Saturday, May 14, 2005

Constitutional Amendments NOT the Answer

The latest email alert from the Article 8 Alliance comments on the story of the federal judge who just overturned the Nebraska state amendment banning same-sex "marriage":

"What else do we need to say? Those of you who think that a constitutional amendment will "save" us had better think again. Unless we do the hard work of removing activist judges this problem will only continue."

According to the May 12 AP story,
"A federal judge Thursday struck down Nebraska's ban on gay marriage, saying the measure interferes not only with the rights of gay couples but also with those of foster parents, adopted children and people in a host of other living arrangements.

"The constitutional amendment, which defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman, was passed overwhelmingly by the voters in November 2000.

"U.S. District Judge Joseph Bataillon said the ban 'imposes significant burdens on both the expressive and intimate associational rights' of gays 'and creates a significant barrier to the plaintiffs' right to petition or to participate in the political process.'

"The ruling did not surprise the executive director of the Nebraska Family Council, which led the petition drive to get the ban on the ballot. Al Riskowski said the decision will renew the call to pass a constitutional amendment defining marriage as only between a man and a woman."

Slow learners, aren't they? Why do they think a federal constitutional amendment will fare any better than their state constitutional amendment? The problem is the judges, at the state and federal level!

MassResistance pointed out back on March 30 that a citizens' petition to put an amendment on the ballot in this state was not the answer. In January, we explained that an amendment would probably never make it to the voters. Even if approved by the voters, it would not be allowed to stand by the same Supreme Judicial Court that already ruled for same-sex "marriage".

Meanwhile, we hear that the Massachusetts Family Institute is still planning a campaign to get signatures for a Constitutional amendment (which would go first to the Massachusetts legislature, then out to the voters). Please, let's not waste precious resources going after this chimera.

The problem is the judges, both our state Supremes and, as the Nebraska story proves, the federal judges.

Here in Massachusetts, there is a provision which allows us to remove tyrannical judges. That's what Article 8 is advocating. By removing the SJC4, we can overturn the same-sex marriage ruling, and bring sanity back to our state. And set an example for the rest of the country to follow.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

David Parker's Civil Disobedience the Only Way He Could Be Heard

It's no wonder David Parker, the father arrested in Lexington, Mass., had to engage in civil disobedience to be heard! Parker, who was protesting homosexual propaganda in his kindergartner's school and the school's violation of the Parental Notification law, has been subjected to a barrage from the Lexington LGBTQI Fourth Reichers.

MassResistance has researched the coverage of Parker's arrest in the Lexington Minuteman newspaper. Clearly, the fascists of Lexington are marching in lockstep! (Our scores include editorials, guest commentaries, feature columns, and letters to the editor; but do not include a biased news story or the uncontested press release from the Superintendent.)

May 5, 2005 issue:
15 Anti-David Parker
2 Pro-David Parker

May 12, 2005 issue:
10 Anti-David Parker, or pro-same-sex "marriage"
2 Pro-David Parker

(In both weeks' issues, a "weighted" score, considering the type of item, would yield a much more unbalanced score, say 30-2, or 20-2.)

In the May 5 issue, the executive director of the Massachusetts ACLU (who lives in Lexington) had a guest commentary. There were 13 letters to the editor against Parker and his "bigotry" and "intolerance", plus an article entitled "When Hate Comes to Town" (by the local "No Place for Hate" Committee--that loving group!). And the lead "news story" was hardly balanced. Only two letters supporting Parker.

The May 13 issue includes a glowing front-page article on gay & lesbian "married" couples in Lexington, "Legal year of bliss". We hear from happy couples -- Peter and his "husband" Wayne, Bonnie and her "wife" Sherry.

Then lesbian radical activist Meg Soens weighs in with a guest commentary. We hear that Soens pops up all over town, including the Estabrook School anti-bias committee. How interesting that Soens also led a session at the infamous "Fistgate" GLSEN workshop in 2000, on how to incorporate gay and lesbian issues into an elementary school curriculum.

The lead editorial says "there is still hate out there." There's another guest commentary from the chairman of the Estabrook School "anti-bias committee" (which sponsors the diversity book bags). A guest commentary on the "best interests of the child." An article on kids offering a lesson in diversity. Plus four letters protesting Parker's "homophobic bigotry".


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Are Some Catholic Priests Still Abusing Our Young People?

Or, specifically, are the Jesuit institutions of Massachusetts abusing our young people?

MassResistance started wondering when we came across this week's Jesuit Urban Center's newsletter:
--Asking for volunteers to help at the "Youth Pride Celebration" and BAGLY Prom in Boston on May 21;
--Announcing the Center's participation in Boston's Pride Day in June 11;
--Congratulating a gay activist member of their congregation for his promotion to district judge (by none other than Governor Romney)!

