Thursday, September 08, 2005

"Safe Schools"? "Safe Zones"?

It's back-to-school time. Time for parents to pay attention to the latest ploy by GLSEN, the queer propagandameisters who have infiltrated our schools.

One of GLSEN's newer strategies is to demand our schools be "Safe Schools", and to declare "Safe Zones" within a school. Confused, upset, distressed teens are encouraged to go to a teacher's or counselor's office displaying a "safe zone" emblem, where they will be told that maybe their problems are related to repression of their "sexual identity or expression".

MassResistance knows of a teen girl at a Massachusetts high school, assigned to sessions with the school psychologist because of learning disabilities, who was prodded by this school "professional" to talk about whom she had a crush on: "Do you want to tell me about him or her?" This is what's called a "safe zone"! (The psychologist is also the adviser to the gay-straight alliance at the high school.)

Of course, none of this is done with parental knowledge or permission. The very term "safe zone" implies to the student that there's something available at school that he doesn't have at home, at a relative's, at a friend's, or at his church: a "safe" place where he can "just be himself."

See Scott Lively's analysis of the strategy, "The Danger of 'Safe Schools' ", and Newton Tab columnist Tom Mountain's description of how it plays out at Newton North High School.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Attorney General Reilly Approves Unclean Marriage Amendment

Massachusetts Attorney General Tom Reilly announced this afternoon that he would let the referendum petition to go forward.

This unclean amendment would both ban and certify homosexual "marriage". In a state already drowning in legal and moral chaos, it will further contaminate the waters, presenting voters with an untenable compromise.

We predict the queer activists will immediately challenge it in the courts, because it would violate their "equal protection under the law" (by allowing some of them to be married, but others not.) And they have a point.

Don't waste your effort getting signatures for this referendum. Even if it were a clean amendment (one which would overturn the fraudulent homosexual "marriages" and ban civil unions), and even if it is approved by the voters, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) will likely not let it stand. And if the SJC doesn't block it, some federal judge will. (That's what happened recently to a marriage amendment passed by voters in Nebraska.)

The four SJC judges must go, and their homosexual "marriage" ruling must be overturned. Support that effort: Tell your legislators to support the Bill of Address, H652.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Boston Queer Paper Pushing "Brotherly" Incest

Why are we surprised by anything these days? Bay Windows, Boston's queer newspaper, gives a positive review to a movie about homosexual incest between two brothers. "Harry & Max" is about brothers, age 16 and 23, who have a sexual relationship. (Next thing you know, we'll have a movie about two brothers wanting to get "married".)

"[T]he best thing about Harry & Max is how natural it makes their unnatural love seem." How surprising that Bay Windows would call any sexual perversion "unnatural"! We wonder how they define that term??

From the review, "Brotherly lust" :

[Made by an openly gay filmmaker], Harry & Max is built around a weekend camping trip in the San Gabriel Mountains near Los Angeles. Harry (Bryce Johnson), whose boy band may have passed its peak, has been living the popstar lifestyle long enough to be used to getting what he wants when he wants it.

But Harry has been largely estranged from his family, partly by choice, and no one has been more hurt by it than Max, who is also going the boy band route but hasn't yet been spoiled by it. Max idolizes Harry and, being gay, is as eager to jump his bones as any of his teenybopper fans.

He got his chance to do that two years ago on a family vacation in Bermuda and makes his move again on their long-awaited camping trip. Harry criticizes Max's oral technique and doesn't let him finish: "I'd prefer that you whack it. It might help you sleep.... If I liked boys and I weren't your brother it might be different."

What he did with Max wasn't Harry's only homosex experience, he admits: "Sometimes I had to - like, for work and stuff."

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Should "Families" Even Be a Topic In School?

A friend in Lexington has shared an interesting exchange from the town's online political debate on whether there should be any discussion of families in the schools.

MassResistance knows first hand how painful any public entry into this private sphere can be for a child. Adoptees are constantly confronted with family-tree or ancestor assignments. Where is the liberal "sensitivity" to them?

We agree with Lorraine below: NO discussion of "families" belongs in the schools! We all know that liberals have used this ploy to introduce their radical, anti-traditional values into the minds and emotions of little children. Let's shut it down now.

Glenn: It's important for kids to learn about the families of their schoolmates, just like it's important for them to learn about the different countries, languages, and cultures that these families come from. We are teaching them to avoid unfair discrimination against other people, which is the first step of their education in civil rights.

Lorraine: It's NOT important for kids to learn about families. Children don't care as much as parents do. Whatever happened to show and tell where children would talk about pets, hobbies and other interesting things? We are talking about five year old children. It's grownups that have made family the focal point in class.

This is very hurtful to many children who do not live with a mother and father. One mother told me her son was in tears because they were getting a divorce and they discussed families in class. Some children come from single parent homes as well. I don't think this is at all necessary and does nothing to educate children. They will find these things out for themselves in time.

Glenn: I haven't heard any children debating the social issues of the day at Estabrook. Seems to me the only people looking for a debate were David Parker and his supporters, and they brought the debate into the schools (literally).

Lorraine: Are you there when all this takes place? Parents are not invited or allowed at these talks.

Glenn: What exactly is there to debate, anyway? Do you want to debate whether there exist families with two moms, or two dads, or only one mom, or whatever? Do you want to debate whether such families are legal and respectable? Do you want to debate whether we should treat all families fairly and equally? Because those are the only issues up for debate, as far as I can see. At no point has sexual reproduction or sex education (or GLSEN for that matter) ever entered the discussion surrounding David Parker.

