A few scenes from Boston's Pride parade, June 2006. What are these young girls learning? Note the sign behind the person in the black beater: "Be nice to sex workers"
As we look at photos from "Pride Week" in Boston, we keep thinking about all the children seen at the festivities, and what they learned. The leader of the Revolutionary GLBT forces of Lexington, Meg Soens, was there with two of her young children, helping the ACLU of Massachusetts celebrate its assault on our values. (Maybe scenes from Pride will soon become part of the Lexington schools' curriculum?) Here are some of the things children saw on the street:
Topless women bikers
Young men dancing in clinging underwear
"Drag queens" everywhere
People handing out special anal intercourse condoms and lubricant
Men with black wings, faerie costumes, flaming wings
A man wearing a balloon headdress shaped like male genitals
Women from a "drag king" theater troupe in tight "beater" shirts, some without breasts
Sign reading "Love a Sex Worker"
"Tranny Daddy" and family
Bare-chested "dykes" with fresh scars from breast removal surgery
"Hedda Lettuce" blasting unbelievable vulgarities from a huge screen towering over the Boston Common -- PLUS
Large banner advertisements or signs leading them to:
- ManHunt.net (take their online "tour")
- Bisexual Resource Center
- Independent Pagans of New England
- Tiffany (transsexual male-to-females)
- MassEquality, PFLAG, GLSEN, BAGLY, GLAD, ACLU, etc.
And this is where the Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth (whether run by the Governor, or by Senator Barrios) would encourage our children to go.