Further, the Boston Globe has reported on how Boston College (a Jesuit institution) has caved in to the homosexual agenda over the past few years. First, students are allowed to have a gay/lesbian/straight/etc. club on campus. Then they clamor to include "sexual orientation" in the school's official non-discrimination policy statement. From the Boston Globe:

The university's nondiscrimination statement pledges compliance with laws against discrimination based on race, religion, age, sex, and other protected criteria, but because Massachusetts law includes an exemption for religious institutions with moral objections to homosexuality, the policy doesn't grant the same blanket protection to sexual orientation.

In new language to be added to the statement, BC ''commits itself to maintaining a welcoming environment for all people and extends its welcome in particular to those who may be vulnerable to discrimination on the basis of their race . . . religion, color, age . . . or sexual orientation."

The Boston Globe also reports on various Boston College faculty members (who obviously exert a strong influence on their students), who are now shaking in their boots. They're fearful that their challenges to strict Catholic theology will not be tolerated by the new Pope.

The College of the Holy Cross, another Jesuit school, has been in sync with the homosexual agenda for quite some time. They don't even blink at radical activism on campus, and merrily mount productions of the Vagina Monologues.

Isn't encouraging the homosexual lifestyle among our young people priestly child abuse, in another form?

Monday, May 09, 2005

Gay Film Festival Too Tame, Says Globe

The Boston Globe uses the "gay" film festival as an excuse to get photos of smooching gay couples into the paper. Interesting that the fault they find with the festival is that the "lineup is safe and sincere".

"Boston's gay festival circuit might have to head back underground and find new people who can restore the danger and thrill of art to the cinema. The last thing anyone should want from a festival, any festival, is to leave flattered, to feel safe."

No, they'd prefer to see something a little more edgy. Who wants to watch passe stuff like "African-American macho lesbians...thugs and drug dealers who pass, or could pass, as black men." Or drag artists. Or two women trying to conceive. Boring!

MassResistance suggests more movies about transgenders and transsexuals -- the future of the movement. Maybe some documentaries on sex-change operations? Or how about some initiation stories--all those young people who go to BAGLY or the various "counseling" venues, and learn from their elders?

"Gay art" has got to be really out there to catch their attention now. Tales of old-fashioned perversion are no longer enough.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Sexuality IS Issue in Lexington Schools, says Boston Globe

Even the Boston Globe, no friend of traditional family values, sees that the issue in question in the Lexington public schools is sexuality. Whether it's David Parker's arrest over the kindergarten indoctrination of his 5-year-old son, or parents' objections to the "Day of Silence" at the high school, the Boston Globe Northwest got it right for once. Their headline says it all:

Sexuality issue roils schools: Day marking gay rights sparks confrontations.

Yet the ACLU attorney in Lexington says it's not about sexuality. The schools are just teaching about anthropology or civil rights. (Yeah, sure...)

And the Globe gets it right a second time! They acknowledge that GLSEN (a national extremist homosexual organization that has infiltrated schools across America) coordinates the "Day of Silence" (a.k.a. the Day of Homosexual Propaganda) in our high schools. This, despite the uniform protestations of principals across the state that it's a "student-led activity".

If even the Globe can see through this doublespeak, you know the Lexington Public Schools are in trouble!

(And P.S. to the Globe: It was MassResistance that alerted parents and groups around the state about the upcoming "Day of Silence". Mass. Family Institute later lifted our information and wording in the email they sent out.)

Same-Sex "Marriages" Slow to a Trickle in Massachusetts

Not too many same-sex "marriages" are happening lately, according to statistics reported in the Boston Globe. After an initial rush (including couples that had been together for many years), same-sex weddings slowed to a trickle.

"Women make up some two-thirds of the more than 6,100 same-sex couples who have married in Massachusetts since gay marriage became legal last May 17, according to statistics the state released this week, as the first anniversary approaches.

"The statistics indicate that 6,142 same-sex couples were married in the Bay State through the end of February, but that the number of gay couples getting married has steadily declined since last May. There were 1,635 same-sex marriages in the first two weeks after the legalization of gay marriage, but only 148 in January and February of this year."

But the Boston Globe remains hopeful. Not content to report fact, they predict the future:

"Though the number of gay marriages slowed during the winter months, it is possible that same-sex marriages will pick up again as the weather gets warmer. "

The story makes no mention of how many of these wedded couples may be from out of state. Many of our town clerks are actively defying state law, which prohibits such "marriages". Nothing novel there: Same-sex "marriages" of Massachusetts residents also are not--strictly speaking--"legal".

Disturbing Photos Removed from Boston Gay Youth Web Site

A few days ago, we directed our readers to the BAGLY (Boston Area Gay & Lesbian Youth) website, noting a photo of an apparently trans-sexual young person. There were also photos of teen same-sex couples.

Since our blog was published, these photos have been removed from BAGLY's website. The truth is too disturbing. They don't want you to confront the reality of the world your children are being drawn into.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Radical Homosexuals Attack Normal Parenting

How low can they go? Now Bay Windows is attacking what they call "Right-wing parenting techniques" as exemplified by David Parker of Lexington. MassResistance's first take was that it was better to let this flea-bitten, nasty attack dog lie undisturbed. But then we realized how much we could learn about the strategy of the radical homosexual movement from this factually-challenged editorial.