Lorraine: Six years ago, when I became aware of what was happening, there was a book the schools were reading to the children, "Heather Has Two Mommies". Part of the book was about artificial insemination. Can you imagine a five year old knowing what that means? I can't. I called so much attention to the book it was reprinted without that information in it. I still have that original book. They will try to say and do whatever they can get away with. Parents need to know what their children are being taught. I was also told by the school that oral sex and sodomy were also discussed in the high school which I also opposed. It's a well known fact that GLSEN, the homosexual organization, is in the schools. Same sex marriage is only legal in ONE state, Massachusetts. Eighteen other states have voted against it since it became legal in our looney state.

Glenn: FAMILIES SHOULD NOT BE DISCUSSED IN SCHOOL. Do you realize how completely absurd this statement is? No, probably not.

Lorraine: You think you are so smart when it's sarcasm that you're so good at. Glenn, it's not absurd at all. If two children fight about a toy all the time no matter how many times you talk to them about sharing, what would you do with the toy? Take it away from them, of course. Well there seems to be a similar situation in the schools. Parents do not agree with what's being taught to the children and can't come to an agreement, or even talk about it. What do you think should happen? I think that part of the curriculum should be eliminated to satisfy everyone and bring peace into the schools again. That doesn't mean one family is more important than another but equally important. I have nothing against homosexuals but I don't believe in same sex marriage and never will. I didn't like the fact that the school taught my children about it before it was even legal. Should I be outraged, you bet I am.

Glenn: I believe the schools should be a neutral place for all children to learn without outside interference (GLSEN) in the schools. Students should be taught respect for each other, period. Respect begins with understanding and accepting the larger reality that we all live in. Instead, you would undercut respect by denying basic recognition and fairness to people living in your own town. It's time for you to go back and review the Golden Rule.

Lorraine: Glenn, the Lord says "love thy neighbor", and I do. It doesn't say we have to agree with them when we think it's wrong. I don't like a one way school system, one way people, or one way streets. {;-)

Radical Demonstration Planned Against David Parker

Thought you'd like to see what the radical homosexual activists have planned to counter the demonstration supporting David Parker in Lexington this Tuesday evening, September 6.

The notice below is from Meg Soens (click here for her "wedding" photo), who is organizing the demonstration. She has a little website for her "Respecting Differences" front organization. (Note that the Lexington Police Dept. is listed as a supporter of her group!)

We wrote in May: "Lesbian radical activist ... Soens pops up all over town, including the Estabrook School anti-bias committee. How interesting that Soens also led a session at the infamous "Fistgate" GLSEN workshop in 2000, on how to incorporate gay and lesbian issues into an elementary school curriculum."

By the way, Meg has it wrong below about Mass. Family Institute running the rally. It is actually being organized by a grassroots group of Parker supporters. (And P.S. to Meg: You might want to check your distribution list, as MassResistance is surely not on your steering committee!) Here's what she has sent out to rally her troops:

Dear Respecting Differences steering committee friends --

I hope you all had a restful summer – and you wouldn’t be hearing from me now when summer isn’t quite yet gone if it wasn’t urgent.

We (wearing my hat as Lexington CARES co-chair) recently heard that the day after Labor Day (and the day before school starts again in Lexington) the largest statewide anti-gay political group in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Family Institute, will be holding a rally on our Lexington Green in support of David Parker and his discriminatory demands on our public schools. They will also be holding a candlelight vigil at the same time at Depot Sq., and will be holding signs and having a literature table in front of CVS and on all the corners across from the store. Looks like a saturation bombing campaign!

Mr. Parker is the Estabrook Elementary school parent who got himself arrested last April when the school officials refused to accede to his demands for “notification” and “excusing his child” that would have effectively forced the teachers and schools to make the kids of gay and lesbian headed families feel unwelcome and unsafe by sending the message that their families were bad and somehow dangerous. In other words, his demands would force the schools to discriminate against the children of gay and lesbian headed families.

Now the MFI is working with Mr. Parker to further their own broad anti-gay political agenda and intimidate local school and town officials and residents, and we need to counter their message. Lexington C.A.R.E.S., the media campaign group formed to counter the distorted messages that Parker and his right wing allies were so successfully putting out to the media, is organizing a silent counter vigil at the same time, and it makes such sense for those involved in the Respecting Differences Coalition to support and take part in this effort to bring the truth about the discriminatory demands out. To be effective, we need everyone who can make it to come and stand up for inclusive schools, and for all families in our schools. I expect that MFI will be bussin! g in people from all over the state since they have done that several times for the Constitutional Conventions recently, and we don’t need to match their numbers, but we do need a strong showing of Lexington folks to demonstrate opposition to Parker’s demands that would hurt our kids right here in our town and undermine years of commitment and work on the part of the Lexington public schools to create classrooms that are welcoming and safe for all children. If there is only one time this year when you can come out to an event in this arena, this is the one to come to.

Lexington CARES has put together a plan for a peaceful non-confrontationalsilent witness during the events : we will assemble at the town Visitor Center at 4:45 pm, (centrally located between the Green, where their rally will be held, and Depot Square, where their vigil will be held) and then walk in groups to the various MFI events to silently walk on the sidewalk with our signs. We are working with town management and safety officials to plan all this. Children are welcome, and since the rally goes from 5 pm until 7 pm you might encourage parents to bring picnics for their kids to be eaten at our gathering place, the Visitor Center. We will be behaving in the same way we did with the Phelps witness, basically silent, no interaction with the rally people. I also ask that if the press approach you, you direct them to the designated spokespeople of Lex C.A.R.E.S. who have media training and a great deal of practice getting our message about inclusive schools out there in interviews. Finally, LexCARES is asking that people not wear rainbow flags political buttons etc. to make it harder for the MFI to make it look like we are all gay and it is a gay versus straight battle. In addition, not bringing the rainbow flags underlines the fact that there is a broader principle underlying the struggle, that of treating all humans with dignity and respect, not just gay human beings.

