Senate will meet again on Nov. 9 to debate the people's amendment in another Constitutional Convention.... We have more than enough votes to pass the Amendment before the end of this legislative session on Dec. 31. The current incumbents are the ones who will vote on Nov. 9 - their term does not end until Dec. 31, as is the case with Gov. Mitt Romney. We cannot forget that he is ready and willing to enforce the constitution should the Legislature shirk their responsibility."

(See also Robert Paine, Esq.'s blog for discussion of constitutional issues.)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Spawn of Queers?

How weird is this getting? GLBT activists -- or at least their "spawn" -- recently tried to place an entry in Wikipedia for "QUEERSPAWN" but were turned down by the editors. So spawning must differ from breeding? While breeder is a GLBT put-down for heteros, spawn is somehow positive in their countercultural minds?? (To our ears, both terms are dehumanizing, though breeders implies natural sexual union, while spawning implies impersonal mass fertilization of egg deposits. Hmm...)

The promoters of the term didn't meet certain Wikipedia criteria (it's nice to know there are still some rules). From the Bay Windows report:

Queerspawn is used by some children of LGBT parents to describe themselves to show their direct connection to the LGBT community, rather than to see their connection to the community as a product of their parents. Use of the term is far from standard, although the now-deleted Wikipedia article claims it was first proposed in 1995 by Stefan Lynch, first director of COLAGE (Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere). The text of the deleted Wikipedia entry was posted by self-identified queerspawn author Abigail Garner on her blog,

While anyone can create or edit articles on Wikipedia, the site has content guidelines that users in the discussion said the queerspawn entry violated. One was that articles are required to cite published secondary sources, and much of the information on the evolution of the term in the queerspawn article did not cite such sources. Wikipedia also prohibits entries focused on new terms coined and used by certain communities but that do not appear in published dictionaries.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Pain In the Derriere?

Sept. 4, 2006 Note: Readers on both ends of the spectrum seem to have missed our point here. Never was there any intention of making light of the alleged rape victim's situation. The title of this posting refers to the pain of sodomy, and how the mainstream media coverage danced around that issue. It was the SODOMY rape that seems to have put the victim over the edge, to the point where she blew the whistle on her violator. We intended to point out how terribly unnatural sodomy is and the pain that it entails for someone not into sexual perversions. (Why else would your internist apologize before performing a rectal exam?) We were also drawing attention to the fact that the alleged rapist, who would seem to like anal sex, was working with YOUNG BOYS. We have not altered the posting below from its original:

The Boston Globe reports today on the alleged anal rape of a 17-year-old girl and client, by a male staffer at the Baker House, a center for at-risk teens in Dorchester. The staffer was in charge of a program of pre-adolescent boys. The question obviously comes to mind how the staffer related to those boys.

According to the report compiled by the DSS, the girl had earlier agreed to paid sexual encounters with the man, then balked at anal sex. (The implication is that this was a novel request.) She reportedly said no when he wanted to go there, but said he persisted.

On the afternoon of Jan. 5, the girl told prosecutors, she was in the basement playing cards when Patrick gave her "the cue," and she met him upstairs, where he asked her to go to a bathroom. She said he then offered her $40 to have anal sex. The teenager "stated that she told him 'no' several times, but he wasn't listening to her; he covered her mouth and did what he wanted anyway," the report says.

She reported the alleged episode to Baker House managers, including Rivers, who went to her house that night to pray with the girl and her mother and discuss what had happened, according to the DSS report and another document written by Baker House executive director Jeanette Boone. Before Rivers arrived, the girl left for the hospital because she said she felt sick to her stomach and was in "a lot of pain." [emphasis added]

The Globe also reports that the accused " ... had worked at the center for five years, had served time in the early 1990s for armed robbery and assault and battery. He had been in charge of a Baker House program for preadolescent boys." [emphasis added]

Catholic Colleges Allow GLBT Clubs

Georgetown University, a Catholic institution in D.C., has just booted Protestant groups from campus. But they still have a GLBTQ club. Here in Massachusetts, Catholic Boston College and College of the Holy Cross have similar identity crises, allowing GLBT clubs, GLBT staff associations, and productions of feminist/lesbian claptrap like the "Vagina Monologues," while claiming fidelity to Catholic teaching.

Back at Georgetown, GUPride, the LGBTQ club encourages students to "come out" at Georgetown." "GUPride provides educational and support services to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) communities at Georgetown University. We also provide support and referral services to those exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender identity and other individuals sharing an interest in these issues." Its announced activities include participating in "Drag Races" in D.C., " ... one of the city's most highly anticipated annual gay gatherings, with dozens of men and women racing in creative drag while onlooking crowds exceed 5,000."