It was the radical homosexuals' strategy to politicize their sexuality, instead of keeping it private. They brought it up, we didn't. They so craved validation for their private sexual practices, they made it a public and political issue.

Next, their strategy called for politicizing parenting, knowing it would win them emotional points. They got the "right" to adopt children, and demanded their partners be recognized as parents too. Divorced, formerly heterosexual parents brought children into homosexual households. (Gee, I thought homosexuals were born homosexual. How is it that so many had heterosexual relationships? Or should we call these people "bisexual"? So confusing!) So now there are many children in homosexual-headed households.

And now the children are being used as pawns in the homosexuals' struggle for political power. Any challenge to "gay marriage" is characterized as an attack on their families and their children's security.

Not content with this ploy, we are now seeing a brazen attack on traditional parenting by the homosexual movement, as evidenced in Bay Windows' biting editorial on a NORMAL, HEALTHY family.

The homosexuals are holding up their children as shields to protect themselves, the supposed adults. Contrast this with the Parker family, where we see the opposite: True parents shielding their children from evils in the "real world" the children are not yet equipped to face.

The homosexual movement's attack on our children (and our parenting) falls into three categories:

--Morally undermining traditional parents' values: This is done primarily through the public schools, with the help of the entertainment industry and mainstream media.

--Legally challenging traditional parents (still in the formative stage): Homosexual radicals will charge that traditional parents are guilty of "hate crimes" if they instill traditional, Judeo-Christian beliefs about marriage and family structure. They will say these "unfit, bigoted parents" should have their children taken from them by the DSS, or should be thrown in jail if they make a stink at their school!

--Recruitment and rape (spiritual and physical) of our children. What do you think the "gay/lesbian/bisexual/trans/questioning/etc." clubs in the high schools are all about? The gay prom at Boston City Hall? GLSEN's yearly teach-out, where kids are taught about fisting, trans-sexual surgery, etc.? All these link our young people with older homosexuals, eager to teach them the ropes.

If you want to understand The Third Reich, read Hitler's Mein Kampf. If you want to understand the Bolshevik Revolution, read Lenin's What Is To Be Done?. If you want to understand the radical homosexual revolution, read the Gay Rights Platform (1972) and the Homosexual Manifesto (1987).

They're coming after all of us, not just the Parkers. They'll start by taunting parents who disagree with their lifestyle. "What if your children grow up gay...Will you still love them?" ... "We feel sorry for children growing up with bigots for parents." ... "The Department of Social Services should take your children from you, because you're teaching hatred."... etc. But it's going to get much worse.

Friday, May 06, 2005

"Youth Pride Day" In Boston, May 21: How Many More Will They Recruit?

MassResistance hopes Governor Romney has seen the error of his ways. Last year, he issued a proclamation "celebrating" Youth Pride Day in Boston. Why would he want to celebrate the enticement of confused young people into an unhealthy "lifestyle"? What was he thinking? Sadly, his office and your tax dollars are still supporting this unfortunate event. See the poster for this year's 11th annual event.

Maybe this year Governor Romney can do his homework before falling further into this trap. Does he really know what he's supporting? He should eliminate the "GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION ON GAY AND LESBIAN YOUTH"! (It's the "Youth Committee" of this Commission that's sponsoring Youth Pride Day.)

Following "Youth Pride" events on the Boston Common, Mayor Thomas Menino throws open the doors of Boston City Hall to the 25th annual Gay Prom on Saturday night, May 21. The prom is sponsored by BAGLY, the Boston Association of Gay and Lesbian Youth. Not only are they promoting "straightforward" male and female homosexuality... They now include "bisexual", "transgender" (pictured 2nd photo down?), "questioning", plus "I" and "A" youth. [We're so innocent at MassResistance, we don't even know what the last two stand for.] From the posting:

What do people wear? EVERYTHING! Most people dress like their [sic] going to a hip club. Some people dress like thier [sic] going to a high school prom. Some people dress like their [sic] going to a star wars [sic] convention. Some people come in drag. Some people wear jeans and a t-shirt. What is it like inside? It's like a huge queer club.

Maybe you'd like to volunteer for a condom cleanup crew on Sunday, May 22 at Boston City Hall Plaza? Last year, just two days after the Gay Prom on May 15, the same-sex "weddings" began on the plaza. We were there. The plaza was littered with used condoms, probably from the evening of the 15th.

Hitler on Education: The Ultimate Anti-Judeo-Christian Plan

A friend sent us this quote from Adolf Hitler on educating the young:

"In my castles of the Teutonic Order a youth will grow up before which the world will tremble. I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth. Youth must be all that. ... There must be nothing weak and gentle about it. The free, splendid beast of prey must once again flash from its eyes... That is how I will eradicate thousands of years of human domestication... That is how I will create the New Order."