So, please come to the Visitor Center on September 6 at 4:45, or one of our witness places after that, and please publicize our silent vigil as widely as possible. I also ask that you bring as many sympathetic people with you as possible. Personal phone calls are by far the most effective method especially given the tightness of time.

This is really a time your physical presence will make a very big difference both in terms of bearing witness to our town, and to the Boston area.

Also, if you have suggestions or reflections on this, I hope you will share them. I will be back in touch later in September about our first RD meeting for the year. I will be sending out this basic message to the entire RD list this afternoon, after time for some feedback from you. If you can call some people to come, I am copying a suggested telephone script below fyi Contact me if you can make some calls since I am coordinating the phone calling effort for LexCARES.

What else should RD do in regard to this event? A letter or commentary in the MM? A forum about the issues in October? Also, if you are individually interested in learning more about LEXCARES and perhaps joining, let me know and I will forward your email addresses to the person who is doing that piece of the work.

Thank you! And we will get together in the next few weeks to get going on Our other efforts in this town! Meg
Telephone Script for 9/6 Gathering Hi, this is . I'm calling to let you know about a rally in front of the Visitor's Center next week. You know I've been involved with Respecting Differences Coalition, the town-wide group that supports a safe and welcoming town for all of us, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. I wanted to let you know that Lexington CARES (the media campaign group that was formed to respond to the distortions and demands associated with the David Parker arrest at Estabrook School in April) has told us that on Tuesday, September 6th from 5:00 - 8:00 pm in Lexington Center, a series of events will be held to show support for David Parker. These events are being supported by the statewide group Mass family Institute, and possibly other non-Lexington activist groups. They will have a rally on the Green with speakers, a candle-light vigil in Depot Square, and a literature table in front of CVS, along with people holding signs on street corners in the Center. I know the timing is bad, but it's critically important to have a large group from Lexington there showing firm, but also silent and non-confrontational support for our schools - especially for the teachers, administrators and ALL the children who will walk into school the very next day. We're sure some media people will be there and we don't want them to walk away thinking Mr. Parker and the outside groups speak for all of us.The area in front of the Visitor's Center will be our home base; we'll have a table there with a banner and signs for anyone willing to carry one. I'd love to have you there from 5 -7 or later, if you can make it. YES? NO? NO Ok, thanks, don't hesitate to show up if your plans change. Come to the Visitor's Center.

Hesitant I don't want you to think you'll need to speak to anyone you don't know. We aren't there to argue. We just want to show, through our numbers, that the Lexington School System has the support of people in town. Even if you can only be there for an hour, I'd love to see you.YesThat's great! I'll send you an email with any more details as soon as I know them.YES, What else can I do?It would help so much if you would make some phone calls to people you know. We would rely on email, but the time is so short.- - - - - For this call we'll have to go over the Guidelines at least as far as: No engagement - don't respond to comments from Parker supporters No outward signs of political agenda (no buttons, rainbow pins, etc.) Suggestions for signs: Support Lexington Public Schools We support all our children We support all our families Welcome back to school EVERYONE
Meg Soens

Friday, September 02, 2005

Follow the Money

Bay Windows' story on Hurricane Katrina focuses on the homosexual community there, primarily in the French Quarter. One astonishing tidbit is that last year's "Southern Decadence" event, held over Labor Day weekend in that city, brought in an estimated $100 million to the local economy.

Money talks. This is one big reason this movement has gotten where they have. They have lots of money to spend. (But wait... Wouldn't a minority suffering social and civil-rights "discrimination" be economically underprivileged as well?)

"For gay-friendly businesses in New Orleans, the hurricane could not have come at a worse time. The city's annual gay Mardi Gras event, Southern Decadence, which is also one of the largest annual gay celebrations in the country, was scheduled to run throughout the Labor Day Weekend. Southern Decadence was officially canceled on Tuesday, Aug. 30. According to New Orleans's gay magazine, Ambush, 125,000 people were expected attend the event's five-day series of parties which is highlighted by a parade through the French Quarter. Southern Decadence has drawn larger and larger crowds since its beginning in 1972. Ambush estimated its economic impact on the city last year was $100 million. Many make hotel reservations a year in advance to ensure accommodations."

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Find Alternative Charity: Red Cross Supports Homo Agenda

A friend has brought our attention to this letter from a pro-life minister, warning us not to trust the Red Cross with our funds. Sadly, that charity has been compromised by its support of the homosexual agenda.

(To be sure your donation goes where you want, here are just a few alternative charities which do NOT support the homosexual agenda: Samaritan's Purse; Feed the Children; The Salvation Army.)

Whether or not one believes the hand of God was in this disaster, without out a doubt we are happy to say "good riddance" to the "Southern Decadence" event which has been indefinitely postponed.

Dear Friends of the Preborn,
Just a quick note to encourage you NOT to give money to the American Red Cross. (All the media is appealing for Americans to do so for the Hurricane Katrina victims). Why not? Because they promote the homosexual agenda in our nation, and even have "Corporate Diversity Committees" and a "Chief Diversity Officer" to help implement the agenda. To top it all off, they recently fired a Christian for simply sharing his views regarding homosexuality. You can read about this matter by clicking on the following link:

Find a different charity to give to if you want to help the people down south.

By the way, because of Hurricane Katrina the sodomites won't be able to conduct their "Southern Decadence Days" wherein tens of thousands of sodomites come into New Orleans and do the most filthy things (even right out on the streets!). The city officials have welcomed them with open arms year after year. It would have begun this Thursday and went through to Labor Day.

