Sunday, May 08, 2005

Same-Sex "Marriages" Slow to a Trickle in Massachusetts

Not too many same-sex "marriages" are happening lately, according to statistics reported in the Boston Globe. After an initial rush (including couples that had been together for many years), same-sex weddings slowed to a trickle.

"Women make up some two-thirds of the more than 6,100 same-sex couples who have married in Massachusetts since gay marriage became legal last May 17, according to statistics the state released this week, as the first anniversary approaches.

"The statistics indicate that 6,142 same-sex couples were married in the Bay State through the end of February, but that the number of gay couples getting married has steadily declined since last May. There were 1,635 same-sex marriages in the first two weeks after the legalization of gay marriage, but only 148 in January and February of this year."

But the Boston Globe remains hopeful. Not content to report fact, they predict the future:

"Though the number of gay marriages slowed during the winter months, it is possible that same-sex marriages will pick up again as the weather gets warmer. "

The story makes no mention of how many of these wedded couples may be from out of state. Many of our town clerks are actively defying state law, which prohibits such "marriages". Nothing novel there: Same-sex "marriages" of Massachusetts residents also are not--strictly speaking--"legal".