-- Adolf Hitler, in 1933 on his program for public education and obliterating Judeo-Christian values from society

For further reading, MassResistance recommends The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, by Scott Lively and Kevin E. Abrams.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Mass. Democrat Platform Set to Endorse Same-Sex "Marriage"

The Boston Globe reports that Massachusetts Democrats are "set to back same-sex marriage" in their state party platform. The 3,000 party delegates will vote on the platform statement on May 14. Only two other state Democrat platforms, in Iowa and Colorado, endorse same-sex "marriage".

All the likely Democrat candidates for Massachusetts governor are fine with this: "Among the likely Democratic gubernatorial candidates in 2006, Secretary of State William F. Galvin and former assistant US attorney general Deval Patrick both support the platform change. A spokesman for Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly was noncommittal on the platform change when contacted yesterday, but he reiterated Reilly's support for the legality of same-sex marriage here."

"A Boston Globe poll in March found that 71 percent of Democrats surveyed statewide said they believed same-sex marriage should be allowed, and 24 percent did not."

" ''We really, as a party, have to move beyond this issue,' Galvin said. ''This is not what's holding our state back. It's job loss, loss of an economic plan. We've got to get the state moving again.' "

Well, we're not ready to say this issue is unimportant, and that we should move on. Nor do we think most Americans would say that.

Is it any wonder Massachusetts is losing population? Massachusetts--the most extreme example of a one-party state in the country--cannot afford to move any further out of step with the rest of the country. We're already a laughing stock. Now, who--other than gays--will want to move into this state?

Galvin wants to see economic growth. But you're not going to see a growing economy with a falling population. And as the gay population increases (drawn by strong gay "marriage" and strong pro-gay statements from the party leadership), we'll continue to lose population. After all, it's sort of hard for gays to reproduce at a rate that will keep the population growing, or even stable.

NOTE an important correction to this report: The Globe writes, "Massachusetts remains the only state that has legalized gay marriage." WRONG! Gay "marriage" has never been legalized. It has been implemented by judicial fiat alone.

"Secular Theocracy" in Massachusetts

A good piece by Lee Duigon, who writes for the Chalcedon Report. Reprinted (slightly shortened) from Men's News Daily.

Massachusetts Building Secular Theocracy
By Lee Duigon, May 4, 2005

While we're all waiting for the Christian theocracy to come along and erase the Bill of Rights, a Massachusetts father spent a night in jail ... for not wanting his six-year-old son to be brainwashed in school. (For the full story, see

The father, David Parker, of Lexington, insisted that he be notified of any attempt by the school to "teach" his child--who is in kindergarten--matters pertaining to "sexuality and family life" so that he could opt the six-year-old out of those sessions. Under Massachusetts [law], he has that right. Well, we all know what a written law is worth in Massachusetts. ...

[T]his is not a column about judicial tyranny. It is about the secular theocracy which that judicial tyranny serves. At the heart of the matter is the fallacy that the state is neutral in matters of religion. An individual can sit on the fence and dither about whether God exists or not. A government, which must make public policy, cannot.

In Lexington, Massachusetts--and most other places in America--school authorities and a judge, agents of the government, have decided that God does not exist and that man (some men, but certainly not Mr. Parker) is God instead. They wouldn't admit it in so many words, but that's what their actions mean.

If God does exist, He is the source of morality. If the Law doesn't come from the finger of God, it's not the law; it's only somebody's opinion. If God is God, then He is supreme and the state is under Him, and its authority is inferior to His.

But if God does not exist, then naked apes are free to exercise as Law whatever they can make stick. If there is no God, then the top spot goes to whoever is strong enough, smart enough, rich or ruthless enough to grab it and keep it.

Are we truly "endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights," or do we have only those rights the state will grant us?

The truth is that America's public schools have become a religious enterprise, promoting the godless religion of secularism--and pushing it hard enough to push a man right into jail. The schools cannot teach Christian, Jewish, or Muslim children that homosexuality is "right" without teaching them that their parents, and their parents' religious beliefs, are wrong. There is no middle way.

Now, parents, you know the score. You must either leave your children in the public schools and surrender to the schools' religion, pull them out, or somehow get your schools under control. The choice is yours.

Lee Duigon is a Christian free-lance writer whose work can be seen regularly at

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Bay Windows: It's Not Over Yet

Bay Windows ... again. Yes, Jeff & Sue, it's NOT over yet. Sadly, we must we revisit this mess.

Bay Windows claims it's officially back on the shelves at Stop & Shop and Shaw's supermarkets. This certainly was true at the Lexington Stop & Shop, where MassResistance often shops. There it was, FREE, right inside the front door, where young children can take it and go with no one noticing.