There is also a Georgetown "Diversity Action Council" whose web pages begin with quotations from The univeristy offers courses in "Womanist Theology," women's studies, and feminist theory. We all know what that includes.

The promotion of homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality apparently is OK at the Catholic colleges, but Protestant Bible study groups are questionable! Imagine the damage they could do.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Massachusetts DSS Out of Control

The Massachusetts Department of Social Services (DSS) Adoption and Foster Care division is overrun with committed GLBT activists and sympathizers who believe in their hearts that traditional families are paternalistic, sexist, "heterosexist", sexually oppressive, and generally mired in outworn Judeo-Christian morality.

What better way to hasten their utopian society than place as many children as they can get their hands on with "families" headed by GLBT same-sex couples? Who cares if heterosexual couples have played by the rules and waited years on end with no adoptive placement? (See our previous posting on a DSS-funded group home for "GLBTQ" children.)

Example: Recently two homosexual men, in whose house DSS had placed a little boy, were honored as "Parents of the Year" by DSS. The DSS apparently took the boy from his birth parents and extended family against their wishes. ("Newton couple honored as ’Parents of the Year’ by DSS", Daily News Tribune, August 9, 2006.) Interesting: one daddy is 43 years older than the child, the other daddy is 47 years older. So on top of the boy learning up close that sodomy is a good thing and a valid basis for "marriage", he is saddled with "parents" who are beyond the age that was recently standard for adoptive parents (where at least one was to be not more than 40 years older than the child).

He [Daddy #1] said the day after Christian’s adoption was finalized, DSS officials approached the couple about adopting a second child. Their families would like them to bring a little girl into their home, Bryant said.

"There are times at 3 a.m., I realize why most people have children in their 20s," said Bryant, 46. Sadick [50] said the couple simply wants to enjoy the time they spend with Christian right now, but will consider adopting an older child through DSS in the future. [emphasis added]

Well, there are lots of heterosexual couples in their 20s and 30s dying to adopt a little child. But they are routinely passed over.

The DSS is another Massachusetts institution gone awry. Adoption is just one area they've mucked up. Breaking up families is another of their specialities. Check out the interview with Atty. Greg Hession on the MassResistance radio show (August 12/13), and his web site for more DSS horror stories. From his web site:

... so many clients have endured outrageous mistreatment at the hands of DSS agents and victim-witness advocates. To accomplish their ends, they use false allegations, and exploit the fact that the court system has abandoned due process of law (which means our constitutionally protected procedural rights such as jury trials, opportunity to be heard promptly, the rules of evidence, innocent until proven guilty, etc.).

Those who commit these outrages know that the system is biased in their favor, and that they can count on help from judges, guardians ad litem, and therapists. Many of them have adopted an agenda which is anti-family, without understanding the problems it causes. Some are merely afraid to stand as a bulwark against tyranny. Either way, children and harmed, and families torn apart needlessly.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Mass. DSS Promoting "Gender Identity Disorder" in Children?

State Reps. Martin Walsh and Liz Malia, with "trans" child in 2004.
[Photo by John Rich, Home for Little Wanderers fall 2004 newsletter.]
In 2004, State Reps. Martin Walsh & Liz Malia were photographed with a "transgender" child (a girl "identifying" as boy) at the Waltham House for "GLBTQ youth" run by the Home for Little Wanderers and the Mass. Department of Social Services (DSS). This is an apt symbol for where we are going in this state, allowing the GLBTQ radicals in our government to take our children into stranger and stranger worlds of sexual perversion. (The "T" stands for transgender/transsexual, which means denying one's gender, crossdressing, surgically removing sexual organs, etc.)
In July, the Mass. Legislature established a "Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth" which will be pushing for more of this sort of program. Along with GLBTQ clubs and assemblies in the high schools, "Waltham House" is a prime example of where the Commission's new "gay and lesbian youth suicide prevention" tax money will go. Following the lead of Waltham House, we predict that the categories "bisexual" and "transgender" will soon be added to the name of the new youth Commission. (Waltham House says it helps "Q" or questioning children too.)
Rather than helping parents get real help for their troubled children, our government is actually promoting the views and treatments recommended by radicals in the mental health profession who believe anything goes with sexual identity, gender, or sexual behaviors -- even in the early teenage years.
Why is the majority in the Massachusetts legislature promoting and supporting homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism-transsexuality, or "questioning" in minors? Why is the Department of Social Services and the Home for Little Wanderers funding a group home for children promoting dysfunction and perversion? Why do mental health professionals support and promote such disorders among our young, instead of counseling children OUT of such destructive behaviors and attitudes? (NOTE: Transgenderism is still listed as a disorder in the DSM-IV, the diagnostic manual of the psychiatric profession).

