Sunday, October 16, 2005

Shaw's, Stop & Shop Supermarkets Against Family Values?

We now read in the Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI) email alert (10-14-05) that some Shaw's and Stop & Shop supermarkets (as well as Home Depot stores) are refusing to allow signature gatherers outside their stores for the VoteOnMarriage petition.

MassResistance readers will remember that these supermarket chains are also involved in distributing the vile homosexual rag Bay Windows free at their front doors. There, children can find out all they need to know about how to get involved in this destructive lifestyle. And they can read stories on the "Pope's penis" or lesbian anal sex , see ads for research into anal lubricants, etc.

So what sort of values do Shaw's and Stop & Shop supermarkets stand for? Certainly not traditional family values. They are embracing the culture of death, the dark side. Contact their management!

From the MFI email alert:
"It has come to our attention that several Shaws, Stop & Shop, and Home Depot stores have not allowed canvassers of the marriage petition to collect signatures outside of their stores. While they are private businesses and reserve the right determine the nature of activities allowed on their property, we believe they have unfairly targeted our group and in doing so have sent the message that it is OK to curtail speech when it is pro-family in nature. (The Massachusetts Secretary of State has issued guidance on this issue that explains that stores must allow canvassers to collect signatures on their property. You can download this two-page document by clicking here.).... [T]hey have not allowed circulators of the marriage petition to collect signatures outside the store, but have let circulators of other petition drives do so."