Maybe these supermarkets missed the filth and perversion that's in the April 28-May 4 issue, on their shelves right now. A sampling:

News in Brief, p. 4: Discusses the "no I.D., no bathroom" policy at Friend's Landing, a Haverhill alternative nightspot. "Transgender women" are upset that they can't use the women's restroom anymore if they don't have vaginas, and their driver's licenses say they're male. A customer complained that "she" had never had a problem at the restrooms before. "Then all of a sudden ... they're checking people's I.D.'s at the bathroom. A number of the women are in various stages of transition." "She" called the gender checking "absurd". "I never heard of having a vagina check to go to the bathroom," she said. [... Neither have we!]

[An aside: Did you know that when you renew your Massachusetts driver's license, there is a box to check if you want to CHANGE YOUR SEX?!!]

News in Brief, p. 5: "Forum on meth and barebacking offers few answers." The speaker "began his remarks by asking the men in the room whether any of them preferred anal sex with condoms to anal sex without protection. Not one man raised his hand."

Speed Dating for Dykes, p. 14:
"Toast [a Somerville nightspot] played host to Speed Dating for Dykes on April 22 -- as if lesbians, notorious for pairing off quicker than a couple of bunny rabbits -- need any help in that department. Nonetheless, the Somerville nightspot turned out a good crowd of lesbians looking for love, pronto. Participants had five-minute chats with a host of different gals, so we're guessing that at least a couple of them got lucky by night's end. The event was a fundraiser for the Boston Dyke March, which will take to the streets June 10." ad, p. 25: Naked male torso, from nipples down to just above ...

Tops & Bottoms wanted ad, Arts section, p. 4: Fenway Community Health seeking volunteers, "HIV-negative men, ages 18-45, who have been a top or bottom in the past 6 months..."

"Celebrating the Body Erotic" ad, Arts section, p. 9: "Discover your gifts! Learn about waking up and sustaining erotic energy, giving and receiving pleasure, and expressing your desires." [website and phone # given]

etc. etc. etc.

Click here for Stop & Shop and Shaw's/Star Market contact info.

David Parker Inspires Saugus Father to Come Forward

It was great to read in the Boston Herald this morning about a Saugus father of a 2nd-grade girl who was inspired by Lexington father David Parker to say that he, too, is fed up.

His daugher came home with a "sad book" about how AIDS is contracted. She learned all about "the exchange of infected body fluids (blood, semen, vaginal secretion)." The father also appeared on the John DePetro Show on WRKO AM680.

The Resistance movement is growing. It's made up of regular people who have had enough.

Monday, May 02, 2005

David Parker's Child Subject to "Coercive Indoctrination" Says Silverglate

David Parker was on the "Greater Boston" show tonight on WGBH TV (Ch. 2 Boston). He explained that while the book Who's In a Family was a "red flag" to him, the real issue is parental notification, and his right to opt his child out of a curriculum promoting same-sex "marriage". Massachusetts law does give parents this right in the areas of "human sexual education or human sexuality issues."

Also on the program was Harvey Silverglate, noted First Amendment attorney, who said that parents do have the law on their side, to go into school and make demands as Parker did. There is a Constitutional right, he said, to be free from "coercive indoctrination". We need to draw a clear line, Silverglate said, between what is academic education and socialization or indoctrination.

An ACLU attorney, Carol Rose of Lexington, was also on the program. She selectively quoted only the part of the Parental Notification law referring to "sex ed" content, but neglected to mention that "human sexuality issues" are also covered. She claimed that optional books were the only issue, and that there was no "curriculum" involved. She charged that this case "is just part of an orchestrated attempt to try to put censorship into our schools."

Parker has made it clear that he's concerned about the so-called "teachable moments", when teachers and staff will seize on a student's question, or an incident in the cafeteria or playground, to start discussions of issues such as homosexuality or same'sex "marriage". How can he protect his child from this more covert form of indoctrination?

This is surely one reason the school administration would not sign any agreement acknowledging Parker's rights. They know that such "impromptu discussions" are quite common -- and are, in fact, encouraged by the schools.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Arrogant, Ignorant Attack on David Parker in Boston Globe

The MassResistance staff apologizes for the pause in our postings. We've been busy in Lexington, and at the Concord District Courthouse, defending parents' rights and the rule of law.
We knew the assault on Lexington father David Parker would come from the p-c media. Though we doubt Parker--just a regular guy looking out for his family-- was quite prepared for the nasty, mean-spirited attack on him by Eileen McNamara.

Her insipid, irrational hit column ("Great minds don't think" -- whatever that's supposed to mean!) demonstrates once again that the hatred and bigotry are on her side. How can a desire to protect one's parental rights be equated with stupidity?

Where does she give a straightforward, honest statement of the facts of this case? Where is any mention of the Parental Notification Act (Ch. 71, Sec. 32A of Massachusetts General Laws)?

Remember, state LAW recognizes that parents have the right to control their children's exposure to human sexuality issues in the schools. But state law does not recognize parental rights relating to discussions of capital punishment.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Governor Romney Supports Lexington Father's Rights

Governor Mitt Romney stood up for parents and Massachusetts law yesterday, defending Lexington father David Parker's rights.