If you feel bad that the residents in Gulfport and Biloxi had to suffer because of the sodomites and sodomite-loving magistrates in New Orleans, don't feel too bad because these towns are known as the "Gambling Capitols of the South" wherein thousands of elderly people go to blow their money, thus disinheriting their families. (So much is wasted that $500,000.00 is given to the State of Mississippi in taxes every single day!).

When God's judgment comes on a nation even the so-called "innocent" suffer because they turn a blind eye, tolerate, and live in peaceful co-existence with the evil in their midst. This nation is a corporate entity, and judgment is often dispensed corporately....

Pastor Matt Trewhella
Missionaries to the Preborn, Founder

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Yes, This Kindergarten Picture Book IS About Sex

Back-to-school time. Time to get back to questions about sex in kindergarten picture books.

Recently, homosexual extremists flooded David Parker's blog with their typical stream of nonsense and silly questions. They disputed the idea that the picture book (given without his knowledge to his kindergarten child) had anything to do with sex, and therefore is not covered by the Massachusetts Parental Notification law. The book, Who's In A Family, clearly gives the message that lesbian and "gay" couple parents are on a natural and moral par with traditional families.

MassResistance is not afraid to answer their silly questions. But how sad that it's necessary to state the obvious, and articulate what was once just common sense! (Note: Mr. MassResistance speaks only for himself, and no one else.)

Silly homosexual extremist question #1: You continue to duck and dodge the real issue behind the "cartoon picture book." What do pictures, stories, anecdotes, or any other representation of the makeup of an individual child's family have to do with sex and sexuality? And if two moms and their daughter washing the family dog IS about sex, then why isn't two heterosexual parents and their child sitting down to a meatloaf dinner about sex?

Silly homosexual extremist question #2: Many of us in the great anonymous Massachusetts wilderness have been waiting since April to hear David Parker explain, in his own words, just EXACTLY what "Who's in a Family" has to do with sex and sexuality. Because, the laws of the Commonwealth succinctly state that a parent may opt his/her child out of any classroom lesson or discussion dealing with sex and sexuality. Unless you can illucidate [sic] the "sexual" content of "What's [sic] in a Family" or any of the books in your child's kindergarten classroom (or freely available in the school library, for that matter), then you are asking to EXPAND and/or rewrite the established definition of parental notification.

MassResistance responds:
The basic problem here is that perverted sexual relationships are being forcefully injected into the daily lives of normal people. To say that the existing Parental Notification law in Massachusetts doesn't cover this possibility is like saying that John Adams should have spelled out (in the Massachusetts constitution) that sodomy was not a valid basis for marriage; or that since the Bible doesn't expressly mention credit card fraud, it's not stealing.

The attempted normalization of homosexual, lesbian, transsexual, bisexual, questioning, or polyamorous "marital" arrangements has changed everything. Where once we would have said that a pre-school picture book with scenes of families (with a mommy and a daddy) going about their daily activities was NOT about sex, once a two-daddy family is included, it IS about sex -- even for the traditional families portrayed.

The homosexual extremists have politicized and sexualized everything they come near. And they have destroyed the innocence of early childhood.

From the time a child comes into the world, he observes his parents (one male, one female) interact. Sometimes they hug or kiss. And yes, he registers the fact that they sleep in the same bed. And sometimes the bedroom door is locked and he hears noises. This is a child's normal introduction to sex. It is simply put before him in the context of normal, healthy family activities. Pictures of a normal two-parent family in a picture book do convey a message to the child: This is a family.

Usually, a child's introduction to this normal context of sex and sexuality is unremarkable and would not fall under the Massachusetts Parental Notification law. This is because such normal story books (or family photos) do not present the child with any jarring, startling, or unnatural concepts. His thoughts and imaginings will not proceed into the parents' bedroom at the age of 5 or 6 upon seeing a traditional family picture.

But the minute you present him with an abnormal, unusual, bizarre arrangement, which he knows instinctively in his gut is not right, is odd, off-kilter, or unnatural -- this will provoke a sense of uneasiness followed by new and strange imaginings. He'll ask (openly or privately), "Why does my classmate have two mommies? I thought a mommy needed a daddy to have a baby?"

If a young child is presented with a novel, unusual image of a family, with two mommies or two daddies (or three daddies?), the child will naturally next wonder if they kiss and hug and share a bed. How do they make babies? It's the perversion of normal relations that brings in SEX on a level beyond that a kindergartner should be dealing with. Then, it becomes a lesson on SEX at a level covered by state law protecting parental rights.

(Of course there's another question that we are not dealing with now: Does a school have the right to undermine parents' religious and moral beliefs they are trying to teach their child?)

We come back to the fact that heterosexual parenting is normal -- and the child absorbs the inherent sex lesson slowly, by osmosis. But abnormal homosexual couplings are forcing the child to imagine questions about sexual activities that would otherwise come at a much older age. It's homosexual perversion being forcefully pushed into our faces that's causing a problem.

The Parker case is about "coercive indoctrination" of vulnerable, very young children. The homosexual activists know how powerful images are in their brainwashing campaign. That's why they're putting this book into little children's hands without parental knowledge.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

BAGLY Pushing "TransGeneration" Show on Teens

BAGLY ("Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Youth"; see entry below) is now targeting our teens with a new documentary series called "TransGeneration". The documentary, produced by the Sundance channel & Logo (the new queer TV network), premieres on TV September 20 at 9 p.m.

