For complete report:
The MassResistance blog began in early 2005 with a Massachusetts focus on judicial tyranny, same-sex "marriage", and LGBT activism in our schools. We broadened our focus to national-level threats to our Judeo-Christian heritage, the Culture of Life, and free speech. In 2006, Article 8 Alliance adopted the name "MassResistance" for its organization. CAUTION: R-rated subject matter.
Remember that Harvard's official seal proclaims VERITAS (TRUTH). Curiously, Harvard is ready to deny that humans are created either male or female. Why can't those really smart people get this self-evident truth?
There's even a list of all the 91 "gender non-specific bathrooms" on campus!
From the Harvard Crimson, April 12, 2006:
Harvard announced yesterday that it would amend its University-wide non-discrimination policy to protect “gender identity,” following growing pressure to safeguard the rights of transgender students and staff.
“Amending the non-discrimination policy to include gender identity is intended to reaffirm that all members of the Harvard community, including those who are transgendered, should be judged on their own merits, not their status,” said University spokesman Joe Wrinn. Harvard joins 52 other universities, including Brown and Cornell, in amending its policy.
The decision was announced this afternoon to members of the Transgender Task Force (TTF)——a group of students, staff, faculty, and alumni who has advocated for the inclusion of gender identity since 1997——in a meeting with Robert W. Iuliano ’83, University vice president and general counsel. ...
The University’s announcement only included gender identity, leaving out gender expression from the wording of the amended policy. ...
“Discrimination of housing, bathroom use, locker rooms, any gender space is a reality for many transgender students,” said Harvard Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, and Supporters Alliance (BGLTSA) co-chair, Ryan A. Thoreson ’07, who is also a member of TTF. “The non-discrimination code goes about a way of addressing that kind of discrimination and violence on campus.”
But some TTF members say this change in the University’s non-discrimination policy doesn’t go far enough in creating a safe community for transgender students.
Note the whining about how emotionally taxing this marriage issue is for our poor legislators! They just can't be bothered with this question, which has the power to destroy social stability in America! Later in the article, Rogers claims he's "grown" as a legislator, and his powers of judgment have matured. But he admits his emotional capacity for any serious debate has clearly diminished. We ask again: Where are the manly men? Have we no leaders with emotional stamina, principles, courage, or intellect in this state?
From Bay Windows, 5-11-06:
“We are still a pretty racially divided city, both mainstream and GLBT and you can see that playing out in the trans community as well. I think that in some places that transwomen have been accepted into some lesbian and dyke spaces like the Dyke March and other things. And then in other spaces it’s not so accepted. There are definitely gay FTMs who are in the gay male community that have made a space for themselves and aren’t necessarily spending a lot of time in the FTM community but are in the non-trans gay male community. So I think it’s like having to choose which label is going to be predominant. There’s not a lot of space for someone to be their whole selves. There is [still] homophobia within the trans community; there’s transphobia in the gay and lesbian community.”
The Youth Pride parade hits the streets of Boston next Saturday, May 13. That evening, the BAGLY queer/trans prom will be held at Boston City Hall.
Massachusetts Governors have issued proclamations supporting the Youth Pride event every year -- that is, until Article 8/MassResistance sent a little communication to Governor Romney's office last year. While he had issued a proclamation his first year in office, he declined to proclaim "Youth Pride Day" his second year.
Sadly, we see that this year the Youth Pride group has been allowed to issue an official press release from the Governor's office, under the "authority" of the "Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth." The Governor's name and seal are at the top of the page. The buck stops with him. Why did he allow this? Will he step in to stop this horrible event?
The press release says: " 'One of the goals of Youth Pride is to unite the very diverse youth from across Massachusetts and beyond, and celebrate the wisdom, love and courage they have gained throughout their lives so far,' says Mass Youth Pride Committee member Timothy James Gallant." The event will feature "Gender Crash" in their "Words of Wisdom" segment. [Gender Crash calls itself the "intersection of Boston's queer, transgender, and gender queer communities."]
From the Mass Youth Pride announcement: On Saturday, May 13th the MA Youth Pride Committee will transform the Boston Common into “Rainbow City” for the 12th Annual Youth Pride Celebration.
In celebration of their lives and diversity, GLBTQ youth and their supporters will gather by the thousands to kick off Massachusetts' 12th annual Youth Pride and this year’s event promises to be a smash!
The day will be hosted by drag king Heywood Wakefield (Aliza Shapiro) and the schedule is as follows:
12pm- Rally at the Parkman Bandstand on Boston Common with featured speakers on the topics of Wisdom, Love and Courage. Awards in those same categories will be presented to people who have been an inspiration to the GLBTQ community.
Following the rally, the Boston Women's Rainbow Chorus will perform numbers from The Wizard of Oz and The Wiz as our 'Lollipop Kids' prepare to set off along the red-brick Freedom Trail, past the golden 'Oz-like' dome of the Massachusetts State House and through the streets of Downtown Boston. [Yes, they've transformed our state into a fantasy-world freak show.]
Upon returning to the Common, the celebration will continue with a music and resource festival. The festival will feature interactive games and activities as well as a chance to purchase goods from various vendors, including some of our very own youth vendors.
Admission to this event is free.
Youth Pride is the oldest and largest event for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer youth and their allies in the nation. [A big thanks to Gov. William Weld!] A youth driven and youth organized event, this year's Youth Pride theme- "Rainbow City"- was chosen by the Massachusetts Youth Pride Committee to celebrate the diverse identities and shared spirit of GLBTQ youth. The MAYPC invites everyone to come and support GLBTQ youth while discovering that there is no place like Youth Pride!
For more information please contact Event Coordinator, Keri Aulita, at
ypcoordinator@hotmail.com or Youth Coordinator, Kelly Lydon, at kelly.lydon@state.ma.us.Or visit www.massyouthpride.org.