According to the Massachusetts Parental Notification Act, all public schools in the state are required to notify parents in advance of any teaching involving human sexuality issues, and allow the parents to opt their child out. (Chapter 71: Section 32A)

Now, can Governor Romney show us the LAW that legalizes same-sex "marriage"???

Dan Kennedy, Scorekeeping, Stop & Shop, etc.

So ... Dan Kennedy of the Boston Phoenix Media Watch is keeping score:

"Free Speech-2, Homophobes-0."

Isn't that clever? Well, I'd say someone infinitely higher up is keeping score, and so far Dan looks like a big ZERO. But we're glad to know he and his fans are regular readers of MassResistance and the Article 8 website.

P.S. Don't forget to contact Stop & Shop and Shaw's supermarkets, and tell them to keep Bay Windows out of their stores. Remind them that they'll see stories on the Pope's penis and lesbian anal sex right in the EDITORIAL section of that paper. It's not just the "personals" that were the problem.

Stop & Shop Supermarket Companies
P.O. Box 55888 Boston, MA 02205

Mr. Marc Smith, CEO
Direct line: 617-770-7122
Mary (president’s assistant) 617-770-8735

Robert Keane, spokesman (quoted in Washington Blade)

Kathleen Carroll, Mgr., Consumer Affairs

Stop & Shop feedback form


Shaws / Star Markets

Mrs. Nicola DeFelice, President
P.O. Box 600 E Bridgewater, MA 02333

Shaw's feedback form

Mr. Terry Donilon Director, Public Relations
508-378-3020 ext 33318

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Lexington's New "Captain" Parker

THANK GOD for Lexington's new "Captain" Parker! The original Parker led the Minutemen in their stand against the Redcoats in the first battle of the American Revolution on Lexington Green -- the shot heard 'round the world.

Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775. Captain Parker to the Minutemen:
"Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon. But if they mean to have a war, let it begin here!"

Now, one David Parker of Lexington, has sparked a new revolution. Finally, in Parker, we've found someone with a soldier's courage to stand up to the out-of-control Massachusetts schools . Schools which regularly ignore the law and parental rights, and push their homosexual agenda on even our very youngest children.

Parker, father of a kindergartner in Lexington's Estabrook School, was arrested Wednesday by the Lexington Police for “trespassing” at his son’s school, spent the night in the Lexington Police Station, and was arraigned in handcuffs in Concord District Court this morning. Why?

He had objections to homosexual curriculum materials and possible discussions in his child’s kindergarten class, all done without his advance notification and permission (as required by state law). He'd jumped through all the hoops trying to get the school to comply with state law, and honor his request that his child be "opted out" of such classes. The school and superintendent refused to come to an agreement which would comply with this state law.

Yes, David, you are a soldier! Suit up...

Ephesians 6: 10-18. The Armor of God
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Bay Windows Vending Box Locations

As a public service to supporters of traditional family values in Massachusetts, we are publishing this list of Bay Windows vending boxes around the state. (To be accurate, these are not vending boxes, since the papers are FREE.)

Look for the blue boxes on streetcorners, in front of your library, post office, or other such location. Then call up your town hall or the business/institution where the box is to ask them to remove it.

As we said in the "Hall of Shame" posting:
GET USED TO IT. THIS IS WHAT "GAY MARRIAGE" INCLUDES. Pornography and perversion on our streetcorners, in our supermarkets, in our public libraries. AND YOU CAN'T OBJECT. (OR CAN YOU?)

For a reminder of what's inside Bay Windows, see our previous posts:
Bay Windows' Stench: Not Just in the Personals Section and
"Gay" Bay Windows Vile Attack on the Pope

Bay Windows Vending Box Locations:
ARLINGTON: 319 Broadway & Mass. Ave
BEVERLY: 145 Dartmouth St
EAST BOSTON: Airport T Station
BOSTON, Financial Dist: 60 State St Atlantic Ave
BOSTON, North Station: Merrimac & New Chardon
BOSTON, South Station: 9 Broadway & Dorchester
BOSTON, South End: 209 Columbus Ave
Tremont St & E. Berkeley
BROOKLINE: Harvard & Beacon St
35 Station St
1950 Beacon St
CAMBRIDGE: 45 Brattle at Church
250 Main St at Kendall T
1336 Massachusetts Ave
Lechmere T on Cambridge
502 Massachusetts Ave
1817 Massachusetts Ave
Rt 16 at 139 Alewife
CHARLESTOWN: Bunker Hill T Station
DORCHESTER: 1900 Dorchester Ave
Morrisey Blvd at T Station
FRAMINGHAM: Rt 126 & Rt 35
HAVERHILL: Washington St
JAMAICA PLAIN 150 Green & Armory St
15 Hyde Park Ave
LYNN: Market & Monroe St
MALDEN: Malden T Station
MILTON: 40 Adams St
NATICK: Rt 135 & Mill St
NEWBURYPORT: Boston Way & Parker St
NEWTON: Union St
2228 Langley Rd
QUINCY: Quincy Adams T Station
294 Newport Ave
REVERE: Wonderland T Station
ROSLINDALE: Belgrade & Washington St
SALEM: Bridge & North St
SOMERVILLE: 57 Elm St Holland St
STOUGHTON: Wyman & Railroad
WALTHAM: 781 Main St
WESTWOOD: 100 University Ave

Boston Promoting "Gay" Tourism

Check out the new additions to our "Hall of Shame" -- corporate supporters of the homosexual movement. Our source for the updates: Boston Magazine's report that a new "gay glossy" magazine called Boston Spirit is about to hit the stands.