Read more about Reps. Malia and Walsh at the Waltham House (from Bay Windows, "A Port in the Storm," 8/12/04). Excerpts:
The residents at Waltham House, a group home for GLBT youth run by the Home for Little Wanderers, had a chance to spend time with some of their heroes Aug. 5 [2004] when Mass. state Reps. Liz Malia, D-Jamiaca Plain and Martin Walsh, D-Dorchester, paid a visit to their home. Malia, who is openly lesbian, and Walsh have been vocal opponents of a state constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, and the teens, several of whom had protested against the amendment at the Statehouse earlier this year, said they were inspired by the legislators' work.
One of the residents, Al, 17, who like all the residents asked that their last names not be used, told Malia that he was moved by her February speech before the Legislature opposing the amendment. Waltham House staff read the text of the legislators' speeches to the residents before the visit....
The residents spoke with the legislators about their experiences both before and after coming to Waltham House, one of only three residential programs in the country specifically serving GLBT youth (the other two are in New York and Los Angeles). One of the residents, Justin, 17, who is transgender, said he was repeatedly harassed by students and administrators at the Catholic girls' school he attended for wearing his hair short. He said he was eventually expelled from school for shaving his head after the principal insisted he let his hair grow out.
"Coming to the Waltham House really turned me around and really gave me a huge amount of self-esteem that I didn't have," Justin told the legislators. "... This place turned me into the person I always wanted to be, turned me into the person where I can stand up and say, and shout out to people what I believe in and not have to just back down because I feel that I'm scared."
Al, who spent four years living in an all-girls residential facility before coming out as transgender, credited the staff at Waltham House with providing a stable environment for kids dealing with a whole host of issues, including GLBT issues. "When I feel like, how can anyone love me when I've done so many things wrong, how can anyone love me when my own family doesn't love me, [that] question is answered when the staff come in every single day, every single day regardless of what happens," said Al. He said that he worked in his own school to create a supportive environment for GLBT students by founding a gay/straight alliance, and he urged the legislators to work to make schools safer environments in which to come out for students with unsupportive families....
Opened in October 2002, the program currently houses 10 kids, with a potential capacity of 12. Like many kids in residential programs, residents of Waltham House may face a range of issues including abuse, familial rejection, substance abuse, homelessness, and other factors that have prompted the state's Department of Social Services to intervene and place them in a healthy and stable environment.
Program Director Karen Voorhees said that for all of the Waltham House residents, issues of sexual orientation or gender identity are central to many of their problems."I would say the target kid is the kid whose significant functioning problems are due to not being accepted for their gender or sexual identity, and so they come here and are able to function in a group home while being accepted for who they are," said Voorhees. "A lot of them come in and they say they haven't been allowed to talk about their sexual identity of their gender identity to even figure out what it is, so whatever it is they figure out is fine with us."

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Rep. Liz Malia at Drag Queen Pageant

State Rep. Liz Malia, FAR LEFT (D - Boston/Jamaica Plain) at the Miss Mass Gay Latina drag queen pageant this past June, part of "Boston Pride." Her drag queen friend, name unknown, above. [All photos from InNewsWeekly.]

State Rep. Liz Malia is one of our least favorite legislators. She was instrumental in halting Gov. Romney's feeble attempt to disband the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth last May, and she was the Rep who called for a second vote to overturn his veto of the dangerous new independent "Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth" in July.

And what exactly is the "lifestyle" Rep. Malia wants to encourage our troubled youth to participate in? We can get an idea from her own "celebration" during "Boston Pride" week this past June. In some capacity, she attended a stenchy drag queen pageant during Pride, according to
photos published by InNewsWeekly.

Is Malia the sort of person we want setting policy in our schools?
Is this what the Massachusetts Legislature should be promoting as acceptable for our youth? Remember: this crossdressing-transgender-transsexual scene is a routine aspect of the GLBT world that the new "Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth" will be promoting as healthy and normal. The current commission director has announced their intention to add "Bisexual and Transgender" to its name -- and what better expression of "transgenderism" is there than a drag queen pageant???

Even the terribly compromised American Psychiatric Association still lists this sort of behavior as a disorder in its diagnostic manual: see "
Gender Identity Disorder" in the DSM-IV. Yet our state government is supporting and promoting it among our youth!

Some other scenes fro
m the pageant [photos from InNewsWeekly]:

Monday, August 14, 2006

Setting the Course for Massachusetts

These two ladies are setting the course for Massachusetts ... and the nation.
Ms. Lee Swislow, Executive Director of GLAD (Gay & Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, which brought the same-sex lawsuit in Massachusetts, has tried to block the marriage definition amendments, and is now busy with "transgender/transsexual rights" lawsuits.)
Ms. Grace Sterling Stowell, Executive Director of BAGLY (Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth, which puts on the annual Queer/Trans prom at Boston City Hall, ending the Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth's Pride Day celebration every May.)