BAGLY is announcing a pre-screening of the show on Sept. 7. This organization is supposedly helping our troubled teens steer clear of suicidal thoughts (for which it receives Massachusetts tax dollars!). How will pushing this perversion help them? The flyer for the series states:

(x) Financial Aid
(x) Meal Plan
*SEX Change

This eight-part program charts one year in the lives of four college students undergoing gender transition.
Gabbie, Lucas, Raci and T. J. are confronting the challenges of school, campus life, family ... and changing their sex. TransGeneration joins them at four different schools across America as the quartet -- two transitioning from female to male and two transitioning from male to female -- define who they are and take control of their gender identity.

It seems that new recruits are needed in the sex-changed population. There aren't enough people who understand the diagram handed out to Massachusetts public school children at GLSEN's conference last April. Children who attend BAGLY's trans workshops hear about how Grace (BAGLY Executive Director), as a "trans male-to-female", discusses "her" sexuality with the men "she" has sex with. Gems from a trans discussion at the GLSEN conference:

Our language breaks down… What do you call a trans-man attracted to a woman? [and other combinations] This culture is not set up for trans people. Grace Stowell said she tells men right up front, "I'm a transgender woman." Most of the men she's been with were either gay men or bisexual men.

What if a son says, "Mom, Dad, I'm bringing home a man." vs. "Mom, Dad, I'm bringing home a trans man."?

Male-to-female participant said before she started going through the change, she was not perceived as a gay man. People would address him/her as a lady, even though she (?) still had facial hair…people "must have thought I was a butch femme."

Panelist Michelle: Since she's pre-op, she still has "...titties and a penis, so it's just more to play with."

Panelist Mike: Likes "bears" and his current friend is a bear. [Some of the audience members murmured in reaction to this. …A bear, or sometimes "teddy bear," is a slang term for a big, fat, hairy man.]

Lesbian female attendee said how she used to date another lesbian female, but that lesbian female transitioned to a male. However, she doesn't now consider herself to be straight; she claimed she is still a dyke. Panelist Mike affirmed this phenomenon, stating that "there are a lot of lesbian couples where one transitions."

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Is This What You Want for Your Son?

Photo credit: Bay Windows
Is this what you want for your son?

Grace Sterling Stowell, Executive Director of BAGLY ("Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Youth "), at the recent "Youth Pride" event in Boston. Stowell is a "male-to-female transsexual" and proclaims the large presence of "trans" young people in BAGLY. BAGLY directs young teen boys to a website detailing male-to-female sex-change surgical procedures. BAGLY is supported in part by your tax dollars. The "Youth Pride" event is sponsored by the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Weld for NY Governor?

Former Massachusetts Governor William Weld is planning to run for governor of New York. He seems to realize he has a slight problem: his enthusiastic support for all things "gay" while Governor of Massachusetts.

The Boston Globe reports that Weld now claims his support for homosexual "marriage" extends only to the Massachusetts borders. But then how can it be a "civil right"? Is there a different definition of "civil rights" in New York than in Boston?

Bill Weld is responsible for letting GLSEN get a foothold in the public schools of Massachusetts to pollute our children with its pro-homosexual propaganda. (Then GLSEN built on its Massachusetts model to infiltrate schools across America.) Thanks to Weld, the "Governor's Commission on Gay & Lesbian Youth" will be hard to dismantle.

Has the press forgotten that Weld officiated at the "marriage" of his Harvard roommate to another man, just one year ago? Does Weld believe his friend Mitchell Adams is "married" while in Massachusetts, but "unmarried" while residing at his elegant Maine vacation home?

On June 22, 2004, reported:

While current Republican Governor Mitt Romney was in Washington telling a Senate hearing that if Congress doesn't pass a constitutional amendment gay marriage will "spread like wildfire" across the nation, former Massachusetts GOP Governor William F. Weld was officiating at the gay marriage of his old college roommate.

Mitchell Adams, Weld's closest friend at university and a former Mass. revenue commissioner, married Weld's former chief of staff Kevin Smith. The former governor read the homily at the ceremony at King's Chapel.

The marriage was the first same-sex ceremony Weld has attended. "I was terrified when I saw I'd been assigned the homily. I didn't know what a homily was so I just told war stories about Mitchell and Kevin," he said.

Weld told reporters that he's opposed to any constitutional amendment barring gay marriage. He said that if he were not at the wedding he would have been in Washington opposing Romney.

Friday, August 19, 2005

This Is Gay Pride???

(Photo credit: Alex Mann)

This is "Gay Pride"?

Maybe in 1997 we could have said this was sad. Now we are supposed to say it's perfectly healthy and normal?

Lawmaker Doesn't Know the Definition of "Legal"

Bay Windows recently reported on East Boston State Rep. Anthony Petruccelli's announcement that he will oppose any amendment which will take away the "right" to homosexual "marriage". What is striking in his "thinking" is that it is all based on emotions.

As a "lawmaker", he should realize that since the Legislature has failed to act on this issue of "marriage" (as required by the state constitution), homosexual "marriages" are without statutory basis so are still not legal. Yet he says he doesn't want to take away "something that they cherish". But where do "rights" come from -- the Supreme Judicial Court, or God? We may write constitutions to protect rights, but no human institution creates rights.

Would Rep. Petruccelli please define "marriage" and its role in society, and not just think about it on an emotional level?

From Bay Windows (August 18, 2005):

While he says he has always believed that same-sex couples should be treated equally to heterosexual couples, Petruccelli said his vote for the so-called compromise amendment resulted in part from his belief that the convention was destined to pass some version of an amendment and that supporting the least drastic of those was the right thing to do. What led him to change his mind, ultimately, was the reality that as of May 17, 2004, same-sex couples in Massachusetts entered into legal marriages and it would be wrong to now roll back their rights.