Since homosexuals as a group are affluent, there will be lots of "high-end advertisers" for "luxury car lines, boutique hotels, jewelers, and upscale furniture retailers." For example: BMW, Adesso, Shreve Crump & Low, Mitchell Gold, the Boston Ballet, and the Nine Zero Hotel. Advertisers told the new magazine that "25 to 30 percent of their consumer base was coming from the gay community."

Boston Magazine also reports that "Boston's tourism is going gay." The Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau is going all-out to promote the city to the very wealthy gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, transsexual, and "questioning" travellers. The Massachusetts Council on Tourism plans to distribute the new Boston Spirit "at trade shows worldwide."

The Boston Gay Pride Festival coming in June is a big draw. The Nine Zero Hotel offers a " 'Freedom to Marry' honeymoon package starting at $349 per room per night." (Maybe they should check with first?) "Other hotels with gay visitor packages include the Hotel Marlowe, Hyatt Regency Cambridge, Charles Street Inn, and Onyx Hotel." And don't miss the Boston Art Tours trip to Provincetown galleries.

Have you ever heard of another group claiming "discrimination" that is so wealthy and well-connected?

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Boston Globe Reports on Crystal Meth & AIDS

Is the Boston Globe guilty of hate speech for pointing out a serious public health issue in the homosexual community? "Crystal meth threat growing; Gays' use in N.E. fueling HIV fears" , reads today's page-one headline.

"Crystal meth, a highly potent, dangerously addictive drug that swept the West Coast and spawned crime waves in the nation's heartland, is slowly establishing a foothold in New England, prompting campaigns by public health authorities and medical specialists to stop small outbreaks of use from raging into wildfires....

"The drug works by increasing the availability of a chemical messenger in the brain called dopamine. And that substance is a prime mover in the cerebral pathways that engender pleasure and excitement...."

In this story, a former editor at Bay Windows tells of his own addiction and escape from the clutches of the drug. But I guess he's still in the "lifestyle".

Friday, April 22, 2005

Bay Windows' Stench: Not Just in the Personals Section

Time to get back to the important stuff. Like keeping smut out of our supermarkets.

It's not only Bay Windows' personal ads that offend. Don't let Stop & Shop (or Shaw's) try that one on you. The personals may be where the filth is most condensed, but it is spread throughout the whole rag. Remember, this paper was available on the FREE rack by the front doors of the supermarkets. Children could walk in, grab one, and leave without any embarrassment.

If you want to see examples of typical content from their "news" and "arts" sections, check these out. (Caution: X-rated pornographic content.)

[on Lesbians and Anal Sex:]
What's love got to do with it? Tristan Taormino celebrates 10 years of cutting-edge seduction
By R. J. Grubb [Arts Section], April 7, 2005
Today, sex expert Tristan Taormino reigns as a popular writer/performer whose unusual job titles have included "Anal Sex Go-To Girl" and "Lesbian Consultant." But a decade ago, she was hard pressed when persuading her peers to join a new venture called Best Lesbian Erotica. Like its predecessors, the latest edition showcases Taormino's eye for smart, surprising, and well-written smutty storytelling. Taormino herself has authored The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women and True Lust.

As for recurring themes, the one that dominated this year's collection was the age-old act of cocksucking. Taormino received dozens of submissions on the topic but only a few made the final cut. Asked about the significance of the play on gender, Taormino chalked it up to a growing number of fag-identified dykes.

[On Drug Use & Wild Homosex:]
Our Silence About Crystal Is Killing Us , By Edward J. Hoban, Feb. 3, 2005
With very few exceptions, the rise in crystal meth addiction among gay men is going unnocticed in Boston. About 10 years ago, methamphetimine made its way onto Boston's party circuit. Although the drug - also known as speed, crank, Tina, and Crissy - has become a huge problem, you wouldn't know it by the way we talk about it. Or, rather, you wouldn't know it because we don't talk about it at all. After all, we've all heard the stories about the all night sex parties. We've seen the profiles on Manhunt, a popular Web site that makes it easy to arrange sexual encounters, looking for "PNP", short for party and play. Party, of course, refers to the use of drugs, and nine times out of 10, the drug of choice is crystal meth.

