Monday, June 19, 2006 Exporting Intimidation Tactics to Other States

photos (c) 2006 MassResistance/TD (KTN), the website that posted the names of all the signers of the Massachusetts marriage referendum petition, claims it just wants to encourage friendly discussions between neighbors. And the head of the "Freedom to Marry Coalition" in Massachusetts said the site can provoke "friendly, non-confrontational discussion." What lies!

Look at their banners at the recent Pride parade in Boston. "Vote Bigotry Out!" Clearly, in their minds, anyone who signed the petition is guilty of "bigotry," and therefore would be unable to take part in a real dialogue. And KTN's threat to any would-be signer is blatant: "When you sign, it's online."

Now, KTN is going national. Their website links to its new operation in Florida, and encourages GLBT activists around the country to start intimidation sites in their own states. The Boston Globe reported that KTN officially consulted with the Florida group which has now posted the 450,000 marriage petition signers in that state. A "church" hosts the Florida operation,

" is a grassroots, non-profit organization promoting dialogue on marriage equality in Massachusetts and advocating for the removal of governmental barriers to public information by providing meaningful access online. ... If you see a friend, family member, or neighbor on the list of petition signers, make sure they are not a victim of fraud and let them know why marriage equality is important to you." -- Yeah, right...