"I think that has changed things dramatically," said Petruccelli. "And it makes it easy for me to look at this issue and say, who am I to take away something from someone that they cherish, that they already have? I think that is probably the strongest aspect of why I feel strongly about voting no in the [next] convention." Petrucelli noted that he and his wife will celebrate their three-year anniversary in September and while their lives have not changed since May 17, 2004, it has impacted the lives of same-sex couples positively. "Its made stronger unions among people who have not had the opportunity up until that time to get married," he observes. Civil unions, he has concluded, would obviously be "a major step backwards in equality." The lawmaker also said he is opposed to the initiative petition drive recently launched by same-sex marriage opponents to put a marriage ban on the 2008 ballot.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Religion in Provincetown

So what do homosexual extremists really think of religion? Stephen Bennett, a Christian ex-gay who ministers to the homosexual community, tells what happened to his group when they visited Provincetown last summer.

"Last year, the Provincetown Chief of Police alerted many of the homosexual activist organizations ahead of time [of his group's visit] and they met the 100+ [Stephen Bennett Ministries] evangelists with protests, signs, yelling and more. An extremist fringe of homosexual activists who knew SBM was coming (mostly angry lesbians) took over 200 Bibles from the evangelists (saying they wanted one) and then threw them in garbage cans all over town. SBM recovered these Bibles out of the garbage cans."

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Cultural Marxism: The Most Dangerous Ideology

Here's a great article by Paul Weyrich that ties it all together. Starting with Russell Kirk's point that Conservatism is, by definition, not an ideology, he goes on to expose the reigning ideology of "cultural Marxism" -- the common thread running through "liberalism", feminism, homosexual extremism, PC'ism, multiculturalism, the attack on the traditional family and Judeo-Christian values, etc.

See "The Danger of the Ideological State" by Paul M. Weyrich (from Agape Press, August 15, 2005).

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Carnival in Provincetown

We just read on Article 8 Alliance of Queertoday's upset over "religious terrorism" from Christian ex-gays.

Ex-gays simply spread the word that God's truth can provide the way out of an unhappy homosexual "lifestyle". But the homosexual extremists are twisting the ex-gay message, portraying it as an attack on their freedom, health, and safety.

Queertoday's phrase reminded us of another phrase in vogue with their movement, "spiritual violence", which they apply to the traditional Judeo-Christian understanding of Biblical teachings on homosexuality.

Any religious value or belief which interferes with homosexuals' value-free, hedonistic "lifestyle" is now branded in this way. The implication of these two phrases is clear: that those defending traditional values are aggressive, criminal perpetrators of violence. Does this include your church?

Contrast the homosexual extremists' phony use of "religion" with genuine expressions of their attitude towards religion. Look at their "carnival" in Provincetown. (And note how the Boston Herald reports on the carnival line-up straightforwardly, as if this event were totally mainstream!)

Just a few events from the P'town carnival: There's a drag queen bingo night at the Unitarian-Universalist "church". And the UU's hosting a "performance artist" whose "impersonations of the political enemies of the left are spectacularly blasphemous and depraved. Adult content is definitely included. Watch her bear witness, but hold on to your faith because Starlite is bringing the apocalypse closer with every show!"

So ... if your church doesn't host such events, but instead teaches that homosexuality is contrary to God's law, is it guilty of "religious terrorism"?

And if you are taken aback by the message of a drag queen performance (see below), are you guilty of "spiritual violence"? How could you possibly object to "her" invitation to join "her" on a "frolicsome path towards hell and damnation"?

From the Provincetown Banner: "Varla Jean Merman is a queen among queens!

"A big red apple poses no threat to this lady eve. Nor does a snake enthrall her for any longer than a costume change. Varla Jean Merman has committed her fair share of transgressions in her time and in her new show, "I'm Not Paying for This!", she takes the audience with her on a frolicsome path towards hell and damnation....

Varla still has time to declare that she refuses to pay for that dull package of judgments that nameless others are so fond of doling out. Oh no, Varla can make her own world somewhere over the rainbow and it is everybody else that is going to want to pay to see her seriously masterful presentation of an innocent romp through the seven deadly sins."

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

R&R for MassResistance

Even the Resistance has to take a breather once in a while. So postings will be sporadic and unpredictable over the next few weeks. We plan to reacquaint ourselves with Henry James, practice our skills so wonderfully protected by the Second Amendment, and maybe take a few day trips to Provincetown. In the meantime, watch for good stuff being posted DAILY on Article 8 Alliance. We will return!

"Sexual Preference" Is Undefined

Here's one of the problems with crazy, irrational legislation: "Sexual orientation" (or "preference" or "identity" or "expression") remains undefined in the law. As clear-thinking critics have warned all along, chaos will result. It just may take awhile for it to be apparent. Here's a recent report out of Canada ("Wedding cashers: Straight pals want to marry - for tax breaks", by Lesley Wright, Toronto Sun, 8/6/05):

WHAT'S LOVE got to do with it?

Bill Dalrymple, 56, and best friend Bryan Pinn, 65, have decided to take the plunge and try out the new same-sex marriage legislation with a twist -- they're straight men.

"I think it's a hoot," Pinn said.

The proposal came last Monday on the patio of a Toronto bar amid shock and laughter from their friends. But the two -- both of whom were previously married and both of whom are still looking for a good woman to love -- insist that after the humour subsided, a real issue lies at the heart of it all.

"There are significant tax implications that we don't think the government has thought through," Pinn said. Dalrymple has been to see a lawyer already and there are no laws in marriage that define sexual preference....

They want to shed light on the widespread financial implications of the new legislation and are willing to take it all the way.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Queer Eye for Machiavelli??