Over the last year or so many of us have also heard stories of guys who've lost their jobs, homes, partners and friends due to crystal meth addiction. We've also learned about some who've become infected with HIV as a result of their use of crystal meth, because - let's be real - while chemically induced with Tina, sexual risk management pretty much goes out the window.

How about an ad that talks graphically about the raw sex that's had while high on Tina? The endless nights in front of the computer looking for more cock? The guy who had three to five guys come inside him in one night? The HIV positive guy who came inside three to five guys in a night? If we can't talk about what really happens when high on Tina, we'll never be able to deal with the problem.

[On Anal Lubricant Research and Trans Health] To Your Good Health, Oct. 14, 2004
[Fenway Health] center is recruiting 120 HIV-negative men who have been receptive partners in the last year to help out with some hands-on lube research. [V]olunteers will go home to help the Fenway with some more hands-on research."We're asking them to have protective [anal] intercourse several times" using the standardized amount of lube, Mayer said. After trying out the standardized volume of lube several times participants will come back to the Fenway for interviews to find out if the amount of lube is acceptable. In addition to the men, the study will also begin some tentative research into women and anal sex....

Fenway's new Transgender Health program is designed to address many of the obstacles faced by transgender people seeking healthcare."I think a lot of people that are trans don't seek services at all. They don't have primary care," said [Dr. Randi] Kaufman. She said many transgender people fear discrimination by medical staff. "And then when people do come in there's a lot of doctors and nurses who don't know how to treat trans clients," said Kaufman."I think that over the last several years we've seen a large increase in the number of people who don't identify as male or female," said Kaufman. She said the Fenway has responded to suggestions from clients over the years about changing the gender terminology on their forms to be more inclusive of trans people.

[Don't forget the incredible series on the Pope as he was being laid to rest, including:]
Requiem for the pope's penis,By Michael Bronsky, April 7, 2005

Beyond the printed word, the ads in the regular sections are also gross. We reported earlier on the "Tops and Bottoms Wanted" ad. Or how about the pictorial ad (naked men, spread-eagled, lying face down with a print banner covering their butts) for:

East Coast Gathering
Philadelphia Area Naked Guys

Just a sampling.

Dan Kennedy & WRKO AM680 Slam MassResistance

For one-half hour during drive time today, Boston's left-wing media elitist Dan Kennedy (joined by Scotto) slammed MassResistance.

Why is Dan Kennedy of the Boston Phoenix (and oh yes, "Professor" at Northeastern) so wildly upset about Article 8 Alliance's successful campaign to remove a pornographic, hard-core homosexual newspaper from supermarkets? He can still get his free copy of Bay Windows at Condom World, the Marquis de Sade whip store, Fenway Health Center, and the AIDS Action Committee.

And why spend so much time ridiculing this blog if it's such a silly, ineffectual voice? And Dan, how would you know who the author is? Are you in touch with the radical, wacko members of that community who are researching, stalking, and threatening people on our side who have the COURAGE to speak out? Remember, there are many reasons for "anonymity".

Dan: You revealed that I was right in my first response to your hateful rant: YOU ARE NOT ASHAMED TO BE TAKING DIRTY MONEY. You said on the show that those Phoenix ads "have kept the Kennedy kids fed and clothed for many years." And then you made fun of our watchdog group (do you know what that means?) for keeping an eye on where the culture is moving, paying attention to such ads, and warning parents.

Dan, maybe it's time for you to study the ads in the Phoenix. (Shouldn't a professor be as fully informed as we are?) And understand that transsexualism (including surgical removal of body parts) is being preached in our high schools as just fine and normal! It seems to be the latest trendy thing in the homosexual activist world.

It's obvious that the left and radical homosexuals have had a free fun for so many years, they don't know how to handle ANY challenge.

And hey, Scotto: Don't you get the pink and lavender color scheme? The Resistance is taking it back, just like we're going to take back our government in Massachusetts!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

MassResistance Under Attack by Boston Phoenix; Attacker to Co-Host AM680 radio morning show Friday!

Wow, we are having an effect!

Dan Kennedy, author of the Hateful Rant against Article 8 and MassResistance, seems to be upset by emails he's receiving from us normal people in Massachusetts. He's posted a second hateful rant targeting us! (See below, if you really care to read it.)

So, I thought you might like to know that Dan Kennedy will be appearing as guest co-host on the Blute & Scotto morning show on WRKO, AM680 tomorrow, Friday, April 22. Dan will be on 7:00-9:00 a.m. I'm sure he'd like to hear from you all then.

WRKO call-in line: 617-266-6868
WRKO fax line: 617-779-3467
Scott Alan Miller (host) email:
Dan Kennedy email:

[from today's Boston Phoenix online:]
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
MEDIA LOG UNDER ATTACK! I just learned that the anonymous "Mass Resistance" blogger has come after me, and is urging readers to send me e-mail. To judge from the site, I'm hardly the first person to have his or her e-mail address given out for purposes of harassment. But unless I'm missing something, you can't talk back to the anonymous blogger. Nice!