Here are some vile state reps in the Framingham-Natick area who need to get the boot, and Republican write-in candidates who are opposing them.
Call to action: Republicans and Independents need to vote for these write-in candidates on the 19th!! Spread the word! Only 150 votes are needed to get them on the November ballot. (See article in MetroWest Daily News.)
5th Middlesex (Natick/Sherborn/Millis)
BAD BOY: Rep. David Linsky (D-Natick), who got our award for THE most dangerous legislator, based on the number of vile bills he sponsored last session. He thinks bestiality should not be a crime. And since homosexual "marriage" is not yet legal, he co-sponsored a bill (H977) to make it so. (That is what the Goodridge ruling said must be done, after all!) Endorsed by the homosexual groups, he's pro-abortion (and favors human cloning), wants mandatory sex/homosex indoctrination in our schools (co-sponsored H1641), and got a feeble 10% rating from Citizens for Limited Taxation (CLT).
GOOD WRITE-IN: William Whittlesey (R-Sherborn)
6th Middlesex (Framingham)
BAD GIRL: Deborah Blumer (D-Framingham). Ditto the Linsky profile, though she didn't co-sponsor quite as many bills, and scores a big ZERO from CLT. Boot her! Her husband was former Superintendent of Newton Schools, and together they've done a lot of damage in this state.
GOOD WRITE-IN: Jim Rizoli (R-Framingham). Solid on all conservative issues, and a leader on opposing illegal immigration.
7th Middlesex (Ashland/Framingham)
BAD BOY: Tom Sannicandro (D-Ashland). Apparently mentored by Linsky and Blumer. Easier to boot first termer. Proud co-sponsor of the bill to legalize the still-illegal homosexual "marriage" (H977). He's also endorsed by the homosexual groups and a CLT ZERO.
GOOD WRITE-IN: Kevin Looby (R-Framingham)
Let's just say that even if these write-in candidates were monkeys -- which of course they're not -- they'd still be preferable! So ... write 'em in!