The homosexual activists say we're obsessed with homosexuality. No -- It is they who see everything through their queer-eye lens. For example, a political philosophy course on Machiavelli at URI becomes a soapbox for queer theory, dirty talk, and Christian-bashing. This outrageous story by Nathaniel Nelson just appeared in David Horowitz's Read it and weep. And realize this is going on all in college classrooms all over the country, not just at URI.

Militant leftist professors have gone beyond hating America. Now, militant "gay" professors not only harass conservative students for their political views, but also get away with sexual and religious harassment as well. Excerpts:

“My name is Michael Vocino and I like d--k.”

These were the words spoken by my philosophy professor, Michael Vocino, as he introduced himself to our class the first day of his Political Philosophy course....

During the semester that followed, Professor Vocino made numerous sexual comments and gestures towards myself and other male members of the class. On the second day of class, Professor Vocino asked me, in front of the class, whether I was uncomfortable knowing that he thought that I was “hot.” I answered in the affirmative. Further along in the semester, as I entered the class with my shorts on, Professor Vocino noted that I had nice legs. To that, I responded that though they may be nice, they were unfortunately hairy.

A few times during the semester instead of giving the usual educational assignments, Professor Vocino asked me, and a few other male members, to try “making out” with other males and tell the class how it felt. While observing an outside student walk by the classroom with baggy-style jeans on, he offered that he wished men would wear tighter pants because he liked “bums.” Often Professor Vocino would ask members of the class for hugs. In fact, he did an “experiment” to see how people reacted to the intrusion on their personal space. This “experiment” consisted of class members standing as close as they could to each other. He ended the “experiment” with students, again mostly male and including myself, standing as close to him as they felt comfortable.

During the semester, Professor Vocino spent much time on the subject of sex, or in his words, “f---ing”, often asking students if they were sexually active; if so, how much, with who and when. It was a frequent occurrence for Professor Vocino to talk about “d--k” and all of the actions that one can do with said body member. It should be noted that one entire class was devoted to the topic of masturbation....

The most frequent criticism of my Christian belief was its position against homosexuality. At the time of the course, the debate over same-sex marriage was receiving much national attention, particularly in neighboring Massachusetts. As the designated Christian and conservative spokesperson in the class (and not always wanting the task), I was required to defend these positions. At one point, after finishing my explanation, Professor Vocino responded contemptuously, “What the f--k does it matter?”

As the semester progressed, I began to feel hated within the classroom. I found myself wanting to avoid class because I did not want to be attacked. I wondered about all the campus regulations which emphasized “diversity” and “sensitivity” to and respect for the Other. I wondered why these regulations didn’t apply to people’s hateful attitudes towards me.

The fear I experienced was intensified by Professor Vocino’s own attitudes towards me. He would often deliberately mischaracterize Christian beliefs in order to provoke me to respond. One such occurrence was when Professor Vocino asked me why I and other Christians “hate fags.” It took a lot of effort to explain why it is incorrect to state that Christians “hate fags.” My difficulty stemmed in part that I was a student and he was my professor. I was conscious of my lack of knowledge and experience, compared to his level of expertise in Biblical history and text. The fact that the accusations he was making were harsh and extreme increased my discomfort....

The student went to URI's Discrimination/Affirmative Action office and was told there was nothing that the office could do about the professor's behavior. Apparently, Professor Vocino is still teaching Machiavelli in this same manner.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Penile Inversion Surgery & NJ Middle School Students

We're now being told that we may not discriminate on the basis of a person's "sexual identity" or "gender expression". These terms are undefined. They can mean whatever a person or group wants at any given time. Prepare for chaos. Case in point:

In New Jersey, Herb wanted to become Kerri. So, the male middle-school teacher in New Jersey is returning to his school in the fall following "gender reassignment surgery." He thinks he is now a woman, and everyone else is expected to think that too. Including middle-school age children.

Let's get real. "Sexual identity" and "gender expression" are never going to be something only adults deal with. There's no way of avoiding young children's involvement. Do we really want them to ponder penile inversion surgery? Many of us have confronted staff in stores or restaurants who are either cross-dressing or surgically altered people. It's a very unnatural and disturbing thing, if for adults then obviously much more so for children.

How can we comprehend all this talk and acceptance of such bodily mutilation? Why is it that there's common horror when breast cancer necessitates breast removal, yet we let BAGLY tell our girls it's something they might want to consider for the sake of their "gender expression"? (Should we start telling women suffering from breast cancer that it's no big deal?)

What difference does it make if a woman has breasts or not? What difference does it make whether a man has a penis or not? Of course, Herb thought he was a "woman", not a "man". And a lot of people encouraged him in that thinking. So he gets a little silicone here, a little tissue removal and carving out there. And we tell our children everything's fine, and they shouldn't be upset or sickened.

No, we won't go there. People like Herb (and his supporters) need serious help, and it's not surgical.

From the New Jersey Star-Ledger, 8-2-05:

"She was a good teacher as a man," said Marisa Dodge, a fellow teacher at Mountain View and co-president of the local teacher's union. "She will be a good teacher as a woman."

The district could not fire her based on her gender, given that state anti-discrimination laws apply to transgender people, said Deborah Jacobs, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey.

State advocacy groups said McCaffrey will become New Jersey's first openly transgender teacher in several decades. The first was Paul Monroe Grossman, a Bernards Township transgender high school teacher who had a sex change in 1971.

"I can't imagine a more courageous role model for students than a member of the transgender community," said Steven Goldstein, chairperson of Garden State Equality, a group that supports gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights. "I have no doubt (McCaffrey) will be a statewide or possibly a nationwide figure."

Friday, August 05, 2005

Dennis Prager on Transgender

Check out this recent article by Dennis Prager, "The Challenge of the Transgendered". He explains that transgender people (who behave and/or dress as a member of the opposite sex) challenge Judeo-Christian values by rejecting their natural identities, part of God's creation. The radical homosexuals ally with them because they share the goal of undermining traditional moral values and sexual roles. Excerpts:

"It is remarkable that activists on behalf of gay and lesbian acceptance always include the transgendered. What, after all, do the transgendered, who are usually heterosexual men, have to do with gays and lesbians?

"The answer is that activists understand that their primary goal -- equating same-sex sexual behavior with man-woman sex -- can only be accomplished if other Judeo-Christian and Western sexual norms are also rejected.

"That is why the very word 'sex,' when referring to male or female, has been changed to 'gender.' And society at large has accepted this linguistic change as if it were insignificant. The change on application forms, for example, from 'Sex: M or F' to 'Gender: M or F' has gone unnoticed. But it is a huge change. In the sexual activists' world, 'sex' is fixed and objective; 'gender' is fluid and subjective....

"One of the major values of the Old Testament, the primary source of Judeo-Christian values, is the notion of a divinely ordained order based on separation. What God has created distinct, man shall not tamper with.

"As examples, good is separate from evil (attempts to blur their differences are known as moral relativism and are anathema to Judeo-Christian values); life is separate from death (in part a reaction to ancient Egypt, which blurred the distinction between life and death); God is separate from nature (see part XVI); humans are separate from animals (see part XV); and man is separate from woman. Blurring any of these distinctions is tampering with the order of the world as created by God and leads to chaos. So important is the notion of separation that the very word for 'holy' in biblical Hebrew (kadosh) means 'separate,' 'distinct.' "...

If a man gets a sexual thrill out of wearing women's undergarments in the privacy of his bedroom, that is not society's concern. It may be his religion's concern, and, religious or not, it may be his female partner's concern (one wonders how many women married to cross dressing men are pleased by the sight of their man in a bra and panties). But it is not society's concern...

However, when a man does this in public, he has publicly blurred the man-woman distinction, and society has the right -- and the duty, if it cares about Judeo-Christian values or simply cares about not confusing children as to sexual identity -- to say this violates a norm that society does not wish violated.

The war waged by cultural radicals at universities, in state legislatures and in courtrooms against the very distinction between male and female is one of their most significant attempts to undo the Judeo-Christian foundations of American and Western culture. And they know it. That's why fighting to blur gender distinctions is so important to them.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Massachusetts Legislature: Look at What You're Funding

To the Massachusetts Legislature:

Look at what you're funding. Is this suicide prevention? Or are you driving young people into lives of misery? Why are you leading our children into the sad and twisted world of transgenderism and transsexuality?

See the new postings on Article 8 Alliance:

From the GLSEN Workshop at Brookline High School, homosexuality conference, April 30 . . . Graphic talk on transsexuality / transgenderism given to children by homosexual activists! Hard-core "trans" activists tell kids "the facts of life". Remember the override of the Governor's veto? Here's where the money goes.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

More Trans Madness

Article 8 Alliance just posted a report on a Transgender/Transsexual indoctrination session targeting middle- and high-school students at last April's GLSEN conference (held at Brookline High School). If you take a little time and go to the resources and links they gave the children, you'll be shocked. Here's just one example of where this conference session is leading these children:

The "Guide to Intersex & Trans Terminologies" by Emi Koyama of the Survivor Project. "Miss" ("Ms"?) Koyama not only authored this glossary. [S]he also is a speaker for the Survivor Project. Her bio reads:

Since her birth in 1975, Emi Koyama has lived twelve years of her life as a boy, twelve years as a girl, and has been trying to get over it all since her 24th birthday. She nonetheless navigates most of her daily activities as a third wavin' chick activist/academic, synthesizing her feminist, Asian, survivor, lesbian, queer, sex worker, intersex, trans, and crip politics, as these factors, while not a complete descriptor of who she is, all impacted her life. She joined Survivor Project in 1999, and since then updated much of how the organization presented about intersex people. In addition, she volunteers for Danzine, an advocacy organization by and for sex workers.

Remember that one of the demands of the radical homosexuals is de-criminalizing prostitution. (See the Gay Rights Platform 1972, State #3.) They also demand repeal of all state laws prohibiting transvestism and cross-dressing (State #6). GLSEN is obviously on board with this, and must want our young children to start thinking about careers as sex workers (maybe even as transgendered/transsexual sex workers). Note that the children are next linked through Survivor Project to Danzine, an online "zine" for prostitutes.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Radical "Gay" Activists Have No Right to State Offices and Symbols

Can you imagine pro-lifers having a "Respect Life" office in the State House? How about using a Department of Public Health email address for personal activism promoting abstinence education? Or Article 8 Alliance using the shield of Massachusetts as its logo for the group's letterhead ("Protecting the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts").

Compare this with the special privileges given to the radical homosexual activists:

GLBTQI radical activists have office space, phones and a mailbox at our State House: Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, State House, Room 280, Boston, MA 02133, 617-725-4000 ext. 35312

The Mass. Lesbian and Gay Bar Association ( former chairman and newsletter editor gets to use his Attorney General's office phone and email for radical activism:; 617-727-2200 x2554 (he's on leave till September).

A new radical group is using the official Commonwealth of Massachusetts shield for its logo: "Friends of the Governor's Commission for Gay and Lesbian Youth". Bay Windows reports that this group raised extra funds for the terribly underfunded commission ($30,000 by last December) and is disbursing checks to gay-straight alliance clubs in high schools across the state.

These are just the more OPEN radicals who've taken over our state government. Can you imagine how many others are working behind the scenes? Time to expose them, and strip them of special privileges. And time for Governor Romney to eliminate the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth by executive order.